Fixed Price Starting Lot 2000
The following are special non-auction lots, sold at fixed price indicated.
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2000. Songsheet, Civil War Era.
“Willie, We Have Missed You,” by the highly popular composer Stephen C. Foster. Printed by
master-printer of the era Charles Magnus of N.Y. 5 x 8. Full color illustration on upper half.
Three verses in blue: “Oh, Wille, is it you, dear, safe, safe at home...They said you would not
come...Oh, Willie, we have missed you – Welcome, welcome home.” Eighteen lines of Foster’s
elegiac verse. Fine. $38.50
2001. Songsheet, “Wait Till You Get It.”
Six satirical verses by Tony Pastor on Civil War themes. Decoration in rich colors. Printed by
Charles Magnus. 5 x 8. Fine. $35.00
2002. Songsheet, “Cottage by the Sea.”
A soldier’s nostalgic memories, in three verses. Color decorations. Printed by Magnus. 5 x 8.
Fine. $35.00
2003. Songsheet, “The Boys of Uncle Samu’l.”
Battle scene of soldiers charging up a hill. Illustration on upper half of sheet, in full color. By
Magnus. 5 x 8. Five verses on Union soldiers: “I work for Uncle Sam-u-el...We’ve hearts like
those of Seventy-Six...We’re up for action.” With references to Washington, Revolutionary
War, and ironclads. Fine. $38.00
2004. Lincoln and Hamlin.
Shown in profile on sterling silver medallion, 1961 official medal of Lincoln Inaugural
Centennial, replica of the 1861 Inaugural medal in Smithsonian, the program authorized by
Congress and approved by Pres. Kennedy in Mar. 1961. 1-3/8” diameter. Pleasing likeness of
Lincoln with his first Vice Pres. Mint. Scarce. $45.00
2005. Lincoln and Hamlin.
Same as above, struck in bronze. 1¼”. Uncirculated. Scarce.
2006. Seeking Beauregard.
Unusual oversize illustration, printed vertically (and
sarcastically): “Say, Stranger, have you seen Beauregard?”
Ornate blind-embossed maker’s crest on flap. Some
handling evidence along right edge, minor superficial
soiling, else about very good. Weiss C-P-S-27. Scarce.
2007. Symbols of America.
Light red and Navy blue design, with “The Constitution”
scroll, flag, stars, and clasped hands. Two-line verse: “Freedom’s broad pinions our fathers unfurl’d /
An ensign to nations, and joy to the world.” Nibbles at blank upper left edge, else fine. Weiss F-T-71. $11.00
2008. Symbols of America - Variant.
Above design, but with different four-line verse: “Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just...And the Star-Spangled banner in
triumph shall wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Colorless vertical shadow, perhaps from an old paper band,
minor toning at left, else about very fine. Weiss F-T-86. $15.50
2009. “Constitution of our Fathers.”
Red and water-blue woodcut of Union soldier on wave-lapped rock at shore, holding an enormous flagstaff, brandishing sword, as eagle
perches beside him. Glue stain at blank right margin, else very good. Weiss M-L-27. $13.25
2010. A Black Escapes.
Cartoon in red and blue, showing sword-wielding Gen. Ben Butler keeping a slavemaster with star-tipped whip and vicious dog at bay,
as a young black clings to Butler’s leg. (Fortress) Monroe in background. Obscure imprint, “D. Murphy’s Son, Print, 65 Fulton & 372
Pearl Sts., N.Y.” Captioned, “One of the F.F.V’s after his Contraband - Gen. Butler ‘can’t see it.’” Darkening in blank center, probably
from original seam on verso; edge toning, else very good plus. Pearl Street, in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge, no longer exists.
Weiss C-BL-53. $16.00
2011. Full-Width Design.
Handsome stylized eagle, spanning width of envelope, holding elegantly draped ribbon in its beak, “Union & Liberty.” In simulated
color, using red and blue. Light uniform toning, old mounting traces, else very fine. Sim. to Weiss E-R-250/253. $14.00
2012. Accoutrements of War - and Peace.
Substantial design in red and blue of two flags, three bayonets, soldier’s hat on pole, a drum, patriotic shield, and “The Constitution”
draped in wreath, all arranged in a display. An eagle alights on a cannon barrel beside, bearing “Pluribus Unum” in ribbon. Some
yellow stains in blank area, mounting traces, else very good. This variant not among 5,000-cover Harvard collection of patriotics.
