MAIL BID SALECatalogue No. 68
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1-1. A Very Early American Document – 1651.Manuscript colonial document, Weymouth, Mass., period “true copie of ye record” c. 1666-72, in hand of and signed by noted Capt. William Torrey. Of June 11, 1651 transaction, in which Elizabeth Phillips, wife of (Deacon) Nicholas Phillips, consents to her husband’s sale of a “fmall house...(with) Arable land, also a quarter of an acre of saltmarsh...,” sold for £62 to Frauncis Smyth of Hingham, Mass. Nicholas had co-founded Dedham, Mass. in 1636 – the year of the Phillips’ arrival in Massachusetts Bay Colony from Buckinghamshire, England. 6 x 8. Eighteen lines of text, penned in a stylish English secretarial hand, in rich brown ink. At this time it is doubtful that there were more than four to five thousand settlers in Mass. In 1651, the Salem Witch Trials were still over forty years in the future. Reflecting the mood of the colonies, clergyman Roger Williams wrote, in 1651, “...we shall not so much wonder when we lift up our trembling eyes to Heaven, & remember ourselves, poor dust...”--letter to John Endecott (not present!). A fascinating personality, in 1641 Torrey was elected a member of the Royal Artillery of Boston. The title captain was used from about 1655. A member of House of Deputies 1642-50, Torrey was later Clerk of House of Deputies, an important position, and Recorder of Deeds. His signature appears hundreds of times in early records of the Colony. Described by Edward Johnson in his The Wonder Working Providence, published 1654, as “a good penman and skilled in the Latin Tongue,” Torrey authored A Discourse in Futurities or Things to Come. His original manuscript copy is one of the great treasures of the Boston Public Library. Torrey was the 5th great-grandfather of Pres. William Howard Taft. Docketed “Deed 1651 / Mrs. Phillips” in a hand judged second half of the eighteenth century. Separation at vertical center fold, repaired a very long time ago, several holes at fold junctions, wear along folds, handling soiling indicates document was referred to many times, darkening of blank panel on verso, else very good, with enormous patination for display. Over the years, the number of documents available from this period has been sharply reduced, as they are inexorably absorbed into permanent collections. One of the earliest American documents we have handled in years. • This description has been revised, based on new research findings of specialist-historians kindly presented to us since our catalogue was printed. span> • $400-550 |
1-2. The White House Built - But Never Lived In.Exceedingly rare official, period reference to the building intended to be the President’s House, purpose-built in Philadelphia for George Washington and successors, and the first house so called - but never occupied by them. L.S. of Cadw(allader) Evans, Jr., (recent Speaker, Pa. House of Representatives), probably Lancaster, Pa., Mar. 17, 1803, 1 p., 8 x 10, integral address-leaf to Samuel Bryan, Comptroller General (of Pa.). “...Please to inform the Committee of Ways & Means the exact Amount of monies due from the purchasers of the House & Lot intended for the Use of the President of the U.S. & also will be pleased to inform whether the balances from Baynton & Johnston will probably be recovered during the present Year...The Comptroller is likewise requested to state particularly the Payments made by Mr. Dallas into the Treasury...or if he has made none, the Arrangements which have been made with the U.S. or Mr. Dallas to satisfy the Balance of more than $20,000 which the last Comm(itte)e...reported to be due from him to the State.” Marginal toning, semicircular fragment on address-leaf mostly adhered to red wax seal, affecting no text; blank upper left tip lacking, else very good. From 1790 to 1800, Robert Morris’ house on Market St. had been occupied by Washington and Adams. “As part of a futile effort to have Philadelphia named the permanent national capital, Pennsylvania built a much grander Presidential mansion several blocks away, but Washington (and Adams) declined to occupy it.”--wikipedia. Adams remained in Morris’ old house til May 1800, in Nov. becoming the first occupant of the new Executive Mansion (not popularly called the White House til a century later, by Teddy Roosevelt). The brand new, never-used President’s House in Philadelphia and its sale - the subject of this letter - was bought at auction by the University of Pennsylvania. “The history of the President’s House, which no President ever occupied...is a story... still largely unwritten...”--“The President’s House in Philadelphia,” Dennis C. Kurjack, Supervising Park Historian, Independence National Historical Park Project, journals.psu.edu. Interestingly, the addressee, Samuel Bryan, was a conspicuous anti-Federalist. In a letter at the National Archives, Bryan implores Jefferson, “I was the first person who...pointed out the defects of the federal Constitution when laid before the United States for consideration....” Suitable for display. $325-400 |
1-3. A Signer of Declaration of Independence of Texas.Especially crisp Republic of Texas Treasury Warrant, Washington (Texas), June 5, 1844, 3 1/2 x 6 1/4, ornate border. Paying James Hector for A(sa) Brigham, “for Compensation of Draughtsman in Genl. L(and) Office.” Signed by Comptroller James B. Shaw and Auditor Charles Mason, Shaw and Brigham also endorsing on verso. Brigham was a Signer of Texas Declaration of Independence, and Treasurer of Republic of Texas. Shaw served as Texas’ Comptroller for twenty years; in 1850 he traveled to Washington to collect the $5 million due Texas for its sale of parts of present-day Colorado and New Mexico, under the Compromise of 1850. Charles Mason fought in Republic of Texas Army, becoming Secretary of War in 1838. One semicircular punch at upper border, probably done when paid, else never folded, fresh, and excellent. A superior example. With 1974 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 32.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-160 |
1-4. A “ritin desk” for Sam Houston’s Texas - 1838.Conclusion of D.S. of R(obert) A(nderson) Irion, pioneer Nacogdoches, Texas physician. As Sam Houston’s Secretary of State, June 23, 1838, 2 x 7 3/4. In clerical hand beneath signature, “I do hereby certify the foregoing account to be correct....” Minor edge tear, cream toning, several spots, else about fine. With 1972 invoice of Conway Barker, 14.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 |
1-5. The First American Governor of Texas.D.S. of Republic of Texas Sec. of Treasury Henry Smith, n.p., Nov. 2, 1838, 3 1/2 x 7 1/2, signed with paraph, “Approved...Secy. of the Treasury.” In another hand above, “The Trashery [sic] Dept. of Thomas Bailey, To making 1 tabel...1 ritin desk.” Red wax seal impressed on verso, else excellent. Severely wounded in the Battle of Velasco, Smith became a leader of the Independence - or War - Party, and the first American Governor of Texas. “Smith did not believe in compromise and did not know the language of diplomacy. Within a short while the government was torn by strife; this condition was due, at least in part, to Smith’s assumption that Texas was already a free and independent state...His friends entered his name as a candidate for the Presidency in the election of 1836 and, in spite of the fact that he asked that his name be withdrawn and announced his support of Gen. Sam Houston, he received some votes. He served as Sec. of the Treasury during the first Houston administration. He was, of course, unable either to balance the budget or to give value to the currency of the Republic. His work, however, met with the approval of Houston and of Congress...”--The Handbook of Texas Online. Catching gold fever in 1849, Smith’s luck ran out, dying in California in 1851. With photocopy of 1972 invoice of Conway Barker, 16.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $130-160 |
1-6. Texas Patriots.Attractive partly printed Republic of Texas pay certificate, entitling Capt. Daniel Perry to $340 for three months service in Texas Army, Columbia, Texas, Nov. 29, 1836. 3 1/2 x 7. Signed by Paymaster General Geo(rge) W(ashington) Poe, Republic of Texas Sec. of War; fought in Battle of San Jacinto, and a founding father of Texas. On verso, D.S. of Perry, and auditing signature of A(sa) Brigham, Signer of Texas Declaration of Independence, and Treasurer of the Republic. Poe served as Acting Adjt. Gen. of Sam Houston’s army, its headquarters in Columbia, Texas. In confusion of command this same year, Poe began to report to Texas Pres. Henry Smith (see preceding lot), vowing to obey his orders even “if they are to march to the devil.” Poe also served as Texas’ Quartermaster Gen., and, exactly one month after signing this document, led the procession at Stephen Austin’s funeral. Two small spots of ink erosion, very minor tears at right edge, else about very fine. With Conway Barker mimeo list page, 18.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 |
1-7. Pioneers of Texas.Republic of Texas $100 bond, Act of Feb. 5, 1840, issued Austin, Jan. 1, 1841. Darkly penned signature of Mirabeau B. Lamar, Pres., Secretary of Texas, with endorsement on verso of bondholder Charles DeMorse. 7 3/4 x 9 3/4 oblong. Southern Bank Note Co., New Orleans. Two vignettes of cows, one of a steamboat (flying the flag of Texas), blacksmith at center. Ten coupons present. DeMorse was an accomplished Texas pioneer, publisher, statesman, soldier, lawyer, merchant, and farmer - and at date of this bond, the Stock Commissioner of Texas as well as reporter for the Texas House of Representatives. Originally commissioned in the Texas Navy, he served in the Texas Army under future Confederate Gen. A.S. Johnston, until it was disbanded in 1837. In 1862, DeMorse organized the 29th Texas Cavalry, fighting in the Indian Territory and Arkansas; he commanded at Poison Springs, stopping the Union advance into Texas. Called “Father of Texas Journalism,” a biography of DeMorse was published in 1943. Lamar served under Sam Houston; his nephew was a Confederate officer and a Justice of U.S. Supreme Court. Usual slash cancels, these freeing one small triangular fragment at left coupon, light golden toning, else very good. Rare thus. $550-750 |
1-8. Notorious Slave Smuggler, Thief, and Con Man.Excessively rare signatures of Texas swindler, forger, smuggler, slaver, thief and confidence man M(onroe) Edwards, together with pioneers Elisha Hack, Pat C. Jack - a namesake of Jack County - and another, on portion of legal document relating to Hack’s land. N.d. but 1830s, 2 x 7 1/4. Engaged in smuggling slaves from Cuba to Texas, Edwards traveled extensively to avoid participation in the Texas Revolution. “At the close of the Revolution he returned to his plantation (in Brazoria County), where he conceived and executed the first great swindle of his career. By means of a chemical process he removed the writing from a letter signed by his partner, Dart, and wrote...a bill of sale to himself...When it appeared the case was going against him, he fled from Brazoria...In 1839, equipped with counterfeit letters of introduction to English notables from Daniel Webster (and) Martin Van Buren, Edwards...posed as an abolitionist attempting to free the slaves who had fallen to Dart as a result of the Brazoria court action...”--Texas Encyclopædia. On returning, Edwards successfully pulled his greatest swindle, for $50,000, but was caught. He died in Sing Sing, after being whipped for attempting to escape. • Patrick Jack received land in Stephen Austin’s second colony, in 1831, later representing Brazoria in Texas Congress, 1837-38; appointed district attorney by Lamar; Jack County named for him and his brother. Some browning, ink showthrough, else signatures dark, Edwards’ with a flourish beneath, and fine. • With oversize publication, “The Celebrated and Extraordinary Trial of Col. Monroe Edwards, for Forgery and Swindling,” reprinted by Jenkins Co., 1970, from one of only three original copies, 10 x 14, (16) pp., with stylized cover label bearing Edwards’ portrait. Minor wear, else very good. Autographs of rogues of the Old West have always been keenly collected, and are now very thin on the market. Edwards’ is particularly elusive: he died at age 39, during a ten-year prison sentence. He is subject of a recent biography, The Counterfeit Prince of Old Texas: Swindling Slaver Monroe Edwards, by journalist Lora-Marie Bernard. $450-650 (2 pcs.) |
1-9. The Lure of Gold.Manuscript legal document from the early period of the Gold Rush, in which a Kentucky man prepares to go to California, seeking his fortune. Feb. 8, 1850, Gallatin County, Ky., 7 3/4 x 12. Deposition of Caleb Arnold, Owen County, “about to depart from said County on a trip to California, and expect to be absent from home for an indefinite period of time....” Granting power of attorney to James I. Brown, Gallatin County. Discovery of gold caused a frenzy thoughout America, with untold hopefuls leaving behind family and friends, in their dreams of wealth. An open-ended move from Kentucky to California entailed enormous risk - and adventure. Light toning at folds, else V.G. $55-75 |
1-10. Old Kentucky.Appealing early Kentucky tobacco-related legal document, Mar. 12, 1804, 8 x 13 1/4, contemporary manuscript clerical copy. Bond of Linifield Sharp, Constable of Pendleton County, and Elijah McClanahan for $500, “...firmly bound unto Jas. Garrard Esqr., Gov. of this Commonwealth [Kentucky],” in which Sharp promises to “well and truly collect all officers fees and dues put into his hand to collect...and pay and satisfy all sums of money and tobacco by him received ...Ack(nowledge)d in Open Court.” McClanahan was a Maj. in Kentucky Militia in 1812; an 1845 publication shows that he donated $2 to the American Colonization Society. Browned and brittle at folds, some foxing but attractive patina, and good plus. $50-70 |
1-11. Gross Misconduct involving Notes of Bank of America intended for Soldiers.Fascinating financial A.L.S. of A.J. Dallas, as Madison’s Sec. of Treasury, his service overlapping as Acting Sec. of War. “Treasury Dept.,” June 9, 1815, 7 3/4 x 10 1/4. To Robert Brent, Paymaster of Army. “I send for your information an extract from a letter...from the Bank of America. If it is true, that the Notes of that bank were not disbursed by your Deputy in the immediate payment of the Troops, it is a violation of my instructions on the subject, founded upon a promise to the Bank. If it is true, that those Notes were sold by your Deputy in Philadelphia, it is gross misconduct, which calls for severe animadversion. I must, therefore, request that you inquire into the business, and enable me to place it upon its true foundation.” Written in a pivotal time, the war essentially over, at the end of June another victory was secured: Commodore Decatur’s treaties with Algiers saw an end to ransom and tribute, bringing piracy under control. Some ink erosion at “Dept.” and date, curious faint red impression of stamping at blank top, perhaps applied by recipient, minor short tear at left, small interior hole affecting no text, multiple folds, suggesting it was refolded around a bundle of papers, some wrinkles, else very good. With 1990 invoice of Charles Searle, 55.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $200-250 |
1-12. Exhaustive History of the War of 1812.History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain: “comprising a Minute Account of the various Military and Naval Operations,” by H.M. Brackenridge, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, 1836, 6th ed. 4 3/4 x 7 3/4, 289 pp., full calf, all edges of boards gilt-stamped with miniature herringbone pattern, an infrequently encountered embellishment of period bindings. Massive inscription on front endpaper of “A.E. Castle, Seymour, Conn.,” the signature larger than Drake DeKay’s. Full-page frontispiece woodcut of Battle of New Orleans. Front and rear signatures shaken but holding; characteristic foxing throughout, wear at corners and outer front hinge, spine scuffed, tear into naval woodcut on title page, repaired on verso, but in all, satisfactory, with much patina. Scarce. US-iana B-684. With 1989 invoice, catalogue cover and page of Cohasco, 50.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 |
1-13. Seven Members of James Madison’s Cabinet: A Secretary of War fears his Nephew may be led into Indiscretions in Washington, and more.Splendid ensemble of five A.Ls.S., one D.S., and one A.D.S. of members of Madison’s Cabinet, all acquired at the same time from Conway Barker, 1973. Among collector Lee Maxfield’s special interests were the men serving under this Founding Father. Comprising: Wm. H. Crawford (Sec. of War, 1815, and Sec. of Treasury, 1816), Treasury Dept., Nov. 8, 1816, 7 1/2 x 9 3/4. Entirely in his hand, a third-person declaration “that in pursuance of...‘An Act laying duties on notes of Banks, Bankers and certain companies, on noted bonds and obligations discounted...’ an Agreement has been made by the Sec. of the Treasury and Rhode Island Central Bank for payment of an annual compensation in lieu of stamp duty...of 1 1/2 %....” • B(enjamin) W. Crowningshield (Sec. of Navy, 1814), Salem, June 17, 1822, 7 3/4 x 9 1/2. Integral address-leaf, red Salem c.d.s. To Landson Chives, Pres., Bank (of) U(nited) States, Philadelphia. Declining to attend a “special meeting of the Board of Directors...It will not be convenient for me to attend....” • A.J. Dallas (Sec. of Treasury, 1814), n.p., May 13, 1813, 7 3/4 x 10. “My dear Madam, I have delayed answering your letter...while Mr. Gallatin remained here, as I knew him to be a friend of your Family. We both thought it best not to interfere, by letter, in Mr. Jones’ arrangements; and to take the opportunity of my proposed visit to Washington, in June, to make an impression on that Gentleman favorable to Mr. Knapp. Be assured, that I should rejoice in any event, which enabled me to contribute to your happiness, as Mrs. Dallas and myself can never forget the early and cordial acquaintance between our Families...In the meantime, get some of your friends, on the spot, to open the subject to him [Jones]....” • W(illiam) Eustis (Sec. of War, 1809), Boston, Feb. 17, 1808, 7 3/4 x 9 3/4. To Nicholas Gilman. “By my nephew Abraham Eustis who will be at Washington, I would ask the favor of your patronage of him so far as to introduce him to the Vice President, and to favor him with your advice on a subject which interests him...He may amuse you with giving you the opinions generally prevalent here among men of different political sentiments on everything that is passing. And I will thank you to direct him to the most suitable place in which to take his residence while he is in the city. My own recollection and the changes which have taken place within four years are not sufficient guides to direct a young man who if he has prudence may possibly be led into indiscretions by a bad judgment....” • W(illiam) Jones (Sec. of Navy, 1813-14), Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1821, 7 1/4 x 9 1/2. To Sec. of Navy Smith Thompson. On application of Samuel Anderson for Navy agent at Pensacola, “I perform an act of justice in bearing testimony to his zeal and ability...for transportation of the stores and equipments for the Naval Service on the Lakes, during the latter part of the late war...On account of his experience, deportment, and reputation....” Scarce. • A.D.S. of Richard Rush (Attorney General, 1814), June 12, 1810, 5 1/2 x 7 3/4. Receipt for money from Margaret B. Livingston for ground rent owed Mrs. Shippen, on two lots on South 4th St., “which was recovered by suit of law.” • D.S. of R(obert) Smith (Sec. of State, 1809; also Attorney Gen. and Sec. of Navy), Baltimore, Nov. 25, 1816, 4 1/2 x 7 3/4. Manuscript promissory note of Smith, James Carroll, and Jno. Hoffman. Waterstained, internal holes but not affecting signatures, mid-20th century biographical notes in black and purple pencils (the hand possibly that of old-time dealer Arthur Machemer), tipped to old, blank shipping ledger; fair only. Other items with varied browning, mounting evidence, and other defects, but generally about good to fine. With 1973 Conway Barker invoice for collection, 111.50; with 2 pp. additional correspondence, mimeo list, and envelope. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $625-850 (7 pcs.) |
1-14. Citizen Genêt – America’s French Connection.Lengthy holograph manuscript of Edmond-Charles [Citizen] Genêt, controversial diplomat, minister of first French republic to U.S., inventor, and contemporary of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, et al. Draft of a lengthy letter, entirely in his hand, unsigned, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1819, 8 x 10, 4 full pp. To a Frenchman commissioned to purchase lumber in the U.S., to construct ships for the Navy. A remarkable individual – Genêt could read six languages by the age of twelve – he asked Washington for asylum, believing that if he returned to France he would face the guillotine. In 1794, Alexander Hamilton prevailed upon Washington to allow Genêt to stay. That same year, Genêt married the daughter of George Clinton, first Gov. of N.Y. Tears at blank corner of first leaf, else pleasing uniform toning and about fine. The many changes in Genêt’s draft provide interesting insight into his mind. $275-350 |
1-15. Niagara – “That masterpiece of Yankee ingenuity.”Interesting letter with early mention of Niagara: From Frederic(k) County (Md.?), May 20 (1850), 7 3/4 x 10, 1 1/2 pp. To J. Finney, Buffalo, N.Y. “...a package for me containing half a dozen numbers of Godey’s Lady’s Book. I easily enough guessed from whence they came and return you many thanks...They are beautifully embellished with engravings, and one of them contains a sonnet entitled ‘Geneva,’ a spot that you will perhaps pass, that is very beautiful indeed [perhaps Geneva, N.Y.]. You will visit Niagara too and see that masterpiece of ‘Yankee‘ ingenuity, the suspension bridge. You have no doubt been at the Falls repeatedly but not since its completion....” Mentioning Winchester and Strasburg, Va. With “Newtown Stephensburg, Va.” c.d.s. Minor fold wear, else very good. $50-70 |
1-16. “Chickasaw by Blood.”Ornate steel-engraved Allotment Certificate issued by Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, Dept. of Interior, Chickasaw Land Office, Sept. 1903. 6 1/4 x 11. Describing acreage given to named Indian, on “lands of the Choctaws and Chickasaws - Citizens by Blood and Intermarriage,” with property outlined in pink on grid, boldly captioned “Chickasaw Nation.” Valued at about $5 per acre. Lilac rubber stamped signature of Chairman of Commission. Fold and handling wear, but very good, and suitable for display. The Dawes Commission, charged with dividing Indian land into plots to be given to its members, examined the legal eligibility of each applicant for tribal membership. Their work included the Cherokee; some were found “doubtful,” or rejected entirely. Very scarce. $125-175 |
1-17. Samuel Gompers and the “Immigration Restriction League.”Fascinating lengthy T.L.S. of Samuel Gompers, on elaborate letterhead of American Federation of Labor, Washington, Jan. 31, 1918, already its Pres. for some 37 years. 8 1/2 x 11, 4 full pp., with oversize signature. To C. Leslie, Managing Editor, Press Association Compilers, Madison Ave., N.Y. The London-born titan of American labor – his letterhead bearing the slogan “Now for the Three Million Mark!,” at bottom in orange – answers some eighteen biographical questions. Describing his “business or profession,” publications of his bio, family details, and more. In “record of...education,” Gompers offers: “As a boy, attended school from sixth to tenth year, in London, then apprenticed to a shoemaker but disliking the trade, learned the trade of his father, and while working as a cigarmaker attended evening school for four years. He has a retentive memory. Possible this was exercised...by the way he carried in his mind the number of cigars he was making at his bench....” Extensive list of his other positions, filling over a page, including “Immigration Restriction League...Lincoln Memorial Farm Association...Friends of Russian Freedom...Peace Society of City of N.Y...Mothers’ Day International Association, National Committee on Prison Labor, Luther Burbank Society...Advisory Committee, National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures....” Breaks at right horizontal fold of two last pp., evidently where snagged by a letter-opener; uniform toning, old mailing folds, understandable handling evidence, else good plus. The best letter of Gompers we recall handling. With 1974 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 37.50. $300-375 |
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1-18. Norman Rockwell and the Tattooed Sailor.Color postcard reproduction of Rockwell’s “The Tattoo Artist,” well-known for its appearance in Saturday Evening Post. Showing a nonchalant sailor’s arm being inked with the latest in a procession of girlfriends’ names, Betty the newest, the previous six crossed out. Signed by Rockwell in black marker on white portion. Very fine. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection, old price 15.00 in pencil on verso. $150-200 |
1-19. Certifiably Insane in Old New York.Manuscript document, Pitcher (Springs), Chenango County, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1843, 8 x 10, signed twice by each of two local physicians, Drs. David McWhorter and James K. Bowen, and by Justice, certifying that local man, Asa Kinyan, “is in our opinion insane, and a fit patient to be sent to the State Lunatic Asylum....” Integral address-leaf to “A. Brigham, M.D., Supt., Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N.Y.” Manuscript “10.” Note on inside leaf to Dr. Brigham from the patient’s son. “...We lik to hav you rite to us as how father geat a long and wether he is contented or not. We should like to hav you rite the Particerles about him.” Internal tear in blank area where opened, old folds, else fine. $65-85 |
1-20. Building a Fire-Engine House.Manuscript agreement to build an “Engine House” for horse-drawn fire engines in Newburyport, Mass., July 12, 1836, 7 1/2 x 8 1/4, signed by Nath(anie)l Towle. “We the Subscribers do agree with Charles Balch & other Selectmen of this town to build an Engine House of 30 feet long & of 15 feet wide, of two stories high, so all the joiners work & find the stuff for same work, including all the lumber, nails, & hinges...make all the necessary doors & stairs, make 5 windows ...windows 15 lights each...style similar to Engine House No. 3, lay double floors, to be clapboarded on all the sides...the work to be...ready for the mason & painter in the course of three months...all for the sum of 340.00.” Docketed “...Settled.” Two smudges by writer’s hand where mistake made, else very good. Early American firefighting manuscript material is very scarce. $80-110 |
1-21. One of America’s Earliest Printed Business Documents.Partly printed ship’s bill of lading, 1719, 4 1/2 x 9, for goods shipped from “Harbor of Boston” to Piscataqua, the tidal harbor at Portsmouth, N.H. on the Atlantic. With charming large woodcut of old sailing vessel within oversize letter “S.” Shipper was none other than Jonathan Belcher, later colonial Gov. of Mass. and New Hampshire (1730-41) and New Jersey (1747-57). Concludes, “And so God send the good ship to her desired port in safety. Amen.” Uniform toning to golden tan, chipping along right edge, else very satisfactory, and charming for display. $100-125 |
1-22. The Richest Man in America – and the Cabal to Replace George Washington.D.S. of Thomas Mifflin, as first Gov. of Pa. under the Constitution, and on verso, by William Bingham, said to have been the richest man in America. A land patent for 1100 acres in Northumberland County, transferred by Bingham to Robert Morris, financier of the Revolution, was one of only two Founding Fathers to sign all three key documents, the Declaration of Independence (though first voting against it, on July 1, 1776!), Constitution, and Articles of Confederation. 1794, 11 x 20 1/2, partly printed on vellum, ornate “Commonwealth of Pa.” masthead, large blind-embossed State petal paper seal on front, different diamond-shaped seal on verso. Mifflin’s signature beneath characteristically light; Bingham’s dark. Also signed on verso by James Biddle, George Willing, and Herman Baker. (Note Morris is recipient of the land in this document, but has not signed it.) Clusters of old light grey freckled dampstaining, some cockling of lower left quadrant, else good plus. Mifflin was a Maj. Gen., aide-de-camp to Washington, Pres. of Continental Congress, and member Constitutional Convention. Involved in the failed Conway cabal to replace Washington with Horatio Gates. On July 3, 1776, Bingham left America aboard a frigate, capturing several British ships, and returning with loads of guns and supplies. Bingham owned millions of acres, and brokered the Louisiana Purchase; a smaller block of “only” two million acres in Maine became known as the Bingham Purchase! Morris’ ship The Black Prince became the first ship of the new Continental Navy. The very first reference to the Underground Railroad is attributed to a 1786 letter to Morris, from George Washington. Morris’ home was the actual Executive Mansion, while Philadelphia was the nation’s capital during the administrations of Washington and Adams. As the foremost private personage in Revolutionary America, his power and influence was surpassed only by George Washington. Morris was the first to use the dollar sign in official documents. Though he owned more land than anyone in the United States, the Panic - beginning two years after the date of this item - led to his financial ruin, and his incarceration in debtors prison for several years. $425-650 |
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2-1. It Begins: Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson appointed to new Committee of Correspondence to Communicate with other Colonies.Newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, (Philadelphia), Apr. 7, 1773, 10 x 15 1/2, evidently complete as single sheet. Proceedings from the Virginia House of Burgesses, Williamsburg, with intimations of trouble to come: “Whereas the minds of his Majesty’s faithful subjects in this colony have been much disturbed, by various rumors...tending to deprive them of their ancient, legal, and constitutional rights...which renders a communication of sentiments necessary...to remove the uneasinesses, and quiet the minds of the people...that a standing committee of correspondence and enquiry be appointed, to consist of...Peyton Randolph...Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Harrison, Edmund Pendleton, Patrick Henry...and Thomas Jefferson...whose business it shall be to obtain the most early and authentic intelligence...of the British Parliament....” A plea from the House of Burgesses “to abolish that spirit of gaming, which, I am afraid, too generally prevails among the people, and to substitute, in its place, a love of agriculture, and attention to their private affairs....” Elsewhere, “Credit is so low in Holland at present, that coffee, which before was looked upon as gold, is now so fallen, that no man will lend £50 upon £500 worth of it.” “Warlike preparations” in Berlin, and “insinuations of a coolness between the courts of Petersburgh and Berlin....” Toned with peripheral browning, thinning and small internal hole in blank top margin from dampstaining, old creases at lower right, very closely trimmed at bottom but affecting only last line of one advertisement (offering “a likely healthy Negroe man...has had...Measles...”), else satisfactory. One of the most auspicious colonial newspapers, having been once printed by (Ben) Franklin and Hall; the offered issue still retains Franklin’s ornate masthead woodcut. The all-star lineup of Virginia’s House of Burgesses was propitious: the Boston Tea Party would take place at the end of the year, and revolutionary sentiment would soon become an avalanche. $180-240 |
2-2. An Indian Soldier at West Point.Significant item: Manuscript D.S. of Lt. Col. Eben(ezer) Huntington: “This may certify that James Nedson was in service the year 1781.” West Point (N.Y.), Oct. 31, 1782, 2 3/4 x 9. Research reveals that Nedson (also found as Ned) was a Native American, serving as Pvt. in Capt. Allyn’s Co. in the 8th Co., 3rd Regt., Connecticut Line. Enlisting on Nov. 25, 1780 for a three year period, he also served in Capt. Dorrance’s 6th Co. for a little over two years. Wintering in “Connecticut Village...just back of Constitution Island, opposite West Point...,” Nedson’s fellow soldiers began drilling in Spring 1781--Johnston, p. 302. In May, one regiment’s orders declared, “No man to appear on parade with unwashed hands or uncombed hair. The N(on) C(omm) officers to powder their hair if flour can be obtained....” Marching in June to Peekskill, Washington envisioned the Connecticut Line launching an attack on New York City, or on the British in Virginia. Nedson and the Line “were instructed to perfect their drill and discipline, and to take due pride in their appearance in view of the approaching junction with the French contingent....” July 1781 saw the troops regularly enjoying “baked bread” and “cooked beef.” On Aug. 19, Washington broke up the camp “and began the famous movement southward that ended in the surrender at Yorktown,” at which part of the Connecticut Line was given to LaFayette for Virginia, and the rest remained in the Hudson Highlands. There the troops “watched the movements of the Commander-in-Chef with the greatest interest and held a military jubilee upon receiving news of the surrender of Cornwallis and his army.” Because Huntington was with Washington at the siege of Yorktown, it is possible that he can here attest that Nedson served the full year because Nedson was with him in Virginia. Those who had gone to Virginia returned to West Point in December. Soon after returning home, Nedson married Tyra Apes. Toning along one vertical fold, passing through two letters of Huntington’s signature; some dust-toning at left and right margins, light toning of left half, hole near deckled edge in blank right corner actually a papermaking imperfection; ink an interesting matte brown, likely mixed in camp, else very good. Material relating to American Indians serving in the Revolution is rare. $1300-1700 |
2-3. The Man who Saved the Declaration of Independence.A.L.S. of S(tephen) Pleasanton, State Dept. clerk who saved the original Declaration of Independence and other priceless documents from destruction by the British in 1814. Under orders from James Monroe, Pleasanton filled several linen sacks with the still-unpublished secret Journals of Congress, George Washington’s commission and correspondence, the Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and other precious items. Noting the Declaration still hanging on the wall, he added that as well, carrying the cargo by wagon to an empty stone house in Virginia. Two nights later, the British arrived in Washington, burning many buildings. Overseeing Treasury’s Lighthouse Establishment for 32 years, his frugality - continuing to use whale oil in the beacons instead of the new Fresnel lenses - led to his ouster. “Dept. of State,” Mar. 29, 1819, 7 3/4 x 9 3/4, 1 full p. To government printers Elisha Babcock & Son. Here as Acting Sec. of State under Madison, “...There was no appropriation...out of which your account for publishing the laws, could be paid, and it was only within a few days past that such an appropriation was made by Congress. We cannot however, undertake to remit the money as you request...You will be pleased therefore to authorize some member of Congress or other person here to call and receive the amount due you.” Long folded, with two wide horizontal bands sun-toning sheet from cream to medium brown; nearly separated at upper horizontal fold, silver-dollar-size brown stains at each corner from old mounting; cosmetically challenged but satisfactory and rare. Unlisted in Sanders. With 1978 invoice and envelope of Dana’s House, 10.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 |
2-4. Descendant of Nathan Hale.Signature of Edward E(verett) Hale for a collector, “I am glad to do what you wish” also in his hand. 3 1/4 x 4 1/2, in cloud grey on cream. Author of The Man Without a Country and many other works; descendant of Nathan Hale (Edward Everett’s father named for him), nephew of Edward “the other Gettysburg Address” Everett, and related to Helen Keller. A child prodigy, Hale entered Harvard at age 13, soon elected Class Poet. Vertical fold passing through “r” of “Edward,” else fine. With 1968 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 3.00. Ex-Maxfield Collection. $45-65 |
2-5. A Missing Signer of the Declaration.D.S. of George Clinton, with Hancock-esque signature as first Governor of New York, serving six terms; Revolutionary War Gen.; one of only two to serve as Vice Pres. under two Presidents (Jefferson and Madison), the other John C. Calhoun. As a member of the 2nd Continental Congress, Clinton would have signed the Declaration had Washington not ordered him to command defenses of the Hudson Highlands in July 1776. Interestingly, Clinton appears in John Trumbull’s famed painting of the assembled Signers – enduring on three series of the modern $2 bill featuring the scene on its reverse. Partly printed, n.p. but likely N.Y.C., then the capital of both N.Y. State and the United States, Feb. 27, 1789, 6 1/4 x 7 3/4. Paying Ezra Thompson “for Attendance as a Delegate in Convention at Poughkeepsie, as a Member from Dutchess County...” between June 17-July 26, 1788. Also signed by Platt Smith, during the Revolution in 6th Regt., Dutchess County Militia; later in N.Y.S. Assembly with Aaron Burr. Two old pinholes in blank portion, dust-toning along top and right edges, pleasing uniform coffee-and-cream toning, light chipping on two edges affecting no text, else very good. Darkly penned and attractive for display. “A fiery young radical and defender of freedom of speech and of the press...”--D.A.B. Opposing the Constitution, Clinton “preferred to remain the most powerful citizen of N.Y. rather than occupy a subordinate place under a national government....” He is now believed the mysterious “Cato,” answering Alexander Hamilton’s “Caesar,” in the battle of the letters in period newspapers. Clinton opposed Hamilton’s proposal to allow Congress to impose tariffs, fearing interference with New York’s main source of income! With 1976 invoice and large certified mail envelope of Conway Barker, 75.00 (also containing his suggestions on document preservation). Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $300-375 |
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2-6. Robert E. Lee’s Father, “the ambitious boy-commander”--Boatner.D.S. with oversize signature of Revolutionary War icon Henry (“Light-Horse Harry”) Lee, father of Robert E. Lee. Richmond, Mar. 9, 1792 - early in his first year as Gov. of Va., 12 1/4 x 15, wafer seal. Land grant to Martin Brown, “on the waters of the Saw Mill Run stream of the South Branch on the Little Mountain...to a Black oak, Hickory and Gum....” Commissioned June 1776 at age 17 by Patrick Henry, Lee soon impressed Washington, becoming a close friend. By age 23, he was leading Lee’s Legion, one of the war’s elite units. “His subsequent story is the history of the Southern campaign”--D.A.B. Leaving office, his fortune changed: speculating in land, he was imprisoned for debt. Returning from the West Indies as his health faltered, he was put ashore in Georgia, nursed by the daughter of Nathaniel Greene. Lee’s Memoirs are termed “one of the finest military memories in the language”--Boatner. Some nibbles at top, two irregular intrusions at right, affecting few words of manuscript and one letter of printed text, 2” carrot-shaped natural flaw in vellum at right center; varying creamy toning, text somewhat light but legible, signature bold and moderately rich brown, and in all, satisfactory. It is Lee who lauded Washington “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” With 1976 invoice of C.D. Price, 100.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $575-775 |