– Our Fifty States –
A Selection of Items from Every State
2013. Alabama.
Hon. John Sparkman, Ala. Representative, signing twice near title of his eulogy delivered in Congress, on passing of Pres. Eisenhower.
One of the state’s most important politicians of the 20th century. $22.00
2014. Alaska.
Pioneer Alaska airmail flight cover, postmarked Fairbanks, May 23, 1928. Backstamped Nome, May 25. Postage rate only 2¢! AAMC 12.
Very scarce. A. Postmarked Summer dates. $15.00 B. Postmarked Winter dates. $15.00
2015. Alaska.
Front-page story on Alaska, “Stolen Trunk,” 6 pp., illustrated, in The Youth’s Companion, Boston, Mar. 14, 1878. Light spine wear.
2016. Alaska.
Map titled “Gold Belt,” 1897, 14 x 21, printed by E. Denny Co., San Francisco. In color. Illustrating Klondike region, sea and river route,
Yukon Gold Belt, and ad for Levi Strauss jeans. Separation starting at folds. $29.50
2017. Alaska.
Group of 3 different covers, including airmail, dog sled, postal history, etc. Fine. $14.00 (3 pcs.)
2018. Arizona.
Booklet, “Arizona as a Health Resort,” by Dr. C.L.G. Anderson. Read at Washington County (Md.) Medical Society. 4 pp. Cover wear,
else very good. $22.00.
2019. Arkansas.
Signature, “James P. Eagle, Gov. of Arkansas, Jan. 1889-Jan. 1893.” In dark ink on card. On verso, remnant of glue over his imprinted
name; front of card fine. $12.00
2020. California Scenes.
Group of five photos, c. 1920, 7 x 9 and 8 x 10, glossy, sepia and black-and-white: Del Monte Gardens, Riverside Hotel, Almond
Growers Exchange, smudge pots in an orange grove, and view 11,000 feet up in High Sierras. Last item with corner wear, else very
good. $40.00 (5 pcs.)
2021. California.
A job for an early gold-seeker: A.L.S. of H. Rundle Smith in (Pa.) Hall of Representatives, Harrisburg, Mar. 26, 1849, introducing
visitor’s brother, “an active and sterling of those adventurous spirits who have gone to that El Dorado of the West,
California. He sailed for San Francisco some months since....” 1 full p. The first gold seekers arrived in Frisco only a few weeks before
this letter was written. Cockling from old mounts, else very good. $65.00
2022. California.
Pamphlet, “Debate in U.S. Senate on Indebtedness of Pacific Railroads to U.S. Government and Proposition for a Sinking
Fund....”1876-77, 223 pp. Voting record within. Lacking covers. $25.00
2023. Colorado.
Group of five “Art-Color-Tone” picture postcards, linen, postally unused, c. 1940: Never Summer Range Mountains, Estes Park, Trail
Ridge Museum (elevation 11,797 ft.), Rocky Mountain National Park, and Mt. Baker. Vibrant colors. Very fine. $15.50 (5 pcs.)
2024. Connecticut.
“Year Book of the First Church of Christ in Hartford,” 1900. 99 pp. Front cover detached, some cover corner wear. $24.00
2025. Connecticut.
Signature on card of Joseph R. Hawley, Gov. of Conn. 1866, Civil War Gen. at Manassas, Florida Expedition, Morris Island, and
Virginia; Sen. 1881-1905. Dated Mar. 12, (18)92. $16.00
2026. Delaware.
Signature on card “Geo. Fray, Delaware,” Sen. 1885-99, Judge to 1914. $14.00
2027. Delaware.
A.L.S. of U.S. Sen. and Postmaster Theodorus Bailey, Aug. 28, 1790, requesting legal decision in “Case of Trimble against Dela....” Fine.