2-7. The Magic Year – 1776.Charming manuscript receipt for year’s salary signed with paraph by John Vinal, Newbury Port (Mass.), Oct. 8, 1776, 3 3/4 x 5 1/2. Later in the war, Vinal was a witness at the bonding of the original Intrepid, a 20-gun, 160-crew Navy ship--Naval Records of the American Revolution, 1775-88, Charles Henry Lincoln, Manuscripts Div., Library of Congress, 1906, p. 353 (modern research accompanies). A colonial schoolmaster, Vinal also drew the original plans for Newburyport. Lovely for display. With 1976 invoice of Antiques Americana, 6.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 |
2-8. Rare Document in the Hand of an Important Spy.A.D.S. of American soldier – and spy – Noah Phelps, “Col(onel),” Hartford, June 29, 1780, 6 1/2 x 8 1/4. Receipt for £342 “to pay the Bounties of the Soldiers who enlist into the Continental Army from the 10th Regt. and for which I am to account.” Docketed. Phelps was “one of the Com(mittee) of War (who) inspected the fort [Ticonderoga] and reported its condition before the surprise”--The Record of Connecticut Men...During the War of the Revolution..., Johnston, p. 31. Using funds raised by Silas Deane, William Williams, and other patriots, Phelps and a Capt. Mott set out with just “six or eight volunteers from Hartford.” Adding Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, and others to his expedition (p. 29), Benedict Arnold caught up with them, insinuating himself into marching at the head of the column. “Capt. Phelps states in a memorial that when the expedition reached Bennington, a council of war was held which directed him and Mr. Hecock...to proceed in disguise to the fort beforehand and report on its condition, which service he ‘cheerfully undertook’...” (p. 29). (Note that there were two Noah Phelpses: another from East Windsor, Conn., who died in Mar. 1778, and this one, from Simsbury, who is associated with Ticonderoga. After 1775 he appears in records as an “Army contractor in (the) Northern Dept.” (p. 98). Lacking blank upper right corner but believed a papermaking imperfection as the top deckle continues; toning at left and margins, one fold a trifle worn, else fine. Phelps material is excessively rare. He was one of the first documented espionage agents of the incipient United States to spearhead a major, seminal mission. Apart from its victorious - and bloodless - outcome, the expedition had another consequence: When informed that he would not be the new commander of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Benedict Arnold resigned his commission “and left the service with his first of a succession of grievances” (Boatner). Thus the crossed paths of Phelps, the American patriot and spy, and Arnold, “the Iago of Traitors” (Secret History, Van Doren). With modern copy of account of Phelps’ James Bondian mission. $750-950 |
2-9. Feeding the Army’s Horses – with a Link to Spy Noah Phelps.Lengthy manuscript accounting headed “Commissary Genl. of Forage / To Jno. Humphr(e)y, Jr.,” Aug. 15, 1778-June 1, 1779, 2 1/2 pp., 7 1/4 x 11 3/4. 77 line-items in all, listing payments to suppliers to the troops, with names, description, and amount. “Eli Young for 3 Tons hay, £22.10.0...Jededi(ah) Case for 34 Bushels Corn...David Gideon for keeping Cattle...Joel Cornish for keeping Horse...Solomon Allyn for 7 Bushels Oats...Salmon Burr for 1 Bushel Buck Wheat...James Harwington for Transporting hay...Jacob Pettibon(e) for use of his Barn....” Most purchases hay, though Humphrey supplied oats and kept a horse for the Army as well. Sgt. in 4th, then 10th Co., of Jedidiah Huntington’s Regt., beginning 1775 Humphrey served under Maj. Elihu Humphrey of Simsbury. After the siege of Boston, in 1776 Humphrey’s regiment marched under Washington to fortify Manhattan, then Brooklyn, fighting in the Battle of Long Island. Surrounded by the British, many in his regiment were taken prisoner. Becoming Col. in Conn.’s 18th Regt. in Oct. 1776, rather astonishingly, Humphrey was succeeded by Noah Phelps, the spy and a hero of Ticonderoga (see preceding lot); both men were from Simsbury. Johnston’s reference is unclear about exactly when Phelps replaced Humphrey, but it indicates that Phelps was promoted to Lt. Col. in May 1778, then promoted again to Col. in May 1779. It is possible that Phelps was actually the commanding officer of the 18th Regt. during the period recorded in this document, as his previous entry in Johnston is his one-year service as Capt. in Ward’s Regt. ending May 14, 1777. 3 1/2 x 7 1/4 bottom portion of second leaf lacking, probably torn away to make use of the blank paper, as was fairly common; short break at two horizontal folds, tear along vertical spine; varying in darkness from lean to moderate, but all readily legible; some understandable handling wear, else about very good. Fascinating association. $450-675 |
2-10. Discharge by the Man who Helped Stop the American Mutiny.A.D.S. of R(eturn) J(onathan) Meigs, “Colo. Comdg., 1st Conn. Brigade,” Westfield, N.J., May 9, 1780, 3 3/4 x 6. “Elisha Hall of the 6th Conn. Regt. having faithfully Served 3 years...is discharged from the Army; the Commissaries on the Road to Connecticut will Please to furnish him with 8 days provisions.” Interesting docketing, May 12, 1780, “Elisha Hall has been furnished with Provisions....” Already in the 6th Conn. - the “Leather Cap” Regt. - in 1772, after Lexington and Concord he led his men to the Boston lines. Second in command to Enos in Benedict Arnold’s March to Quebec, Meigs kept a journal, penned with ink made by mixing gunpowder and water in the palm of his hand! Famed for his brilliant 1777 Sag Harbor Raid, for which Congress voted him one of their “elegant swords.” Receiving a note of thanks from Washington for his part in stopping mutiny of the Connecticut Line in 1780, a few months later Meigs’ regiment was one of the first to reinforce the Hudson Highlands when Arnold’s treason was discovered. Meigs’ unusual first name is said to have come from an ancestor “riding away after having his suit repeatedly rejected by a Quaker lady, when the damsel repented and called out, ‘Return, Jonathan!’ He gave these happy words to his son for a name...”--Appleton’s in Boatner. Blank upper left corner separated and reattached with tape, three parallel folds, some pocket wear and patination, else about very good. $425-600 |
2-11. Enticing Soldiers for Artillery with a £4 Bounty.Manuscript document signed twice (once with initials) by (Capt.) John Shipman, (7th Militia Regt.), “Say Brook” (Conn.), Apr. 9, 1778, 7 1/2 x 12. “Being appointed to the Command of a Company of Artillery Men to be Stationed at Say Brook as p(e)r Orders and Instructions herein Inclosed [not present], you will observe a Bounty of £4 pr. Man given to all non Commis(sione)d Officers & Soldiers who Provide themselves...Likewise 1 months Pay advancd. on Inlistment, Which Money gentlemen, if you think Proper Please to give Lt. Shipman, the Bearer, an order on the Treasurer....” At bottom, in a florid clerical hand, Hartford, Apr. 10, signed by (Lt.) Benoni Shipman, receiving £130 from Committee of Pay Table. Address panel and docketing on verso. Small internal hole at right and 1/2” fragment at blank left lacking where opened, very light uniform dust-toning; John Shipman’s portion in coffee-and-cream but entirely legible, else good. The following year, John Shipman was Lt. of “Company for defense of Saybrook.” Benoni Shipman was one of 57 men in New Haven’s 2nd Co. Governor‘s Foot Guards, under Benedict Arnold, serving at Lexington Alarm. Also seeing action at the siege of Boston, in 1776 Benoni served in the 19th Continental Regt. in the N.Y.C. vicinity, and in 1776-77 in Knowlton’s Rangers. $225-300 |
2-12. Rum, Meat, and Bread for Americans – The Document Referenced in “The Making of America’s First Spymaster....”Unusual manuscript “Pay Abstract of a Company of Teams Raised...by Ezra Birch for the purpose of Transporting Baggage, Stores &c. for the French Army, from New Town [Conn.] to White Plains [N.Y.],” New Town, July 20 and Aug. 10, 1781, 1 full p., 7 1/4 x 12 1/2. Signed by Birch. Listing 13 men, with “No. Days in Service,” “Pay for Each Team...,” “Rations or Jills [Gills] Rum not drawn,” “Pay pr. Jill,” and “Two Days Meat & Bread not drawn.” Uniformly toned to mocha, tattered at left and bottom margins, but only touching the first letters in the three top lines, else very satisfactory. Ex-collection of John A. Nagy, espionage historian of the Revolution, and author of four books on the subject, including George Washington’s Secret Spy War: The Making of America’s First Spymaster, in which this very document referenced on pp. 221 and 332 (note 25). Nagy’s riveting book describes “the untold story of how Washington took a disorderly, ill-equipped rabble and defeated the best trained and best equipped army of its day in the Revolutionary War...Nagy has become the nation’s leading expert on the subject, discovering hundreds of spies who went behind enemy lines to gather intelligence during the Revolution, many of whom are completely unknown to most historians. Using George Washington’s diary as the primary source, Nagy tells the story of Washington’s experiences during the French and Indian War and his first steps in the field of espionage. Despite what many believe, Washington did not come to the American Revolution completely unskilled in this area of warfare. Espionage was a skill he honed during the French & Indian war and upon which he heavily depended during the Revolution....” $500-750 |
2-13. A Patriot Physician.Attractive partly printed D.S. of W(illiam) Eustis, young Revolutionary War surgeon, working alongside the illustrious Dr. Joseph Warren at Lexington and Concord, then at Bunker Hill, where Warren would be killed; served with Lafayette, Sec. of War under Madison, Gov. of Mass., close friend of Aaron Burr (it is thought that Eustis may have been subject of a teenage crush of Burr’s daughter, Theodosia). One of the more unusual uses of Eustis’ medical skills occurred in 1780, treating Benedict Arnold’s wife Peggy for hysteria, upon discovery of her husband’s plot and his sudden flight. “Due in part to his inexperience in managing the Army...military failures in the early months of the War of 1812 were laid on his shoulders, leading to his resignation”--wikipedia. 6 3/4 x 8 1/4, Washington, June 6, 1809 - three months after becoming Sec. of War. Order to Robert Brent, Pay-Master of Army, for advance pay to Lt. Wm. Gates of Regt. of Art(iller)y. Browned, brittle, breaks but no separation at horizontal fold, lacking blank lower right corner, else still suitable for display. With photocopy of 1977 Dana’s House invoice, 17.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 |
2-14. June 11, 1775: Wages for the Alarm at Lexington & Concord.Manuscript pay order to Selectmen of East Windsor “for Expence & Wages &c. of Capt. Mathew Grant’s Co. in the late Alarm...and Charge the same to acct. of Colony (of) Conn.,” probably Hartford, June 11, 1775, 6 x 7 irregular. Signed by Wm. Pitkin, Thos. Seymour, and Oliver Ellsworth, the latter with Hancock-esque paraph. Signed on verso for Grant, who had previously served in the alarm of Fort William Henry in French & Indian War. Son of the colonial Gov. of Conn., Pitkin was a member of Council of Safety, and is listed in Americans of Royal Descent (1891). • Seymour, who would soon run afoul of Washington in the worst way: In June 1776, Gov. Trumbull appointed now-Lt. Col. Seymour “commander of all the Conn. Horse at N.Y.” (Johnston, p. 475), to join Washington in anticipation of a British attack on Manhattan. But considering themselves “elite,” upon their arrival on July 11, Seymour’s 400 men refused to perform fatigue duty - general labor of a non-military nature. This caused a morale problem, leading Washington to write Seymour in a famous letter five days later, “...If your men think themselves exempt from the common duties of a soldier, will not mount guard, do garrison duty, or the service separate from their horses, they can be no longer of use here where horses can’t be brought to action, & I do not care how soon they are dismissed.” Seymour and his men were sent home to Connecticut. • Ellsworth was a delegate to both Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention. One of the committee of five that drafted the Constitution, Connecticut Yankee Ellsworth played an important role in drafting the Connecticut Compromise, giving equal representation to large and small states in the Senate. However, he left the Convention before the final draft was completed, probably unwittingly foregoing immortality as a Signer; later Chief Justice of Supreme Court. Blank wedge about 2 x 3 1/4 torn from lower right quadrant, clearing all text, guessed to have been already shaped thusly when the document was penned, else fine. If backed with similar shade dark cream paper, effect would be minimized. See following lot of June 11, 1776. $300-375 |
2-15. June 11, 1776: Countdown to July 4th – and Washington’s Fury at Troops’ High-Handedness.Handsome manuscript pay order signed by O(liver) Ellsworth, June 11, 1776 – the day that Thomas Jefferson was appointed by Congress to draft a declaration of independence, which would first be declared on July 2nd. For “82 pounds, 5 shillings & 7 pence 3 farthings money for purchase & premium of 236 1/2 pounds Salt Petre duly certified & Charge the Colony....” Salt petre, made by powder mills into gun powder, was being accumulated at this time by the colonists. 4 1/4 x 8 1/4. In hand of T(homas) Seymour (see interesting biographical information in above lot). Signed on verso by Elijah Granger, evidently the vendor, on June 11, and by auditor E. Plummer. Old folds, else excellent and clean. Reflecting the high-voltage electricity of the Summer of ‘76. $475-575 |
“...The poor have little to lose; but you depend on these to defend your country
and fight your battles...speedily establishing these United States...”
2-16. Patriotic Revolutionary War Almanac.Astronomical Diary; or, Almanack for...1778...the second Year of American Independence, which began July fourth, 1776..., by Nathaniel Low. Boston: J. Gill. Detailed title page woodcut showing “what part of the Body the [astrological] signs govern.” 4 1/2 x 7 1/4, (24) pp., period resewing with thin brown twine. Containing a rather remarkable “Address to the People, On the subject of Monopoly and Extortion,” paraphrasing Patrick Henry’s rallying cry: “From an ardent glow of generous patriotism, and a sincere attachment to the cause of freedom...When tyranny and usurpation, by terrible strides across the Atlantic reached our peaceful shores, and made the first attack upon our liberties, it is surprising with what boldness you asserted your rights as freemen...How justly as well as severely did you also stigmatize those daring villains...the universal cry was ‘death is preferable to slavery.’ Almost the whole Continent with one heart and one voice...But the scene at length has shifted. Public virtue has declined, and given way to private interest. Monopoly and extortion...has overwhelmed the land...and the cloud still gathers blackness in our hemisphere...To see a band of people distressing and devouring one another, while a public enemy in the bowels of their country, are spreading devastation and ruin on every side...affronting the medium of trade, by distressing the poor, and discouraging the inlistment of soldiers...The fate of your fortunes depends on the success of your arms. It is the rich that are principally affected by this dispute. The poor have little to lose; but you depend on these to defend your country and fight your battles...It is hoped...a means of speedily establishing these United States, in circumstances of peace, liberty and safety....” At rear, full-p. “Strictures on Fear, Cowardice and Valour,” to further spur his patriotic readers. Two-pp. description of making of molasses and sugar. A primitive production, printed with ancient, well-worn type on an assortment of thicknesses and two shades of paper - greenish-tan and wheat, almost all retaining deckle at two edges. Front and back covers heavily dust-toned but improveable with conservation; printing impressions vary from delicate to rich black (the three of the four editorial pages the latter), edge wear and some handling soiling from much use, but very satisfactory. In custom folding slipcase, flag-red cloth, purple, mocha, and yellow marbled lining, made first half 1970s; excellent. The most recent example recorded in RareBookHub’s database of auction and dealer catalogues, 1860-present, was in 1919 (Anderson Galleries, N.Y.), then 1912, 1906, and 1888! Drake 3272. $325-375 |
2-17. An English Orator’s Final Warning on America – 1775.Exceedingly rare, important pamphlet, “Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents,” (by Edmund Burke), London, 1775, fifth ed., 5 x 8 1/4, 118 pp. Issued five years after the title’s first appearance, demand for this edition was driven by Burke’s notable speeches in the House of Commons, as the troubles in America rose to a boil. He begins, “It is an undertaking of some degree of delicacy to examine into the cause of public disorders... To complain of the age we live in, to murmur at the present possessors of power, to lament the past... are the common dispositions of the greatest part of mankind...Unless the influence of Government in elections can be entirely taken away, the more frquently they return, the more they will harrass private independence (p. 96)...There is, however, a time for all things...Men will see the necessity of honest combination; but they may see it when it is too late...The law, for which they stand, may become a weapon in the hands of its bitterest enemies; and they will be cast...between slavery and civil confusion...Early activity may prevent late and fruitless violence...If other ideas should prevail, things must remain in their present confusion; until they are hurried into all the rage of civil violence; or until they sink into the dead repose of despotism.” Set into Henry Stevens, Son & Stiles’ trademark blue wrappers, some creasing of overhang. Title page slightly rotated when bound by printer, some warm cream toning, light blind scoring of few blank corners, else crisp, fresh, and very fine. Surprisingly rare in all editions, RareBookHub identifying just three appearances of the title (2008, 1968, and 1928) - all for prior editions. WorldCat locates only one copy of this fifth edition, in the British Library. With Stiles’ catalogue cutting of first half of 1970s; off the market since. In custom-made folding slipcase, saddle-brown leatherette, complementary marbled lining, title in bright gilt. Sabin 9303. Essential for a collection on American independence, and likely the only copy that will become available in the forseeable future. $350-425 |
2-18. The Reply to Edmund Burke – and the “haughty, insolent” American Slavemasters.Superlatively rare pamphlet, the response to another of Edmund Burke’s apocryphal speeches, on Mar. 22, 1775. “A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq.; Member of Parliament for the City of Bristol, and Agent for the Colony of New York, &c. in answer to his Printed Speech...,” by Josiah Tucker. Gloucester, printed by R. Raikes; sold by T. Cadell, London. Second ed., 1775, 5 x 8, 58 + 2 pp., disbound segment. Stirring the pot as the Revolution erupted, an eloquent lambasting of America, the Americans - and of Burke. “As you have been pleased to bestow much Abuse and Scurrility on me in your public Speech of the 19th of Apr., 1774...you observe, ‘that in the Character of the Americans, a Love of Freedom is the predominating Feature...And that the Americans become suspicious, restive and untractable, whenever they see the least Attempt to wrest from them by Force...what they think the only Advantage worth living for...’ Sir, I perfectly agree with you...And I will add further, what you chuse to conceal, that the same People were restive and untractable from the Beginning. For as far back, as...1696, they manifested the plainest Intention of disowning the Authority of the English Legislature...The Americans of late have acted very agreeably to this shifting Scene of new Lords and new Laws...Their Provincial Congresses...their Town-Meetings, their Liberty-Tree Meetings, have a natural Tendency to beget a popular, republican Spirit...to the perpetual Control and Caprice of the Mob...It is already an established Maxim in that Country, that the Voice of the People--is the Voice of God....” Countering Burke’s statement that the Americans’ religions of “agreeing in nothing, but in the Communication of the Spirit of Liberty,” Tucker continues, “The present Dissenters in North America retain very little of the peculiar Tenets of their Fore-fathers, excepting their Antipathy to our established Religion, and their Zeal to pull down all Orders in Church and State....” Refers to the Southern Colonies and their “Multitudes of Slaves,” bent against contributing to their own defense. “...The Masters of such Slaves are...haughty, insolent, and imperious in private Life....” Castigating the Americans for their issue of currency, and justifying the Stamp Act. In custom folding slipcase made in 1970s, British-red cloth, golden yellow and brown marbled endpapers, gilt title and spine. Two diagonal toned bands on title page, from flaps of slipcase, trivial chips of upper and lower right tips on first two leaves, else fresh and excellent. Slipcase excellent. Rarebookhub locates no copies from 1860 to present, either at auction or in dealers’ catalogues. $300-400 |
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3-1. Consecutive Shipboard Letters from a Privateer Extraordinaire.Extraordinary pair of A.Ls.S. of George W. Babcock, one of the Revolution’s most successful privateers. “On Board Ship [General] Mifflin,” penned on consecutive days, May 11 and 12, 1779, 6 x 7 and 6 1/4 x 7, respectively, each 1 p. The first to Mungo Mackey, “Merchant, Boston, by Mr. Trotten”: “Mr. Trotten a Gentleman I have taken in ye Elephant who has Required an Irreprehensible Carrecter [sic]; & when he arrives att Boston, I hope Dear Sir it will Bee Agreeable to you & likewise ye Rest of ye Owners to assist him as Far as you find him a Gentleman. Mr. McDrum Lieut. & Dr. Young craves your Clemency with Favors, which If Granted will Greatly Oblige, Sir.” Integral address-leaf. A sea-worn letter, two-tone patination where old tape at folds removed, mousechew at three internal folds of address panel, but miraculously affecting only the cross of initial “T(o)”; ink stain at lower left of letter, but still satisfactory and displayable. • Second letter to “Lieut. Trotten on Board the Elephant”: “To Mr. Trotten, Capt. Renice & other Gentlemen, Prisoners on Board the Ship Elephant, You are Hereby Requested, by my Orders To Repair Below to your Respective Lodging att 8 O’clock, without Failure. Your Compliance to this Ord(e)r if I ever meet you Again Will Engage you in ye favor.” Two-tone patination where old tape at folds removed, some soiling both sides, text in right margin dampstained and lighter but legible; much wear, but satisfactory. Babcock material is excessively rare. $1400-1900 (2 pcs.) |
3-2. “Rum & Lemmons for Launching” a new American Brig.Fascinating manuscript accounts of costs to build and launch “The New Brigantine Hephzibah,” to ship’s Captain D(aniel) Adams, Beverly (Mass.), Feb. 5, 1784, 7 1/2 x 12 1/2, 1 1/2 pp. Listing expenses from “June ye 20th” to Nov. 16, 1783. Fascinating detail, including “Cash paid Ralph Cross [shipbuilder], £80.17.4...”; later a Brig. Genl., Cross with his brother Stephen also built the celebrated Navy frigates Hancock, Boston, and Protector. Also showing, “Cash advanced Mr. Greenleaf, The Blacksmith...Cash paid ye Joiner, Mr. Harris...Painting...Horse hire to Newbury(port, Mass.) & Berwick...Deck nails...Pitch...1 bbl. Turpentine...Cooperage of nails & Expenses to Boston...Freight of Rigging...Caulking...Labourers night & day, 24 days, £3.12.6. Freight of Cables & Cordage from Boston by Capt. Jones...Sundry Sorts of nails...Rum & Lemmons for Launching, £1.9.4. 4 Galls. Rum for Rigger, 18.8...Capt. Hanwood freight of Iron...Board & Expenses at Davenport...A Hammer, Tar Brush...1 Gall. Rum pd. Hoyt...Sundrys at Portsmouth [N.H.]...Sail Boug(h)t for ye Voyage....” A grand total of £332.2.11 was spent, from early construction, to outfitting, and first voyage – including ample rum. Capt. Daniel Adams served on Mass. Navy ships Independence and Freedom. Captured with the latter brigantine, he later commanded several privateers. Light wear at fold junctions, some moderate ink show-through, else fine and highly attractive. Capturing the flavor and personalities of the early Navy. $250-350 |
3-3. “Navall officer in the Port at New London.”Early naval appointment bond signed by Rich(ar)d Christopher, New London, “within his Majesty’s Colony of Conn. in New England,” Feb. 10, 1728/9, 7 1/2 x 12 1/4. Stipulating £200 “current money...firmly bound unto the Honbl. Joseph Talcott, Genl. of the sd. Colony...to well and fully perform the several acts and dutys...(as) navall officer in the Port at New London....” Remnants of red wax seal beside signature. Witnessed by Jno. and Peter Plumbe. Dark spotting, perhaps scorching, at upper right edge but with no loss of text, three waterstains, two within text, one in lower blank area, foxing at blank bottom portion, but darkly penned, very satisfactory, and suitable for display. Ex-Seaport Autographs. $375-475 |
3-4. Future Commander of the U.S.S. Constitution receives Bounty for Continentals.A.D.S. of Capt. Silas Talbot, likely Rhode Island, Mar. 19, 1777, 2 1/2 x 6 3/4. “Recd. of Maj. Sam Ward (Jr.) $300 to be appropriated toward paying the bounty of the Soldiers. I shall enlist in the Cont(inenta)l Batt(alio)n now raising in this State.” Talbot served in both the Continental Army and Navy, leading a swashbuckling career. While trying to use his fire ship to set a 64-gun British warship ablaze in 1776, he was severely burned. In another cinematic episode, his ship’s deck was strewn with casualties after a victorious clash with the British Dragon. Towing his prize while his sailors pumped out water to keep both ships afloat, he encountered a second British ship. “...Refusing to surrender...things seemed hopeless for the Rebels, but in a real-life ending straight out of a movie, the 6-cannon American craft Macaroni showed up just in time to help Talbot...defeat and capture the Hannah...”--“Balladeer’s Blog,” glitternight.com. Finally captured and held first in a notorious British prison ship in New York Harbor, then sent to Plymouth prison in England, Talbot was rescued by Ben Franklin, the negotiation taking some two years. Named by Washington one of the original six captains in the new Navy, he commanded the immortal U.S.S. Constitution 1799-1801. In all, Talbot was wounded thirteen times, carrying five bullets in his body. • In the 1st R.I., Ward was captured at Quebec on New Year’s Eve 1775. Exchanged in Summer 1776, he fought at Morristown, wintered at Valley Forge with Washington, seeing action at Newport the next year. His father had proposed Washington as commander-in-chief, and had Ward, Sr. not died in Mar. 1776, he probably would have been a Signer of the Declaration. Granddaughter of this document’s Ward, Jr. was Julia Ward Howe. Teardrop margin at left, where cut from a larger sheet; short fraying within blank curve, light toning at right edge, else about fine. Talbot material is scarce. $600-800 |
3-5. A North Carolina Patriot and Privateer Trades with the French.Intriguing, lengthy letter from “R(ichar)d & J(ame)s Ellis,” wealthy, influental Irish merchants and shipowners in New Bern (N.C.), Aug. 30, 1778, 2 pp., 7 1/4 x 9 1/2. To “Mr. Terrasson des Acherer, York Town, Va.”; the Terrasson Brothers of Philadelphia, a branch of the family’s firm in Lyon, France, supplied the American and French Armies during the Revolution, and exported tobacco from the South. Docketed in French. “Your favours... inclosing 2 letters from Messrs. LeCouteulez[?] came to hand last night...Lament that the unfavourable winds deprived us of the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with...any Gent(leme)n recommended by our good friends Messrs. LeCouteulez. However we flatter ourselves with the pleasure of your Company at a future Day when the hurry of business will be a little over...The Snow you enquire after is safe arrived at Cape Lookout, about 40 miles from home...The Capt...said he intended going into Chesapeake Bay...Agreeable to Letters of recommendation which he bro(ugh)t from Capt. DeCottineau at Cape Lookout, we offered him every Service...Inclosed is prices Curr(en)t for yr. perusal [not present].” In 1778, while carrying military supplies, DeCottineau’s ship Ferdinand was forced into Cape Lookout Bay for repairs, finding the harbor protected from the weather and sea. Integral address-leaf; red wax seal, fine cracks but apparently embossed with a large bird. Tear on opposing blank portion where opened, address side with some soiling, balance toned to pleasing ivory, minor wear, else very good. Richard Ellis’ privateers “...were instrumental in keeping the ports open along North Carolina’s Outer Banks during the Revolution as about the only lifelines of water shipments of supplies to Gen. Washington...”--Gertrude Carraway in Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. As early as June 1776, Richard Ellis liaised with the Provincial Congress on arming vessels, trading oak for gunpowder. In that month, Ellis was appointed by the N.C. Council of Safety, to fit out the armed Brig Pennsylvania Farmer, manage the crew, and report before the next Congress. Ellis was also given permission to “export white oak staves from this Province to the French, Dutch, or neutral West-India Islands...” in exchange for importing gunpowder for the “publick.” In that same tempestuous month, he applied for Letters of Marque and Reprisal for his 70-gun armed sloop, the Heart-of-Oak, and given bond “agreeable to Resolutions of the Continental Congress...”--American Archives..., Peter Force, p. 1454. The guns firing from Ellis’ ship and a rival’s wharf on July 4, 1778 were “believed the first observation of the Fourth of July as Independence Day in N.C., following only those in Boston and Phildelphia”--Carraway. Reflecting the complex relationships involved in winning independence. $575-775 |
3-6. A Privateer urges a Disgraced Naval Commander, “Hurry onto Congress as fast as possible.”Lengthy A.L.S. of Adam Babcock, merchant and ship owner, who would support his correspondent’s privateering venture two years later. Boston, Nov. 4, 1779, 1 3/4 pp., 7 1/4 x 12. To Dudley Saltonstall, conspicuous commander in Continental Navy, dismissed just a month earlier when his leadership in the Penobscot Expedition ended in disaster, with 474 men and all twenty ships lost. The artillery commander - Paul Revere - was acquitted, but Salstonstall was court-martialed. Here, Babcock attempts to undo the burden of disgrace: “I have anxiously waited...for the petition from Mr. Morton but to my great mortification...he informs me he has not done it...You had better go on to Philad(elphi)a Yourself and have Your petition drawn by Mr. Ingersoll. I have inclosed You a Bill upon Philada. for £3,000 [not present] which You will please to do me the favour to accept as a testimony of my affection & Esteem - and hurry onto Congress as fast as possible. Make the most decent appearance that you can & success attend You. Inclosed [not present] is a Letter from Mr. Parsons (the Genl.’s Brother). Give my Love to Sister Franny...You have gone to Philada. and have justice done you. I called upon the Judge Advocate for a Copy of your Sentence which he said he had no right to give. I then call(ed) upon the Navy Board for a Copy of the Sentence which they refused, nor would either of them tell me what it was...They must redress You. With Love to Your dear Wife....” (Babcock was a relative of Saltonstall’s wife.) When the Continental Navy was established in 1775, Saltonstall became its senior officer under Esek Hopkins. In the Revolution’s first naval operations, he was exonerated after the Alfred-Glasgow Encounter in 1776. Still, Saltonstall was the fourth-ranking captain. After his 1779 combat debacle, reflecting on “poor planning...and timid leadership” (wikipedia), he was dismissed from the Navy. He convinced Babcock to support his new venture, as a privateer. Two years later, Saltonstall’s 16-gun Minerva garnered the richest prize ever captured by a Conn. ship, the British Hannah, valued at £80,000. Darkening in rectangular panel where once folded, waterstain at top, several fine overfolds, reddish toning at left margin, trimmed along right edge of verso, affecting ends of three lines and “k” of Babcock’s signature, else very satisfactory. $950-1200 |
With Link to Pennsylvania’s Other Declaration of July 4, 1776
3-7. An Indentured Mariner on a Fabled Ship uses his Prize Money to buy his Freedom – 1776.Manuscript prize money agreement with dramatic and exciting subtext, signed by cooper William Milnor of Philadelphia and Daniel Clymer, Sept. 24, 1776, 8 x 13, 1 full p., penned in unusual cranberry-red on ivory with pictorial French watermark. Milnor and John Williams, mariner, agree that since the latter “lately made a prize as a privateersman on board the Reprisal, Capt. Lambert Wickes, Commander, which vessel during the cruise had taken three prizes, of which prizes the said Milnor as witness is entitled to the shares thereof the said Williams...& was under an indenture to the said Milnor. Now know ye that it is agreed mutually between the said parties that the said Milnor shall receive the one half part of wages and prize money belonging to the said Williams from the Reprisal and her prizes, and as the payment of one half thereof...Milnor covenants & agrees to and with the said Williams to cancel his indenture and given heirs a discharge in full of all demands.” Wickes is subject of a biography, Lambert Wickes, Sea Raider and Diplomat.... Primitive original small paper flaps over red wax seals, toning along three long folds, waterstains at top and bottom, some wear, else good plus, and appealing for display. On July 4, 1776, this document’s Lt. Col. Daniel Clymer was literally writing history, as Secretary (with Signer George Ross) at the Convention of Delegates representing Pennsylvania’s 4,500 militia. “While the Declaration of Independence was being written in Philadelphia, there was a declaration of the same general spirit and import being issued at Lancaster, Pa., wholly without the knowledge of the other...”--Journal of American History, 1910; modern copy of article accompanies. Clymer’s assemblage had been foretold, “The present campaign will probably decide the fate of America. It is now in your power to immortalize your names by mingling your achievements with the events of the year to the end of time, for establishing upon a lasting foundation, the liberties of one quarter of the globe....” Believed unaware of the events taking place some sixty miles away in Philadelphia, Clymer recorded the resolution to march “to the assistance of all or any of the free, independent states of America....” He was later Deputy Commissioner of Prisoners during the war. Lambert Wickes played a brilliant - and daring - role in the Revolution, perfecting “gunboat diplomacy - Revolution style,” positioning the French to become America’s ally. Listed ahead of John Paul Jones in seniority among the original 24 Continental Navy commanders and captains, Wickes led a remarkable career. On July 3, 1776, he was transporting William Bingham - said to be the richest man in America - to Martinique aboard the Reprisal, when they encountered the British Shark in the harbor. Wickes received a hero’s welcome on returning to Philadelphia - and a crucial mission for the Reprisal: bring a secret passenger to France on the Reprisal, Benjamin Franklin, to serve as American Commissioner. Along the way, Wickes became the first Continental Navy captain to capture prizes in European waters. Brazenly sailing into Irish waters, he then proceeded to take 23 ships as prizes, bringing the Revolution to the doorstep of Britain. “...Unfortunately, Wickes would not be around to see the fruits of his labors. His ship, the Reprisal, on its return trip to America, was wrecked in early Oct. 1777, swamped by a Nor’easter off Newfoundland which killed all aboard except the cook. Jonathan Williams, Benjamin Franklin’s grandnephew, writing to the American Commissioners in France late in 1777, reported, ‘I have just heard a melancholy Accot. of Capt. Wickes having foundered on the Banks of Newf(oun)dland.’ Alas, Williams’ report was true, and the life of one of the most successful and notorious of the Continental Navy’s captains came to a premature end that early October day. But Wickes left a remarkable list of accomplishments that have been overshadowed by the later adventures of (John Paul) Jones... “Regardless of how you classify him, Wickes had an almost unrivalled record of success in serving the American cause. Historian Steven Howarth states in his book, To Shining Sea: A History of The United States Navy, ‘Had [Wickes] lived, he might well have outshone his more celebrated colleague John Paul Jones; and of the two, it could be argued that Wickes was the more courageous, for when he conducted his pioneering raids, he (unlike Jones), had no guaranteed safe port in France. Wickes paved the way for Jones. Today Jones is far more widely remembered, and in the context of the U.S. Navy’s whole history, that is right. But at the time, Wickes’s contribution to the immediate cause of American independence was far greater...’”--Part of a lengthy treatise on Wickes at allthingsliberty.com. (Also see following lot for newspaper account of Wickes’ encounter with the Shark.) $1300-1700 |
3-8. Account of Capt. Wickes’ Reprisal, much from Staten Island, and the “Land...called Indiana.”The Pennsylvania Evening Post, Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1776, 8 x 10, 4 pp. On p. 2, news from St. Eustatia, Aug. 2 (the day the Declaration of Independence was actually signed): “We have just received an account from Martinico that the Reprisal, Capt. Weeks [sic], belonging to the Congress, had an engagement with the Sharp sloop of war...belonging to his Britannic Majesty, within sight of St. Pier(r)e’s, wherein the former had greatly the advantage, and acquired much honor amongst the French, many of whom were spectators...The Captain of the Sharp demanded the American rebel...but the French General refused to deliver him up. A French frigate is just arrived from Old France, with despatches... to Governors of the different islands, ordering them to protect and assist the American vessels as far as possible...From this it appears a French war is not far off.” Also, news from Staten Island, now occupied by 8,000 of Gen. Howe’s men, 2,350 Scotch, 2,500 “defeated troops under Cornwallis and Clinton from South-Carolina,” 9,000 “Hessians, Waldeckers and English guards,” and “Lord Dunmore’s scrubby fleet, about 50 fighting men, but with Negroes, Tories, &c.” From Albany, “there are 2,000 Indians with Gen. Schuyler....” From “the lake...our army consists of 5,000 effective men, hearty, and in high spirits...have 60 pieces of cannon...There were two officers sent out as spies some time since....” “The Proprietors of the Tract of Land on the Ohio, called Indiana, are hereby notified that...the meeting of the body is to be held in...Philadelphia...Matters of great importance will then be laid before them.” Filling page 1, news dated Aug. 9, of dramatic capture of the American privateer brig Yankee Hero on its way to Boston. Capt. James Tracy, “when clear of the smoke and fire, perceiving his rigging to be most shockingly cut, yards flying about...some of his principal sails shot to rags, and half his men...dying and wounded....” Himself severely wounded in the hip, “to the eternal disgrace of Britain, and the present King and Parliament...upwards of 30 Americans were forced...to fight against their countrymen...an exaction that even Savages have not been known to require....” Lengthy advertisement for new book, available “two doors above Messrs. Hall & Sellers’ printing-office, The Fall of British Tyranny, Or American Liberty Triumphant...Tragi-comedy of five acts...,” its scenes including “peculiar eloquence of those sons of Neptune [sailors], touching Tories, convicts, and black regulars....” Dust-toning at three margins, creases from primitive papermaking at blank overhang of second leaf, else fine. Lightly rubber-stamped in purple at blank top, “L(ibrary of) C(ongress) Duplicate.” Acquired by consignor c. 1970. Very scarce. In the previous month, this newspaper was first to print the Declaration of Independence. $450-650 |
3-9. A Scarce South Carolinian.A.D.S. of the new nation’s third Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton, Sept. 30, 1788, 3 x 7 3/4. “Recd...of Willm. Sanders...four Pounds 19/ in full of all demands against him and the Estate of James Sanders....” Born in S.C., Hamilton fought under Marion in the Revolution. Postwar Gov., his brief term as Sec. of the Navy included the beginning of the War of 1812. Hamilton’s then-small Navy won several remarkable victories over the British, but his attempts to strengthen the fleet found a hostile Congress and Pres. Madison indifferent, and he resigned at year’s end. In all, five ships, including three destroyers, have borne his name. Pea-sized ink blot by his hand on “m” of “Hamilton,” old eighth-folds, some toning, minor edge tear, else good plus. With 1977 invoice of Conway Barker, 30.00, plus 13¢ postage. Scarce even then. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. Unlisted in Sanders. $140-180 |
3-10. Jefferson Bans “Dishonorable Characters” – Deserters – from Reenlisting.Printed directive signed-in-type by Gen. H(enry) Dearborn, War Dept., June 11, 1802, broadside-style, 7 x 12 1/2. “Sundry persons, who have barely deserted the service of the United States, are desirous of being pardoned for this offence, and readmitted into the army. But it is the determination of the President [Jefferson]...to exclude such dishonorable characters from the ranks for the future...All officers be strictly enjoined not to recruit or receive...any man who has been guilty of desertion....” Signed in ink by Lt. Col. T(homas) H. Cushing, as Adjt. and Inspector. Docketing in contemporary hand, with red crayon file marking on verso. Three semicircular chips at blank left edge, pleasing cream toning, and fine. $120-150 |
3-11. Secretary of both Navy and Treasury - at the same time.A.L.S. of W(illiam) Jones, Philad(elphi)a, Apr. 30, 1819, 8 x 10. To Thomas Worthington, probably the “Father of Ohio Statehood” and “Father of the Ohio-Erie Canal.” Fighting at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, then at sea in the Revolution, Jones was first offered the post of Sec. of the Navy in 1801, but declined, to remain in Congress. Assuming the job during the War of 1812, “his policies contributed greatly to American success on the Great Lakes, and to a strategy of coastal defense and commerce-raiding on the high seas...”--wikipedia. For a time, Jones simultaneously served as Acting Sec. of the Treasury, certainly one of the very few to fill two Cabinet positions concurrently. Jones writes, “The blank with your signature annexed...has been filled up with a promissory note for $5,000, p(aya)bl(e) to...Cashier of the Bank of the U.S... leaving a balance in your favor of $178.85...Mrs. Jones will set out on the 16th...in company with Mr. & Mrs. Rockhill on a visit to your town....” Worthington’s estate was outside Chillicothe, once the capital of Ohio. Jones died later that year. Waterstain at upper left vertical margin, uniform cream toning, else about very good. Very scarce. Unlisted in Sanders. With 1977 invoice of Conway Barker, 32.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 |
3-12. Clash of the Alabama and Kearsage.Attractive Civil War songsheet, red and blue borders, flags at upper corners, “New Patriotic and Comic Song, of the Sinking of the Pirate Alabama, By the U.S. Gunboat Kearsage, Capt. Winslow, June 19, 1864,” by Silas S. Steele. Printed by J. Magee, Philadelphia, 5 x 8. On folded sheet, the three other pages left blank for a letter. “...The terrible Alabama! She was built by ‘neutral Johnny Bull,’ Who threatened Yankee ears to pull, Because they dealt in nigger wool; Tho’ cotton filled his pockets full...Our cruisers sought her round and round, She dodged them like a dastard hound...Till in Cherbourg port, coiled like a snake, She found the Alabama!...We struck her ‘neath the water line, And through her hull let in the brine...Here’s glory to our Navy true, To Winslow and brave Thornton too....” Light edge toning, else about fine. Very scarce. With 1982 invoice and envelope of Antebellum Covers, 18.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $65-90 |
3-13. Civil War-date Registration for the Brig Marcia.Elaborately steel-engraved, oversize oath of James Harriman, Jr. of Bangor, Maine, Master of the two-masted Brig Marcia. Issued at Portland, Oct. 14, 1861, 16 x 19. Listing names of owners with 1/8 and 3/8 shares in the vessel, variously. The Marcia was part of the 75-ship fleet built by the Sewell shipping house “for the deep sea”--...Ship-Building Industry in the U.S., U.S. Census Office, 1884, p. 71. Large scene of three ships in stormy coastal waters at top, 13 1/2”-long vertical border enclosing “Register of Vessels” - each letter containing the name of a different state in miniature, posing a challenge to the counterfeiter. Two logos of printer Murray Draper Fairman & Co. On left side, large vertical letters “United States,” composed of Gothic vinery, with vignettes of eagle atop shield, pikes and ploughshare. “Temporary” at corner. Attesting that ship was built at Bath in 1848, with its description: 86’ 8” length, 22’ 10’ breadth, 157 46/95ths ton, “square stern, no galleries, and a billet head.” Signed by Register L.E. Chittenden, Collector Jedidiah Jewett, and Surveyor C.J. Talbot. Two blind-embossed seals, including “Custom House / Dist. of Portland & Falmouth,” with ship. Tea(?) stain at lower center at specifications, folds at four corners, dust-toning at blank lower right, old 24th folds, moderate wear, but good plus and highly attractive. Plying the “Panama route,” active between 1848 and 1869, the Marcia undoubtedly carried numerous adventurers on their way to and from Gold Rush California. A scarce nautical form. $90-120 |
3-14. America’s Flagship Composer Salutes the Navy.Patriotic envelope bearing three pictorial rubber stamps, “Victory / U.S. Navy / Navy Teamwork,” showing thumbnails of three fighting ships, Seal of the Navy, and a globe. Signed in black by composer Richard Rodgers in large blank right portion. Postally unused. An obscure cover homemade in four steps, likely made in very limited numbers. Rodger’s prolific output, including “Victory at Sea,” played a seminal role in buoying the nation’s morale through the Depression, the war, and beyond. Choice. Rodgers was the first to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Award, capturing the top honors in television, recording, movies, and Broadway – plus a Pulitzer. Struggling for years, Rodgers actually considered quitting show business to sell children’s clothing, when he and Lorenz Hart finally broke through in 1925 with a show intended to run just one day. With copy of 1980 invoice and envelope of noted old-time dealer Dr. Milton Kronovet, 20.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $100-140 |
3-15. The “Continental Congress” – 1970 – Signed by Gen. Westmoreland.Pair of pamphlets, “Seventy-Ninth Continental Congress,” both boldly signed at tops of covers by speaker, Chief of Staff (Gen.) W(illiam) C. Westmoreland. National Society, D.A.R., Constitution Hall, Washington, Apr. 1970, program and proceedings. 5 1/2 x 8, 51 pp. ea., identical but one with additional blind-paneled cover steel-engraved in brown, silver, gold, and Continental blue. Elaborate affairs, with concerts by Air Force, Marine, and Navy Bands. Ex-Lee and Mary Maxfield Collection, one booklet also signed by Mary, a member. $60-80 (2 pcs.) |
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3-16. America’s Top Brass.First Day Cover for 6¢ American Flag sheet stamp, “printed on 9-color Huck engraving press,” boldly signed by (Gens.) James A. Van Fleet and W.C. Westmoreland. Art Craft. Cancelled Washington, D.C., Aug. 7, 1970. Trivial handling evidence, else excellent. Van Fleet served in World Wars I and II, and as Commanding Gen. in Korea. A member of the star-struck West Point Class of ‘15, his classmates included Eisenhower and Bradley. Upon Van Fleet’s retirement in 1953, Pres. Truman termed him “the greatest general we have ever had. I sent him to Greece and he won the war. I sent him to Korea and he won the war.” Van Fleet’s Papers are second in size only to those of Gen. George Marshall himself, at the Marshall Foundation. • Westmoreland fought in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam; as Chief of Staff 1968-72, pursued a policy of attrition against the Vietcong. Mentioned as a potential Republican Presidential candidate in 1968, Westmoreland maintained in later years that “by virtue of Vietnam, the U.S. held the line for ten years and stopped the dominoes from falling.” He held the distinction of commanding every unit in the Army, from platoon to Chief of Staff. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection, purchased from Searle’s Autographs, 1991. $75-100 |
3-17. “The infamous histories being published...which hold up Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee as the exemplars of American valor....”Highly interesting collection of printed Circular Letters Nos. 1 and 2, and General Orders 2-13, inclusive, 1894-95, issued by H.Q., Grand Army of the Republic, Rockford, Ill. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 1 to 8 pp. each. • Plus unnumbered item, 4 pp., listing discharge documents in possession of a Louisville Colonel “who is desirous of restoring them to their rightful owners...,” including 52 members of Civil War-era Colored Troops. A few highlights: In Circular Letter No. 1: “...Old age coupled with the effects of wounds and disease prevents many from answering ‘here’ at our Post meetings...Bring into our ranks every man who served in the Union Army and Navy, during the dark days of the Rebellion...The men who gave the best years of their lives in the service of their country are not possessed with a surplus of this world’s goods...In these times of financial depression [1894], employment is sometimes hard to find....” • A 4-pp. circular objecting to Civil War content in textbooks used in public schools: “...The infamous histories being published...which hold up Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee as the exemplars of American valor...teach falsely the history of those times...The conclusion of the Antietam Campaign runs thus: ‘During this invasion the Confederate soldiers endured every privation; one-half were in rags, and thousands barefooted marked their path with crimson...a heroism like that of Revolutionary times.’ If the insurgent army ever came to such a lamentable condition...it was not after a respite of weeks, within sight of their capital....” • Orders No. 5: “...the number of insane Soldiers and Sailors confined in county alms houses and state institutions....” • No. 6: “The bill for the purchase of the Shiloh Battlefield having passed Congress...this famous battlefield where 114,338 men engaged in battle...will be made a great National Memorial Park....” • No. 9: Deeply moving tribute to Memorial Day, “the custom of strewing flowers...,” highly suited for display. Much more. Some dust-toning, light edge wear, else generally very good to fine. Much scarcer than war-date Orders. $140-180 (15 pcs.) |
3-18. Including Six Different G.A.R. Orders No. 1.Varied group of General Orders issued by Headquarters, Grand Army of the Republic, including Order No. 1 from six cities: 1894 (Pittsburgh, No. 1) • 1895 (Louisville, Nos. 1 and 14) • 1895 (Indianapolis, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) • 1896 (St. Paul, Minn., Nos. 1 and 13) • 1897 (Buffalo, Nos. 1 and 10) • 1898 (Chicago, Nos. 1 and 9, each in duplicate). Plus sheet on Inspection, adopted at National Encampment. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 1 to 10 pp. ea. Including: “The Sons of Veterans are our natural successors in patriotic work...An association composed of Union and Confederate veterans has been formed for...establishment of a National Military Park at Vicksburg, Miss....” Some edge dust-toning, else very good to very fine. Scarce. $120-160 (17 pcs.) |
3-19. Reward Poster for Deserter.“$50 Reward for arrest and delivery of James McNalty, Charged with being a Deserter from the Army...,” issued by Adjutant Gen. of the Army, Washington, D.C., Dec. 22, 1909, 9 1/2 x 12. Black on ecru. Side- and front-view mug shots. The Irish-born New Yorker, in Coast Artillery Corps, deserted from Jefferson Barracks. Describing his eight tattoos, all cryptic initials, including “A.L.F.B.R.” and “T.M.F.C.,” making an assertion of mistaken identity rather difficult. Three original folds, probably sent to Army posts and Post Offices. Light wear at left and right of one fold, else fine. Rare military ephemera. $75-100 |
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4-1. “The Daughter of the Confederacy.”Literary A.L.S. of Varina Anne (Jefferson) Davis, novelist and beautiful daughter of Jefferson Davis, nicknamed “Winnie.” The Grand, 123 W. 44 St., N.Y., Dec. 8, no year but 1891 or later; after her father’s passing, she moved with her mother, Varina, to N.Y., both needing to work to address their financial hardships after his death. Both became correspondents for Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World. 4 1/2 x 7, 4 full pp. With envelope, addressed in her hand to “Mrs. M.A. Williams, Holly Springs, Marshall Co., Miss.,” stamp lacking, postmarked N.Y. and Miss. “I received your Mss., and your letter in bed where I have been ever since confined by the influenza...Much as I regret it, I fear it will be impossible to place your story here. The subject of the civil war [note her lower case] which is so near to all our hearts in the dear south, has necessarily less importance in New York, where the people have no constant reminders of the heroic struggle to keep their memory green. I regret to say there is a fashion in literature, as much as in (dress)making, and writers, like dressmakers, have to follow its tide. I infer from your letter that writing is with you a means of money getting, as well as a pleasure, as it must be with most of us, therefore I take the liberty of suggesting to you, that accounts of the present negro life, or the new conditions that southern people meet so bravely, would be much more likely to sell well among the magazines, than pictures of the past...I offer these suggestions...and sincerely hope you will understand that I am animated by a cordial desire to help a fellow countrywoman if I can; and I am very glad that you do not depend on this market alone for the purchase of your work....” Some modest handling, else about fine; envelope with postal soiling, torn at rear flap where opened, else satisfactory. Born in the twilight of her father’s Confederacy, she became an inspiration for United Daughters of the Confederacy. Making public appearances with her father, her engagement to a N.Y. attorney was seen in the North as healing the wounds of the war. Jefferson Davis died before the announced wedding date; during the year of postponement required by mourning custom, her fiance’s house burnt down, Southern friends came to see the arrangement as an affront to the Davis legacy, and her mother’s approval of the marriage turned to opposition. Soaked in a rainstorm at a Confederate reunion in 1898, Winnie Davis died, at age 34, believed of the same affliction she refers to in this letter. Rare, certainly with Civil War, black, and Southern content. None of her letters or manuscript material located on WorldCat. With 1972 invoice of Conway Barker, 30.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $350-425 |
4-2. Friends through the Fire of War: Jefferson Davis and his old Union Classmate.Attractive A.L.S. of Jefferson Davis, in royal purple ink on cream laid, interweaving a subtext of lifelong friendship between Union and Confederate – and the addressee’s representation of defendant Davis before the U.S. Supreme Court, in which Davis’ standing as sole legatee of a woman’s land holdings in four states was being contested. Beauvoir, Miss., n.d. but dateable to 1878-79. On folded lettersheet, 5 x 8, 1 full p. To attorney Jno. D. McPherson, (Washington). “Permit me to present to you Gen. C.J. Wright of Chicago. He was my class mate in the U.S. Military Academy, and we have been friends ever since; though he was an officer of the federal army in the late War. Gen. Wright has a case before the Pension bureau and a petition before the Congress, which he will at your convenience explain to you. For any aid you can give him I will be personally obliged, and assure you that he will say nothing to you which is not accurate and just. Truly your friend....” Crafts J. Wright and Davis were members of West Point’s Class of 1828, Wright having been admitted at age 13. Later Cincinnati Gazette’s antebellum Pres., Wright helped organize the first telegraph company in the West. Leading the 13th Missouri (renamed the 22nd Ohio Infantry) at Shiloh and Corinth, Wright resigned due to illness in 1862, just before the Senate could confirm his nomination by Lincoln as Brig. Gen. Correspondence between Davis and Wright is conspicuous in Davis’ Papers at the Library of Congress. Addressee McPherson had been Disbursing Clerk of the War Dept. under Davis as Secretary of War. Appointed by Lincoln as Assistant Solicitor for U.S. Court of Claims in 1861, after the war McPherson resumed his friendship with Davis, representing him in legal affairs, including a Memphis merchant owing the former Confederate Pres. $25,000. In 1883, McPherson appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court in the fascinating case of a Beauvoir woman leaving all of her considerable property to Davis; her will was then contested. She had declared, “I do not intend to share the ingratitude of my country towards the man who is, in my eyes, the highest and noblest in existence”--Ellis and Others vs. Davis, 109 U.S. 485 (1883). To add further drama, because her will had been written in Louisiana, much of the cited case law draws upon that state’s unique canon. Sheer paper splitting at folds, lacking sliver of blank upper left tip, some crimping and light soiling at three margins, lower right corner wrinkled, just beyond final “s” of signature, and still good plus, and highly suited for display. An intriguing candidate for further research, illustrating the bonds of friendship persisting between North and South during the Civil War, generally ignored in modern narratives. The present letter unrecorded in Calendar of the Postwar Jefferson Davis Manuscripts, 1943. With 1976 invoice of Joseph Rubinfine, 125.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $2900-3500 |
4-3. One of Jefferson Davis’ Jailers.Dramatic Autograph Statement Signed of James B. King, 5 1/4 x 8, describing accompanying 9 pp. printed article from Pearson’s Magazine, May 1905, “The Shackling of Jefferson Davis.” Based on the diary of Dr. John J. Craven, Davis’ Union physician while in captivity, “...whom I knew very well when we were both at Fort Monroe, Va. I had sent in my resignation a short time before the circumstances with which Dr. Craven has connected my name on pp. 517 (&) 518...but the papers had not yet reached me on May 26, 1865, and I was still on duty...This will explain any apparent conflict....” The printed article claims to be “probably the only authentic account of the event ever written...In one of its granite casemates, and looking out through the bars...on the empire he had lost, lay for many months...the defeated Chief of the mightiest rebellion which this earth has yet witnessed....” A cinematic account of the shackling of Davis follows; the writer of the holograph statement accompanying, James B. King, had been officer of the day, seeing Davis in irons, despondent and weak. Davis’ doctor concludes, in his melodramatic article, “It then...remains yet to be proved that Mr. Davis was in any manner of volition or wish responsible for the horrors we all, North and South, deplore.” Brass pin securing statement to article; statement about fine, article with much handling, but good. With c. 1970 invoice, mimeographed list, and envelope (postage stamp lacking) of Lor-Mac Studios, Alston, Mass., 4.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $130-160 (5 pcs.) |
4-4. Member of the First Confederate Cabinet.Confederate field telegram in clerical hand from Brig. Genl. L(eRoy) P(ope) Walker, Tuscumbia, (Ala.), Mar. 13, 1862, 5 1/4 x 7 3/4. To Brig. Gen. (Daniel) Ruggles, Corinth, Miss. In bold pencil. “I have a first-rate rifled six pounder gun with carriage - is without wheels. Could you send me any.” Resigning his commission less than three weeks later, Walker had earlier been the Confederacy’s first Secretary of War. Shortly after Fort Sumter, Walker predicted that Washington and Boston would fall to the Confederacy before May 1. Ruggles led a division at “Bloody Shiloh”; later commander of Louisiana east of the Mississippi. Docketed in blue and violet crayon-pencils. Four old paper hinge strips on verso, where apparently mounted in a Confederate letter-book of received messages, this numbered “53/100.” Some diffuse foxing of adversity paper, else very good. With Cohasco lot ticket, Sale 31. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. The Ruggles telegrams, which emerged in the 1970s, are believed once ex-Thomas J. Madigan, a foremost New York dealer of the 1920s and ‘30s, author of Word Shadows of the Great. $190-240 |
4-5. Commander of Confederate Indians.Curious postwar signature of Confederate Gen. Albert Pike, with flourish beneath; “Washington / Jan. 23d, 1872 / Poet(?)” probably also in his hand. On checkerboard-ruled paper, trimmed to 1 3/4 x 3 3/4. By outbreak of the war, Pike was an internationally known writer, poet, and newspaperman – and lawyer who had won $140,000 for the Creek Indians. In Summer 1861 he was sent on a mission to sway the Five Indian Nations to the Confederacy. Successful, Pike led the South’s Dept. of Indian Territory - with a force of Confederate Indians - in the Battle of Pea Ridge. Resenting authority, he resigned, “thereafter regarded with suspicion by both sides...”--Boatner. Old fold through signature, mounted on white card, pale orange glue stains, else good plus. With copy of 1971 invoice of Conway Barker, 7.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $60-85 |
Telephone your bids: 1-914-476-8500 • Fax: 1-914-476-8573
4-6. The Poet of the Confederacy – on Justice, Right, and Truth.Autograph Poem Signed of Confederate Gen. Albert Pike, on card, Apr. 4, 1886, 2 3/4 x 5. “Justice is mightier than ships, Right, than the cannon’s hazen lips, and Truth, averting dark eclipse, Makes Nations prosperous.” Old rectangular honey-colored tape stain at left, affecting only “4” of date; much lighter stain at blank right, blind clip impression at blank top, else about very good. With 1971 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 12.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 |
4-7. A Confederate General attesting to Trustworthiness of a Union Foe.A.L.S. of Confederate Gen. and poet Albert Pike, Washington, Sept. 20, 1869, 5 x 8, 1 full pp., three lines and signature concluding on verso. To Thos. D. Osborne. “I have been absent, in N.Y., three weeks...The Southern Land Co., of which Daniel Sickels [sic] is Pres. is a reliable Company, and...a substantial one. Mr. Sickels is intimately known to me, is a 33° Mason, Sec.-Gen. of the Supreme Council of the Northern Foundation, and a Member of the Masonic Publishing and Mfg. Co. of N.Y. He is a trustworthy and reliable man, and it is my wish to aid the Co. as far as it is possible...I know that it already has the agency for a large quantity of land, and is likely to greatly aid migration to the South.” Light carbon paper(?) rubbing at lower right quadrant, vertical creases parallel to left margin where once tipped into a letter-book, some wear, else about very good. Successfully using the plea of temporary insanity for the first time in legal history, Sickles shot the son of Francis Scott Key, having an affair with Sickles’ wife. Going on to rocky Civil War service, Gettysburg spelled the effective end of Sickles’ military career. Violating orders by marching nearly a mile away from Cemetery Ridge, he then failed to appear at a meeting of Meade’s corps commanders. Still, a modern-day researcher maintains that “Sickles’ unwise move may have unwittingly foiled Lee’s hopes.” Sickles is largely credited with preserving Gettysburg as a national park. Despite his postwar activities ranging far and wide, his “Southern Land Co.” is obscure. A reference appears within the William Blount Rodman Papers at East Carolina University. With 1971 invoice and envelope of Paul C. Richards, 35.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $300-375 |
4-8. Signed Four Times by the Voice and Defender of Richmond.Set of partly-printed Confederate documents signed four times by Wyatt M. Elliott, a leading printer for the Confederacy, publisher of Virginia’s widest-circulation newspaper, the Richmond Whig (whose pages were graced with some of the most eloquent prose we have seen in any American newspaper of the era), and Capt. of the Richmond Grays for fourteen years, commanding its guard at John Brown’s hanging. Elliott printed Virginia’s “New Constitution” in 1861, and other key official secession documents. Later Lt. Col. of 15th Va. Battalion; captured in Apr. 1865 at Sailor’s Creek, he was confined in Washington’s Old Capitol Prison on the night of Lincoln’s assassination. Narrowly escaping the frenzied mobs in the city, Elliott was still sent on to Johnson’s Island. Tax form “for the common defence and [to] carry on the government of Confederate States,” Richmond, Sept. 15, 1863, 9 3/4 x 12 1/2, 2 leaves. In rich brown ink, on oatmeal adversity paper. Under “Moneys and Credits - Bank notes or other currency on deposit,” Elliott has entered “Amount 1,823.73...Rate 1/00, Tax 18.24,” signing four times in all, and twice by Confederate Assessor W.E. Johnson. With blank spaces for “Gold coin...Silver coin...Credits within Confederate States...Money deposited beyond limits...,” and attesting that he has listed all profits on sales with the Confederate States of “flour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, rice, salt, iron...molasses made of cane... shoes, boots, blankets....” Also answers whether subject to taxation as “distillers, brewers, keepers of hotels, inns, taverns and eating houses, theatres, circuses, jugglers, bowling alleys, billiard tables... peddlers, apothecaries, photographers, lawyers...but not to include physicians and surgeons exclusively engaged in the confederate service, and confectioners.” A very rare signature (four in all) on a rare Confederate form, this “List [i.e. Form] No. 1” imprint unrecorded in Parrish & Willingham’s standard reference work, Confederate Imprints: A Bibliography of Southern Publications from Secession to Surrender.... Briefly mentioned in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 1906, but WorldCat today locates only one example (Boston Athenæum). Lacking in Duke University’s celebrated 2,300-plus-item collection of Confederate imprints. Suitable for display. $170-220 |
4-9. A Noted Southern Horse Breeder.Confederate document in style of above, interestingly of same date, Sept. 15, 1863, 9 3/4 x 12 1/2, 2 leaves, but different Richmond taxpayer A.D. Williams, and Assessor James Kersey. Declaring “Confederate funds: on deposit, Amount 30 1/2, Rate 1 p.c., Tax $0.30.” Signed four times by Williams, once by Kersey. A noted art collector and horse breeder in postwar Virginia, among Williams’ prizewinners was the famous Margery, a harness mare. Williams’ home on W. Franklin St. in Richmond is today a landmark pointed out on historic walking tours. Kersey was a Richmond general contractor. Tiny perfectly round holes scattered in unwritten areas of one of two leaves, possibly an unusual flaw in papermaking, else fairly fresh - interestingly exemplifying the variability in the shades and qualities of adversity papers within the same batch - and fine. Unrecorded in Parrish & Willingham’s standard reference work, Confederate Imprints: A Bibliography of Southern Publications from Secession to Surrender.... $80-110 |
4-10. Taxing Tobacco Twice.Two items: Confederate document in style of above, Sept. 30, 1863, 9 3/4 x 12 1/2, 1 leaf, signed by Richmond taxpayer Thos. Pollard (M.D.), and Assessor W.E. Johnson. Declaring $9,345 value of tobacco, taxed at 8%. • With A.D.S. of Pollard, Feb. 16, 1864, 5 x 7 1/4, to W. Green, Tax Collector for Richmond. Appealing Johnson’s earlier assessment of “18 Boxes Manufactured Tobacco...on the ground that said Tobacco has been twice listed, first by Tardy & Williams [commission merchants], and subsequently by myself...at $1 per lb....” On verso of larger leaf, assessor has penned a lengthy statement, sustaining Dr. Pollard’s claim, and deducting the redundant tax. Member of a well-known Virginia family, Pollard was postwar Commissioner of Agriculture. Uniform sand toning, interesting halo spread of some ink, and very good plus. $70-100 |
4-11. The “Other” General Lee.Splendid presentation signature of “Fitzhugh Lee, Virginia,” on printed ivory card, “Commonwealth of Va., Governor’s Office, Richmond...,” Oct. 18, 1886, 2 1/4 x 3 1/2. Minor handling, tips perfect, and fine plus. Nearly ejected from West Point while his uncle, Robert E. Lee, was Superintendent, Fitzhugh fought alongside J.E.B. Stuart and Stonewall Jackson with distinction. A Major General before the age of 28, Fitzhugh was complimented by Freeman as a “laughing cavalier.” With 1973 invoice of Conway Barker, 12.50 (plus 8¢ postage!). Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $170-220 |
4-12. Stonewall Jackson with a Baltimore Imprint.Uncommon carte photo of Stonewall Jackson, shown seated, legs crossed, tops of his polished knee-high boots visible. Imprint of Stanton & Butler, Baltimore. Oval simulated mat, camp tents on studio backdrop. Corners neatly diced for mounting, grey toning of periphery both sides from old-fashioned album, one superficial scratch at 10 o’clock, soft crease at blank upper right, else very good. Notably a pro-Confederate city, Jackson’s image would have been popular in Baltimore both in life - and in death; he was mortally wounded by his own men at Chancellorsville. Called “the almost perfect battle,” with Jackson gone “the Army of Northern Virginia never recovered the virility it had formerly possessed”--Boatner. With 1972 invoice of Conway Barker, 8.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-150 |
4-13. Chaplain to the Confederate Army - and Confederate Causes - Spanning 48 Years.Rare signature on card of J. Wm. Jones, Va. Chaplain in Lee’s Army, author of “Christ in Camp,” postwar campus minister at Washington and Lee University, University of Va., and University of N.C. at Chapel Hill. In his writings, Jones “recalled that Colonels often discouraged religion as they feared it might give soldiers qualms about killing the enemy, but the yeoman soldiers demanded it and saw sermons as their privilege.” Sec. of Southern Historical Society; Chaplain-Gen. of U.C.V., his article about Lexington, Va. appearing in the very first issue of Confederate Veteran. A staunch defender of the Lost Cause, Jones maintained that the South had been righteous in waging a holy war. “Very truly, ‘Yrs. to count on’....” Excellent. • With old slip identifying him, in another hand, judged c. 1890. With photocopy of 1977 Dana’s House invoice, 9.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-160 (2 pcs.) |
4-14. Complaining of “trashy” cotton “all full of dirt....”Letter of Confederate cotton broker A.B. Renker, Lynchburg, (Va.), Dec. 7, 1864, 1 full p., 7 1/4 x 9 3/4, on mocha adversity paper. With integral address-leaf bearing Confederate #11, jade green, light brown c.d.s. Generous margins three sides, very wide at right. To Saml. G. Murphy, Richmond. “...Oil is selling by the Bbl...at $30, at which price I am working off a consignment from Petersburg. If you could place it here at a reduction upon that price, I might be able to dispose of it for you. I take this occasion to say that I have found trouble with the cotton you sold me. I sold it to two parties in Charlottesville upon your description of the quality of the cotton, and upon receipt...they report it as very inferior, and so much so...that they refuse to pay for it unless a reduction is made on it. The recent move in conscription and your absence from Richmond has prevented me from writing sooner...The cotton they say is trashy, all full of dirt and not the cotton represented. The payment has been stopped...I suppose the cotton (was) delivered by mistake....” Soft fold through postage stamp; irregular 2 x 3 1/2 fragment lacking on address-leaf, mostly adhered to facing portion when letter sealed; average fold wear, else satisfactory, and suitable for display. $80-110 |
4-15. The Last Christmas of the Confederacy.Confederate field telegram in clerical hand from Gen. (P.)G.T. Beauregard, Charleston, docketed Dec. 22, 1864, but not marked received til Christmas Day, Dec. 25. 4 1/2 x 8. To Col. G.N. Brent, his Chief of Staff. In rich brown, on Southern Telegraph Co. form. “Your order to Gen. Taylor relation to Roddy’s Command is approved. It is hoped that Brigade will be returned to its former position soon as circumstances will permit.” Recipient Brent was a delegate to the Virginia Secession Convention, and Chief of Staff to both Beauregard and Braxton Bragg, but “he lacked formal military training. His orders did nothing to clarify Bragg’s instructions...”--Themes of the American Civil War, Grant and Holden-Reid, p. 117. This was Beauregard’s third round in Charleston: previously, he had pulled the trigger on the Civil War itself, commanding the attack on Fort Sumter. The present telegram closed the book on his defense of the Carolina and Georgia coasts from Charleston. Very short break at one fold of the adversity paper, else fine. The Beauregard telegrams which emerged in the 1970s at Carnegie Book Shop, are believed once ex-Thomas J. Madigan, a foremost New York dealer of the 1920s and ‘30s. With Cohasco lot ticket, Sale 31. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $325-400 |
4-16. The Day before Lincoln’s Assassination, a Confederate P.O.W. implores, “Do not fail to remember me....”Letter of J(no.) D. Gordon, a P.O.W. at the Federal prison camp at Point Lookout, Md., Apr. 13, 1865, 7 1/2 x 9 3/4, 1 p., to his cousin. Evidently a Pvt. in 6th Va. Infantry, captured at Burgess’ Farm, Va. 1864 (modern research accompanies). Acknowledging two letters containing $3 and six stamps. “...Mother’s 19th Feb. containing $2 came to hand all right...Let me know if Virginia Bank money is current. Is Exchange Bank notes current, and if so, what are they worth? I regret to hear of Mrs. Whitehurst’s death. It is sad indeed to contemplate so untimely an event. I have thought it strange that none of my people have written in so long a time, it having been near 2 months...Let Mother hear from me, also all the family, James & Sophronia...I hope to see you all again...Do not fail to remember me to the Messrs. W...Mr. Hargrove drew your cousin’s box (of) clothing.” Text complete, but 1 1/2 x 3 section at lower left removed, perhaps by censor. Fold wear, break but no separation at horizontal center, light nibbles affecting parts of four words, else satisfactory. The largest Union prison camp, up to 20,000 Confederate prisoners lived in tents. Though literate and intelligent, the writer evidently had no inkling that the end of the war was at hand - and certainly not that Lincoln would be shot the following evening. Gordon was released in June. $110-140 |
4-17. The Last Confederate Force to Surrender.Printed Bill, Confederate House of Representatives, “To organize a corps of scouts and signal guards, to facilitate communication with the trans-Mississippi department.” May 3, 1864, 6 x 9 1/4. Authorizing Pres. Jeff Davis to appoint thirteen officers “in the valley of the Mississippi river. The officers thus commissioned shall have authority to raise...ten companies, to be officered by the Pres...to do scout and guard duty for Government transportation across the Mississippi....” The Trans-Mississippi Dept. evolved to encompass all Confederate forces west of the River. The very next day, May 4, the Confederates began blocking the Red River - emptying into the Mississippi from the west - holding out til May 13. The last battle to take place in the Trans-Mississippi region would come five days later, at Yellow Bayou, somewhat mooting the Confederate Bill here, and presaging the outcome of the war. With a final strength of 43,000 men, the Trans-Mississippi Dept. was the last Confederate force to surrender, holding out til May 26, 1865. On oatmeal adversity paper, with an interesting profusion of tiny wood inclusions. Large “Rebel Archives...” purple handstamp, pleasant marginal toning, else very fine. $120-150 |
4-18. Former Confederate Secretary of War writes the University of Virginia.Postwar A.L.S. of Confederate Sec. of War James A. Seddon, “Dan(?) P(ost) Office Goochland,” (Va.), Sept. 6, (18)66, 8 x 9 3/4, 1/2 p. To Prof. S(ocrates) P. Maupin, a physician, Prof. of Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Chairman of Faculty, University of Virginia, c. 1853-71. “I hope to be able to send one of my sons (Thomas) to the University at the approaching session and should be pleased to know the conditions, forms &c. of entrance, and any other particulars, which it may be desirable (f)or Parent or Guardian should know beforehand. One of your circulars would probably give the requested information...May I trespass so far on your kindness as to request this information by Letter from you.” Seddon had entered the University of Virginia’s law school some thirty years before. An antebellum Congressman, Seddon retired at age 35, because of poor health. Attended the 1861 Peace Convention in Washington, seeking to prevent the looming war, then the Provisional Confederate Congress. The University’s straits at the end of the war were dire, “with a precarious income and dubious prospects. Present resources were supplied by the private credit of Dr. Maupin and his colleagues...”--Report of the Commissioner of Education, G.P.O., 1873, pp. 345-346. About eight pale-honey spots on blank lower half of sheet, some perhaps gum adhered from envelope (not present); short tear at blank top, some handling, else good. With 1973 invoice of Conway Barker, 26.00. Seddon’s letters of any period are scarce. $450-575 |
Mountain-carver Gutzon Borglum Excoriates the People of Atlanta:
“...her children’s children will blush in shame for centuries....”