2028. Florida.
Pastel-colored map, c. 1913, Rand McNally, 10½ x 14. Inset of the Keys. On verso, colorful map of Georgia. Fine. $31.00
2029. Georgia.
“Resolutions of the Legislature of Georgia,” Dec. 23, 1845, with “Resolves by Sen. and House of Representatives that the State be
divided into two judicial districts.” Official imprint. Signed-in-type by Pres. Chappell of Georgia Senate. $22.50
2030. Hawaii.
Partly printed form in Hawaiian, 1900, with reference to plantation work. Opening to 13 x 17. With listing of Japanese workers. Fold
wear, else very good. $48.50
2031. Illinois.
Signature on slip of John M. Palmer, Union Gen., Gov. of Ill. 1869-73, and U.S. Sen., alternating between several political parties.
2032. Indiana.
Pair of postcards, one postmarked with Last Day Cancel of West Baden, Ind., Aug. 31, 1935, the other with First Day Cancel with town’s
new name, West Baden Springs, Sept. 1, 1935. Both signed by Postmistress Betty M. Miller. To noted philatelist whose family founded
Charms Co., makers of lollipops. Some toning, postal creases, else good. $19.50 (2 pcs.)
2033. Iowa.
A.L.S. of Pres. G.A. Gates of Iowa College, Grinnell, Jan. 2, 1892, on “President’s House” stationery. Regarding a missive to parents.
“...Perhaps you’ll call it platitudinous...But you can do just as you darn please about using it.” Gates later served as Pres. of Pomona and
Fisk Colleges. $26.50
2034. Iowa.
Map of Iowa, also showing eastern portion of Nebraska. C. 1860, by Johnson, colored in outline. 13½ x 17. Leaf border. Fine. $39.50
2035. Kansas.
Advertising card for James G. Blaine’s two-volume set, Twenty Years of Congress. Leading Kansas Senator, Speaker of House, twice a
Cabinet member, and Presidential candidate. $18.00
2036. Kentucky.
Map in pastels, outlined in color. 1871, by Mitchell.12 x 16. Kentucky in upper portion, Tennessee lower portion. Leaf border. Corner
wear, else very good. $39.00
2037. Louisiana.
Map in pastels. 1882. 13 x 22. Showing four states on both sides; most striking is a city map of New Orleans (8 x 11), showing streets,
districts, and Mississippi River. On verso, Miss., La., Ark., and Fla., each state outlined in color. $52.00
2038. Maine.
Check of Pejepscot National Bank, Brunswick, Maine, 1886. Vignette of seated
weaver, in blue. Building in background, probably a textile mill. Fine. $7.50
2039. Maine.
Map, 1912, by Rand McNally, 10½ x 14. Bright colors. Fine. $19.00
2040. Maryland.
Foreign-born Maryland resident signs document, 1818, seeking to become U.S. citizen, in accordance with naturalization law passed
that year by U.S. Congress. From Liverpool, England, this immigrant planned to settle in Norfolk, Va. Light wear at original folds, else
fine. $22.50
2041. Massachusetts.
Signatures of five Governors of “The Commonwealth of Mass.,” each on card: William R. Russell, Frank G. Allen, and Steven Fuller.
Also, Geo. F. Hoar, on card; and Sen. H(enry) C(abot) Lodge, “U.S.S.” below signature, probably cut from franked envelope. • With,
signature on card of Charles F. Crisp, Speaker of House. $24.00 (6 pcs.)
2042. Massachusetts.
A.L.S. of Lemuel Shattuck, Aug. 23, 1849, who pioneered the first Boston census, and was initiating a sanitary survey of Mass. that
year. 2 pp. To noted Dr. T. Romeyn Beck, author of first significant book on forensic medicine (1823). Discussing plans of “the greatest
importance,” involving recordkeeping of births and deaths on census. In dark, legible hand. $28.50
2043. Massachusetts.
Passport, 1805, to Charlestown, for Middlesex Canal Navigation Dept. The oldest part of Boston, Charlestown was almost destroyed
during the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. Partly printed. Edge wear. $35.00
2044. Michigan.
Early Detroit imprint, deed, Oct. 11, 1828, printed by Sheldon & Wells. 13 x 15½. John Gilbert pays $100 to Daniel Fergason of Oakland
County, “Mich. Territory.” Some splitting of original folds. $50.00
2045. Minnesota.
U.S. Representatives from Minn.: Hon. Edmund Rice, A.L.S., St. Paul, 1887, 2 pp., declining attendance at unveiling of statue of Maj.