4-19. Failure of the Confederate Sculpture Project at Stone Mountain – and the KKK.Signed photograph of Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum, who mastered gigantic scale as a new American art form. With lengthy inscription, and explosive A.L.S. on verso, with disturbing subtext of his anti-black and pro-KKK sentiments, and his expulsion from the Stone Mountain project, to which he would never return. “To my friend...in Atlanta / From your friend in Exile with friends and a kind understanding World...,” Raleigh, N.C., Apr. 8, 1925, 7 3/4 x 10. Powerful pose, matte olivetone, gazing into distance. Filling entirety of verso, an important letter on the upending of the Stone Mountain project. “My dear wife leaves...for Atlanta, that city that a month ago drove me from her hospitality and in doing so committed a crime her children’s children will blush in shame for centuries. It was not a mob but her ‘Honorable Citizens’ tried to hand cuff the man who has done more for them in arousing the attention of the intelligent world than can be done by any thing they might try, and now these poor morons think they can sell my coin and at the same time fill the mail with every kind of slander against me. Well: I’m not idle nor am I thinking about what becomes of people who foul their own bed. All that has been done has been to the eternal dishonor of Atlanta and Georgia. Atlanta will be spoken of in history, and she can never take it away from the history of the Memorial to see that some of her citizens misused the funds and when the sculptor protested they drove him from the City, and arrested him. What an eternal disgrace...I am loaded up with work. Some order comes in every day. The whole nation is supporting me. Of course you know what they would have done with that gang in the North, or in Europe!!! I shall never return to Atlanta until and unless a National body of men have the Memorial in charge. I can raise the money at any time...The Great Memorial will not be completed by people who have neglected everything about it as those in ‘charge’ have done. Great work is not possible by these processes....” In fact, Borglum’s membership in the KKK played a key role in his dismissal from the Stone Mountain project. Major backers, the Klan sought inclusion of a KKK altar in his epic tableau, maintaining they “saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule....” Tensions built, however, and in Mar. 1925, Borglum smashed his clay and plaster models, never returning to Georgia. “In his abortive attempt however, Borglum had developed the necessary techniques for sculpting on a gigantic scale that made Mount Rushmore possible”--wikipedia. Once matted, verso with dark glue across top, affecting only dateline; only trace brushstrokes at other three margins; tear at top affecting one word of salutation, creases at blank upper left margin, upper right corner bent but just holding, lacking blank lower right tip; 8-line inscription varying from light to moderate, but all legible, some dust-toning, but still, in all, satisfactory. • With article on Borglum and Mount Rushmore, from Collier’s, 1931. Fine. With 1970 invoice and typewritten description of Paul C. Richards, 75.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $850-1100 |
4-20. 14-Foot-Long Confederate Bunting.Cloth decoration, judged c. 1890-1910, 21” x 14 feet long, cotton gauze streamer, evidently used to decorate Confederate veterans’ reunions, meetings, and gatherings. Red, ecru-white, and Confederate-grey, the stars in white and grey, stripes in red, white, and grey. Stains and moderate wear only, else very good and unusual. The ultimate Confederate displayable, perfect with autographs from the Shaw Collection in this catalogue! $250-350 |
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5-1. A Black Woman Free Born.Manuscript document attesting that Mary A. Clarkson has “made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that she knows Margaret Snowdon, now present before me, the daughter of Sophy Snowdon, and that she was free born.” Frederick County, Md., Sept. 20, 1854, 3 1/2 x 7 3/4. Brown on grey. Signed by Justice of Peace W(illiam) Baltzell, apparently a physician, graduating from University of Penna. that year, practicing in Maryland during the Civil War. Drip from writer’s quill, very minor wear and toning at left corner, else very fine. $110-140 |
5-2. A Black Man Set Free.Manuscript document attesting that Mahlon Talbott “makes oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that he knows Negro Henry Williams, and that he is the same person who was manumitted & set free by John Markell by deed of manumission....” Frederick County, Md., Sept. 21, 1829, 5 1/2 x 8. Talbott would become Sheriff of the County, and was active in drives for a convention to replace Maryland’s constitution, and to resolve “the conflicting claims of the two branches of the electoral college...”--Niles’ Weekly Register, Oct. 29, 1836, p. 135. Signed by Justice of Peace Ab(ner) Campbell. Research shows Markell’s other slaves - manumitted years later - included “George Washington,” “Hamilton,” and an unnamed two-month-old child; Henry Williams of this document was 29 upon manumission. Deckled three sides, irregular bottom where taken from a larger sheet to save paper by writer. Light edge toning, else a warm cream and highly pleasing for display. $90-120 |
5-3. A Mulatto Man Born Free.Manuscript document attesting that George Starry “makes oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that Jacob Bowman, the Mulatto Man now before me was born free.” Frederick County, Md., Feb. 15, 1831, 4 x 8. Signed by (Justice of Peace) George Rohr. Docketed on verso “George Starry for Wm. Bowman.” Rohr was a member of the “Old Defenders of Baltimore,” an Orderly Sgt. in 3rd Regt. Md. Militia, mustering to that city’s defense in the period in which Key penned the words to the “Star Spangled Banner,” in Sept. 1814. Deckled three sides. Graduated amber-to-ivory toning at left edge, else fine plus. $120-150 |
5-4. A Runaway Slave named Gasaway Greenleaf – at the Doorstep of the Nation’s Capital.A seldom-seen pair: A reward poster for runaway slave, together with the slaveowner’s manuscript authorization to arrest “my Boy....” Comprising: Printed broadside, John Eversfield, Bladensburgh, Prince George’s County, Md. - 7 miles from Washington, where slavery had been abolished since 1850. May 31, 1853, 8 3/4 x 12. “Fifty Dollars Reward! Ranaway from the subscriber...a Negro Man who calls himself Gasaway Greenlief [sic]. He is about twenty-eight years of age, dark complexion, his front teeth are very wide apart, and is about five feet six inches high. Clothing not recollected. I will give a reward of $30, for his apprehension, if taken in Prince George’s county, or the District of Columbia. And a reward of $50, if taken beyond the limits of the said County or District; in either case he must be brought home or secured in jail so that I can get him again.” Docketed twice on verso, “1853 / John Everfield v. G. Greenleaf.” Tan toning, remnants of red wax seal at upper left matching portion on accompanying manuscript, quarter folds, crease at blank lower right corner, one corner tipped inside dark green folder c. 1920s, with typewritten caption outside, “...The United States aviation field is on the plantation of the owner of the above slave...,” else very good; folder with some wear, two old glue smudges from label, else good. • With, manuscript order of P.W. Eversfield, “for J. Eversfield,” Washington, May 31, 1853, 3 3/4 x 7 3/4. Boldly penned in brown, on pale blue. “I hereby authorize A.E. Luce[?] to arrest my Boy Gasaway Greenleaf & put him in Jail for which I promise to pay him $50.” Old folds, else very good. With bizarre typographical error, an upside-down “t” in “District,” third-from-last line. Eversfield’s ancestor, Rector John Eversfield - perhaps his grandfather - was one of the wealthiest landowners in Prince George’s County, a widely known clergyman, and during the Revolution, a vociferous Tory. The only slave broadside we have handled over the years with the owner’s accompanying manuscript authorization to arrest. Acquired from Parke-Bernet Galleries, antecedent of Sotheby’s in New York, 1970s, and off the market since. $6500-9000 (2 pcs.) |
5-5. Delivered the Invocation at start of March on Washington.Two identical signed, candid matte color photographs of Patrick Card(inal) O’Boyle, seminary student of famed World War I Chaplain Duffy (in Yonkers), organizer of National Conference of Catholic Charities in 1933, and first Catholic Archbishop of Washington, D.C. 5 x 7, probably enlargements of amateur snapshot, shown outdoors, possibly at a funeral, in front of ornate bronze on limestone sculpture, brilliant red flowers at his left exactly matching his Cardinal-red vestments. One signed “Patrick O O’Boyle,” evidently distracted as his pen faltered on his first name, and a curiosity thus. Both very fine. O’Boyle delivered the benediction at Truman’s inauguration, and in Aug. 1963, the invocation which began the March on Washington. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 (2 pcs.) |
5-6. “Mortgage” for Mother, Daughter, and Infant Slaves.A highly unusual legal format for sale of slaves: official clerical copy of manuscript mortgage for “a negro woman named Fanney and her two children...Charles, about 4...and Daphna, about 14 months....” Prince Georges County, Md., Mar. 22, 1832, 8 x 12 1/2, 2 pp. Ornate “Hudson” pictorial watermark; blind-embossed seal. Sold by George L. Magruder to Hanson Penn as deed of trust, allowing buyback of the three slaves by Magruder or his executors, the transaction becoming “utterly void.” Very fine. Unusual, dramatic evidence of this family’s lifetime of bondage. With 1970 invoice of Joseph Rubinfine, 20.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-150 |
5-7. Convoluted Title to a 14-Year-Old Black Boy.Letter of slaveowner Baruch Mullikin, (Prince Georges County, Md.), to Wm. H. Tuck, Upper Marlboro, Apr. 24, 1844, 8 x 12 1/4. “I omitted to mention to you yesterday that one of the Negroes/Negro Boy now aged about 14 mentioned in the list left with you ...is now and has been for some time past, in the hands of Mr. Henry P. Chapin of Baltimore, having been lent him by Mr. (A.P.) West. He owes Mr. Chapin, however, $75. The Boy is probably worth $400. The deed should include every description of personal property (household furniture particularly). A difficulty may occur about transferring Mr. West’s right (a life estate) in the property willed by the late Mr. Oden [Mullikin’s father-in-law] to him in the District of Columbia...A full conveyance should be according to the Laws of the District, if they vary from ours...Wm. D. Bowie...is willing to act as Trustee.” Bowie and Mullikin were founding members of the just-established Prince Georges Agricultural Society, undoubtedly using slave labor on their properties; on more than one occasion, records show Bowie offered rewards for his runaway slaves. Addressed on verso, carried by hand (letters were sometimes delivered by a trusted slave, though there is no notation here to this effect). Much arithmetic on verso by recipient. In rich brown on warm tan, old folds, else about fine. With modern copy of Mullikin’s 1846 newspaper notice for a runaway slave. With copy of 1970 invoice of Joseph Rubinfine, 7.50, with large envelope. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 |
5-8. Charging Democrats with Trafficking “in the bodies and souls of men.”Fiercely eloquent anti-slavery “Speech of Hon. C.H. Van Wyck, of N.Y. - True Democracy - History Vindicated - Delivered in House of Reps., Mar. 7, 1860,” 16 pp., folded but uncut. Evidently intended to be sold - for 1¢ per copy - for pro-Lincoln electioneering in the 1860 Presidential campaign. Rebutting the “leaders of the so-called Democratic party...Why do they charge the Republicans as agitators, when they themselves have been sounding the notes of disunion, and preaching violence...of arraying faction against faction...to steel the heart against all sentiments of humanity...charging treason upon the North, and counselling the South to rebellion and resistance?...You, gentlemen, and not John Brown, have unchained the whirlwind of angry passion and bitter invective...in your own language, on this floor, the ‘Union might be wrecked from turret to foundation stone,’ and ‘the Constitution torn in tatters’...You talk of God, justice, and mercy... four million human beings in hopeless and irretrievable bondage, and ostracize free white men who will not sing hosannas to your traffic in the bodies and souls of men...Negro slavery in its infancy!...claiming for African slavery a Divine origin...Do you ever reflect upon the treason of your insane threats?...You will sever every tie that binds the Union...Have you the vision of a seer, to...see all the horrors of such an event?...Already you are making appropriations of thousands to build arsenals, to purchase arms... You may bind in chains the body of your slave, but....” On last page, list of members of Republican Committee, “Presidential Campaign of 1860,” offering bulk lots of speeches at a dollar per hundred copies. Some edge toning, few foxing spots, else about fine. A stirring address, reminding voters of the abolitionist roots of the young Republican Party - and those of slavery of the Democrats. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. No copies located by WorldCat. $55-80 |
5-9. Anti-Black Newspaper: “Radical Democratic...against the Atlantic Policy of Consolidation!”Two very scarce issues of anti-black, sectionalist, pro-Copperhead and States’ Rights newspaper West and South, Cincinnati, 1868, 12 x 19, 8 pp. Each issue with full-column screed pronouncing themselves the “Radical Democratic Instructor for the Mississippi Valley...for state sovereignty, free trade & hard money, against the Atlantic policy of consolidation!...the only final defenses of liberty under our institutions...All our dearest rights, our institutions and our system have been well nigh destroyed with the loss of untold lives and treasure. The Union will have to be restored by the Constitution, or reconstructed by the sword...The draft, that darkest and bloodiest of Federal crime...a million of mother’s sons from the North to kill and murder other mother’s sons in the South...We assert the palpable difference of races and claim that ours is infinitely superior...They cannot be emancipated until they are capable of freeing themselves...Not so with the black...A man may not force a horse to drink, nor a negro to be free...We expect to frustrate negro suffrage in Ohio, and to prevent... inequality....” Much news through their Democratic lens of obstructing black freedom. Soft old quarter folds, broad light semicircular water stains at tops, else clean and fine. WorldCat locates five holdings of issues of 1868. Unlisted in Gregory. $85-110 (2 pcs.) |
5-10. Democrats have “relighted the fires of persecution against the blacks....”Printed letter from Chairman Russell Errett, Republican State Committee of Penna., Philadelphia, Oct. 13, 1874, 8 x 10, urging extra effort in the mid-year campaign. “...Coming as it does between two presidential elections, when the least interest, apparently, is felt in political matters, has rendered it so difficult to put in motion the usual machinery of an active campaign, that we have felt constrained to abandon all attempts at holding mass meetings, or of making a noisy canvass...The elections of this year...carry with them the probable results that will follow in...1876...The accidental Democratic successes last Spring, in N.H. and Conn., inspired the Southern Rebels with renewed hopes, and have relighted the fires of persecution against the blacks in every Southern State. The murders and outrages that have lately disgraced that region, and created a fear that the war would have to be repeated...sprang from the conviction that the Democratic party was about again to be put in power...The Northern Democracy were always the natural allie of these Southern cut-throats, and a Democratic success at the North would stir up all the old force of the Rebellion...There are also 27 members of Congress to elect...All that is wanted is...to stir up the sluggish, and hurry everyone to the polls....” Original folds, else excellent. • With envelope, “Union Republican State Executive Committee...” cornercard. Scott 134, Franklin 1¢, National Bank Note, ultramarine, moderately light cancel; printed into left perfs, wide right margin, good top and bottom, one perf at lower right tip bent, else appears sound. Grill not seen under magnification, though notably faint on this issue. Cover with file soiling, marginal postal wear, contemporary doodling with squiggles and pantographic swirls, and overall good. $65-90 (2 pcs.) |
5-11. Black Americana Medley.Group of 8 items: Civil War patriotic envelope, cartoon of dancing black, “I’se just ‘seceshed’ from Old Massa, Yah, Yah, Yah!,” blue on cream. Bearing Civil War Centennial postage stamp issued 1964, and Fredericksburg, Va. postmark May 5, 1964. Mounting evidence on verso at right, else fine. • Picture postcard, “A Darky’s Prayer...,” alligators nipping trousers of Negro man in Florida swamp. Linen “Art-Colortone,” c. 1940s. Very fine. • Birthday greeting card, color, humorous, showing black farmer running with satchel, “Maybe I’se Late or....” Three scenes. Judged 1920s. Some soiling, but good. • Underwood stereo, 1895, “Cotton is King, Plantation Scene, Georgia.” Fine. • Stereo, n.d. but c. 1915, “Cotton Plantation Scene.” Color. Young white girl in brilliant pink dress watching, as eight blacks work. Very good. • Stereo of black family of 20, including children of all ages, posed around doorway of a ramshackle shingled house. “Dars ben tree two times, two tree times...,” referring to three sets of twins and two of triplets! 1903, H.C. White Co. Tiny scrape at bottom of mount, else fine plus. • Sheet music, “Short’nin’ Bread,” by Jacques Wolfe. 1933, (12) pp., Harold Flammer, Inc. “Mammy’s little baby loves short-’nin’ bread...Three little darkies lyin’ in bed....” Light cover handling, else very good. • Sheet music, “Uncle Remus Stories for Pianoforte,” G.A. Grant-Schaefer. Pub. by Arthur P. Schmidt Co., 1926, (6) pp. Including “Plantation Dance,” “Bunny and the Tar Baby,” and five others. Simple cover art of Uncle Remus and a rabbit. About fine. $75-100 (8 pcs.) |
5-12. Mortgage on a 3 Year Old Girl.Manuscript document signed with “X” of illiterate seller, Elizabeth Yeakey, (Kentucky), Feb. 26, 1844, 7 x 7 1/2, releasing mortgage on previous sale of a “Negro girl by the name of Malisa, aged three years old” for $125 to slave dealer W.N. Fishback. “...I have a mortgage on said girl given to me by my son Umphra Bert for which I have satisfied said Bert and hereby release said mortgage...and guarantee this to be a bonyfied sail [bonafide sale] to said Fishback....” Witnessed by James Bates. Some ink erosion, stains, nearly symmetrical mousechew at right when folded, affecting two words and last four letters of Yeakey’s name, else satisfactory, darkly penned, and suitable for display. $100-130 |
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Between the 1890s to 1920s, William M. Shaw (1878-1948), a Sherman, Texas dry goods and clothing merchant, formed a collection of autographs of Civil War Generals. In many cases, despite the paucity of autograph dealers in those early days, he was successful in locating examples of officers killed in action.
For others, he sought their signatures by mail. Shaw precisely mounted most items on a rigid white linen-embossed card, 3 1/2 x 5, usually with a typewritten biography mounted on verso. Some cards are toned; the signatures are almost invariably unaffected.
Such magnificent collections seldom come to market at this late date; whether you are beginning a collection, or filling in names, the Shaw Collection represents a special opportunity. Letter of provenance on request for each Shaw item. A small number of names were lacking in Shaw, and added from another old collection in the 1970s.
6-1. James Hagan.Of Ala. Confederate Brig. Gen., his promotion to general officer falling into a gap, inconsistently reported. Irish-born, Hagan fought with the Texas Rangers in the Mexican War. In rich brown on ivory card, “...Brig. Gen., C.S. Army, Feb. 1864.” Mounted on Shaw’s linen card, this toned to caramel, else fine. An intriguing puzzle, Hagan is shown in Heitman and Lonn as appointed to Brig. Gen. in Aug. 1863, while serving under Wheeler. However, his highest rank is Col. (of 3rd Ala. Cavalry) in Johnson & Buel’s Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, in Wood, and in Wright’s General Officers of the Confederate Army. Unlisted in Reese’s Autographs of the Confederacy and Seagrave. In all events, the only example we recall handling, and a very rare opportunity for the completist. $300-400 |
6-2. H.W. Halleck.Of N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. Lincoln’s military advisor and Gen. in Chief, replaced by Grant for his “lack of strategic sense.” Known as “Old Brains,” Halleck “had the reputation of being the most unpopular man in Washington,” still playing “a major role in the administration of the Civil War”--Boatner. On ivory card, with “Major Genl.” in his hand, mounted on Shaw’s larger card. Coffee or tea staining at right third, occurring before mounting a century ago, affecting last three letters of name, and rank below, else satisfactory. $55-75 |
6-3. Alexander Hamilton.On N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. in N.Y.S. Militia. One of fourteen grandchildren of Founding Father of the same name, this Hamilton served in Va. as aide-de-camp to Maj. Gen. Sandford. Promoted for his use of Thaddeus Lowe’s balloon, Hamilton reported directly to Lincoln, and was placed in charge of troops suppressing the N.Y. Draft Riots. Speaking numerous languages, he was also noted as a “mathematician and penman.” On cream card, signature remarkably akin to his illustrious grandfather’s. Two lightly ghosted signatures above, evidently from his blotter, as he signed a number of items in one sitting, else excellent. Surprisingly scarce. $60-85 |
6-4. H(annibal) Hamlin.Of Maine. Lincoln’s Vice Pres. A prewar Democrat in the House and Senate, his anti-slavery sentiment brought him to the new Republican Party. With “Maine” in his hand. On unusual finely grooved ivory card, evidently intended for his autograph. Left corners moderately toned from previous triangular mounts, lighter at right, else about very good. $65-90 |
6-5. Wade Hampton.Of S.C. Confederate Gen. A wealthy planter, before the war Hampton was “coming to doubt the economic soundness of slavery. When the demand for secession arose, he admitted the right of withdrawal from the Union but disputed the policy...”--Boatner. Leading his namesake Hampton Legion, his men suffered 20% casualties at First Bull Run. Wounded for his third time at Gettysburg, Hampton succeeded J.E.B. Stuart in command of cavalry. Returning to his ruined lands after the war, he served as both Gov. and Sen. Endorsement signature on half of a check, with “...Branch” in his hand, above light green rubber stamp “...Citizen Savings Bank of S.C.” Apr. 1, 1872, 3 x 4, payable on verso in another hand to Carolina Life Ins(urance) Co., signed by T.J. Josey. Heavily wrinkled from pocket folds, reflecting an arduous clearance in the Reconstruction South, two tears repaired with tape, else satisfactory, his signature dark. $220-270 |
6-6. The Other John Hancock.Splendid sprawling signature in purple ink of the “other” J(ohn) Hancock – of Texas. Pioneer Austin lawyer, Unionist member of Texas legislature at dawn of Civil War. Upon Texas’ secession, refused to take oath of allegiance to Confederacy, and expelled. Unwilling to recognize authority of Confederate courts, he fled to Mexico to avoid conscription in C.S.A.; postwar Rep. On slip printed “House of Representatives,” mounted on portion of old album leaf 2 1/2 x 6 3/4. Light glue stain, else fine. Attractive conversation piece. $45-65 |
6-7. Winf(iel)d S(cott) Hancock.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. An intrepid fighter, severely wounded at Gettysburg, and one of fifteen given the Thanks of Congress for that battle. A Civil War historian noted Hancock “always has a clean white shirt - where he gets them nobody knows...”--Boatner. 1880 Democratic Presidential candidate, his loss to Garfield possibly saving his life. Stylish Spinner-esque signature, with “Major Genl. U.S. Vols.” in his hand, on blue-lined slip. Mounted on ivory linen card. Some pale amber glue toning at left and right, else very good and attractive. $110-150 |
6-8. R(oger) W. Hanson.Of Ky. Confederate Brig. Gen. Shot in an antebellum duel, one leg was shortened, giving him a “peculiar gait” (D.A.B.). Trying his luck in the Gold Rush, Hanson returned to Ky. to enter politics. “Conservative, but resenting Union domination, he joined the neutrality movement...”--Boatner. Soon joining the Confederate Army, he commanded with valor at Fort Donelson - but was captured. Back in late 1862, in Morgan’s expedition, Hanson captured over 2,000 Union prisoners. Promoted two weeks before Christmas, his service as Brig. Gen. was among the shortest of any officer: while leading at Stones River, he was killed on Jan. 2, 1863. Signature from letter or document, apparently prewar, 3/4 x 2 1/2, neatly mounted on mocha slip. Some amber glue toning around edges, else fine. Rare. $725-950 |
6-9. W(illiam) J. Hardee.Of Ga. Confederate Lt. Gen. Prewar commandant of cadets at West Point, it fell to Hardee to try to stop Sherman’s March to the Sea. Close of letter, with “...Y(our) Ob(edient) Servant...Brig. Gen.” in his hand, 2 x 4 3/4, his rank dating to period June 17-Oct. 6, 1861, when he organized the Arkansas brigade, then transferring to Ky. in Autumn. Minor smudging, probably from blotter, else very good. $250-325 |
6-10. M(ark) B. Hardin, the Confederate Chemist.Of Va. Confederate Maj. Signature beneath docketing in another hand, “Head Qrs. Art(iller)y Br(i)g(ade), Resp(ectfull)y forwarded...Maj. Comdg.,” Feb. 7, 1865. 2 x 2 1/2. A V.M.I. professor of chemistry (and assistant Commandant of Cadets) at age 22, Hardin enlisted as a Capt. just two weeks after Fort Sumter. Transferring in 1862 to the 18th Va. Heavy Artillery, he was wounded and hospitalized at Richmond in 1864 – then captured nine days before Appomattox, at Sailor’s Creek, Va. Setting up his own analytical lab in N.Y.C. after the war, Hardin returned to V.M.I., teaching til 1890. On blue-lined adversity paper, outlined in red rule, “Brig. Gen.” in hand of later 19th century collector, evidently mistaking the signer for Union Gen. Martin Davis Hardin; the middle initial here is unquestionably “B.” Military records consulted show only one “M.B. Hardin” on either side. Mounted on white card. Handling soiling, clerical portions light, signature in mocha, and satisfactory. Obscure and rare. Hardin is mentioned in Drawing Out the Man: The V.M.I. Story, by Henry A. Wise. $170-220 |
6-11. Wm. S. Harney.Of Tenn. Union Maj. Gen. Joining the Army in 1818, Harney was long a Southern sympathizer. Already a Brig. Gen. by 1858, in command of Dept. of the West, “he subscribed to the convictions of his slave-holding friends and was an embarrassment to Blair and Lyons, if not actually a threat to their plans to consolidate (Missouri’s) Union sympathizers...”--Boatner. Relieved of his command in May 1861, Harney retired 1863, and was breveted Maj. Gen. in 1865. Signature from partly printed document, 1851, with “Col. 2nd Dragoons / Comdg.” also in his hand. 1 1/4 x 3. Light band of toning at left margin, else about fine. $65-90 |
6-12. Isham Harris.Confederate Gov. of Tenn. Antebellum Congressman and Gov.; Gen. Johnston’s aide-de-camp at beginning of war, serving at Shiloh in Army of the West headquarters. Fleeing to Mexico and England after the war, Harris returned, holding a Senate seat for six terms. Signature in slate grey on mocha adversity paper clipped from official document, “Governor” printed in script, 1 1/4 x 3 1/2. Dated 1861 in period hand. Mounted on eggshell card, brown staining of glue, mostly below signature, else satisfactory. $45-65 |
6-13. J.F. Hartranft.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. Commissioned eight days after the bombardment of Fort Sumter began, Hartranft led through the war years. Awarded Medal of Honor - in 1886 - “for having volunteered his services at 1st Bull Run [after expiration of his service] when the rest of his regiment marched to the rear to be mustered out”--Boatner. Hartranft’s new, untested division credited with defeating Robert E. Lee in his final offensive, at Fort Stedman in Mar. 1865. Further distinguished as the officer who read the death warrant to the Lincoln assassination conspirators - including Mary Surratt, hung on July 7, 1865. Postwar Gov. of Pa., supporting suffrage for blacks, and rights of the workingman; credited with bringing the 1876 Centennial to Philadelphia. A contender for the 1876 Republican nomination for Pres., Hartranft was edged out by Hayes, the two having served together in the same Army Corps; Commander-in-Chief, G.A.R. “Yours respectfully,” on ivory slip. Narrow vertical slit at bottom, ending barely shy of his initials, possibly incurred when envelope enclosing signature opened with a knife; glue crimping and light toning from mounting, else dark and good. Scarce. A fascinating personage. $100-130 |
6-14. Geo. L. Hartsuff.Of N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. Teaching tactics at West Point, he began the Civil War at Ft. Pickens, Fla., then commanded at Shenandoah, Cedar Mountain, 2nd Bull Run, seriously wounded at Antietam. Recovering for over two years, Hartsuff led once again during the siege of Petersburg, at defenses of Bermuda Hundred. With “Maj. Genl. Vols.” in his hand, evidently a presentation slip, mounted on card. Diamond-shaped toning from an item atop in long storage, pre-mounting tear at right edge, else about very good, with interesting caramel, dark cream, and ivory tones. Elusive. $80-110 |
6-15. H(enry) C. Hasbrouck.Union Capt. A West Pointer, graduating while the fires around Fort Sumter were still aglow, on May 10, 1861. Fought with U.S. Army 4th Light Artillery, and breveted for Blackwater Bridge, Va., 1862. Later breveted for gallantry fighting Indians at Sorass Lake, Calif., 1873; Brig. Gen. Vols., 1898, not retiring til 1903! Presentation signature in Waterman blue on ivory card. Two diagonal bands of toning, likely from old envelope, else excellent. $30-40 |
6-16. Joseph Hayes.Of Mass. Union Maj. Gen. Breveted for Weldon R.R., Hayes was captured and imprisoned in Libby. Beginning Jan. 1865, served as U.S. Commissioner of Supplies in the seceded states; Hayes is credited with introducing the American system of hydraulic mining in Colombia, in 1877. Close of letter, with “Brig. Genl.” and addressee “Col. W.S. Tilton, 1st Div.” in Hayes’ hand. Pleasing graduated toning of card and signature, and fine. $75-100 |
6-17. Alexander Hays.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. A California 49-er, Hays was severely wounded at 2nd Bull Run. Leading at Gettysburg and Mine Run, he was killed in action at the Wilderness, in May 1864. With “Brig. Gen. Vols.” in his hand, from document, 1 x 3 1/2. Mottled glue toning from old mounting, “50¢” in pencil on verso, fine border double-ruled around signature in scarlet and brown, 1/2” vertical tear at bottom passing through last letter of “Brig.,” else very satisfactory. Very scarce. $140-170 |
6-18. Harry T. Hays.Of Miss. Confederate Maj. Gen. An antebellum New Orleans lawyer, Hays fought at 1st Bull Run, soon wounded at Port Republic. Named commander of the first Louisiana Brigade - known as the Louisiana Tigers - he led at Chancellorsville (with Stonewall Jackson) and Gettysburg. Severely wounded at Spotsylvania, Hays was named Maj. Gen. after Appomattox, on May 10, 1865. Choice signature with paraph on elegant grey laid paper, lined in blue, mounted on tan linen card. Light glue toning at blank right, else excellent. $250-300 |
6-19. W(illiam) B(abcock) Hazen.Of Vermont. Union Maj. Gen. At Shiloh and siege of Corinth, in the pursuit of Bragg’s army through Kentucky, and Chickamauga and Chattanooga. Leading at Rocky Face Ridge, Pickett’s Mills, Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, and Atlanta, Hazen commanded a division in Sherman’s March to the Sea. Remaining on active duty til 1887, as Chief Signal Officer and head of the Weather Bureau. Bold signature on pale lilac, with “Maj. Genl.” in his hand. On ivory card; old glue on verso imparting an unusual desert-rose toning. Fine and attractive. $60-85 |
6-20. S(amuel) P. Heintzelman.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. Capturing Alexandria, Va. in May 1861, wounded at 1st Bull Run, then commanding right wing of Pope’s army at 2nd Bull Run. “One who greatly magnified the difficulties before him...(but) personally brave and gallant...”--Boatner. Closing of letter, “Your Obt. Srvt...,” his name in moderately light tan, his pen nearly running out of ink as he completes “Major Genl., U.S.A.” (It must have been a long letter.) Some showthrough of old-fashioned library paste where mounted on pale grey, then in turn on Shaw’s ivory linen card. Still about good, reflecting the vagaries of writing in the field. $35-55 |
6-21. Guy V. Henry.Of N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. Born in Indian Territory, Henry received the Medal of Honor for Cold Harbor - in 1893: while leading a brigade charge, two horses were shot out from under him. Fighting against Indians at Rosebud Creek, Montana in 1890, he also commanded in Spanish-American War. Signature in plum purple, clipped from dark pink check, 3/4 x 3 1/2, with portion of orange revenue underprint. One hole cancel touching “H,” else very good and attractive. Unlisted in Sanders and Seagrave. Scarce. $80-110 |
6-22. H(enry) Heth.Of Va. Confederate Maj. Gen. A West Pointer, Heth resigned his Union commission ten days after the fall of Fort Sumter, joining the Confederacy. Assigned to Kirby Smith by Jeff Davis, he commanded in Bragg’s army in Kentucky. At Robert E. Lee’s request, Heth transferred, succeeding A.P. Hill at Chancellorsville. It was Heth whose skirmishers unexpectedly engaged the Union on July 1, precipitating the Battle of Gettysburg. “Within 23 minutes his division was reduced to half strength and Heth himself was wounded. On July 3, his division...took part in Pickett’s Charge...”--Boatner. From a letter, with “Very Res(pectfully)” also in his hand. In oak-brown, on lined paper, 1 1/4 x 3 1/2. Mounting evidence on verso at side, and glue remnants at same edge, away from signature, else about fine. A fascinating General, albeit overlooked. $180-220 |
6-23. Thomas Wentworth Higginson.Of Mass. Union officer. Abolitionist and Col. of the first Colored Regiment in Union Army. Biographer of Longfellow and Whittier. Full signature on ivory card, “Cambridge, Mass.” also in his hand, a trifle lighter. Mounting evidence on verso, dime-sized transfer of text at otherwise blank upper right corner, from small old clipping of photo once tipped (present), else fine. $70-100 |
6-24. A.P. Hill Group.Of Va. Confederate Maj. Gen. With a fabled career, Hill succeeded Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville, until he was wounded himself. Commanding Hill’s Light Division - renowned for its speed in marching - he led at Gettysburg, rising to his greatest heights in the Petersburg Campaign. Though just back from sick leave, Hill returned for the final defense of Petersburg, and was killed by friendly fire Apr. 2, 1865. Signature and three related items: Postwar A.L.S. of (Col.) William H. Palmer, Chief of Staff to Gen. Hill, Richmond, Oct. 2, 1905, 5 1/4 x 6 3/4. To Shaw. “I have your letter... enquiring where you can obtain the Signature of Gen. A.P. Hill. I regret that I am unable to help you...I have no Signature of the General & do not know where one is to be obtained....” Penned in a florid hand on cream Crane’s linen lettersheet. Excellent. With reply envelope, 2¢ entire. Palmer’s shoulder had been dislocated in the same friendly fire debacle that mortally wounded Stonewall Jackson. Palmer became Hill’s most trusted aide, termed “polished...and indefatigable” by Hill’s biographer. • With Shaw’s space-filler, a photograph from old magazine, creased before his trimming and mounting on cream linen card. • Signature “A.P. Hill,” with endorsement in field hand, “Hd. Qrs. 4th Brig.,” [northern Va.], Feb. 12, 1862, 2 x 3 1/4. “Respectfully forwarded / Comdg. Brigade,” “Maj. Gen.” penned in a late 19th-century hand (Hill would be promoted to Brig. Gen. two weeks later, and to Maj. Gen. in May). In light grey on robin’s-egg-blue slip. Border ruled in dark pink. Parts of eight lines in another Confederate hand on verso. Fraying at blank right vertical margin, laid on onion skin, Hill’s signature discernable and satisfactory. Added to Shaw Collection in 1970s. • Flattering carte photograph, by Anthony, N.Y., 1862. Gold leaf imprint on front, black logo on verso. Rich sepia tones. Rubber-stamped number on verso, possibly by noted collector c. 1960s, else a superior example, and excellent. “A rare and desirable signature”--Seagrave. $700-950 (5 pcs.) |
6-25. D(aniel) H. Hill.Of S.C. Confederate Maj. Gen. Hill’s wife and Stonewall Jackson’s second wife were sisters; in 1854, he moved to teach math at the school where Jackson had been Pres. Fighting at Big Bethel, the first land battle of the war, Hill was selected to defend Richmond during Gettysburg. After Hill had advised Jeff Davis to remove Bragg on grounds of incompetence, Hill was relieved instead. Though he served briefly as Lt. Gen., he was never nominated for confirmation, reverting to Maj. Gen. Illustrating Hill’s individuality, on an application of a soldier seeking transfer from infantry to the band, he penned, “Disapproved. Shooters are more needed than tooters”--Alexander in Boatner. With “Milledgeville, Ga.” in his hand, on narrow strip, 3/4 x 3 3/4, closely trimmed, probably from an envelope from his years as Pres. of Georgia Military Academy, 1885-89. Darkened at right margin, not affecting signature, toned to variable tans, else about very good. Elusive. $325-400 |
6-26. Henry W. Hilliard.Of Ala. Confederate Brig. Gen., lacking in three reference sources, but present in others. As an antebellum Congressman, Hilliard opposed secession, but followed his state, leading his eponymous Hilliard’s Legion under Braxton Bragg. “Appleton’s says that he was appointed Brig. Gen., but Wright does not confirm this.”--Boatner. Unlisted in Generals in Gray, Heitman, and Reese, but listed, as Brig. Gen., in Congressional Directory and other publications. With “Montgomery, Ala.” also in his hand. Mounted on ivory card of identical shade, 3 1/2 x 5. Pea-sized ink drop on middle initial, dabbed by his blotter or tissue, pleasing toning, and very good. A “must” for the completist. $90-120 |
6-27. T(homas) C. Hindman.Of Tenn. Confederate Maj. Gen. An antebellum Congressman from Arkansas, and ardent secessionist, Hindman commanded at Shiloh, then headed Trans-Mississippi Dept. An eye wound at Atlanta ending his field service, became involved in Reconstruction politics in Arkansas. Surviving the war, he was murdered in 1868 by one of his former soldiers, in revenge for a disciplinary act during the war. “...a dapper little man...who dressed in tight-fitting clothes, ruffled shirts, and patent-leather boots. Lamed in an accident, he wore one boot heel higher than the other...”--Monaghan in Boatner. With “Helena, Ark.” also in his hand. Nicely patinated in shades of cream, on Shaw’s card, and about fine. Scarce. $350-425 |
6-28. E(than) A(llen) Hitchcock.Of Vt. Union Maj. Gen. Grandson of the Revolutionary War hero of the Green Mountains, Hitchcock fought in Seminole and Mexican Wars. Twice refusing post of Gov. of Liberia, he served as Commissioner for Exchange of War Prisoners. Close of letter in clerical hand, his signature in cinnebar brown, on blue-ruled slip; parts of four lines on verso, mentioning “Secy. of....” Fine. $70-100 |
6-29. R(obert) F. Hoke.Of N.C. Confederate Maj. Gen. Fighting at 2nd Bull and Antietam, Hoke led at Fredericksburg, then wounded at Chancellorsville. Sent to Piedmont section of Carolinas “to quell the outlawry and arrest deserters” (Boatner), he succeeded in bottling up Ben Butler at Bermuda Hundred and Cold Harbor. “In spite of his superb record, as a Maj. Gen. he was unable to cooperate, and this, his only defect apparently, was enough to cancel his military virtues.” Bold signature in tobacco brown, with “C.S.A.” in his hand. Mounted on linen-finish card, toned to amber, else fine. $130-170 |
6-30. Th(eophilus) H. Holmes.Of N.C. Confederate Lt. Gen. Resigning from his distinguished Union service one week after Fort Sumter, Holmes helped organize, then commanded the Southern Dept. of Coastal Defense. Appointed Brig. Gen. by his West Point classmate Jeff Davis, he commanded at 1st Bull Run. Accepting command of Trans-Miss. Dept. at Davis’ urging, Holmes later relinquished the post to Kirby Smith. From a field letter, on dark slate-blue, “Lt. Genl.” and “Comdg.” in two other hands. 2 x 2 1/4. Trimmed at top through ascenders of “Your Obdt. servt.,” Holmes’ signature somewhat scratchy, his quill delivering medium and thin strokes, but as written, complete, and very good. Very scarce. $240-280 |
6-31. Joseph Hooker.Of Mass. Union Maj. Gen. Actually snubbed repeatedly when offering his services in 1861 - perhaps because of prewar run-ins with Scott and Halleck - he went on to serve widely. Dubbed “Fighting Joe” to his displeasure by newspapermen, he made media history, ordering that all news dispatches no longer be filed anonymously or with initials only. Becoming Commander of Army of the Potomac, he was relieved six months later after his defeat at Chancellorsville. One of only fifteen to receive the Thanks of Congress during the war. Signature from letter, with closing in especially florid clerical hand, “I am General, Very Respectfully, Your Obdt. Servt...Maj. Gen. Comdg.” 2 1/2 x 4 1/2. On pale ivory laid, lined in light blue. Light-brown-toned soft fold through signature, else fine and still attractive. $220-270 |
6-32. Joseph Hooker.Another example, penned larger than above, on eggshell slip, 2 1/4 x 4 3/4, with “Maj. Gen.” in his hand. “Gen.” smudged by his own hand; nearly colorless show-through on most of entirety of thinly-applied old glue on verso, else satisfactory. $120-150 |
6-33. S(amuel) Hooper.Of Mass. Civil War era Representative, 37th and 38th Congresses. Working in the Gold Rush-era California hide and China trades, in 1861-62 Hooper’s Washington home served as Gen. McClellan’s headquarters. He was briefly the father-in-law of Charles Sumner, and founded the Hooper School of Mining at Harvard. Diminutive, elegant signature on ivory card, “Boston, Mass.” Pleasing uniform toning, and excellent. $25-35 |
6-34. G(eorge) W(ashington) Hopkins.Of Va. Congressman. An antebellum Jacksonian Democrat and Conservative, he chaired the House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads at the time that the first postage stamps were issued, in 1847. Serving in Congress intermittently from 1834-59, he was serving in Virginia’s House of Delegates as secession clouds gathered, dying six weeks before Fort Sumter. Signature, with “Abingdon, Va.” in his hand, c. 1858. 1 1/2 x 5. Light toning at blank right margin, else very fine. $30-45 |
6-35. Alvin P. Hovey.Of Ind. Union Brig. Gen. A diehard Democrat, Hovey switched to the new Republican Party. Credited by Grant with the victory at Champion’s Hill, Hovey’s brigade had lost a third of its men. Recruiting 10,000 men in 1864, he accepted only unmarried men, dubbed “Hovey’s Babies.” Postwar Gov. of Ind. Signature trimmed from document, Washington, June 17, 1865, 1 x 4 3/4, with “Bvt. Maj. Gen...” in clerical hand. Old fold through “n” of “Alvin,” toned to dark cream, double-ruled border by old-time collector, else about very good. $65-90 |
6-36. Oliver O. Howard.Of Maine. Union Maj. Gen. A storied officer, Howard lost his right arm at Fair Oaks, for which he was given Medal of Honor over thirty years later; led at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, and many other battles. A commissioner of Freedman’s Bureau, founder and Pres. of Howard University for Negroes, Supt. of West Point. He published extensively on history, except for one subject – the Civil War. Uncommon full signature, on eggshell presentation card, with “Maj.-Gen., U.S. Army, Dec. 14, (18)88” in his hand. Blank upper right tip lacking, mounting evidence on verso, some soiling, but satisfactory, and infrequently encountered with his full name. Estimate much reduced. $60-80 |
6-37. O.O. Howard.Another example, apparently as Supt. of West Point, here signing his usual “O.O. Howard.” Close of letter, 2 3/4 x 5, with “Very Respectfully...Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A., Supdt. Commanding” in clerical hand. On blue-lined cream. Very light dust toning at margins, lacking blank lower left tip, else about fine. $120-160 |
6-38. A(ndrew) A. Humphreys.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. Working in the Army since the 1830s on bridges, harbors, and coastal and railroad surveys, his co-authored 1861 report on the Mississippi formed the basis for future flood control. Chief Topographical Engineer of McClellan’s Army of the Potomac, Humphreys provided vital knowhow at Yorktown, Williamsburg, and Seven Days’. Pursuing the Confederates after Antietam, he led at Gettysburg, becoming Meade’s Chief of Staff. Named Chief of Engineers of the Army in 1866; both his father and grandfather had headed the Navy Construction Bureau. Close of letter, mounted with top of card steel-engraved “Office of the Chief of Engineers,” Washington, dated Feb. 16, 1878 in his secretary’s hand. Both part of same letter, as the postal(?) creases at left align; mounted on card, browntoned, light abrasion at blank top of imprinted portion, and very satisfactory. $85-125 |
6-39. Henry J. Hunt.Of Mich. Union Maj. Gen. Defending Harpers Ferry Arsenal “for defense or destruction,” Hunt broke the Confederate pursuit at 1st Bull Run. As Chief of Artillery, it was Hunt’s 147-gun battery that opened the Battle of Fredericksburg – and mowed down Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. Placed by Grant in charge of all siege operations at Petersburg. Attractive signature, also penning “Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1889, B(vt.) Brig. Gen. U.S.A., Colonel Retired” (italics his). Hunt had retired as Col. of Artillery, commanding Dept. of the South, five years earlier. Lacking blank upper left tip, two outlines of envelope seams, “t” in “Washington” smudged by his hand, else about very fine. A remarkable figure. $110-140 |
6-40. D(avid) Hunter.Of D.C. Union Maj. Gen. Corresponding with Lincoln in 1860 on rumors of secession, he was invited to travel with him to the inauguration in Washington. Severely wounded at 1st Bull Run, upon vanquishing Ft. Pulaski, Ga. in 1862, Hunter “issued an order liberating all slaves then in Union hands...”--Boatner. A month later, Lincoln annulled the orders, stating that Hunter had exceeded his authority. Hunter then sanctioned the first black regiment, the 1st S.C., this action upheld by Congress; the Confederacy labeled him “a felon to be executed if captured.” Reversing the journey he and Lincoln had made five years before, in 1865 Hunter accompanied Lincoln’s body back to Springfield. He then presided over the commission trying the conspirators. Exceedingly bold signature, “U.S. Army” in his hand. Dated “Nov. 1880” in corner in a period hand. Ink drops from Hunter’s quill after completing his first initial, tan toning around periphery, else very good plus, and one of the larger Civil War signatures we’ve seen, rivaling Drake DeKay’s. $90-130 |
6-41. Eppa Hunton.Of Va. Confederate Brig. Gen. Present at the May 1861 Virginia secession convention, Hunton held the unpopular but prophetic view that secession would avoid war – by leading to a negotiated settlement in which Northern money would be tapped to industrialize the South. Leading the 8th Va. at 1st Bull Run, he became ill and was operated on, commanding at Balls Bluff from a wagon. Returning to the field at Antietam and Gettysburg, he was severely wounded at Pickett’s Charge. Captured Apr. 6, 1865 at Saylor’s Creek, Hunton served as postwar Congressman, Sen., and on the commission settling the 1876 Hayes-Tilden election, which some feared could have led to a second Civil War. Bold signature in coffee-and-cream, with “Warrenton, Va.” in his hand. Mounted on cream card. Soft vertical creases from air pocket, else about very fine. $140-170 |
6-42. S(tephen) A. Hurlbut.Of S.C. Union Maj. Gen. Led at Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg; while commanding Dept. of the Gulf late in the war, he was charged, and “apparently rightfully so, with corruption...He became the Republican leader of Ill. and accused of corruption and drunkenness...”--Boatner. First Commander in Chief of G.A.R.; as Minister to Peru during their war with Chile in 1881-2, Hurlbut embarrassed the U.S. in an altercation with his counterpart to Chile, “Kill Cavalry” Kilpatrick (his signature offered on page 47). Signature closely cut from document, dated “Aug. 4, 186...” but almost certainly war date. Mounted on onion skin, else very good. $80-110 |
6-43. J(ohn) D. Imboden.Of Tenn. Confederate Brig. Gen. Commanding his Staunton Artillery at time of John Brown’s Raid, fought at 1st Bull Run. Leading the 1st Partisan Rangers, he commanded the eponymous Jones’ and Imboden’s Raid of 1863, advancing into Penna., saving Confederate wounded and wagon trains. Considered one of the South’s top cavalry commanders, he suffered typhoid fever in 1864, completing the war on prison duty. Presentation signature on large, beveled eggshell card, with unusual usage “ex-Brig. Cav. General, C.S.A.” Some dust-toning, light smudge by his hand in loop of first initial, else about fine. $325-400 |
6-44. Rufus Ingalls.Of Maine. Union Maj. Gen. Chief Quartermaster of Army of the Potomac for two years, Ingalls was present at Antietam and Gettysburg. Becoming Chief Q.M. of the Union Army in 1864, he saw action at Cold Harbor and Petersburg. Signature from letter, with “Brig. Genl. & Ch(ie)f Q.M.” in his hand, 1 1/2 x 2 1/2. Closely trimmed at left, just touching ascender of “R,” and removing two characters, perhaps the date, else fine and clean. $45-65 |
6-45. Alfred A. Iverson.Of Ga. Confederate Brig. Gen. Before the war, Iverson served on the frontier, in Indian fighting, Kansas, and Utah. Upon Georgia’s secession, he resigned, and was appointed in the provisional Confederate Army – from North Carolina. Wounded at Seven Days’, he fought at Antietam, taking over the brigade when Garland was killed. Leading again at Gettysburg, Iverson later captured Stoneman at Sunshine Church. Interesting signature on honey-toned card, “Ex Brig. Gen. C.S.A.” in his hand, with mirror-image white ghosting of a signature lying against his in long storage. Else fine and a conversation piece. $180-220 |
6-46. T(homas) A. Jenckes.Of R.I. Civil War era Rep., 38th through 41st Congresses. Signature on dark cream card, “R.I.” in his hand. Excellent. $15-25 |
6-47. A(lbert) G(allatin) Jenkins.Of Va. Confederate Brig. Gen. Resigning his seat in Congress to join the Confederacy in Apr. 1861, Jenkins’ independent cavalry conducted daring raids through Virginia’s mountain counties. Serving briefly in the Confederate Congress, on appointment as Brig. Gen. in 1862, he led his men on a 500-mile raid into Ohio. In the advance guard presaging Gettysburg, he helped capture Chambersburg, and was wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded again and captured at Cloyd’s Mountain, Va., he died in a Union hospital in 1864. Boldly penned, with “Va.” in his hand. Evidently removed from an antebellum autograph album, another signature on verso. Mounted on Shaw’s card. Some dust toning of mount only, else about very fine. Rare. $325-400 |
6-48. Thornton A. Jenkins.Of Va. Union Rear Adm. Chief-of-Staff of Adm. Farragut’s Mississippi River squadron. Handsome signature from close of letter, coffee-and-cream ink, with “Very Respectfully... Rear Admiral, Comdg. U.S. Naval Force on Asiatic Station” in formal clerical hand. Pleasing tan toning, mounted on cream card, and very good. Scarce. • With photograph from old magazine, silhouetted and mounted by Shaw on linen card. $70-100 (2 pcs.) |
– Signed while Blind –
6-49. A(dam) R. Johnson.Of Ky. or Texas, depending upon source. Confederate Brig. Gen., appointed “under the special provision that gave the Pres. (Davis) power to appoint Maj. and Brig. Gens. in the public interest whether or not the necessary troops for them to command had been mustered...”--Boatner. Serving as a scout with Forrest and Morgan, and nicknamed “Stovepipe,” Johnson was blinded when accidentally shot in the face by his own men at Grubbs Crossroads, Ky. He lived til 1922. Carefully signed - while blind - on eggshell card, 2 x 3 1/4. Excellent, unusual, and very scarce. $225-275 |
6-50. Bradley T. Johnson.Of Md. Confederate Brig. Gen. Princeton-educated; helped organize, then led the 1st Md. at 1st Bull Run. Seeing much action in the Shenandoah, he personally executed Jubal Early’s orders to burn Chambersburg. Postwar biographer of Joe Johnston and Washington. With “Br. Genl. A(rmy of) N(orthern) Va., C.S.A.” in his hand. Linen card mount browntoned, else about fine. $90-120 |
6-51. B(ushrod) R. Johnson.Of Ohio. Confederate Maj. Gen. Commanding Fort Donelson, on arrival of his replacement Gideon Pillow, Johnson escaped through the lines, to command at Shiloh. Commanding South Carolina troops at the Crater, he captured three stand of colors and 130 prisoners. On dark brown adversity paper, 1 x 2 1/4, trimmed from document, “Maj. Ge(n.)” in another hand. Double-ruled red border by later collector, floated on white paper, and about very good. $150-180 |
6-52. George D. Johnston.Of N.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. Commissioned in the 4th Ala., Johnston fought at 1st Bull Run, then promoted to Lt. Col. on the very day he commanded at Shiloh. In 1864, three hours after receiving notice of his further promotion to Brig. Gen., he was wounded in the Atlanta campaign. “On crutches, he led Quarles’ brigade into Tenn. and down the Carolinas...”--Boatner. With “Brig. Genl., C.S.A.” in his hand. Mount crimped at left and right edges, graduated toning, else about fine, and attractive. $110-140 |
6-53. J(oseph) E. Johnston.Of Va. Confederate Gen., named Maj. Gen. of Va. one week after Fort Sumter, and later Gen. - fourth in seniority after Cooper, A.S. Johnston, and Lee. Protesting that he had been the senior Federal officer and should retain this status in the Confederacy, a feud with Jefferson Davis was ignited. Davis’ refusal to approve Johnston’s strategy led to Confederate debacles at four battles including Vicksburg and Chickamauga. Johnston surrendered Apr. 26, 1865, defying Davis’ order to move south and continue the war. Termed “a difficult and touchy subordinate...a military contradiction and a temperamental enigma”--Freeman, Lee’s Lieutenants. Fine signature on unusual silver-edged card, 1 3/4 x 3 1/4. Mounted on ivory linen card, three old tape stains at blank edges. • With photograph from old magazine, silhouetted and mounted by Shaw on linen card. $250-325 (2 pcs.) |
6-54. J(osiah) Stoddard Johnston.Of Ky. Confederate Lt. Col. Breckinridge’s Chief of Staff, aide to Bragg at Battle of Murfreesboro - a clash noted for the highest percentage of casualties on both sides - and on staff of Buckner. Johnston was one of the escorts helping Jeff Davis flee Richmond as the city fell. (His cousin, William Preston Johnston, was Davis’ aide-de-camp.) Editor of Kentucky Yeoman newspaper, Frankfort; associate ed., Louisville Courier-Journal; Pres., Filson Club; author, Confederate History of Kentucky. A.N.S. on postcard, Louisville, Aug. 7, (18)94, 3 1/2 x 5 1/2. To Dr. John O. Scott, Sherman, Texas. “I am much obliged for the copy of the Democrat containing your address & forwarded me from Frankfort, my former residence.” Dust toned, several postal creases, several fingerprint(?) stains, but good, and rare. Not in Boatner, Sanders, or Seagrave. $120-150 |
6-55. R(obert) D. Johnston.Of N.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. Wounded at Seven Pines, taking over the 12th N.C. at Chancellorsville when its commander killed. Fighting at Gettysburg, severely wounded at Spotsylvania. In rich brown, with “Brig. Genl., Army of Northern Va., C.S.A.” in his hand. Tortoise-shell brown toning, else very fine. $100-130 |
6-56. D(avid) R(umph) Jones.Of S.C. Confederate Maj. Gen. Beauregard’s Chief-of-Staff during Fort Sumter bombardment, Jones commanded at 1st Bull Run. At 2nd Bull Run, he secured Thoroughfare Gap for Stonewall Jackson’s passage. Soon after Antietam, he was afflicted with heart trouble, dying Jan. 1863 in Richmond. Lower half of A.L.S., believe prewar, both sides of 4 x 5 sheet, to brother D.B. Jones, Chattanoooga, this “Jones” a second “signature.” “...ere many more months roll around, we will have another reunion and have our better halves with us. Beck is very anxious to see you all. They keep me so poor by keeping me in expensive large cities, that I fear for the success of the plan...Love to the rest of the family when you write....” Fragment of album paper adhered to verso, and one thin spot where tipped to page, toning along one fold away from signature, else very good. Rare thus. $450-575 |
6-57. J(ohn) R. Jones.Of Va. Confederate Brig. Gen. An interesting example of an appointment never confirmed, Jones was “named at the instance of Stonewall himself” (--Lee’s Lieutenants), commanding under Jackson at Cold Harbor. Wounded after 2nd Bull Run, Jones took command of Jackson’s own division at Harpers Ferry. Joining Lee at Antietam, he was taken out of action by a shell bursting overhead, his replacement commander later killed. Leaving the Chancellorsville battlefield at night, claiming an ulcerated leg, Jones was formally charged with cowardice and cashiered. Captured at Smithburg, Tenn. on July 4, 1863, and not released til the war was over. On ivory card, with “Brig. Genl. C.S.A., Harrisonburg, Va.” in his hand. Mount lightly toned, else excellent. Scarce. $200-240 |
6-58. Sam(uel) Jones.Of Va. Confederate Maj. Gen. Appointed Chief of Artillery and Ordnance - and Brig. Gen. - on the day of the Battle of 1st Bull Run, Jones he served at Pensacola and Mobile. Given command of Gen. Hindman’s Corps (see Hindman signature in this section), he led the cryptically named Dept. No. 2, a.k.a. Western Dept., encompassing Ala., west and central Tenn., and west Florida. In 1864, he succeeded Beauregard as commander of the Dept. of S.C., Ga., and Fla. Bold war date signature, with “Maj. Genl. Comdg.” and unlikely ornate paraph in his hand, on dark brown adversity paper, 2 x 3. In field hand, “Hd. Qrs. Dept. S.C. & G. / Charleston, Sept. 23, (18)64 / Respy. forwd....” Double-ruled red border by later collector, floated on white paper, dust-toning, else about very good. $275-350 |
6-59. James E. Jouett.Of Ky. Union Naval officer, “Fighting Jim.” Beginning his career with Matthew Perry on the African coast, early in the Civil War Jouett was captured by Confederates at Pensacola. Later in 1861, he destroyed the Confederate warship Royal Yacht. Entering Mobile Bay in 1864, Jouett’s vessel was lashed to Farragut’s flagship. Despite a Union ironclad sunk by a torpedo, Farragut gave his immortal command to steam onward: “Damn the torpedoes! Four bells... Jouett full speed!” Jouett’s ship captured one Confederate gunboat, riddling another with fire. Three ships have carried his name. Bold signature in coffee-and-cream, with “Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Dec. 4, 1889” in his hand. Date a trifle light, old glue smudge at right edge, mount browntoned, else fine and suitable for display. Very scarce. Unlisted in Boatner and Seagrave. $70-90 |
6-60. H(enry) M(oses) Judah.Of Md. Union Brig. Gen. An Indian fighter and West Point classmate of Grant, Moses began the war in the 4th California. Acting Inspector Gen. of Army of the Tenn., he commanded Camps Dennison and Covington, Ky. Said to have been descended from Rabbi David Judah, who arrived in N.Y. from England by 1750--jewishledger.com. Judah, who “captured Morgan,” is among “American Israelites” in The Jewish Forum, 1920, in an article entitled “Jewish Civic Activity and Patriotism.” Signature from letter or document, 3/4 x 3 1/2. Mounting evidence on verso at left, else a fine and clean example. Elusive, as he died 1866, at just 45. $90-120 |
6-61. Martin Kalbfleisch.Holland-born. Mayor of Brooklyn, 1862-64 and 1867-71 (then one of the ten largest cities in the country). Two weeks before Gettysburg, Kalbfleisch issued a proclamation, urging Brooklynites to march with the 13th N.Y. National Guard to Penna., “to expel the traitorous horde...”--N.Y. Times, June 19, 1863. As N.Y. Congressman 1863-65, voted against the 13th Amendment. In the year after the Great New York Fire of 1834, he had established a “color-factory” in Harlem (--Appletons’ Cyclopædia), evidently paints. Choice signature on dark cream card, with paraph. “Brooklyn, N.Y.” in his hand. 2 x 3. Choice and elusive. $40-55 |
6-62. Thomas L. Kane.Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. A prewar Free Soiler and abolitionist, Kane found that his duties as District Commissioner enforcing the new Fugitive Slave Law conflicted with his conscience, and resigned. The District Judge - his father - construed the resignation as contempt, and had his son jailed, “an action that was overruled by the Supreme Court. Upon release he became an active agent of the Underground Railroad, and also assisted Brigham Young and the U.S. government in moving the Mormons westward”--Boatner. Organizing the 13th Pa. “Bucktails,” Kane was wounded at Dranesville, the very first battle in the East in which a Union force vanquished their Confederate adversary, and was able to drive them from the field. (This victory was even more remarkable, as the opposing forces were commanded by Gen. J.E.B. Stuart.) Captured at Harrisonburg (where Custer and future Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes were also present), Kane found himself in a Baltimore hospital with pneumonia just before Gettysburg, when given a message that the Confederates had broken the Union cipher. Delivering it to Meade, with great difficulty, Kane actually resumed command at Gettysburg, though too weak to sit on his horse. Dark signature on ivory slip, 3/4 x 2, “Boston, Aug. 1” in period hand, marked 1863 in 1970s. Three rules in red by later collector, light toning, else fine. An exciting story. Scarce. $75-100 |
6-63. August V(alentine) Kautz.German-born. Union Maj. Gen. A West Pointer, twice wounded in Indian fighting, Kautz led cavalry from Yorktown to Richmond. Member of the military commission trying Lincoln’s assassins, returning to the Indian frontier, and commanding Dept. of Columbia. With “Col. 8th Infantry / Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A. / Jan. 22, (18)91” – one year before he retired. Mount with light tortoise-shell mottling, else very fine. $50-75 |
6-64. B(enjamin) F(ranklin) Kelley.Of N.H. Union Brig. Gen. Severely wounded at Philippi, W.V., just two weeks after his appointment in May 1861, he later commanded his eponymous Kelley’s Brigade, capturing Romney and Blue’s Gap, W.V. Kelley also led the Railroad District, Mountain Dept. Docketing signature from document, 1 1/4 x 2, brown on pale tan, intriguing snippets of text on verso “Bones...Cheister... David...Kemper’s...,” glaze of old glue on verso, toning, soft wrinkles, but with much character, and very good. Not in Sanders or Seagrave. Scarce. $90-120 |
6-65. O(rlando) Kellogg.Of N.Y. Congressman, first serving with Congressman Lincoln 1847-49. Delegate to 1860 Republican National Convention. Upon reelection to Congress in 1861, “one day he went to the White House to see the President and was denied access because a Cabinet meeting was in session. He told the door-keeper: ‘You man, you go in and tell the Pres. that Orlando Kellogg is at the door, and wants to tell him the story of the stuttering justice.’ When the door-keeper demurred, Kellogg insisted. The door-keeper went into the President’s office and returned with an order to take Congressman Kellogg into the Cabinet session. ‘Gentlemen,’ said Lincoln, ‘this is my old friend, Orlando Kellogg, and he wants to tell us the story of the stuttering justice. Let us lay all business aside, for it is a good story.’”--The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln, Francis Fisher Browne, pp. 494-495. Lincoln lore bears other heartwarming stories of his friend Kellogg; both men died in office in 1865, albeit under very different circumstances. On eggshell-white slip, with “N. York” in his hand. Excellent. $55-75 |
6-66. J(ames) L. Kemper.Of Va. Confederate Maj. Gen. Antebellum Speaker of Va. House of Delegates; soon after Sumter, Kemper commanded from 1st Bull Run to Williamsburg. Leading under Pickett at Gettysburg, he was “desperately wounded...Captured and exchanged three months later in such a serious condition that he was not expected to live...”--Boatner. Surviving, he would become postwar Gov. of Va., living til 1895. Described as a man of “fearlessness, dash... impassioned eloquence...”--D.A.B. Signature with “Brig. Gen.” in his hand, probably from a letter, in coffee-and-cream on purplish blue, 1 x 3 1/4. Border ruled in red by old-time collector, old fold through “K,” a trifle light, waterstaining but only prominent on verso, floated on onion skin in 1970s, and good plus. $350-450 |
6-67. Jno. E. Kenna.Of W. Va. Confederate teen soldier (born 1848), wounded in Shelby’s Iron Brigade, formed by Gen. Hindman (see autograph earlier in this section). Rep. and Sen. from W. Va. Rising to Democratic Minority Leader, Kenna became a controversial speaker on independence of the executive branch, defending Pres. Cleveland, and indicting Senate Republican majority for failure to pass tariff reforms. Bold signature in medium mocha, on dark cream card, “Charleston, W. Va.,” 2 1/2 x 4. Dated in another hand, in pencil, Jan. 11, (18)93. Two lighter diagonal bands of toning from storage in plain envelope, else very good plus. Interestingly, his Civil War service mentioned in Congressional Directory, but not listed at civilwardata.com. Very scarce; died at age 44. $75-100 |
6-68. J(ohn) D. Kennedy.Of S.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. Wounded while leading 2nd S.C. at Antietam, Kennedy was again wounded at Gettysburg. Commanding against Sherman in N.C. in mid-Mar. 1865, he served postwar as Consul Gen. in Shanghai. Portion of postwar check, in his hand, 1 1/2 x 3, payable to himself, Camden, S.C. On front, partial signature “Jno.” and “Kennedy” on separate lines; on verso, complete endorsement, “J.D. Kennedy / Genl. Agt. Carolina Life Ins. Co. So. Ca.” Cross-signature in pale lilac, “Accepted / E.C. Kennedy.” Pocket folds, light toning, else very good. An unusual conversation piece: an autograph as a second kind of “General.” $220-270 |
6-69. E(rasmus) D(arwin) Keyes.Of Mass. Union Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott’s military secretary; led his eponymous Keyes’ Division. Taking part in the diversionary movements against Richmond during Gettysburg campaign, denied an investigation in controversy with Dix over his participation. Resigned May 1864, moving to San Francisco, and active in gold mining and growing wine grapes. From close of letter, “Your friend....” 1 x 3. Light soiling, neatly mounted on stiff white card, and very good. Scarce. $80-110 |
6-70. (Hugh) J(udson) Kilpatrick.Of N.J. Union Maj. Gen. “Kill Cavalry” Kilpatrick, the Union’s first Regular Army officer wounded in action in the Civil War, in its first land battle, Big Bethel. With a long - and controversial - wartime resumé, including Gettysburg, Kilpatrick commanded what was essentially the whole of Sherman’s cavalry during March to the Sea. His “...notorious immoralities and rapacity set so demoralizing an example to his troops...A dare-devil recklessness that dismayed his opponents and imparted his own daring to his men...”--Cox in Boatner. Intriguing variant signature, “Yours To Trust...,” in mocha on ivory card, in a vertical, loopy, flamboyant hand. Uniform cream toning, light rippling on mount, else fine plus. $170-220 |
6-71. Horatio King.Lincoln’s Postmaster Gen. Florid signature in lilac on eggshell card, 2 1/4 x 3 3/4, “Yours truly....” Two remnants of album mounting on verso, else very fine. $45-65 |
6-72. W(illiam) H. King.Of Texas. Confederate Brig. Gen., his rank inconsistently reported; unlisted in Wright, but listed in Wood and Henderson’s Texas in the Confederacy, and in Heitman. In 1861, Maj. and Q.M. of John Walker’s Greyhounds, given command of a brigade under Walker three years thence. Signature in warm brown, with manuscript endorsement above and below in clerical hand, “Approved / Brig. Genl. Comdg.” On palest grey, 2 1/2 x 3 1/4, mounted on tan slip. Minor foxing, else fine. Very scarce. $140-170 |
6-73. J(ames) Proctor Knott.Of Ky. Refusing to take U.S. loyalty oath during the war, Knoff delivered the famous “Duluth” speech. On verso in contemporary hand in pencil, “Great Orator.” Brown on ivory card, 2 1/4 x 3 3/4. Two bands of black paper mounting strips across opposite corners, light toning, else fine. $25-35 |
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7-1. “My country ‘tis of thee....”Core Americana: A.Q.S. of the author of “America,” S(amuel) F(rancis) Smith, with the first verse of his immortal song recited by schoolchildren each morning. Oct. 6, 1892, 1 7/8 x 3 1/4, in coffee-and-cream tan ink on ivory card. “My country ‘tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing / Written in 1832.” Layer of brown pressboard mat on verso, lacking blank lower left corner where removed, outline of mounting corner at blank upper left, uniform toning, else about very good. One of the most famous songs in the literature of American culture, enduring to this day. An iconic item. $525-675 |
7-2. Composer of “Joy to the World.”Signature of prolific composer of church music L(owell) Mason, possibly clipped from hotel register, July 7, 1845, 1 x 4. Credited with over 1,600 hymns, many still popular today, including “Joy to the World” and “Bethany,” his arrangement of “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” “Largely responsible for introducing music into public schools, and considered the first important music educator” in America--wikipedia. Living in postwar Savannah, Mason’s church created America’s first Sunday school for black children. Old mucilage at top where mounted to tan card, else fine and scarce. Unlisted in Sanders. With 1971 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 7.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $55-70 |
7-3. Mentioning his Greatest Hit – “America.”A.L.S. of S(amuel) F. Smith, lyricist of “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” – popularly entitled “America.” After the national anthem, Smith’s song may have been sung by more Americans than any other. Newton Centre, Mass., Oct. 8, 1895, 4 3/4 x 7 1/4, 1 full p. To Lewis D. Coffrain. “I will cheerfully fulfil(l) your request to sign my name to the last stanza of ‘Am(eric)a’ [not present]. I shall be quite satisfied with the likeness you suggest. My latest photograph (3 weeks ago) is by A.N. Hardy, 523 Washington St., Boston. I have not a copy of it. As to making you 100 more copies, etc., yes, I sh(oul)d be glad if you c(oul)d determine about it by Nov. 1...I am expecting to leave home in Nov. for a winter’s sojourn in Iowa....” In medium butternut-tan ink on toned cream sheet, old folds, else about very good. First performed publicly on July 4, 1831, Smith composed an additional stanza for the 1889 Washington Centennial Celebration. Smith’s house is today a Phillips Academy dormitory, known as America House. With 1972 invoice and envelope of Joseph Rubinfine, 17.50; his pencil notation on verso, “3-70 / Sny(der?),” possibly bought from us some 49 years ago. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $375-450 |
7-4. Puccini.Flamboyant pencil signature on robin’s-egg blue envelope flap, with darker blue thread inclusions and black borders, 2 x 4 1/4. “Puccini” below in another, mid-century hand in ink. Composer of numerous operatic jewels, including La Boheme, Tosca, Madame Butterfly, Girl of the Golden West, and the most expensive production ever staged at New York’s Metropolitan Opera – Turandot. Light orange toning at peak and bottom horizontal of triangle, else very good. With photograph from a period magazine, 2 3/4 x 4 1/2. Probably the most affordable example of Puccini’s hand to be had. With 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 5.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $275-350 |
7-5. “Danny Boy” and the Lyrical Lawyer.Greeting in hand of F.E. Weatherly (unsigned), British lyricist of some 3,000 popular songs, including sentimental ballad “Danny Boy” (which was at first unsuccessful), “To-morrow will be Friday,” and “Roses of Picardy,” one of World War I’s most famous tunes. Printed slip “With F.E. Weatherly’s Compliments / Bathwick Lodge, Bath,” to which he has added “and good wishes for 1929” - the year he passed away. 3 x 3 3/4. Brief biographical sketch with thumbnail photo neatly mounted on verso, judged 1920s. Also a lifelong lawyer, The (London) Times noted, “...though it is easy to be contemptuous of his drawing-room lyrics, sentimental, humorous and patriotic, which are said to number about 3,000 altogether, it is certain that no practicing barrister has ever before provided so much innocent pleasure.” Very fine. Unlisted in Sanders. Scarce. With 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 3.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $55-75 |
7-6. Massenet Letter with Musical Content - Referring to the Singer Rumored to be his Mistress.Effusively charming A.L.S., fresh to the market after some 57 years, of composer J(ules) Massenet, Paris, May 3, (18)90, 4 1/4 x 7, 3 pp. To “Chéri Madame Marquis,” in French. Sending the good wishes of Madame and Mlle. Sanderson, in Brussels at the moment. “...engagie dans du conditions splendides au théatre Royal de la Monnais a Bruxelles pour touts l’année prochain! Nous en sommes...a l’opéra...Merci a vous, a votre mari...Cordialement....” With postscript crosswritten along margin of p. 1, mentioning Paris twice. It became widely believed in Paris that Sibyl Sanderson, the American soprano, was Massenet’s mistress. It was for her that he composed Manon, to this day a cornerstone of French operatic repertoire; she also appeared in the premieres of some of his works. (A period cartoon in a French magazine depicted “M. Massenet’s bland pâtisserie and Mlle. Sanderson’s sugar-candy notes baked in the National Musical Oven.”) Old half fold for mailing, very minor toning, else about fine. The prolific Massenet was France’s leading composer of operas in the Romantic era - some thirty in all - together with oratorios, cantatas, Biblical dramas, overtures, orchestral suites, ballets, chamber music, and more. “At the start of the twentieth century Massenet was in the enviable position of having his works included in every season of Opéra and Opéra-Comique, and in opera houses around the world...”--Hugh Macdonald’s biography of Massenet, published by Oxford University Press. With 1961 invoice of Charles Hamilton, 7.50, in gold foil folder (his early catalogues were sometimes printed on foil paper). Hamilton’s file markings in pencil at top. A superior example. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $400-475 |
7-7. A Message from Massenet.Calling card of a young J(ules) Massenet, Jan. 1, 1874, imprinted “38, rue Malesherbes” (Paris), still four years from ascension to his professorship at the Paris Conservatory. 2 1/4 x 3 3/4, with six-line New Year’s Day holograph message in his near-miniature hand, signature with flourish, and date. On visit of the Colonel. One vertical fold at left, perhaps by Massenet, to fit into a petit envelope, else fine and delightful. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection, found in same gold foil folder as preceding lot, and deduced probably from Charles Hamilton, c. 1961 or somewhat later, 10.00. $90-120 |
7-8. Composer of “Onward Christian Soldiers.”Signature on oversize card of S(abine) Baring-Gould, with address of his manor home also in his hand, “Lew Trenchard, N. Devon, Mar. 31, 1904.” 3 1/4 x 5. Author of “Onward Christian Soldiers” and other hymns, the opera The Red Spider, 15-vol. Lives of the Saints, Book of Werewolves and other studies in legend and folklore, and some 200 short stories. Much of his writing was done while standing. Soft toning, old pencil numbers at lower right partially erased, mounting evidence on verso, else very good. With 1970 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 4.50, his catalogue description taped to verso. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $45-60 |
7-9. Celebrated Russian Composer César Cui – and Louis Spohr, Inventor of the Violin Chinrest.Two composers on one album leaf: Elusive A.L.S. of C(ésar) Cui, Russian composer and military engineer, member of The Five – a quintet of Russian composers of a uniquely Russian style, including Cui’s major catalogue of art songs. Composer of children’s opera Puss in Boots; colleague of Liszt, Musorgski, Pushkin, Rimsky-Korsakov, and other seminal figures. Cui authored nearly 800 articles on music, appearing in the Russian and European press. “His strongest talent is said to lie in the crystallization of mood at an instant...”--biography by Norris and Neff, Grove Music Online. St. Petersbourg, Nov. 19, 1886, from old autograph book, 6 x 7 3/4, in French. To Chere Araua, citing “la splendeur de Vos plus beaux triumphes – simple, chasmante et parfaite musicienne...la virtuosité...beau talent...d’une belle musique....” Half-dollar-size whiskey(?) stain on initial “C,” another on blank lower edge; light handling and dust-toning, else darkly penned and about very good. Cui material is rather scarce. • On verso, manuscript bar of a song with lyrics below, evidently in hand of Louis (Ludwig) Spohr, with later inscription of his wife Marianne Spohr, Cassel, Oct. 19, 1884, in German, “...für fraulein (Anna) Harkness-Senkrah...,” the former the real name (“Senkrah” when spelled backward) of the noted, tragic American violinist, student of Liszt. Spohr was a noted German composer, violinist, and conductor, “highly regarded during his lifetime,” composing 10 symphonies, 10 operas, 18 violin concerti, 4 clarinet concerti, and more. Inventor of violin chinrest and orchestral rehearsal letters; one of the first conductors to use a baton. An 1804 concert brought an influential music critic “to his knees,” and rocketed Spohr to “overnight fame in the whole German-speaking world”--wikipedia. Spohr practiced with Beethoven at the latter’s home (though he remarked that the “other” Ludwig’s piano was out of tune and his playing careless). New York-born Anna Harkness was only 20 years old in 1884, capturing first prize at the Paris Conservatoire three years earlier. Giving up her career at her husband’s insistence, upon learning that he had fallen in love with another woman, she committed suicide. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection; probably acquired from Charles Hamilton, based on gold foil folder and pencil price and markings; paid 8.50. $650-800 |
7-10. Civil War Composer of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”Autograph Musical Quotation Signed of P(atrick) S. Gilmore, N.Y., Dec. 21, (18)75, “Very truly yours,” on lined slip 2 1/2 x 5 1/4. Old mounting on cream sheet with carte photo, removed from its card long ago, this in turn on single-ply matboard. Clef and curious key signature in Gilmore’s hand, penning B natural and C sharp. Starting Ordway’s Aeolians, a group of Boston blackface minstrels, as a young musician, Gilmore performed at Pres. Buchanan’s 1857 inauguration. On outbreak of Civil War, his entire eponymous band enlisted with the 24th Mass., accompanying Gen. Burnside to North Carolina, until bands were removed from the field. Gilmore’s most enduring song, “When Johnny Comes Marching Home (Again),” was published 1863 – under the pseudonym Louis Lambert. Amber glue stain at blank left of photo, lesser traces on holograph slip and sheet, else about very good. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-150 |
7-11. When Brooklyn was one of America’s Largest Cities.Small theatrical broadside, Brooklyn Academy of Music, “One Night Only - Jan. 9, 1868 - Richings’ English Opera...with a well selected and youthful chorus,” and “Auber’s romantic Opera of Fra Diavolo, or, The Inn of Terracina....” 4 3/4 x 12 1/4. Imprint of (Brooklyn) Daily Eagle Print. Varied typography, pleasing for display. Foxing along folds, some caramel mottling elsewhere, wide blank top and bottom margins irregular, else very good. Excessively rare, and perhaps a unique survivor. Not yet part of New York City, Brooklyn was one of the ten largest cities in America; it has been estimated that one in ten Americans can trace at least one family member to the borough. With 1996 Cohasco lot ticket and copy of invoice, 55.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-90 |
7-12. Saving Francis Scott Key’s Home.Beautiful oversize subscriber’s certificate of Francis Scott Key Memorial Association, lithographed in color, 11 x 14, 1908, “designed...by Chas. B. Weisgerber, Mgr.” View of Key aboard ship, peering into the Maryland sky with monocle, “Tis the Star Spangled Banner, O! long may it wave / O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Flanked by views of “Old Key Home, Washington” and Fort McHenry, flags, Liberty Bell, and olive-branch border. To Anna Pearson of Washington, contributing to purchase and preservation of Key’s home. Adms. George Dewey and Winfield Scott Schley among officers. 3/4 x 3 1/2 strip removed from blank upper right, some fine creases from rolling, else brightly colorful and good plus. Uncommon. Probably ex-Cohasco, early 1980s, then Lee Maxfield Collection. $45-60 |
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Throughout this catalogue, readers will note the Lee and Mary Maxfield provenance appended to descriptions.