Gen. James Garfield. On letterhead as Pres. of Bank of Mountain Lake, Minn., describing potential opportunities in his area: “...We
have no lawyer, doctor, hotel....” $25.00
2046. Mississippi.
James Z. George, U.S. Sen. from Miss., 1881-97; Confederate Col. in 5th Miss. Signature and message on card. Verso with mounting
evidence. $14.50
2047. Missouri.
Civil War patriotic cover showing cook watching a simmering pot labeled “Secession Soup.” Postally unused. Verso with mounting
evidence, some cockling, else very good. $20.00
2048. Montana.
Booklet, “The Yellowstone National Park Improvement Co.,” 1883, 15 pp., with text of contract between Sec. of Interior and C.T. Hobart
and H.F. Douglas, assigning their interest in company. Yellowstone is located in the northwestern corner of Montana. Detailing sale of
Yellowstone in compelling legalese: “The beginnings of one of our great National Parks....” Fine. $28.00
2049. Nebraska.
Extract issued by Dept. of Interior, 1913, on “Opening of Lands in Former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation in Nebraska.” 5 pp. To
Commissioner of General Land Office, detailing procedure for obtaining land in above. Veterans and their families included in
eligibility. Clerical markings on first p.; no covers. $15.00
2050. Nevada.
Speech of Sen. Howard W. Cannon, his eulogy to Pres. Truman, signed at conclusion. 2 pp. A moving address by this worthy exponent.
2051. New Hampshire.
Eulogy on Dartmouth University trustee Hon. Wm. H. Woodward, by Dr. Cyrus Perkins, Prof. of Anatomy. Printed by C. Spear,
Hanover, N.H., 1818, 16 pp. No covers. $12.00
2052. New Hampshire.
Map of N.H., with Vermont, by Mitchell, 1871-72. Pastel colors, leaf design border. Light edge wear, else very good. $30.00
2053. New Jersey.
Indenture, 1816, 4 pp., partly printed, between David Vail and Edward F. Randolph, both of Somerset County, N.J. For 8 acres,
identified by “heap of stones.” Signed by three members of Vail family and Judge Wilson. Some toning and edge wear. $15.00
2054. New Jersey.
Group of four different color postcards, showing Lincoln statues in Newark, Jersey City, East Orange, and Rutherford. C. 1940. Postally
unused. $10.00 (4 pcs.)
2055. New Mexico.
Pair of postcards with Last Day (of Service) cancels at Cooper and Porter, N.M., 1936-38. To noted philatelist whose family founded
Charms Co., makers of lollipops. Toning, postal creases, else good. $14.75 (2 pcs.)
2056. New York.
Postally-used advertising brochure for “Henderson’s Servant’s Office,” 73 Nassau St., N.Y., “established 1840.” “Hotel Help
available...Connected with Principal Hotels by Bell Telephone.” $18.50
2057. New York.
Invitation, 1819, Albany, partly printed, to attend a “Meeting of the Board of Council of the Albany Society for the Suppression of Vice
and Immorality, This Evening at 7 o’clock, at the house of the Corresponding Sec., Dr. John Stearns.” $18.00
2058. North Carolina.
Map in color, 1913, with inset of northwestern N.C. By Rand McNally. 10½ x 14. South Carolina on verso. ¾” fragment lacking at
margin, else very good. $28.50
2059. North Dakota.
Engraved document, “Executive Chamber, Albany [N.Y.],” 1907, to Sec. of Gov. of North Dakota, requesting specimen of Seal of N.D.;
its large gold seal appended, signed by Gov. John Burke, N.D. Sec. of State, and Sec. to Gov., and returned to New York. Attractive and
fine. $26.00
2060. North and South Dakota.
Autographs of politicians on cards: N.D. Sen. Lyman R. Casey, turn-of-century. • Congressman H.C. Hansbrough, with quote and date
1892. • S.D. Congressman R.F. Pettigrew. Mounting evidence on versos of each, else signatures fine or better. $15.00 (3 pcs.)
2061. Ohio.
Information booklet of Bellefaire Orphanage, Cleveland, illustrated, about 24 pp. Started during Civil War as the Jewish Orphan Home,
text describes how by World War II its scope had grown to caring for refugee children, and in Ohio areas lacking similar facilities.