Steadfast collectors known to dealers in decades past, they each brought fascinating personal backgrounds to their collecting interests.
LEE "RED" MAXFIELD was a well-known musician, a top orchestra leader in Washington, D.C. high society, and through his tuneful associations, a friend of newsmakers and power brokers in every field of endeavor.
Both natives of Illinois, Lee and Mary Maxfield lived in momentous times - the aftermaths of World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars. They married in 1941, moving to Washington, D.C., which would imminently become the center of the universe.
Their autograph collection reflects the times in which they lived and sometimes the historical events themselves. It also reflects their strong interest in music and, in Lee's case, his actual vocation as a musician. Over the course of their lives, they met a number of those whose autographs appear in the collection; others were people who were history-makers. Also featured in the collection are Lee's earlier items, and Mary's Civil War-era material.
Born in 1913 - Lee's family doesn't know how he learned to play trumpet - by the time he was a student at the University of Illinois, he had started a band, and a business, selling complete stage shows and acts. At age 21, preparing for his first trip overseas, to France, he wrote in an update to his personnel file: "This job was a personal enterprise of mine. The office did a gross business of $25,000 in 1940 and was well on the way up when the draft took everything I had to sell. In connection with this job, I contacted, in person, by telephone and by telegraph, universities, clubs, professional organizations, fraternal orders, and conventions. Other than the immediate selling angle, I had charge of all correspondence (which amounted to about 500 pieces a week), had control of all finances, and kept a set of books, so that the financial standing of the organization could be readily determined at any time. I had this business for four years.
"This enterprise provided me with an enormous contact in the recreation and entertainment fields and with a wide variety of employment...I had my own orchestra on CBS Coast-to-Coast over KMOX St. Louis, in which instance I did my own announcing..." Lee Maxfield's broadcasts traveled the airwaves from Cincinnati and Louisville - to Manila and Shanghai.
"During the summers, I was in charge of entertainment and music on several major ship lines. The first cruise was for the Dollar Line." Stars in Lee's shows at sea included Gene Kelly, Kitty Carlisle, Charles Coburn, Angela Lansbury, Margaret O'Brien, Gregory Peck, William Bendix, and others.
Lee also served as head of entertainment on the SS Normandie, the Cunard Line's Aquitania, and the Bremen.
After his "secret" World War II service for the U.S. Bureau of Ships, involving film and microfilm, in the postwar years his band was contracted by the State Department. Here, the Lee Maxfield Orchestra's travels spanned Tripoli to the Far East, playing for the Marines and other audiences.
Back in Washington from about 1954 to 1982, Lee Maxfield Orchestras continued, his name known to Presidents, potentates, and the public alike. When he passed away that year, Mary continued to build the collection for another three decades.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Maxfield Collection is that most items are accompanied by the dealer's invoice, with the date of acquisition and price paid. (In some cases, even the original mailing envelopes are present.) Many of the dealers were leading names in yesteryear's world of autographs. This documentation provides not only a source of wonderment at how prices have risen, but enhances the provenance of these prominent collectors - and great Americans - Lee and Mary Maxfield.
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8-1. A Songwriter’s Greatest Hits.Autograph Musical Quotations on buff card, with inscription “...Best Wishes, John Green, 1972,” 3 x 5. With one bar each of “Body & Soul” and “The Song of Raintree County.” One of America’s top songwriter-composers of the twentieth century, Johnny Green also boasted a triple threat as arranger, conductor, and pianist. Pressured into working as a stockbroker, Green fortunately took his first wife’s advice and pursued music. (She later remarked, “We didn’t have children. We had songs.”) His hits included “I Cover the Waterfront,” “Out of Nowhere,” and the Academy Award-winning scores for “An American in Paris” and “West Side Story.” Excellent. Certainly one of orchestra leader-collector Lee Maxfield’s more personally-compelling items. With 1981 invoice and envelope of dealer Dana’s House, 15.00. All lots this section are ex-Maxfield. $70-90 |
8-2. Composer of “It Had to be You.”Autograph Musical Quotation of bandleader, saxophonist, bassist, and songwriter Isham Jones, with three measures of his hit, “I’ll See You in my Dreams.” On ivory card, Feb. 7, (19)39, 2 1/4 x 3 1/4. His 1917 tune “We’re In The Army Now” (also played as “You’re In The Army Now”) is still heard today. Leading one of the most popular dance bands of the Roaring Twenties, future stars who cut their teeth in his band included Benny Goodman and Woody Herman. A youthful Bing Crosby - still a jazz singer, before transitioning to a crooner - recorded “Sweet Georgia Brown” with Jones in 1932. Jones’ “(RCA) Victor releases had an almost symphonic sound...”--wikipedia. Collector’s biographical notes on verso. Minor smudging of bottom staff line at key signature, certainly by Jones’ hand, else very fine. With 1984 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 100.00, a substantial sum then for any autograph. $130-160 |
8-3. Before the Beatles – the British National Musical Style.Signed photograph of R(alph) Vaughan Williams, British composer of some of the most intriguing orchestral music of the first half of the twentieth century, including Sinfonia Antartica (titled in Italian), Sir John in Love, The Poisoned Kiss, and more. Signed just above lower mount of brown rotogravure photo, stepped black mat. Some handling wrinkles, light spots, else good plus. Very scarce in any form. His work noted for “his very wide range of moods, from stormy and impassioned to tranquil, from mysterious to exuberant...”--wikipedia. “It may be said with truth that Vaughan Williams, Sibelius and Prokofiev are the symphonists of this century”--biography by Elliott Schwartz, 1964. Like Puccini, once one has heard Vaughan Williams, the music always remains. With 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 6.00. $200-275 |
8-4. The Australian Invasion.Sprawling signature of composer and pianist Percy Grainger, in greenish-blue ink at an angle, filling most of 2 1/4 x 5 card. Tips diced for album mount, few trivial foxing spots at blank left, else fine. Much of his work “experimental and unusual”--wikipedia, including “music machines” and “beatless music,” Grainger’s best known works include “Handel in the Strand” and his piano arrangement of “Country Gardens.” Sales of the latter’s sheet music smashed multiple publishing records. With 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 3.00. $40-55 |
8-5. Signed by the Potter cast as Jesus.Dramatic trio: Signed sepia silverprint postcard photograph of Anton Lang, the German potter cast as Christ in the Passion Play, 1900, 1910, and 1922, then speaking the Prologue in 1930 and 1934. Boldly signed in purplish-blue, on cream border. Imprint of Bruckmann and Käsbauer, Munich, “Offizielle Fotokarte - Jubiläums-Passionsspiel 1934 - Oberämmergau.” Few creases at upper left, probably from postal handling, else fine. • T.L.S. in English of his daughter T. Raab nee Lang, on notepaper “Pension Daheim Frau Anton Lang, Theaterstrasse 2...,” Oberämmergau, Jan. 9, 1947. “Enclosed I am sending you two pictures of my father Anton Lang, one as an actor in his part as prologue in 1930 and 1934 [present] and one at his potter’s wheel [not present] as he had been a potter by trade. Father died already in 1938, but shortly before he left for Munich for his operation he signed some cards, so that I am still able to present you those. Mother who is still alive, wants to join me in my best wishes to you and your work.” Toning of postwar adversity paper, else very fine. • Ornately lithographed postcard with three views of actors portraying Jesus in 1880, 1890, and 1900 Passionsspiel, Lang’s name penned below in another contemporary hand though the actors here may be his predecessor, Joseph Mayer. Postally used, British halfpenny stamp, postmarked (19)00. Lightly pencilled Christmas greeting from dealer Joan Enders to Lee Maxfield, “...I don’t send cards – prefer ephemera!” Tear beneath stamp repaired with tape, else good plus. With copy of her invoice for first two items, 1970, 4.00. $65-90 (3 pcs.) |
8-6. An Important Jazz Icon.Signed photograph of trumpeter Bunny Berigan, in sprawling dark pencil on light portion. Striking sepia silverprint, showing the jazzman posed with his horn up, dramatically illuminated, casting a shadow behind him. 5 x 7. Imprint of Bruno, “Hollywood / N.Y.C.” Said by a fellow musician in accompanying letters of provenance (see below) to have been signed on “about (Berigan’s) last trip out...before his untimely death.” In original chocolate brown fancy-finish, deckled folder, inscribed on back in a later hand, “Happy Mother’s Day! Love, Chris, Bill, Andrew and Noelle.” On verso of photo, probably in same hand, “Bunny Berigan, about 1941, Buckeye Lake, Ohio.” Light to moderate wear at corners, where once fitted into folder’s diecut slits; three fairly soft creases in photo, one passing through “Bu” of “Bunny,” other modest handling evidence, but generally about very good. Four old pieces tape on outside front and verso of folder (only). • With letters of musician Paul B. Alspach, “Life Member Local 103 A(merican) F(ederation) of M(usicians), to collector-orchestra leader Lee Maxfield: June 4, 1979, affirming “This is an authentic signature of Bunny Berigan! I had known him slightly around New York in the ‘30s, so when he was booked in to Buckeye Lake, Ohio, the summer of 1941 for a one-nighter, my wife and I went out. We shook hands before he started and my wife asked him for a photo ‘and would you please sign it?’ Of course, he did and it’s been in my drawer ever since.” • With earlier letter of Alspach, May 28, 1979, to Maxfield. “Tell this girl singer she can have the Bunny Berigan photo if she sends me $15. Then I’ll mail it at once. OK? To describe it...He autographed it for my at the Crystal Ballroom, Buckeye Lake, Ohio, in 1941. About his last trip out, I believe, before his untimely death....” Both very fine. Berigan died the following year of cirrhosis, at age just 33. In addition to his composing and bandleading, Berigan was a trumpet virtuoso. His classic, “I Can’t Get Started,” has been listened to and emulated by trumpet students ever since. (This cataloguer’s trumpet teacher, Carl Ruggiero, who had been 1st chair in the Radio City Music Hall Orchestra for decades, would often treat both students and professionals gathered in his Bronx studio, to his earthshattering rendition of Berigan’s signature tune. It is easy to see why Maxfield sought out “Mr. Trumpet” for his collection.) $300-375 (3 pcs.) |
8-7. “I’d feel flattered if you played ‘Sugar Blues.’ Just Reached 14 Million....”Two A.Ls.S. of jazz and country trumpeter Clyde McCoy, his career spanning seven decades; playing on a riverboat by age 14, one of the youngest musicians on the Mississippi; co-founder Down Beat magazine, 1935; a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. To Lee Maxfield, on pictorial Holiday Inn letterhead, Louisville, 7 x 10 1/2, 1 full p., with musical clef forming “C” of his signature. Matching envelope addressed in McCoy’s hand, postmarked Nov. 28, 1975. “...Have a 24 yr. old from the Miami Symphony (tuba). He’s great. I told Glenn... He’s probably thinking only of golf, and Big Tiny Little’s group. I’ll see him tomorrow, and remind him again, regarding ‘charts’ for you. The photo of the Sheraton looks like a fabulous place to work. I’d feel flattered if you played ‘Sugar Blues.’ Just reached 14 million on it (singles & albums), Capitol, Decca, Columbia, Mercury, Top Rank, Vogue...and a few others in 53 yrs. Help!!!” • Reply penned at bottom of Maxfield’s T.L.S. on his “Lee Maxfield Orchestras” letterhead, Dec. 11/17, 1975, 8 1/2 x 11. “Friend Clyde...Last weekend I played a job with Jack ‘Wild-Man’ Walker and he told me you used to use a small cornet, probably a soprano sounding an octave above the standard. I can get a B flat...for $100... a pretty good horn for the money. I’ve had about a dozen of them...If this instrument interests you please let me know....” McCoy replies, “There was no enclosure on the mini-trumpet. Mine was a piccolo trumpet given to me by Mrs. H.N. White, owner of King Inst(rument) Co., Cleveland. The mouthpipe & slides were as small as a lead pencil. Gold finish, $400 retail. It was stolen in Atlantic City 5 years ago. I think I’ll stick to my new Olds Super....” Ramada Inn envelope addressed in McCoy’s hand. Letters fine; envelopes torn open at top seams, else very satisfactory. “Sugar Blues” was McCoy’s theme song, first a hit in 1931, also recorded by Fats Waller, Ella Fitzgerald, and Johnny Mercer. $100-130 (4 pcs.) |
8-8. “Home on the Range” and the Birth of the Singing Cowboy Craze.Signed, bound sheet music for the American cowboy classic, “Guion’s Home on the Range - Texas Cowboy Song, Arranged by David W. Guion, With added original melody,” boldly signed on cover in bright blue marker by Guion, 1972. G. Schirmer, N.Y., 1930 - the year he starred on Broadway. 9 x 12, saddle brown and green on cream cover, stylized drawing of a cowboy astride horse, 7 numbered pp. Imprinted at bottom of cover, “Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s favorite song.” Photo of Guion on back cover, with lengthy list of his other songs, “old fiddlers’ breakdown(s),” “Negro wail(s),” Texas frontier ballads, and “darkey songs,” including “5 Imaginary early Louisiana songs of slavery,” “De Lawd’s baptizin’,” “Yellow Rose of Texas,” and many more. Excellent. Very scarce. Though born in a small cowboy town in Texas, Guion studied with Leopold Godowsky in Vienna; one of his major successes, an arrangement of “Turkey in the Straw,” was performed by Percy Grainger. Guion’s star role in the 1930 Broadway production of Prairie Echoes led to his rearrangement of “Home on the Range” becoming a hit. His radio shows are credited with igniting the singing cowboy craze that lasted into the 1950s. Commissioned in that decade by the Houston Symphony, Guion composed the 14-movement Texas Suite. $140-180 |
8-9. When Band Leaders were Rock Stars.Three signed glossies: Ray Anthony, flattering publicity portrait, in flamboyant lamé(?) jacket, holding trumpet. Signed in bright blue marker, “To Lee (Maxfield), All the best....” Fine. The last surviving member of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, the Anthony sound still heard in the themes from Peter Gunn, Charade, and more. • Charlie Barnet, holding clarinet, inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Lee, Best Wishes....” “Skyliner” and “Cherokee” among his signature hits, over the years his band counted Neal Hefti, Lena Horne, Maynard Ferguson, Clark Terry, and many others. Barnet may hold another record of sorts: he was married eleven times. Some creases at three corners, probably from mailing, else fine. • Joe Sanders, today somewhat obscure but a “founding father” in the birth of the music business and broadcasting. Shown in natty wide-lapel jacket, abstract tie, inscribed in black “To Evelyn - Cordially....” MCA publicity, by Calvert, Chicago. A jazz pianist and singer, Sanders’ band, The Nighthawks, was a mainstay of Kansas City jazz from 1919. The first K.C. band to become nationally prominent, it set off a sensation by inviting radio fans listening coast-to-coast to send their requests by telegram - during the live broadcasts. Sanders’ band was directly responsible for formation of Music Corp. of America: their booking agent, Jules Stein, used the profit from their Chicago tour to launch the behemoth. The band was MCA’s first client. Their 11-month engagement in New York City was sponsored by William Paley, using the band as his star attraction, to induce radio stations to join the fledgling CBS. In the ‘50s, Sanders became perhaps the only jazz band leader to sing opera professionally - with the Kansas City Opera. Numerous parallel creases, perhaps once rolled, but only discernable from some angles, else about fine, evocative, and very scarce. It is hard for young people today to comprehend the star quality of band leaders, the aura persisting into the 1970s with Stan Kenton, Buddy Rich, and Doc Severinsen, just to name a few. $130-160 (3 pcs.) |
8-10. “The (music) situation deteriorates daily”: A Senator tackles the Demise of Big Bands.Group of six T.Ls.S. of Ill. Sen. Everett M(cKinley) Dirksen, on Senate letterhead as Minority Leader, 8 x 10 1/2, May 19, 1965-May 14, 1968. All arising from letter from noted Washington-society orchestra leader Lee Maxfield (carbon copy accompanies): “Senator: For the past several years the music business has declined rapidly due to internal problems within the union, and inconsistent union and federal laws. It is my understanding that you are interested in this situation and as it is impossible to present the case in a letter, I’d like very much to talk with you personally...I am a registered Republican voter in Ill. and I had orchestras in both Prehns’ and Hanleys’ Restaurants when I was working my way through the University of Ill...My landlord was former Congressman and Chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee, Harold Velde...I believe you will be helping every working musician...The situation deteriorates daily.” • In six ensuing letters, beginning May 19, 1965, Dirksen’s power unfolds: “...Arrange a time to drop in and indicate what you have in mind in the music field. Doubtless I heard your orchestra at Paul Prehns long ago....” • June 23: “I am now advised that the National Labor Relations Board will require the Musicians union to bargain with the orchestra leaders as employers. This should provide some relief...I would appreciate if you would keep me advised of your experience as an orchestra leader for I believe this entire problem must be solved....” • June 28, 1965: “How about Tues. afternoon...in the Minority Leader’s Office in the Capitol?” • Finally, on May 14, 1968: “...I am happy to forward two copies of the Congressional Record of May 9, to you under separate cover” (not present). • With one envelope. Some light wear and marginal toning, else very good plus. Musical content in Senate correspondence is understandably elusive. $170-220 (8 pcs.) |
8-11. Dulles declines Dancing.Unusual T.L.S. of John Foster Dulles on blue-engraved letterhead as Sec. of State, Sept. 26, 1953, 7 x 9. Blind-embossed Seal of U.S. at upper left. To Lee Maxfield, as “Exec. Sec., DSRA...,” Washington. “I want to thank you again for having brought back to me the photographs of my visit to the Near East last May. I was particularly glad to have the one showing King Ibn Saud and myself, and the interpreter. I enjoyed seeing you last night and liked the music, even though I did not put it to use by dancing.” Following in the steps of his grandfather and uncle, both also Secretaries of State, Dulles helped draft the Preamble to the U.N. Charter. Despite his sincere activism in noted church peace organizations, he also pioneered the diplomatic technique of “massive retaliation and brinkmanship”--Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938, Ambrose. Edges browned, presume from old mat, lacking lower left tip, some small chips, lending a scalloped “treasure map” appearance; Dulles’ pen evidently balky, his signature overwritten by him til his pen produced more ink. In all, satisfactory, but fascinating content. $130-170 |
8-12. Merry Christmas from the Composer of “Stardust.”A.L.S. of Hoagy Carmichael, with holograph envelope postmarked Los Angeles, Sept. 30, 1971. Penned at bottom of letter from Lee Maxfield, asking for autograph on Sometimes I Wonder. Carmichael replies, “Of course I will autograph the books for you. I think it is out of print but if you will call Farrar, Straus & Gireaux at 19 Union Sq., N.Y., they might dig them up for you.” Original mailing folds, else fine; envelope with postal wear, else good plus. • With second A.L.S., on Carmichael’s name-only letterhead, presumed Dec. 1971. “I bet I’ve messed this up for you. Your first letter to me is in town and I’ve forgotten what I was supposed to do. So, I’ve just autographed one to you and autographed the others (open)...Merry Xmas.” Evidently enclosed with books, as never folded; light handling evidence at top, else very fine. $240-300 (3 pcs.) |
8-13. From Irving Berlin to Loretta Lynn.Three pieces sheet music: “Stop! Stop! Stop! Come Over, and Love Me Some More,” words and music by Irving Berlin, 1910. Striking Art Nouveau cover art with cerise photo flanked by enormous roses, “Successfully Sung by Mae L. Maxfield” (believed related to orchestra leader-collector Lee Maxfield). • “Watch, Hope and Wait Little Girl - I’m Coming Back to You,” 1918, showing pretty young woman in sailor dress, within red, white and blue heart. • “Love Is The Foundation,” recorded by Loretta Lynn, Coal Miners Music, Inc., 1973. Large photo on cover of Loretta laughing, signed “Your Friend...,” probably for Lee Maxfield. Minor uniform toning, else fine; first two with some wear and handling, but attractive, and all three suitable for display. $35-45 (3 pcs.) |
8-14. Beat of the Big Bands.Group of six autographs of Golden Age popular musicians: Ben Bernie, bold signature on daffodil-yellow neatly removed from album, 4 1/2 x 6. Very fine. Peer of Paul Whiteman and Al Jolson; co-composer and first to record “Sweet Georgia Brown,” later the theme song of Harlem Globetrotters. Bernie’s orchestra featured on the very first NBC broadcast, 1926; coined the expression “yowsah, yowsah,” becoming a viral catchphrase. Dying at age 52, Bernie boasts a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. • Dick Cisne, flamboyant signature on postcard, 1940, with message in another hand, “Hope you will listen to our band often on N.B.C.” Three-shade mocha/tan/coppery toning from album mounts and storage against small period newspaper photo (accompanies), else good plus. Cisne’s orchestra was fronted by the teenage June Christy, shortly before she joined Stan Kenton. • Saxie Dowell, on robin’s-egg blue album leaf. Staining at blank bound edge, else about fine. Composer of 1928’s “I Don’t Care,” his postwar band featured 14-year-old Keely Smith. Scarce. • ”Skinny” Eunis, on postcard, 1941. Toning as for Cisne, postal crease in blank corner, else rich brown and satisfactory. Toured with Saxie Dowell, 1930. Now obscure and rare. • Tex Ritter, inscription and bold signature in blue marker, with pictorial flourish, on half of lined sheet, 1972. “To Mr. Maxfield....” Irregular blank edge where taken from full sheet for unplanned in-person signing, toning, else good plus. Leaving law school, Ritter starred in New York City’s first radio Western, “The Lone Star Rangers,” in 1932. Compiling some seventy “singing cowboy” and Western movies on his resumé - including “Trouble in Texas” with Rita Cansino, not yet Rita Hayworth - he became the first artist signed by Capitol Records, in any genre. His song “High Noon” captured an Oscar in 1953. With 1987 Robert LeGresley invoice for Cisne and Eunis. $150-190 (6 pcs.) |
8-15. “Dancing in the Dark.”Sheet music of the immortal standard “Dancing in the Dark,” inscribed on cover by composer Arthur Schwartz in blue fountain pen, “For Lee [Maxfield] - Max Dreyfus (the great publisher) said this song would never be a hit. The fact is I didn’t think it would, either.” From musical comedy The Band Wagon. The lyrics were suddenly born when Schwartz’s songwriting partner, Howard Dietz, was on a ship crossing the Atlantic. At a “Lyrics and Lyricists” evening at New York’s 92nd St. Y in the 1970s, he recounted how he was watching the waves on an inky-black night at sea – and the words came in a rush. Two mailing creases at blank upper left corner, light file wear and edge toning, else very good. With modern photocopy of Schwartz’s letter (original in another Schwartz lot) dating signature to 1972 or 1974. Very scarce, certainly with this inscription. $220-270 |
8-16. Composer Arthur Schwartz collaborates with Carmen Cavallaro.Vintage pictorial sheet music, “A Gal in Calico,” inscribed in blue fountain pen on cover by composer Arthur Schwartz, “For Lee / With warmest wishes...,” probably signed c. June 1972. From the Warner Bros. Picture The Time, the Place and the Girl, 1946 printing, 9 x 12, (4) pp. Covers in pink and brown, the front with three publicity shots, including orchestra leader Carmen Cavallaro; back cover promoting “Ivory Icing - Earl Hines Piano Varieties,” including “Somebody Loves Me” and “Tantalizing a Cuban.” Two mailing creases at blank upper left corner, very light file wear, else very good. Uncommon. $150-180 |
8-17. Seven Hits of Arthur Schwartz, including his Personal Favorite, his First Hit – and “Susan Candyball.”Seven pieces sheet music, each signed in blue fountain pen, 1972-74, 9 x 12: “Something To Remember You By,” from Three’s a Crowd, (6) pp. Inscribed, “For Lee [Maxfield] - This was my first song hit....” • “If There is Someone Lovelier Than You,” inscribed “This is my favorite of my songs / For Lee....” C. 1966 printing. • “You and the Night and the Music,” English and Spanish lyrics, 1959 printing. • “A Shine on your Shoes,” from musical Flying Colors, (8) pp., late 1950s printing. • “Louisiana Hayride,” from same show, (6) pp. Black dialect, with “roll call” of ladies “Maybelle Emmaline (I is here!), Susan Candyball, Jasmine Washington...Chloe Abraham, Phoebe Ephraham....” • “They’re Either Too Young Or Too Old,” from picture Thank Your Lucky Stars. Judged 1970s printing, in Peter Max-esque glossy cerise Warner Bros. wrapper. • “Dancing in the Dark,” inscribed on cover by Schwartz, “For Lee Maxfield / With warmest wishes...Apr. 22, 1974,” (6) pp., judged late 1950s printing. Two mailing creases at blank upper left corner, very light edge toning, else very fine. • With T.L.S. of Schwartz, blue typewriting on powder blue steel-engraved stationery, London, June 12, 1972, to Maxfield. “I will be happy to autograph some music for you...Mail the copies to me care of Stanley Adams, Pres. of ASCAP...I plan to be there from June 16 through 22. It was good to hear from you....” With envelope, British stamp intact, flap torn on verso where opened. (Adams collaborated with Hoagy Carmichael; see signed “Little Old Lady” in this section.) Sheet music signed by Schwartz (and many of his contemporaries) is very scarce; this is perhaps the largest offering in many years. $1100-1600 (9 pcs.) |
8-18. “Love Letters in the Sand.”Three hits, each inscribed by co-lyricist Nick Kenny, “To Lee Maxfield...”: “Carelessly,” c. 1955 printing, (6) pp., saddle-brown cover. Handling wrinkles, some toning of clay-coated enamel at top, else satisfactory. • “There’s a Gold Mine in the Sky,” c. 1956 printing, (4) pp., bright red covers. Light handling evidence, else fine. • “Love Letters In The Sand,” 1960s printing. Light toning at top, else fine. $110-140 (3 pcs.) |
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Called the most sophisticated songwriter of the first half of the last century, four of the most-recorded songs of all time (signed copies are among the 35 lots in this trove) were penned by Hoagy Carmichael.
Georgia On My Mind, Heart and Soul, The Nearness of You, and Star Dust have figured among the most timeless markers of American culture. With no musical training other than piano lessons from an Indianapolis bandleader, Carmichaels success seemed improbable. Dabbling on the keyboard, making his first $5 playing a fraternity dance at age 19, he acquired a law degree - but failed the bar exam.
Meeting Bix Beiderbecke and Louis Armstrong, he persevered in songwriting, his first enduring title arriving in 1927 Star Dust (originally as two words). The song didnt gain momentum til three years later, when the Isham Jones Orchestra slowed it down. By now fired by his law-firm employer, Carmichael realized he had neither the aptitude nor desire to be an attorney. As the Crash of 29 consumed his savings, Louis Armstrongs recording of Carmichaels Rockin Chair (a signed copy also in this collection) buttressed his finances. Now toiling in New Yorks fabled Brill Building for their very first tenant, Southern Music Co. (their imprint on some of the items here), Carmichael found himself on the bridge between jazz of the Roaring Twenties and the new big band sensation. His 1933 Lazybones (a signed example present) sold 350,000 copies in three months. Moving to Hollywood, he went to work for Paramount at the astounding salary of $1,000 a week - the Depression still raging. Even in the 1960s, when musical winds shifted rapidly to rock, Carmichaels royalties on his songs were bringing in $300,000 a year. He enjoyed a further taste of immortality when Ian Fleming wrote him into both Casino Royale and Moonraker, noting James Bonds resemblance to Carmichael.
In all, representing the crème of Carmichaels creations, the signed sheet music here also includes his first song (Riverboat Shuffle), his first song with his own lyrics (Rockin Chair), his first song in a Broadway musical (Little Old Lady), one of the greatest of his hundreds of songs (Skylark), and many more whose words and music remain instantly recognizable to musicians and non-musicians alike to this day.
All inscribed to noted Washington society bandleader Lee Maxfield, the 35 lots described below - containing 36 items representing 26 songs - likely comprise the largest non-institutional holding of signed Carmichael music extant. Indeed, his signed sheet music is elusive; essentially all of the items on the market are copies of his book, these ranging from $400 to $900 on a major listing service.
8-19. “Blue Orchids.”Sheet music, “Blue Orchids,” inscribed on cover “To Lee Maxfield, Best regards, Hoagy Carmichael.” Unlikely olive green on ivory, (6) pp., judged early 1960s printing. “It’s been often said that rich he’ll be, who dreams of something blue. Richer I shall always be, for that’s how I found you. I dreamed of two blue orchids....” On back cover, ad for three volumes of songs, including “Moon River,” “Call Me Irresponsible,” Lawrence Welk’s theme “Bubbles in the Wine,” “Stella by Starlight,” and more. Soft postal creases at four corners, else very fine. All signed sheet music ex-Lee and Mary Maxfield Collection. $160-220 |
8-20. “Can’t Get Indiana Off My Mind.”Vintage sheet music, with perfectly positioned inscription in blue, on black and white pictorial cover, “Thanks Lee for everything / Hoagy Carmichael.” (6) pp., printing judged 1940s. “A Song Hit Guild Selection - introduced & featured by Kate Smith,” her photo filling most of cover. Waxing on his home state, “There’s a place I long to be; The nearest thing to heaven, Indiana, Dear to me!...The moonlight on the Wabash that I left behind, calls me back home.” Interesting ad on back cover of Song Hit Guild, “Guaranteed Publication and a minimum of $1,000 advance royalties for accepted songs...Can you write a clever title and tell the story behind that title in lyric form?...Would you care to collaborate with some of the greatest ‘hit’ songwriters of the day?... Advisory Board Paul Whiteman, Kay Kyser, Guy Lombardo and Billy Rose will examine your songs...Mail this coupon.” Uniform toning, file wear, else very good and suitable for display. $180-240 |
8-21. “Georgia On My Mind.”Sheet music, inscribed on cover in blue, “To Lee (Maxfield)....” Black and white, (4) pp., judged late 1960s printing. “Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through, Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind...,” Carmichael’s composition and Stuart Gorrell’s lyrics creating an enduring hit covered by many artists over the years. Light toning, else fine. $275-350 |
8-22. One of the Great Songs of the Century.Sheet music, “Heart and Soul,” signed on cover in blue ballpoint by Hoagy Carmichael, “To Lee, Sincerely....” Words and music by Frank “Guys and Dolls” Loesser and Carmichael. Famous Music Corp.’s ornate floral border, black on buff, (6) pp., judged printed late 1940s, 75¢ price sticker over previously surprinted price increase. “Heart and Soul, I fell in love with you. Heart and Soul, the way a fool would do, Madly....” On back cover, bars of “Four outstanding piano solos - Dixieland Style - 50¢ each,” including “Cornfed! - A Sun-Baked Tune,” “Missouri Squabble,” and “Symphonic Raps,” all of the late 1920s. Light uniform toning, else very fine. Rare thus, notwithstanding its familiarity to every beginning piano student. $250-325 |
8-23. Variant Signed “Heart and Soul.”Later printing, the price now $1, signed in navy blue marker, “To Lee Maxfield, Sincerely....” Black and white, (6) pp., judged c. 1965, zip code on front cover, old postal zone on back, advertising three volumes of songs, including “Moon River,” “Call Me Irresponsible,” Lawrence Welk’s theme “Bubbles in the Wine,” “Stella by Starlight,” and more. Very fine. $250-325 |
8-24. “Hong Kong Blues.”Sheet music, “Hong Kong Blues,” words and music by Hoagy Carmichael, inscribed on cover in dark blue marker, “To Lee Maxfield, Sincerely....” Black and white, uncommon use of photo of Carmichael on cover, with his own imprint, “Carmichael Music Publications, Inc...119 W. 57 St....” (6) pp., c. 1967. Two labels over original printed price, the latest 95¢. “It’s the story of a very unfortunate Memphis man, Who got ‘rrested down in old Hong Kong. He got twenty years privilege taken away from him, When he kicked old Buddah’s gong. And now he’s bobbin’ the piano just to raise the price of a ticket to the land of the free....” Later recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis and the Beatles’ George Harrison. Very light file wear at top edge and two upper corners, light marginal toning, else fine. Rare. $200-275 |
8-25. “Maybe it happens this way....”Sheet music, “How Little We Know,” from the classic To Have and Have Not, inscribed on cover in blue ballpoint, “Howdy, Lee (Maxfield), Hoagy Carmichael,” here partnered with Johnny Mercer in one of songwriting’s great duos. Black and white, 4 pp., judged late 1950s printing. “Maybe it happens this way, Maybe we really belong together, but after all, how little we know....” Ad on back cover for songbooks of Dietz and Schwartz, Harry Warren, Cole Porter, and Rodgers and Hart. Marginal toning, else very good. $220-280 |
8-26. “What’s in store? Should I ‘phone once more?...”Sheet music, “I Get Along Without You Very Well,” signed on cover in blue marker “To Lee Maxfield, Sincerely....” Black and white, 8 pp., judged c. 1965. $1 label over 75¢ printed. One of the great standards, performed over the years by innumerable artists. “I get along without you very well, Of course I do, Except when soft rains fall and drip from leaves, Then I recall the thrill of being sheltered in your arms...What’s in store? Should I ‘phone once more? No it’s best that I stick to my tune....” File bend at lower right tip all leaves, else fine and attractive. $200-275 |
8-27. Title Track of “Ivy,” Starring Joan Fontaine.Vintage sheet music, “Ivy,” signed on cover, “Best regards to Lee (Maxfield), Hoagy Carmichael.” Splashy greentone cover with photo of Joan Fontaine, star of the Universal-International picture. (4) pp., 1947. In a “slow and haunting” tempo, “Ivy, why the sudden change? Why so cold and why so strange? Be sentimental. Don’t hang your fate on jealousy and hate....” On back cover, excerpts from four Bing Crosby songs featured in “Welcome Stranger,” lyrics by Johnny Burke, music by James Van Heusen. Some dust toning at top, else fine, strikingly attractive, and evocative. $170-220 |
8-28. Variant Signed by Hoagy.Later variant printing of “Ivy,” signed in navy blue marker, “Sincerely, Hoagy Carmichael.” Black and bluetone, (4) pp., judged c. 1965, old postal zone on front cover, zip code on back cover advertising “The Great 34 Hit Parade Extras” in wide variety of series, for voice, guitar, Baldwin, Hammond organs, sound track, Wurlitzer, accordian, Christmas, Irish, spirituals, girls barber shop, and more. Fold at upper left tip, light edge wear and toning at left margin, else very good plus. $150-190 |
8-29. “If you hear her call in a soft southern drawl...That’s danger....”Sheet music, “Judy,” by Hoagy Carmichael and Sammy Lerner, inscribed by Carmichael “To Lee (Maxfield), Sincerely....” Black and white, (4) pp., c. 1955 printing of the 1934 hit. 75¢ sticker atop printed price. “Ev’ry bee that gives honey can sting like blazes, And the beautiful lightning can strike you down; I found this to be true when I heaped my praises, On a woman who’s been tossin’ me around...Judy....” Mottled edge toning from file storage against coated enamel music, else fine. $170-220 |
8-30. Variant Signed “Judy.”Later variant printing of “Judy,” signed in navy blue marker, “Sincerely, Hoagy Carmichael.” Black and white, (4) pp., judged c. 1970. 95¢ price. Minor file creases at tips, else very fine. $150-190 |
8-31. “Lazy Bones.”Sheet music, inscribed on cover in blue by Carmichael to Lee (Maxfield). Black on eggshell, (4) pp., judged 1960s printing. By Carmichael and Johnny Mercer, this song the first in the pair’s long collaboration, its sheet music selling more than 350,000 copies in three months - in the depths of the Depression. “Long as there is chicken gravy on your rice, ev’rything is nice. Long as there’s a watermelon on the vine, Ev’rything is fine. You got no time to work, you got no time to play, Busy doin’ nothing’ all the live-long day....” Toning at top and bottom from file storage with clay-coated enamel sheet music, creases at three corners, else very good. $220-270 |
8-32. “Lazy River.”Sheet music, inscribed on cover in blue by Carmichael to Lee (Maxfield). Black on eggshell, (4) pp., judged 1960s printing. A classic, by Carmichael and Sidney Arodin. “...Up a lazy river by the old mill-run, That lazy, lazy river in the noon-day sun, Linger in the shade of a kind old tree; Throw away your troubles, dream a dream with me....” Staple removed at top affecting one printed letter of title, soft postal creases at two corners, else fine. $200-250 |
8-33. Carmichael’s First Song in a Broadway Musical.Two identical sheet music for “Little Old Lady,” from The Show Is On, one inscribed “To Lee (Maxfield)...” by Hoagy Carmichael, the other “Greetings to Lee Maxfield” by Stanley Adams, the two sharing credit for words and music. Black on cream, (6) pp., judged c. 1960 printing. “Back in eighteen eighty-six, when Pres’dent Cleveland kissed you, Bet you were the fav’rite debutante, Goodness how the title sticks, ‘Cause no one can resist you....” Written in 1936, this one of Carmichael’s more obscure tunes, though opening doors to the theatre. Soft postal creases at four corners, else very fine. Rare thus. $350-425 (2 pcs.) |
8-34. From the Movie “Johnny Angel.”Sheet music, “Memphis in June,” inscribed in blue on cover, “Best to you, Lee / Hoagy Carmichael.” Blue on white cover, 4 pp., printing judged c. 1965. Lyric by Paul Francis Webster. “Memphis in June, with sweet oleander, Blowing perfume in the air, Up jumps a moon to make it that much grander, It’s paradise, brother, take my advice, Nothin’s half as nice as Memphis in June.” Some marginal toning, soft postal creases at corners, else fine. A somewhat overlooked but captivating Carmichael tune. $190-240 |
8-35. Signed by Hoagy.Sheet music, “Moon Country,” signed on cover “Best regards to Lee Maxfield, Hoagy Carmichael.” Words and music by Carmichael and Johnny Mercer. Black on cream, (4) pp., judged c. 1970. One of their lesser-known songs: “I long for that Moon Country, that ‘possum and ‘coon country, That sycamore heaven back South...(Oh Lawd)....” Small 75¢ label detached but present, 60¢ imprint below, uniform edge toning, light postal creases at three corners, else V.G. plus. $170-220 |
8-36. From the Full Length Technicolor Cartoon, “Mr. Bug Goes to Town” – with “Stardust” reference in lyric.Delightful pictorial sheet music, the cover filled with cartoon characters, for “We’re The Couple In The Castle,” words by Frank Loesser, music by Hoagy Carmichael. Boldly inscribed “To Lee Maxfield...Hoagy Carmichael” across artwork including a drawn envelope, its return address “Famous Music Corp., 1619 Broadway, N.Y.C.,” two cartoon bugs looking through its window. From Paramount’s animated hit, produced by Fleischer Studios. (6) pp., likely a first-year printing, 1941. “Do drop in any time you’re passing by where we live, Spend a day where the Milky Way meets Rainbow Road...We’re at nineteen Moonbeam Terrace, overlooking Starlight Square...On the corner there’s a cloud-bank, and we bank our millions there...Call us Lord and Lady Stardust, call us crazy, we don’t care....” On back cover, bluetone offers of Paramount Pictures Song Folios. Uniform toning inside, light file wear, else cover colorful, and fine. Superb for display, and a very rare item thus. $300-350 |
8-37. Hoagy Carmichael’s ode to New Orleans.Sheet music, “New Orleans,” by Hoagy Carmichael, signed on cover “To Lee (Maxfield)....” Black and white, (4) pp., judged c. 1955. “I’ve a home in the Sunny Southland, Not so far from the ‘Sippi shore. It’s a way down there by the Delta, Where you’ll find Old Dixie’s door. If your heart’s made to love the Southland, And magnolia trees galore, Hang your hat up man, in New Orleans, And you’ll never wish for more....” Small 75¢ label detached but present, 60¢ imprint below, rub at right edge from an adjacent file folder, light postal creases at three corners, else very good. $190-240 |
8-38. Variant Signed “New Orleans.”Later variant printing of “New Orleans,” signed in navy blue marker, “Sincerely, Hoagy Carmichael.” Black and white, (4) pp., judged c. 1970. 95¢ sticker atop 75¢ printed. Very light file wear along top edge, uniform eggshell toning, else very fine. $180-220 |
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8-39. “Ole Buttermilk Sky.”Sheet music, “Ole Buttermilk Sky” – nominated for an Academy Award in 1946 – inscribed on cover in blue ballpoint, “Brighter skies for you, Lee....” Black and white, (6) pp., pantograph border, late 1940s-early 1950s printing (the back cover offering “Play or Sing with the NBC Rhythm Section Record, free 7 inch LP record plus folio for $2...”). Characteristic marginal toning of clay-coated enamel, light tip wear, else about fine. $190-240 |
8-40. Variant Signed “Ole Buttermilk Sky.”Inscribed on cover in blue marker, “To Lee Maxfield / Sincerely....” Blue and white, (6) pp., white-on-blue reverse diagonal bar “...the 34 Hit Parade Extras Series,” c. 1963 printing. Pricelist on back cover, with many 34-hit-song collections for Hammond organ, Wurlitzer, vocal, and piano. Very light marginal toning, trivial tip file wear, else fine. $180-220 |
8-41. “One Morning in May.”Vintage sheet music, “One Morning In May - By the writers of ‘Star Dust,’” inscribed in blue across top of cover, “Thanks for everything, Lee, Hoagy Carmichael.” Pink tones, of pretty maiden in a field with basket of flowers, (6) pp., printing judged c. 1940s. “One morning in May, don’t forget, dear, That one wonderful day when we met, dear....” Inside front cover offering “Mills Beautiful Songs featured by Bing Crosby”; on back cover, in brown, bars from “Star Dust” (before its title was contracted to a single word), “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love,” “For Me And My Gal,” “Stormy Weather,” “Sophisticated Lady,” and others. Very light wear at top edge and two upper corners, else a very fine file copy, probably undisturbed til Maxfield’s request decades later. $220-270 |
8-42. Inscribed “My first song....”A significant item: vintage sheet music, “Riverboat Shuffle,” by Hoagy Carmichael et al, inscribed “My first song, Lee (Maxfield)....” Highly attractive greentone cover, with “The Rockin’ Chair Lady” Mildred Bailey framed in Deco sunrays, hearts, and stars. C. 1939 printing, (6) pp. “All you cotton toters, Mississippi floaters...You’re invited tonight, To the riverboat shuffle! Good people, we got rhythm tonight...Best in Loosianna, So bring your freighter, come and alligator that band...Even Mamma Dinah will be there to strut for the boys, In a room full of noise....” At this time, having been fired by a law firm, and financially hurting in the Depression, Carmichael had not yet hit his stride. On back cover, in green, ads for music folios, including “Morton Gould at the Piano,” “Duke Ellington’s Piano Solos,” with “Mood Indigo,” “Black and Tan Fantasy,” “Black Beauty,” and others. Some soft file wear at edges, the music lacking a price and probably languished in a file til pulled for Maxfield’s special request decades later, else good plus, and splendid for display. Perhaps a unique example thusly, with Carmichael’s inscription. $425-500 |
8-43. Hoagy Carmichael’s First Major Song with his own Lyrics.Sheet music, “Rockin’ Chair,” inscribed on cover in blue, “To Lee (Maxfield)....” Black on cream, (6) pp., judged early 1960s printing. A landmark composition in music history, the song was first recorded by Louis Armstrong. “...Years have slipped away and left me longin’, For the days of happiness I’ll see no more. Old Rockin’ Chair’s got me, cane by my side, Fetch me that gin, son, ‘fore I tan your hide....” Words and music by Carmichael. Soft postal creases at three corners, else very fine. $350-425 |
8-44. “Skylark.”Sheet music, “Skylark,” inscribed on cover in blue marker, “To Lee Maxfield / Sincerely....” Blue and white, Commander Publications, (4) pp., c. 1969 printing. Smudge on p. 4, believed printer’s ink; finely serrated blank right edge, probably from bindery knife, else exc. $225-300 |
8-45. Variant Signed “Skylark.”Sheet music, “Skylark,” inscribed on cover in blue ballpoint, “To Lee, Best Regards....” Black and white, different publisher (George Simon, Inc.), (6) pp., early 1940s typography, thin spot where old price label replaced with “75¢ in U.S.A.” Very light corner file creases, else excellent. $250-325 |
8-46. “Small Fry.”Sheet music, “Small Fry,” inscribed on cover in blue, “Hi, Lee (Maxfield), Hoagy Carmichael.” From his collaboration with Frank Loesser (with a dance orchestral arrangement by Gordon Jenkins listed on cover). Black on cream, (8) pp., judged 1940s printing, ornate Famous Music vinery border. “Small fry, struttin’ by the pool room, Small fry, Should be in the school-room, My! My! put down that cigarette, You ain’t a grown-up high and mighty yet....” On back cover, ad for Steve Allen’s piano solo arrangements of Johnny Green’s “Out Of Nowhere” and Burton lane’s “The Lady’s In Love With You,” 75¢ each. Uniform toning, minor corner creases, else fine and attractive. $190-240 |
8-47. “Star Dust.”Lovely sheet music of the enduring standard by Hoagy Carmichael, boldly inscribed on cover “To my good friend, Lee Maxfield....” Abstract white stars in a country setting, against a turquoise sky, a tree and wooden fence silhouetted in royal blue. C. 1957 printing, (6) pp. “And now the purple dusk of twilight time, Steals across the meadows of my heart...Love is now the star dust of yesterday, The music of the years gone by....” Lengthy pricelist on cover of some 45 specialty editions of the song, including vocal, piano, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, Hawaiian guitar, violin, vibraphone, string, concert and dance orchestra, symphonic band, and other arrangements, 20¢ and up. File crease at lower right corner, else internally fresh, fine, and splendid for display. $375-450 |
8-48. Variant Signed “Star Dust.”Variant sheet music of “Star Dust,” boldly signed on cover in garnet-red marker, “Sincerely, Hoagy Carmichael.” Darker peacock-blue sky and black tree and fence silhouette. Judged mid-1970s printing. Minor corner file wear, else fine, and striking for display. $350-425 |
8-49. Hoagy Carmichael’s Romantic Song set in 1893.Sheet music, “The Lamplighter’s Serenade,” boldly signed on cover in blue. Maroon on ivory enamel, (6) pp., printing judged first half 1960s. “...He reaches for his sticks, and from his bag of tricks, He lights ev’ry star in the sky....” Marginal toning, else fine. Scarce. $180-220 |
8-50. “The Nearness Of You.”Sheet music, “The Nearness Of You,” boldly inscribed on cover in royal blue marker, “To Lee Maxfield....” Interesting Capri-blue artwork of seagulls in flight, 8 1/4 x 11, (4) pp. Gulf & Western imprint, from the period when the oil giant bought Famous Music Corp., c. 1967. Attractive and V.F. $225-300 |
8-51. Variant Signed “The Nearness Of You.”Sheet music, “The Nearness Of You,” boldly inscribed on cover in blue ballpoint, “Nice meeting you Lee....” Black on ivory, 9 x 12, c. 1960 printing, (6) pp., also listing prices of nine other arrangements on cover, from George Shearing’s piano solo ($1) to stage band ($3). “It’s not the pale moon that excites me, that thrills and delights me. Oh, no, It’s just the nearness of you....” Very light file crease at two corners, else excellent. $225-300 |
8-52. “Two Sleepy People.”Sheet music, inscribed on cover in blue by Carmichael, “Thanks Lee (Maxfield).” Words and music by Frank Loesser and Carmichael, Famous Music Corp.’s ornate floral border, black on ivory, (6) pp., judged printed late 1950s, 75¢ rubber stamp over 60¢. With a hint of Loesser’s Guys and Dolls mood: “Here we are, out of cigarettes, Holding hands and yawning, Look how late it gets. Two sleepy people, by dawn’s early light, And too much in love to say ‘Good-night’....” Some file wear at blank top edge, very minor wear bottom right tips, else fine plus. $200-250 |
8-53. Variant Signed “Two Sleepy People.”Later printing, with 80¢ and $1 price labels, signed in navy blue marker, “Sincerely..., Hoagy Carmichael.” Black and white, (6) pp., judged c. 1965, zip code on front cover, old postal zone on back, advertising three volumes of songs, including “Moon River.” Light handling, trace of paper clip, else fine. $180-240 |
– End of Hoagy Carmichael lots –
8-54. “Wabash Cannon Ball.”Sheet music signed on cover by country-western, Grand Ol’ Opry star Roy Acuff. (4) pp., black and white, printing judged c. 1965. Words and music by A.P. Carter. An ode to the celebrated train: “...There’s the gal from Tennessee, She is long and she is tall. She comes from Birmingham on the Wabash Cannon Ball....” While at first glance seeming a relic of Americana, the genre has arguably endured better than most others of the past century. Excellent. $45-65 |
8-55. A World War I Patriotic Tune, Signed by Composer.Sheet music, “Old Glory - Patriotic Song,” words and music by Emil Taflinger, Paris, Ill., inscribed on cover by Taflinger to Lee Maxfield. Large flag in red and blue. Copyright 1916, and probably a period printing, (5) pp. “...It stands for love, for peace, and freedom, The symbol of Liberty!...We’re marching on to victory...One hundred million souls all say, Hurrah! red, white and blue; We’ll fight or die for you....” Mottled toning on ivory cover, characteristic of clay coating, else V.G. plus. • Another example, slightly different inscription. Colorful. • “There’s A Song In The Heart Of A Shriner,” by Taflinger. Inscribed at top, “From former director of Zorah Temple Chanters of Terre Haute, to Noble Lee Maxfield....” 4 pp., no cover, as printed, 1950. “There is joy in the heart of a Shriner, As his song rings through the land...See him help a crippled child to regain his health and play!...” At bottom, “Any profits derived from sale...to be shared equally by composer with Children’s Hospital. Price 25¢.” Uniform toning, else very good plus. All excessively rare: WorldCat locates only one example of Taflinger’s music, a fraternity song, at University of S.C. $90-120 (3 pcs.) |
8-56. “Jingle Bells.”Organ sheet music for the perennial Christmas song, signed on cover by celebrated Hammond arranger and innovator Porter Heaps. “Published for Hammond Times readers by Hammond Instrument Co...Chicago,” Nov. 1942, 8 pp. Old rubber stamp at top, “C.B. Massey.” N.Y. Times obituary accompanies: “...(Heaps’) work on the popular Hammond organ transformed a crude-sounding electronic keyboard instrument into one that could approximate the sounds and colors of larger pipe organs....” Not long before this printing, around the mid-1930s, in a side-by-side competition with a pipe organ in a large chapel, “a panel of three judges was unable to agree on which instrument was the Hammond.” Toning of wartime adversity paper, much handling, but good. Rare thus. $70-100 |
8-57. “The Music Goes ‘Round and Around.”Two examples of sheet music of this hit title: Inscribed on delightful pictorial cover by lyricist (William H.) “Red” Hodgson, “To Lee Maxfield, Wishing you continued success in the music world....” (6) pp., c. 1935 printing, signed 1981. Orange and black art showing cartoonish brassman playing an enormous three-valve sax horn, its ductwork encircling his body as notes flow out the bell; a trumpeter points to the spectacle. “One night, while playing in the band, A girl came up; she said, ‘You’re grand.’ So I replied in words low-down, ‘Now, this is how the music goes ‘round.’ I blow through here; The music goes ‘round and around....” • Second example, inscribed “To Lee - Keep the live music going. Have continued success....” Linen spine strip, some edge tears; both with cover foxing and considerable performance use, but satisfactory and delightful for display. • With typewritten postcard to Maxfield, 1981, agreeing to autograph the song for him. Penned below by Hodgson, “It is gratifying to hear from someone from the old days. I’m retired and not playing at all. I’m 72...and haven’t any guts left....” Postal wrinkles, else very good. Recorded in 1936 by Tommy Dorsey, Hodgson’s song became a hit, featured in the movie “The Music Goes ‘Round.” Expounding on the song at the time, The New York Times wrote, “...it preserves in film the stark record of a social phenomenon – in this case, the conversion of a song hit into a plague, like Japanese beetles or chain letters.” The song reappeared in 1959’s “The Five Pennies,” 1961’s Disney movie, “Donald (Duck) and the Wheel,” 1967’s “Dean Martin Show,” and numerous others. Likely unique survivors. $240-300 (3 pcs.) |
8-58. “When You Wish Upon A Star.”Splendid pictorial sheet music for the enduring song from Disney’s 1940 Pinocchio. Red and blue cover. Inscribed “To Lee Maxfield, Kind Regards” by lyricist Ned Washington; correction as he wrote, deciding to place Maxfield’s name on its own line, to skirt Pinocchio’s hairline. (4) pp., c. 1954 printing. “When you wish upon a star, makes no diff’rence who you are, Anything your heart desires will come to you....” From Washington’s pen also flowed the lyrics of “Stella By Starlight,” “On Green Dolphin Street,” “Town Without Pity,” Tommy Dorsey’s theme song “I’m Getting Sentimental Over You,” and more. Nominated for eleven Academy Awards - and winning for this song in 1940 - Washington gravitated to writing complete scores for major motion pictures, collaborating with Hoagy Carmichael, Max Steiner, Dimitri Tiomkin, and other composers. Light file chipping at top and right edges, some handling evidence, else vivid and about fine. $180-230 |
8-59. “All Of Me.”Sheet music, “All Of Me,” inscribed by co-composer Gerald Marks to Lee Maxfield. Bluetone, (4) pp., judged late 1960s printing of the 1931 hit. “All of me, why not take all of me, Can’t you see - I’m no good without you....” On back cover, “Song Gems of Yesterday,” listing “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” of 1926, recorded decades later by Elvis, 1951’s “Unforgettable,” and dozens more. Postal wrinkles at upper left corner, other light handling, else fine. A self-taught pianist composing 400 songs, “All Of Me” would be Marks’ biggest hit, recorded some 2,000 times. $45-75 |
8-60. “Cry Me A River,” “Hey, Look Me Over,” and “Raindrops....”Sheet music, “Cry Me A River,” inscribed by composer and lyricist Arthur Hamilton, Apr. 22, 1974. Greentone, (4) pp., judged c. 1960 printing. “Now you say you’re lonely, You cry the long night thru, Well, you can Cry Me A River...I cried a river over you....” • “Hey, Look Me Over,” inscribed by composer Cy Coleman, same date as preceding. Greentone cover photo of statue of Prometheus in Rockefeller Center, (4) pp., judged mid-1970s printing. “Hey, Look Me Over, lend me an ear; Fresh out of clover, mortgaged up to here. But don’t pass the plate, folks, don’t pass the cup; I figure whenever you’re down and out, the only way is up....” Postal wrinkles at upper left corner, other light handling, else fine. • “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head,” from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, inscribed “For Lee Maxfield with my best wishes...” by lyricist Hal David, evidently Apr. 1974. Scene from the motion picture on cover in black and orange, (8) pp., c. 1970 printing. Long list of Bacharach and David hits on back cover, a veritable tapestry of American popular music of the era. Excellent. • With letter of enclosure on exquisitely blind-embossed, steel-engraved ASCAP letterhead, from Dir. of Public Affairs, Apr. 23, 1974, to Maxfield. “Enclosed are several copies of hit songs autographed by either the lyricist or the composer. Incidentally, all of these men are on the Board of Directors at ASCAP....” $130-170 (4 pcs.) |
8-61. From Vaudeville to the Big Screen.Unsigned sheet music, “Everyone Should Have A Sweetheart,” sent posthumously by songwriter Elmer Schoebel’s wife, Esther, to Lee Maxfield. 1963 printing, 4 pp. A jazz composer, pianist, and bandleader, Schoebel joined the Isham Jones Orchestra in 1925. In the 1930s, he was chief arranger for Warner Brothers’ publishing arm. • With A.L.S. of Esther Schoebel, on her husband’s stationery, Pinellas Park, Fla., 1971. “...It sure was a shock to me, him passing away right in our home...We would have been married 49 years.” • With A.L.S. of Elmer Schoebel’s daughter to Maxfield later that year, her mother also having passed. “I have not as yet gotten around to going through my dad’s music...I’ll keep you in mind when I get to the music....” Evidently nothing was found, as these three items form the entirety of Schoebel material in the Maxfield collection. All items toned, music with file wrinkles and staining at top fore-edge, else very satisfactory. A very scarce and melodramatic ensemble. • With unrelated signed sheet music, “May You Always Walk In Sunshine,” signed by composer Jack (John Edward) White, c. 1976, privately printed. Light foxing, else good plus. $45-60 (4 pcs.) |
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9-1. “Confederate Postmasters in Texas.”Booklet, compiled by Grover C. Ramsey, 1963, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 69 pp., blue on grey felt-finish covers, black and white text. Privately published in Waco, comprising a list claiming all 707 Confederate Texas post offices in its then-129 counties, their postmasters, and dates of appointment. Very fine, and invaluable for research. With pages from Van Sickle Military Books catalogue, 1987, 40.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $40-55 |
9-2. Texas Stampless Lettersheet.Robin’s-egg blue folded lettersheet from A.L.D. Benham, Apr. 24, 1846 in recipient’s hand on verso – less than four months after statehood. Dark pink c.d.s. “Houston / Texas” with manuscript “May 4” between two horizontal bars. Stamped “5” at upper right. To “J(ames) F(ranklin) Perry, Esqr., Brazoria,” a pioneer on the Texas-Mexico frontier, surveying land for colonists, and correspondent of Stephen Austin. The University of Texas’ Dolph Briscoe Center for American History preserves over 220 manuscript items to or about Perry; the original letter once enclosed in this sheet is not among them. Light waterstaining along blank lower margin, rectangular stain barely touching cancel at 11 o’clock, tear where opened at wax seal on verso, two old hinge strips, else very good. American Stampless Cover Catalog, 1978 ed., p. 199, old c.v. 40.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $45-65 |
9-3. To a Celebrated Texas Commander.Scarce “Anderson, Tex. / Jan. 23” black c.d.s. with matching pencil and handstamped “Paid,” no rate. On Confederate-grey cover. To “Major John R. Kennard, Houston, Texas.” Joining the 4th Texas Infantry in 1861, he was captured at Arkansas Post, Ark. in 1863, and confined at Camp Chase and Fort Delaware; promoted to Maj. upon his exchange later that Spring. Commanding the 6th and 10th Texas Infantries and 15th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), he fought at Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Petersburg, and Ringgold. Some postal wrinkles, dark yellow toning at three edges, one flap tear but all complete, and about very good. Kennard is mentioned in numerous modern books, including The Bugle Softly Blows... (Seaton and Simpson, 1965), Granbury’s Texas Brigade: Diehard Western Confederates (Lundberg, 2012), Civil War Infantry Tactics... (Hess, 2015), Saga of Anderson: The Proud Story of a Historic Texas Community (Allen, 1958), and others. $250-325 |
9-4. “Poker Chip” Local Post of the Old West.Adams & Co.’s Express, 25¢, mint. Horizontal pair, with full top sheet margin. Scott 1L3. Used as money during Gold Rush, rumored to have circulated as a chit in California saloons. 1853 printed at frame, issued 1854. Black engraving on pale pink glazed board, with portrait of Adams manager D.H. Haskell. 1 x 1 1/8. A local post operating only in California, Adams began service in 1849; this variety “probably never placed in use as a postage stamp” (--Scott Specialized), and came to be known as a “poker chip,” probably used as money. Two ink smudges in selvedge from press, one light partial fingerprint, microscopic surface break at bottom, only seen under magnification, else appearing extremely fine, with left and right margins clearing the tiny text. $60-80 (pair) |
9-5. “Poker Chip” Local Post.As above, but single, upper right, with full top and side sheet margins. Extremely fine. $40-55 |
9-6. Press Proofs of the Royal Philatelic Collection.Wonderful ensemble of four (of twelve) original, untrimmed press proofs of individual color plates of the stamp collection of King George V, 10 1/2 x 15 1/2. Renowned even among non-philatelists for its 45 flat colors (some sources claim 53!), either number probably a record for an offset printing job. To avoid the aesthetic impurity of halftone dots, the shades were precisely matched using an array of exquisitely mixed transparent and opaque inks; each plate shows a color bar at top, its sometimes remarkably proximate hues combined to achieve glorious faithfulness to the original stamps. Including World War I-era German and Persian colonies: Togo overprinted “Anglo-French Occupation,” “Kamerun” overprints, Bushire overprints (“Under British Occupation”) on Iranian stamps; plates of original sketches of Queen Victoria for New South Wales issues; block of 38 two-penny blues; and upsize alabaster-like cameo of the Queen for use on a stamp. The original book had 12 color and 60 black-and-white plates; published in 1952 by Viscount Kemsley at The Dropmore Press, Ltd., London, it was bound in full crushed levant niger morocco leather with the Royal arms in gilt, or in slipcased buckram. Such an enterprise, exhibiting the outermost limits of skill of lithographic camera work, pressmanship, and sheer numbers of passes, will almost certainly never be attempted again. The books now sell for up to 1,000.00. Lovely uniform pale cream toning, else choice. Provenance: Ex-Gordon McHenry. $55-85 (4 pcs.) |
9-7. Colorful Envelope Advertising a Scheme about to be Shut Down.Lovely advertising cover of “the worst and most reckless” of a ring of life insurance companies of the era, “Southern Pennsylvania Mutual Relief Association of Hanover, York County, Penna.,” with hand-colored cornercard illustration of parents, a young girl, and baby, an angel hovering overhead with umbrella of “Protection” as coins fall from a horn of plenty. Purple c.d.s. Hanover, (Mar.) 31, 1881, tying 3¢ #136, yellowish green, two good margins, wide at bottom, just clear at left; grill not detected. To “Abraham D. Miller, Stemton, Northampton Co., Penna.” Light purple backstamp. Short tears at lower right corner, seam torn where opened on verso only, postal wear at other corners, toned to warm cream, and about very good, with sound stamp. Incredibly, later that same year, Pennsylvania’s Attorney Gen. moved quickly to dissolve this life insurance-peddling “Relief Association,” terming them a “speculative cooperative,” dismissing them and its officers “in the strongest terms, indicating his intention to punish the latter criminally... The Penna. death-rattle cooperatives fall at the first fire...The notorious Southern Penna. of York and the State Capital [Insurance Co.] of Harrisburg , which have probably done a more extensive business at selling gambling policies, than any other fifty companies in the state combined. The readiness with which the rotten concerns go down when attacked by the law, provokes regret that the authorities have not taken earlier action and thus saved their great commonwealth from the scandal...”--The Weekly Underwriter, Dec. 17, 1881, pp. 357, 362. Modern copies accompany. This lot perhaps with a philatelic distinction: the prettiest advertising cover of a swindler! $140-180 |
9-8. Confederate Patriotic Cover.Turquoise woodcut of palmetto tree, encircled, “Ever Ready with our Lives and Fortunes.” On cream, postally unused. Confederate-designed and -printed, likely early in the war. Graduated toning at right margin, lighter along bottom, toned outlines on verso of old non-adhesive mounting corners, else fine and clean. This verse lacking in Weiss. $40-50 |
9-9. Cover to a Marine Commander of Sharpshooters.Envelope addressed to “Lt. Louis E. Fagan / U.S. Marine Corps / Marine Barracks / Norfolk Station, Va.,” the latter crossed out, “Washington, D.C.” in another hand, and “Marine” added by postal clerk before “Barracks.” With #65, orangeish dull red, tied to buff cover with black c.d.s., indistinct but plausibly Philadelphia, “...July 6,” and four-slice cork cancel. Two wide margins, including color of adjoining stamp - but unperforated, clear at right, and into perfs at bottom. Light wear and dust-toning at right portion, pen balky in first two address lines, else fine, and interesting for display. Serving through the war, Fagan began as a Pvt. in 17th Penna. Infantry, then in Pa. Independent Cavalry, transferring to Marines in 1862. Promoted for gallantry during night attack on Sumter, and to Lt. for bravery at Fort Fisher, Fagan is mentioned in The U.S. Marine Corps Story, by Moskin, with 43 sharpshooters under his command, and in The United States Marine Corps in Books and the Performing Arts, by Hemenez. With modern copy of Fagan’s lengthy 1865 report as Commanding Guard, (Steam) Frigate Wabash. Civil War Marine material is scarce. $110-140 |
9-10. Confederate Generals on Union Covers.Group of 5 “Secesh Chain” covers, each with a different Confederate General, but printed in N.Y. by Charles Magnus. Four finely lithographed in black, Hardee in bronze powder, each within an oval chain border: Maj. Gen.A.S. Johnston (No. 6 in series). • Maj. Gen. Sterling Price (No. 7). • Brig. Gen. L. Polk (No. 11). • Brig. Gen. Hardee (No. 22). • Gen. A.P. Hill (No. 29). Postally unused. First three with trivial uniform toning, else fine and clean; bronze Hardee with three light fingerprints, dark grain-of-rice-size scrapes in blank field just above “Chain,” hinge remnants on verso, else good; Hill with clip and rubber band toning, else about very good. None of this series in the 5,000-cover Harvard collection of patriotics. The market for flattering portraits of Confederate Generals in New York was two-fold: apart from curiosity value to Union supporters, there was a large population of Southern sympathizers in and around the city. The mood was such that after the war, a number of Confederates settled here, enjoying success in their vocations. (There is a Confederate section in a cemetery on the Yonkers line.) $55-75 (5 pcs.) |
9-11. Local Use of Turned Cover.Confederate #11, 10¢ green, tied to turned adversity cover by purplish-black partial Richmond c.d.s., but date dark. Wide margins three sides, good at left. In light pencil, “...Sept. 11, (18)63.” Address in light coffee-and-cream, but ink judged diluted by sender, to “Miss Mary W. Ward, Care of...& Jas. Lyons...Richmond.” Inside, originally hand-delivered to “Mrs. Y...Garnett, Richmond.” On verso, neat pencil notes of two old-time collectors. Four flaps present, one with short tear where originally gently opened, darkening on verso from glue, one flap with two fingerprints as the cover was refashioned; one flap with teardrop thin, but as manufactured, few ink spots on front, else evenly toned, and fine, with an attractive stamp. Fresh to the market from 1960s collection. $140-180 |
9-12. Confederate Army Field Cancel-Style.Confederate #11 (else 12), 10¢ apple-green, just tied by 7-bar gridiron, in style of Army field cancel, though no mandated soldier’s endorsement. Three wide margins, just clear at right. Very lightly addressed to “Miss Mary E. Sloan, Greensboro, No. Car.” Tiny old pencil notation “Army Camp Grid.” On verso in pencil, “Mar. (1865).” In another hand, “2110/100,” possibly an old price of 1.00. Pleasing mocha. Some wrinkles, several long postal creases and moderate edge wear, corners worn, but very satisfactory, and stamp sound. $65-90 |
9-13. Cover Fashioned from Accounting Paper – with a Recycled Stamp.Confederate #11, 10¢ greenish-blue, tied by black “Charleston S.C. / Mar. 25, 186” (last digit not shown). To “William Bouknight, Newberry C.H., So. Carolina.” Powder-blue ledger sheet, ruled in brown, folded at a 45° angle. On inside of top flap, the sender has penned, following its curvature, “Mind don’t lose any thing out of letter.” Tucked inside is cutting of an earlier envelope, black c.d.s. “Greenv(ille) S.C. / Fe(b.) 2(3?),” with outline of a postage stamp which must have gone through the mail uncancelled, and enclosed to be reused. It may have been placed on this cover, as all four corners are artfully cut to shape, probably to conceal where the stamp was removed from the enclosed. One flap with two feathered losses at edge; blue cover bleached to pale yellow, more likely fading than water, else satisfactory, and a fascinating combination of adversities. $85-115 |
9-14. Confederate “Official Business.”Confederate #12, 10¢ greenish-blue, tied by Lynchburg, Va. c.d.s., “May 15.” Two generous margins, one good, and left just clear. Penned in brown, “Official Business / Mr. John B. Gibson or Gilson, Davidson College P.O., N. Carolina.” Lacking lower flap, remnants of glassine hinges at four corners on verso, foxing, else good, with sound stamp. $70-100 |
9-15. Army of Northern Virginia Grid.Confederate #12, 10¢ jade green, tied by Army of Northern Va. black grid. To “R.(?) C. Chandler(?) Cayne, Esq., President’s Office, [probably] Petersburg, Va.,” extremely light but just legible. Three good margins, and just clear at left; trifle angled upper left tip, as cut by postmaster or mailer. Two hinge stains on verso, postal wear at three corners, cleanly opened at right edge, flap folded back and held by original glue, evidently a manufacturing imperfection, tiny edge tear at blank lower right edge, else good, the shades of the stamp, cover, and ink exuding appeal. $65-90 |