2062. Oklahoma.
Pair of postcards with Last Day (of Service) Cancels at Eldon and Redland, Okla., 1936-37, latter with charming maroon pictorial
cachet. To noted philatelist whose family founded Charms Co., makers of lollipops. Light toning, postal creases, else good. $16.75 (2
2063. Oregon.
Printed notice of sale of part of Grande Ronde Indian Reservation in Oregon, per rules in Congressional Act of 1904. 7 pp. “More than 2
million acres to be disposed of...,” by bid. $18.00
2064. Pennsylvania.
A.L.S. of antebellum Sen. Richard Brodhead, Senate Chambers, Feb. 5, 1852, to office of Globe newspaper, ordering “50 copies issued
tomorrow morning to the Holding Room of Senate & charge the same to me.” $12.00
2065. Rhode Island.
Pair of postcards, one postmarked with Last Day (of Service) Cancels of Warwick, R.I., Feb. 28, 1938, the other with First Day Cancel
with its new name, Warwick Neck, Mar. 1. To noted philatelist whose family founded Charms Co., makers of lollipops. Light toning,
postal creases, else good. $15.75 (2 pcs.)
2066. South Carolina.
Stereoscopic view of “Market Hall” in Charleston, built 1838, destroyed by the fire of that year, then reopened 1841. Its history printed
on verso. Fine. $22.00
2067. South Carolina.
Stereoscopic view of “Charleston Hotel,” its history printed on verso. Built 1838, destroyed in that year’s fire, and reopened 1841.
2068. South Dakota.
Indexed “Vest Pocket” Map, 1898, by Rand McNally. 2½ x 5¾, opening to 14 x 21. Showing counties, cities, towns, railroads, lakes, and
more. Not glued to cover. Fine. $37.50
2069. Tennessee.
Typewritten eulogy by Rep. Bill Brock honoring Pres. Truman, signed. Address concludes, “It is gratifying to see a deserving man live to
be a legend in his own time.” Fine. $18.00
2070. Texas.
Pamphlet, “Argument of Hon. John H. Reagan of Texas, before Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives on the
Railroad Problem, Mar. 28-30, 1882.” 30 pp. Lacking covers, clerical notations on title page, light wear. Reagan was Postmaster
General of the Confederacy throughout the war; arrested with Jefferson Davis. $25.00
2071. Utah Territory.
A.N.S. of Charles Durkee, early Gov. of Utah Territory (and founder of Kenosha County, and Sen. from Wis.). 1860, from Kenosha, 4 x
7. “The Constitution was made for man, and not man for the Constitution.” Darkly penned. Fine. $31.00
2072. Vermont.
Rare trade card, diecut in shape of hand-fan. Front in full color, scalloped edge, depicting animals. Verso printed, “Thurston, Watch
Maker and Jeweler, Northfield, Vt.” About 3½ x 5½. Uncommon form and locale. Fine. $27.50
2073. Virginia.
Manuscript warrant for town meeting, July 28, 1815, called by Constable of Newburyport, Mass., to consider “the late...calamity by fire
in Petersburg, Va., and what measures this town will adapt to afford relief to the sufferers....” 1 full page. $24.50
2074. Washington State.
Document relating to sale of municipal bonds, 1889, soon after its admission to Union. Detailing denominations and amounts of issue.
8½ x 11, partly printed. Light fold wear, else fine. $20.00
2075. Washington, D.C.
Pass to U.S. Senate Chamber, Feb. 20, 1933, for “William Huston, Friends, to the Reserved Gallery for Season.” Signed in dark ink by
Charles Curtis, Vice Pres. under Hoover and F.D.R., and probably the only Vice Pres. with American Indian blood. $42.50
2076. West Virginia.
A.L.S. of James Pindall, Federalist Congressman from Va., who practiced law in Morgantown, today W.V. July 26, 1819, requesting
pension certificates. $28.50
2077. Wisconsin.
Signature on card of Gov. Philatus Sawyer, dated Apr. 29, 1892. Mounting evidence on verso, else fine. $25.00
2078. Wyoming.
Bold signature on card “Francis E. Warren, Wyoming,” the state’s first Governor (1890), then Sen. Small corner fragment lacking,
mounting evidence on verso, else fine. $21.50