9-16. Made from a Railroad Indenture – by a Citadel Cadet.Unlikely soldier’s adversity cover, fashioned from stiff, printed railroad legal document, black on white. “Spartanburg, S.C. / Otc. [note apparent misspelling!] 5, 1864” black c.d.s., black “Due 10.” From “C.L. Fike, Co. A, Battalion S.C.” To “Captn. Geo. A. Fike, Damascus, Spartanburg, S.C.” Printed text includes “...said bonds and interest...the Rail Road...station houses...and machinery...(se)ven per centum...cars, engines....” All flaps complete; left rear flap opened at end, and folded back, as often found, to display lining. Because of thickness of the paper, judged similar to a modern 100 lb. text, it may have been from the cover of an offering prospectus, and almost certainly antebellum; such paper would not have been printed upon in the South during the war. The sender served in The Citadel Cadets Infantry. G.A. Fikes (note spelling in records, likely a transcription error) served in the 8th Miss. Infantry; he is likely one and the same as the addressee. Minor yellow-orange marginal toning, else good plus, and offering splendid display potential. Ex-John A. Fox sale of July 30, 1962, N.Y.C., paid 12.50. (No adversity covers or Spartan-burg-cancelled material among illustrated census of Fox’s creations at uspcs.org.) $160-200 |
9-17. Officially Perforated on Homemade Cover.Interesting adversity cover, Confederate #11, 10¢, nearly blue with hint of green, officially perforated, tied by black “De(mopolis) Ala. / Jul 13.” Made from ledger paper, ruled in robin’s-egg blue and black, half the boxes checkerboard, half rectangular. To “(Mi)ss Mary C. Ashford, (Care) of W.H. Green, Clinton, La. / To be sent to Kingston, Miss.” Stamp neatly affixed parallel to ruled lines, its top perfs once extending over edge of cover by a hair, postal wear reducing their peaks, with only a hint remaining of valleys; stamp clear all sides, wider at right; perfs crisp at left, some “hanging chads” at right. Half-egg-shaped portion of cover removed at left, when opened, but only affecting “Miss” and “Care”; evidence of eight glassine hinges on verso, light soiling, else good plus. Attractive for display. 2011 Scott cat. 750.00. $350-475 |
9-18. To a Confederate at Manassas.Petit cover with exhaustive address, to “Pvt. S.H. Wiley, Care of Capt. Jack Smith, Manassas Junction, Va. / Co. E, 15th Regt., Geo(rgia) Vols., Col. Thos. W. Thomas, Commanding.” On back flaps, pink “Sparta Ga. / Oct. 3” c.d.s. On face, matching “Paid 10,” encircled. Addressee Samuel H. Wiley enlisted in July 1861, serving through surrender on Apr. 9, 1865, at Appomattox. In 1862, he served as clerk for Brigade Q.M. Some postal handling, light brown toned lines at left diagonal, else warm ivory patina, and good plus. $130-160 |
9-19. An Extreme Adversity Cover – Made from a Crumpled Piece of Kraft.Confederate #11, 10¢ green, on especially primitive handmade cover, tea-brown lightweight kraft, evidently heavily crumpled before repurposing, then perhaps ironed to render flat! Lower right position of pane, very wide margins two sides, good at top, clear by a hair at left. Partially tied by black “Pollard, Ala. / Sep 25, 1863” c.d.s. To “Mrs. M.J. Dobbs, Cartersville, Cass County, Ga.” Magnification shows a large number of wood flakes and interesting inclusions in paper. The cover’s irregular surface is judged to account for the incomplete impression of postmark left of stamp. Some soiling on blank verso, else very satisfactory, with a good example of the stamp. A true adversity cover, and compelling conversation piece. $100-130 |
9-20. “For the flag of my country in triumph shall wave....”Postally used Confederate soldier’s cover, large black woodcut of mounted dragoon brandishing sword, on rearing horse. No rate. Six lines of verse, “Bright banner of freedom with pride I unfold thee; Fair flag of my country, with love I behold thee...For the flag of my country in triumph shall wave, O’er the Southerner’s home and the Southerner’s grave.” Spring-green “Raleigh, N.C. / [month indistinct but June] 27, 1862.” Boldly addressed to “Mr. Alex. Dannon, Petersburg, Va.” In pencil, presumed addressee’s hand, “Came June 28th, 1862 / July 1st, 1862....” Lacking bottom portion of top flap, two pale amber quarter-size glue stains on verso, traces of four hinges; a horizontal fold just missing postmark, else very good, and dramatic for display. It is guessed that as a blank envelope, it was folded and mailed to the soldier in the field, perhaps as a morale booster, then used to write back. Lacking in 5,000-cover Harvard Collection of patriotics. No appearances of this design in Robert A. Siegel auctions, 1930-present. $550-700 |
9-21. “On to the rescue, the Vandals are coming....”Dramatically storied 11-star patriotic on mocha adversity cover, from an ill-fated teenage Confederate private to another who would be captured twice. “Sold by J.W. Randolph, Richm’d.,” black “Wilmington, N.C. / 18 Jan.” c.d.s. with matching (due) “5” at right, manuscript “Paid 5 cts.” crossed out above. Imprinted, “Confederate States of America,” with 4-line verse: “On, on to the rescue, the Vandals are coming - Go meet them with bayonet, sabre and spear; Drive them back to the desolate land they are leaving, Go, trusting in God, you’ll have nothing to fear.” In coffee-and-cream, to “Wiley A. Troutman, Roanoak Island, N.C. Volunteers, Capt. Barrie.” At left, in darker brown, “G.G. Ury, private in Co. B, 20th Regt., N.C. Vols.” A 19-year-old farmer from Cabarrus County, Ury enlisted two weeks after Fort Sumter. Wounded at Gaines’ Mill the following year, he died in Richmond. Troutman was a year younger, P.O.W. at Roanoke Island in 1862, then captured again at City Point. He was paroled, only to be wounded at Cold Harbor. Brown paper mounting adhesions on verso, short edge tear through “r” of “America,” noticed only upon close inspection, light chipping at lower left and upper right tips, else fine. Walcott 3173. $300-375 |
9-22. Boldly Struck Atlanta Provisional.Strikingly attractive Atlanta, Ga. 5¢ black postmaster provisional entire, Scott #6XU6. At left, “Atlanta, Geo. / Paid 10”; at upper right, larger, boldly struck “Atlanta, Ga. / Dec. 14, 1861.” On caramel fancy-finish. To “Private Samuel H. Wiley, Care A.Y. Stokes & Co., Richmond, Va.” Wiley enlisted in July 1861, serving through surrender on Apr. 9, 1865, at Appomattox. In 1862, he served as clerk for Brigade Q.M. Though the first Confederate postage stamps were issued on Oct. 16, 1861, they evidently were not available in Atlanta when this cover was presented for mailing on Dec. 14, hence this provisional postmark. Pencil initials in another hand, “S(tanley) Gibbons / M.J.M.” Light smudging at lower left at old pencil marking “6XU13 / CM.” Postal wear at upper and lower left, soft blind ripple approaching “At” of left postmark, 1/8” tear at center of top horizontal edge, remnants of five old glassine hinges on verso; all flaps complete and untorn, fine plus, and a superior example of this desirable provisional. Old-time collector’s hand in pencil on verso, “Dietz Type VIII, cat. $600.” 2011 C.V. $950.00. Off the market since 1960s. $450-650 |
9-23. With Swing-Cut Pair.Confederate #11, horizontal pair, blue, tied by “Albany, Ga. / Sep. 4, 1864” black c.d.s. To “Miss Georgie E. Shackelford, Care of Maj. C.J. Munneulyn, Bainbridge, Geo.” At upper left, probably in recipient’s hand, “(Letter) No. 51.” Stamps interestingly angle-cut at top, with wide margin at left, increasing further at right to include identifiable sliver of stamp above; sides correspondingly vary from barely clear to moderately wide; bottoms into design. Stamps with pale honey mottled toning, perhaps from handling by sender; similarly-colored fingerprints on cover; postal creasing at sides, from thick enclosure (not present), but still good, and suited for display. $125-175 |
9-24. Vicksburg.Black “Vicksburg, Miss. / Oct. 18, 1861” c.d.s., with matching “Paid 5” handstamp. Non-postal franking in sender’s hand, “Chu 174 / C & Co.” To “Mess(rs.) Carroll Hoy & Co., New Orleans, La.” On persimmon-orange laid cover. In old pencil on verso, “Fox LRN.” Straight-pin holes straddling “Miss.” between 5 and 7:30 o’clock in c.d.s.; irregular upper left edge where opened, light postal wear, else darkly penned, and fine. (No Hoy or Vicksburg material among illustrated census of Fox’s creations at uspcs.org.) $110-140 |
9-25. Charleston Provisional ex-Deats, plus Two Variant Designs.Fascinating display trio of Confederate covers, all unused: “P.O. Charleston...Postage Paid” 5¢ provisional, press-printed on entire, blue on warm buff, 16XU4. Large red and blue shield, 11-star, “The Emblem of the South.” Black imprint, “Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, S.C.” Flap undisturbed with original gum. Tiny “HED” (confirmed Hiram E. Deats by noted expert Trish Kaufmann) monogram lightly impressed on verso. “1906” in old pencil, the last two numbers visible beneath a narrow layer of two strips of closely matching paper, glued at one end on verso. These are guessed to have been added by Deats as a long hinge; cover has not been reduced. Very light marginal dust-toning, pale partial fingerprint in blank area, very minor handling evidence, else very good, with an excellent impression of the provisional. The unused Charleston provisional is scarcer than used. • With matching design on non-provisional example of the identical cover, its plate imperfections (in scallops of blue field of stars), type wear in caption, and misregistration of left red bar matching the preceding cover. This example without imprint. Made from the same finish paper as the provisional cover but this a trifle more ivory, the inks essentially matching, and judged printed at the same time, before Aug. 1861, certainly by Evans & Cogswell, the provisional “stamp” added later that year. Adhesions of grey album paper and two small hinges on verso, very light dust-toning at edges, else very fine. • Matching design, this with dramatic text added in red, powder-blue, and lime-green (a shade we do not recall seeing on other Confederate covers): “Right Must Prevail / War to the Knife / The Southern Union: It Must Be Preserved / Yankees! Beware!! The Stars and Bars in Triumph shall wave, o’er the Land of the Free, or the Pall of the Brave.” Believed also by Evans & Cogswell. This variant not in Walcott, Harvard Collection, or Siegel Powersearch, 1930-present. “Beginning as a youngster, (Deats) built the best collections of U.S. and Confederate States stamps of his time. He sold these and most of his other collections early in the 20th century when he withdrew from organized philately. Deats was member no. 36 of the American Philatelic Association (now the A.P.S.), joining in 1886 at age 16....He served the Association in various capacities, including president (1904-1905)...In 1952 Deats dispersed his library and duplicates...in a deluge of mostly 19th century literature unprecedented in philatelic history...”--apfelbauminc.com/library/notedcollections .html. His massive collections not only included stamps, but some 14,135 proofs, essays, and trial colors, together with 3,500 pieces of Confederate, colonial, and fractional currency, a nearly complete set of silver dollars, rocks and minerals, 1,500 archaeological specimens, and one of the paramount philatelic libraries. Acquired by consignor in 1960s, possibly from Mendoza Book Co. in lower Manhattan, who acquired a sizeable portion of Deats’ treasures. Fresh to the market after about 55 years. Siegel sale records show only 9 covers ex-Deats of all descriptions (none of which were Charleston provisionals). $600-750 (3 pcs.) |
9-26. Printed by a Gold Prospector, Sailor – and Counterfeiter of Confederate Currency.Complete set of 35 Union-issued patriotic covers, unused, each with a different seal of every state, both Confederate and Union, the covers captioned either “Secession” or “For the Union,” respectively. With Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri imprinted “On the Fence,” and including Utah, though statehood not gained til 1896. Printed by (Samuel C.) Upham, Philadelphia - a fascinating character - prior to June 1863, when West Va. was admitted. Dark blue on ivory. Comprising: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mass., Mich., Minn., Miss., Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Penna., Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Fla. with one drop of ink with erosion on blank area; Ind., Kans., and Wis. with soft crease at upper right corner, Maine with light soiling, N.C. with wrinkles in lower right quarter, S.C. with some smudges on blank area; most with light handling evidence (these were likely salesman’s samples c. 1861), else bright, clean, and very fine. Notwithstanding his nickname “Honest Sam,” Upham became known as “King of the Confederate Counterfeit” and “The Shopkeeper who Shook the South.” After a stint in the Navy, he became a Forty-Niner, founding California’s first daily newspaper outside San Francisco, the Sacramento Transcript, later publishing the well-known book, Scenes in El Dorado in...1849-50. Returning to Philadelphia, Upham opened a stationery shop, printing patriotic covers, and items lampooning the Confederacy, including the conspicuous design of Jeff Davis’ head on the body of a donkey. Producing his own facsimiles of Confederate currency, bearing his name and Chestnut St. address, Southern cotton smugglers began buying his novelty “mementos of the Rebellion,” cutting off his name at the bottom, and flooding the Confederacy economy with the bogus bills. Upham soon boasted a “product line” of 28 Confederate notes, shinplasters, and postage stamps. Lincoln’s administration tried to stop the venture, fearing that the South would retaliate by counterfeiting Union paper. But because the Union did not recognize the legitimacy of the Confederacy, they had no means of prosecuting Upham. (It is said that Lafayette Baker, under orders from Stanton, may have been Upham’s source for the English banknote-quality paper he came to use.) Now with a Southern price on his head, Upham later claimed he had produced 1,564,000 facsimile Confederate notes, and that he had made $50,000.--Patricia Rhoades, at kudzumonthly.com. Confederate Sen. Henry Foote declared, in an 1862 speech in Richmond, that Upham had done more to injure the Confederate cause than Gen. McClellan and his army. From a collection formed around the years of the Civil War Centennial, and fresh to the market. Complete sets are now time-consuming to gather. With fascinating modern biographical information. Weiss ST-1 through -35. $650-900 (35 pcs.) |
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10-1. Confederate T47 Note - Rarity 10.$20, “Sept. 2, 1862,” Criswell XX2 (formerly 345), “Extremely Rare.” Fricke XX-2A, Rarity 10. PF-1. Superior example of this storied note, listed in Criswell since the beginning, now regarded as a Civil War-era counterfeit or fantasy, introduced into the Confederacy via eastern Tennessee. Numbered “3363” in red, printed signatures, on pale spice-tan sheer opaline. Their issue was apparently brief, as only some dozens, in all conditions, are believed remaining today. At top, seated Commerce on bale of cotton, with shield; R.M.T. Hunter at lower right. A four-margin example, generous on three sides; four parallel vertical folds, two of them with refolds; some wallet crinkling along lower edge at tails of three folds, inconspicuous fold at lower left corner, small pinhole at upper right, else a bright, crisp-appearing note, and conservatively judged very fine. A key item to bring a Confederate type set to completion. Articles on this note (and its companion T48) appeared in Numismatist, Aug. 1967, and Bank Note Reporter, Mar. 1977. In 1990, Smythe stated “only 60 to 75 exist today,” this almost certainly the estimate of authority Douglas Ball. In Criswell’s 4th edition of 1992, he writes, “The fact that only a few dozen are known, and that they have turned up in old collections as well as in hoards of genuine currency, has promulgated the mystery that surrounds them...These notes (even though suspect for years) have proven to be among the most sought after, and desirable pieces in Confederate note collecting...”--p. 73. More recently, Pierre Fricke assigns Rarity 10 (21 to 50 known). Acquired by consignor c. late 1960s. Friedberg (21st edition) c.v. 6500.00. $3200-4000 |
10-3. 15¢ Shenandoah County Note.Partly printed Confederate scrip, Woodstock, Va., May 11, 1863, 1 3/4 x 3 3/4. “Issued by Order of Court...The County of Shenandoah Will pay the Bearer, Fifteen Cents, In Current Funds, when presented in sums of Ten Dollars.” Signed by Clerk and P(residing) J(ustice). Original pocket folds, very light toning at right, else very fine and clean. Many Virginia (and other) towns and counties issued their own emergency fractional currency during the war, though these had the effect of increasing monetary confusion. Criswell C-6007, North American Currency, 1965. This denomination lacking in the specialized Gilbert I. Stuart collection of obsolete Virginia currency, Heritage, 2005, and in the University of Chicago Library’s major American Paper Currency Collection, 1748-1899. Unlisted in Scott Standard Paper Money Catalogue, 1894, p. 99. Scarce. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-160 |
10-4. Two Popular Confederate Notes.$10 bill, Richmond, Feb. 17, 1864, vignette of artillery caisson, portrait of R.M.T. Hunter. T68. “Two years after the Ratification of a Treaty of Peace....” Dark pink and black. Closely trimmed at top horizontal, pocket folds and wrinkles visible from verso (only), else about fine. • $20, Sept. 2, 1861, sailing ship and sailor. T18. Hoyer & Ludwig, Richmond. Numbered in red. Three complete frameline borders, and about a quarter of the fourth. Tiny triangular flake lacking just beneath Register’s signature, very light fold traces, else very fine. With 1985 Cohasco invoice and catalogue page. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 (2 pcs.) |
10-5. Study Group of Lucy Pickens $1 Notes.Interesting study group of all three varieties of T44, plus a variant impression, June 2, 1862, steamship at sea, Liberty at left, and Lucy Pickens at right: Criswell 339, first series. Four tiny pinholes, usual fine wallet creases, four good margins, and about VG 10. • Criswell 340, second series. Just clear at three margins, trimmed along top rule, else Fine 12. • Criswell 341, third series. Detailed impression. Numeral 12. Trimmed all sides, some light brown offset at left third, possibly used as a blotter on one occasion, eighth-folds, but with some brightness, and about Fine 15. • With: variant impression of 341, with dark impression, the details of ship, waves, Miss Liberty, and “Confederate States...” type infilled (but Lucy’s portrait curiously the same). Numeral 11. Sixteenth-folds, four mirror-image stains, cut unevenly by hand, bottom with a bit of banner of note below, lacking top and left rules and blank upper right tip, else about VG 8. Fresh to the market after many decades. $170-220 (4 pcs.) |
10-6. Lucy Pickens $1 Note with Green Overprint.The successor note to above lot, T45, Criswell 342, with bright green overprint, and printer’s date error, showing 1862 instead of 1861. Rarity 6. Printed by B. Duncan, Columbia, S.C. Top and right margins, and lower left corner with dark tea-colored waterstain, probably stored inside a leather binding which transferred brown color upon becoming damp; graduating to lighter color waterstains. Old folds, minute wrinkling at lower left but imprint intact, trimmed uphill at top (often seen), two pinholes at left flanking Miss Liberty, few very short edge tears, else about VG 6. A desirable note. $60-90 |
10-7. Georgia $4 Note.Lovely example of Criswell Georgia-27. Rarity 7. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 1, 1864. Used as a “change note.” Slave carrying bushel of cotton at left, Moneta reclining against treasure chest at center, and slave handling wheat at right. Four pleasing margins, the left varying from generous to ample. (Indistinct) Confederate Treasury seal in olive green. Two natural thin areas, only visible on blank verso, these judged papermaking imperfections in which the dye was not fully mixed! Faintest tortoise-shell mottling, trivial very soft creases at left and right ends, perhaps normal impaction when bundled into bricks of notes, else never folded, and a superior, highly displayable specimen, judged CU 60. $275-350 |
10-8. With Links to Lincoln and Beauregard.$1 note, “New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Rail Road Co.,” New Orleans, Nov. 16, 1861. Signed in rubine red by Pres. and Sec. Engraved by Douglas, New Orleans. Vignette of locomotive, a thick trail of black smoke billowing. Old vertical half fold, usual handling evidence, two tips lacking, minute chip at top edge, else good plus, and attractive. Originally commissioned by Illinois’ 1851 legislature, the railroad’s supporters included a young Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. Largely in ruins after the war, the railroad’s new Pres. was former Confederate Gen. Beauregard. With 1981 invoice and envelope of Robert LeGresley, 8.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $40-55 |
10-9. 1917 $2 Legal Tender.Friedberg 60. Jefferson. Small red seal, scalloped. Speelman-White signatures. Non-mule. Nicely centered at sides; closer at bottom, hairline at top, but still four margins. Old eighth-folds, few fine creases at upper right corner, moderately light circulation wear, else judged a solid Fine 15. Fresh to the market after many decades. $115-135 |
10-10. 1922 $10 Gold Certificate.Friedberg 1173. Michael Hillegas, first Treasurer of U.S. Small gold seal, scalloped. Speelman-White signatures. Non-mule. Three moderately soft vertical folds, where wrapped around a number of other bills; light wallet rub along 2 1/2” of bottom right edge, minute creases at two tips, top edge trimmed closely at right by B.E.P., just kissing outermost rule. Else a bright, pleasing example, retaining some crispness, the orange-“gold” eyecatching, and judged VF 25. Fresh to the market after many decades, as indicated by the ancient price of 20.00 on holder. $350-400 |
10-11. Sculptor of the Buffalo Nickel implores, “Is there anyone who has charge of cleaning the bronzes in Washington?”T.L.S. of J(ames) E. Fraser, renowned sculptor of the Buffalo nickel and innumerable statues. Westport, Conn., Apr. 1, 1939, 7 1/4 x 10 1/2. To Louis A. Simon, Treasury Dept., Washington. “After our discussion about the pedestal I again looked at the north entrance of the Treasury Building, and was surprised to see that the fountain which is on that platform is very badly damaged, and is only held together by a gas pipe running around under the lip of the bowl. It seems to me about ready to fall apart. The site, I believe, is unusually fine for a statue, the sun is shielded by the building, so that the statue may be seen without having to look into the sun, which is usually a great difficulty with a statue facing north. On the south facade, I was very much disappointed at the dirt and grime on the Hamilton statue. Is there anyone who has charge of cleaning the bronzes in Washington? If so, I would be very pleased if i could direct him in the way in which I should like to have the statue cleaned. I would gladly come to Washington to do so...I am waiting to receive the drawings.” Two-hole punch for filing by Treasury, light blind handling evidence at top, else about very fine and attractive, with splendid content. Very scarce. With 1986 invoice, list, and envelope of Conway Barker, 100.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $475-600 |
10-12. Signed Dollar Bill – by the Shortest-Term Treasury Secretary.Crisp Uncirculated $1 bill signed in blue ballpoint by Sec. of Treasury Joseph W. Barr, just above his engraved signature. Signed 1969 according to collector Lee Maxfield’s accompanying descriptive envelope, on Series 1963, Richmond seal. Barr served fleetingly, at the end of the Johnson administration, from just before Christmas 1968 to the day of Nixon’s inauguration in Jan. 1969. Because of his short time in office (though he had been Undersecretary since 1965), Barr’s printed signature appeared only on dollar bills. Envelope torn where opened. Uncommon and attractive for display. $40-55 (2 pcs.) |
10-13. Five Consecutively-Numbered Signed Dollar Bills.Crisp Uncirculated $1 bills, each signed in blue ballpoint by Sec. of Treasury Joseph W. Barr, just above his engraved signature. One also inscribed to orchestra leader-collector Lee Maxfield. Series 1963, Richmond seal. Only in office for about a month – the shortest-serving Treasury Secretary in history – Barr’s printed signature appeared only on dollar bills. Uncommon and attractive for display. $160-200 (5 pcs.) |
10-14. Genuine Bar Copper.The iconic “USA” Bar Copper, c. 1785. Breen 1145. W-8520. R4. 2013 ANACS VF 20 Details, “Corroded - Tooled.” A pleasing example, with warm milk-chocolate fields, the flat facets of “USA” in mocha. Good contrast on reverse, the bars conspicuous, the dentelles with very good centering. Some dark freckles on ribs across equator, fewer toward the poles, else a satisfying, affordable example. A cornerstone of a major collection of colonials, accompanied by copies of 1967 letter to noted expert Robert Vlack, in which collector enclosed this bar copper for authentication, just purchased at Metropolitan Coin Show, New York City, and Vlack replied, “The USA Bar Cent is genuine.” With 1967 holder. Heritage records 8 examples in VF 20-25, between 1992 and 2019. Off the market for 54 years, and absent from modern census. Fascinating provenance accompanies. $3600-4200 |
10-15. 1861 Gold Double Eagle.$20 Liberty. PCGS AU 55. Usual contact marks for the grade; one line in obverse blank field between 9 and 10 o’clock. The superior detail on reverse, judged closer to AU 58, suggests the obverse may show bag marks, not circulation wear. A splendid gold accent for a Civil War display. $1800-2100 |
10-16. 1788 Connecticut Copper – A Curiosity.Miller 13-A.1. W-4535. R5. Mailed Bust Left. CONNLC. Judged AG 3. A highly interesting example, for its large, eccentric craters, suggesting a combination of much-worn dies on a crude planchet, especially on obverse. Full-diameter die crack bisecting reverse from about 8:45 to 2:45 o’clock. Deep mahogany with coppery reflections; possible cleaning prior to acquisition in late 1960s. Off the market since. A conversation piece, one of the most primitively made colonials that has crossed our desk. With collector’s old holder. $35-50 |
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The First Union Officer Killed in the First Land Battle
Pens “Grant me young death”
11-1. Predicting his Own Demise?A chilling item: Original poems in the hand of Theodore Winthrop, the poet who volunteered at the outset of the Civil War. At the first land battle of the war, Big Bethel, Va., now-Major Winthrop stood on a fence, flourishing his sword, gallantly waving on his men. Shot by a Confederate, he became the first Union officer to be killed in a land battle. In these original verses, he seems to not only portend the cloud of Civil War – but his own demise. Comprising one leaf, with draft portions of a different poem on each side, with some changes and alternate phrases, the entirety in his hand. 5 x 7, undated. “The bold scheme to meet a great wild nation’s need This asks the noble wisdom of a man O solitude of high desire Such find I none. Grant me young death Ye fates if passionate fire For here life must utterly expire With youth, Just now my eager breath Was voiceless to my faster beating heart Ardently scheming to my counsellor Of freer life in palace and in mast In field & forest, To the core Of our great land a light should stride And tame my people out of ignorance....” At edge of the sheet, Winthrop has penned, vertically, “I have but little faith in aught save hope.” A different poem on verso, “...No melody of hopes, To catch the errant music of each breeze...Nobler his path who darkly gropes, Thro’ awe of caverns till light opes Suddenly beyond.” • Together with his signature, apparently clipped from an old book, and once lightly affixed (now separate) at blank margin of poem below, the whole ensemble prepared by an admirer after his untimely death. Amber mounting outline at blank margin, two corresponding mocha stains on signature, else dark, bold, and very satisfactory; poems otherwise very fine. Winthrop served as secretary to Gen. Ben Butler. Shortly before his departure to the South, one of his stories had been accepted for Atlantic Monthly by its editor, James Russell Lowell. Asked by Lowell to write an account of his march to Washington, Winthrop’s articles attracted so much attention, and made him so well known that his proximate demise provoked widespread sorrow. “Immediately after his death his novels appeared in quick succession, and were very favorably received...It is probable that had Winthrop lived, he would have taken high rank as a writer...”--Appleton’s. • With postally unused Union patriotic envelope, black on eggshell, showing elaborate monument “To Maj. Winthrop,” with verse below: “Shot at the Battle of Big Bethel, June 10th, 1861. All that was generous and brave: We mourn his Loss.” Excellent. Fascinating insight, and a superb lot, inviting much thought. Killed at age 33, Winthrop material is rare in any form. Uncannily, Winthrop, with his commanding officer, planned the Big Bethel attack in which he perished. $1250-1500 (3 pcs.) |
11-2. “My drum at my side. I am on duty....”Unusual letter of Union drummer Arthur Palmer, “Drummer Co. E, 8th Conn. (Infantry), Gen. Burnside’s Div.,” Camp near Newbern, May 22, 1862, 4 1/4 x 7 1/2, 4 full pp., in pencil, about half very light but legible with varying study. “...It will not be long I think before the Regt. reaches Hartford [the writer hailed from Middletown, Conn.]. The war is so nearly finished, especially here in North Carolina...I see you are still attending school yet. Make the most of it. I am sitting here in the Col. & the Adjt.’s tents, my drum at my side. I am on duty. I have to drum the calls from 8 o’clock this morning until 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Camp life here is not like camp life in Jamaica. Here we have very strict orders, keep loaded guns...Only yesterday the Col. drew his sword and split a man’s head open for insulting him. Gen. Burnside has ordered at different times that ‘Roanoke,’ ‘Newbern,’ and ‘Fort Macon’ be inscribed on our colors. The 8th was on duty the day of the Bombardment of Fort Macon. I will give a list of camp duty [from reveille at 6 A.M. to Supper at 6:30 P.M. and Taps at 10]...Please don’t put the ‘Master’ on letters directed to me. It looks odd to think of a ‘Master’ in the Army.” First page with patriotic red and blue edge. Some handling, about half very light as his pencil progressively wore then resharpened, and generally good. Drummers’ letters are rare; Palmer served for exactly three years. With 1981 dealer’s lot card. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 |
11-3. For “want of sufficient teeth.”Unusual Union “Certificate for Exemption of a Drafted Person on Account of Disability,” Alliance (Ohio), Aug. 25, 1864, 6 1/2 x 8 1/4, partly printed. Signed by Provost Marshal, member of Board of Enrollment, and Surgeon L.M. Whiting, certifying that Augustus Carter of Southfield, Ohio “found to be unfit for military duty by reason of want of sufficient teeth....” Old sixteenth folds, some wear, lacking small fragment at blank lower left, pinholes at top; evidently carried in Carter’s pocket for some time, else satisfactory. Interestingly, Carter did serve earlier that year, in the 141st Ohio Infantry, mustered out a week after this document was penned. Perhaps he lost teeth during his first hundred days’ enlistment, serving on guard duty in Charleston, West Va. With 1980 seller’s note and envelope, 5.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $50-70 |
11-4. Composer of “Taps” – and Chief of Staff at Gettysburg.Superb signature of Dan(ie)l Butterfield, with “Maj. Genl. Chief of Staff” in his hand, his rank at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he was wounded for the second time. 1 3/4 x 4 1/4. In mahogany on eggshell-white card. Composer of “Taps”; wounded at Gaines’ Mill, for which awarded the Medal of Honor decades later, in 1892. Butterfield was Army of the Potomac’s Chief of Staff during Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he was wounded again. In charge of Sherman’s funeral, the Washington Centennial in 1889, and Dewey’s 1899 return after Manila, Butterfield also found the time to design the system of corps badges. His tomb the most ornate in West Point Cemetery. Mounting evidence around perimeter of verso, trivial ghosting from his blotter before “Maj.,” else very fine. With 1967 invoice of Conway Barker, 3.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $80-110 |
11-5. Butterfield with a Variant Rank.Attractive presentation signature of Dan(ie)l Butterfield, “Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.,” in rich brown on double-laid oatmeal-tan slip, deckled three sides. Neatly removed from old album, turquoise paper on most of verso; some mucilage show-through at blank top margin, else about fine, and pleasingly toned for display. With 1980 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $75-100 |
11-6. “Beans that beat the Army Bean.”Two G.A.R. items: Pamphlet, “The Leaflet of Old War Songs and G.A.R. and Patriotic Songs is presented to the Grand Army of the Republic, Lynn, Mass., and vicinity...,” printed in Syracuse, N.Y., c. 1890, for Comrade J.C.O. Redington, Acme Publishing Bureau, N.Y.C. 5 x 6 1/2, 30 pp., interspersed with advertisements, some illustrated, for Lynn merchants, including Titus & Buckley stove, L.A. May’s House Furnishing Emporium, showing Empire wringer, “Grand Army Goods...G.A.R. Suits, Blouses & Hats...,” Wentworth Boots, Shoes and Rubbers with two large views of popular boots, “Fall in for Grub!” at Dearborn Grocery - “Beans that beat the Army Bean,” and others. Cover detached, handling wear and staining, else good plus. Rare edition. • ”Trustees of the Soldiers’ Home in Mass. - Charter & By-Laws,” 1906, 4 x 7, 13 pp., signed in ink by Sec. J(oseph) B. MacCabe. Union-blue on grey flannel cover vignette of soldier brandishing bayonet-tipped rifle over 6’ long. Light toning, else fine. With 1975 seller’s invoice, 10.75. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $55-80 (2 pcs.) |
11-7. From Keynote Speaker at Gettysburg to “Honest Jack.”Envelope-front in hand of E(dward) Everett, delivered by hand to “Earl Spencer &c. &c. &c. / 27 St. James Place / London,” signed at lower left. The opening speaker at Gettysburg, preceding Lincoln, Everett was here U.S. Minister to Great Britain, 1841-45. Old narrow strip of paper tape at lower right on two last letters of “London,” remnants of white album mount on verso, minor handling evidence, else about very good. Casual familiarity used by Everett in addressing (John Charles) Spencer, also known as Lord Althorp and “Honest Jack,” and an ancestor of Winston Churchill. A modern-day descendant is a brother of Princess Diana. With copy of 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 3.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $60-80 |
11-8. “An immense battle...raging...between Fairfax & Manassas.”Lengthy, uncommonly eloquent homefront letter of civilian N.F. Metcalf, Westmoreland, (Oneida County, N.Y.), Aug. 31, 1862, 7 1/2 x 9 3/4, 5 pp., including news of 2nd Bull Run. To his recently-enlisted son, (Pvt.) Francis, 117th (N.Y. Infantry) Regt., Col. Pear, Co. C, “in that far off country of the enemy.” “...Immediately following violent exertion, to drop suddenly down into inaction and lethargy, will be almost sure to produce disastrous consequences...Enlisting is still going on here. (James) Rodenhurst is raising a company in this town, and has something over 50, of which some 28 are from this town. We are trying to make our quota without drafting...We had a rousing war meeting here last night. Speaking by Rev. W.C. Steel of Utica, late of Va. & an exile from that State since the Rebellion commenced. There was six volunteered on the spot. Viz - Fayette Corbett, a son of Ephraim Bessee, David Doane [44th N.Y.]...There is intense excitement here & the whole country through in regard to the news from the seat of war in Virginia...An immense battle has been and is still raging somewhere in the vicinity between Fairfax & Manassas. Accounts state that all clerks of the Departments that can be spared, have been ordered to the scene of the conflict to assist in taking care of the wounded. Also all the hacks, ambulances & other carriages are chartered to bring the wounded into Washington, also that the hospitals had been cleared of all patients that could be moved to make room for the wounded soldiers already arriving from the battle field...A desperate struggle in now going on for the mastery...We are trying to arrange so as to have a paper sent to some one of the Hampton boys in your Co. every day...Wm. H. Collins of Rome is 1st Lt. of the co. of which Rodenhurst is Capt. [146th N.Y.]...Hattie is writing some to send with this, so I guess it will carry two stamps, but as they are plenty as pennies now, it makes but little difference....” In coffee-and-cream ink, neatly penned; minor fold wear, else very good. With full typewritten transcript. With 1982 invoice and envelope of Robert LeGresley, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 |
11-9. Civil War Mail Order Bride for Gold Rush California.Unusual letter from George McKee, Manchester (Conn.), Feb. 4, 1864, 5 x 8, 1 p., to Miss Melinda McKee, Huntsville, Ill. “We are doing but little business. I was determined to sell your carriage at some rate or other. I tried my best. I finally sold it to George Bunce. Nobody would have it that could be in Fashion for the sum of $40...Write me...what kind of money you want. Mary Ann Rily has gone to California. She is getting twenty five dollars in gold....” Always in short “supply“ since the commencement of the Gold Rush, women - in the form of mail order brides - were again a primary need in California during the Civil War. Fine. With envelope postmarked Buckland, Conn.; top of postage stamp chipped from placement at upper left corner of envelope, some soiling, else good. $70-90 (2 pcs.) |
11-10. 48 Hours after Lincoln’s Meeting with McClellan.Manuscript Union telegram, clerical copy, from Chief of Staff R.B. Marcy, Washington, Sept. 29, 1861, to Gen. D.C. Buell, Gen. McClellan’s father-in-law. 5 x 8. “You can give directions for 4,000 men of your Command to be in readiness to make the movement tomorrow Evening, but I think you had better come in tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock instead of today.” Two days earlier, McClellan had met with Lincoln and the Cabinet. A heated discussion was held over military policy, as there were increasing cries for action by the Federal forces in Virginia, after the disaster at Bull Run. Three weeks later, the Union would suffer another defeat, at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff, on the Potomac. Buell was removed from field command the following year. On blue-lined paper, curiously with blind-embossed crown in corner! Very light toning, else very fine. A significant item, with strategic subtext; after repeated criticism, Buell resigned in 1864. $325-425 |
11-11. Civil War Medley.Nice varied group for classroom use: Partly printed D.S. of Union soldier Edwin Kenney, 15th Conn., authorizing state to pay his wife Mary “the third payment of $10 due me....” 3 1/2 x 7 1/2, signed by two witnesses; Kenney’s signature very light, edge toning, else V.G. • Confederate currency, $5, Richmond, Feb. 17, 1864. Criswell 562 (T69). Memminger and State capitol at Richmond. Center vertical fold, light wear, else about fine. • Six Union patriotics, postally unused: “The Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of the Laws,” red, blue, and brown, on buff. • Sentry at attention with rifle and bayonet, beside tall flag, tents, Capitol Building, and two smaller flags in distance. Aqua, brown, and bright red. • George Washington astride rampant horse, with flag, on “Union” pedestal. • Finely lithographed eagle on shield, “...With an eye that fires, and a spell that charms, I guide them to victory.” Blue. • Soldier brandishing saber, holding tasseled flag, the clouds of battle in background. “M.V(olunteer).M(ilitia).” in red. Scorch at blank right edge. • Extract from Washington’s Farewell Address, within wreath, in blue. Old insect spots, else satisfactory. • Printed General Orders, War Dept., Mar. 31, 1863. “By direction of the Pres...Lt. James W. Weir, 14th U.S. Infantry, dismissed by sentence of a General Court Martial...hereby restored....” Signed in ink by A.A.G. E.D. Townsend. • Carte with cartoon scene of a giant Ben Butler, in pirate’s garb, contemporary ink caption “Blue Beard of N(ew) Orleans,” holding a tiny woman by her hair, a scythe-like sword in his hand, as “John Bull” calls to him from a window. Mount thinned when removed from old album, tear at bottom but complete, nick at top edge, else rich brown tones and satisfactory. Scarce. • Steel engraving, “Richmond from the James,” D. Appleton & Co., 1871, 9 x 12 1/4. Period hand coloring. Top edge gilt. Crease across lower blank portion, and at two corners. • Engraving, “New Orleans” riverfront, Appleton, 1873. Period hand coloring. Top edge gilt. Corner creases, mat toning at left, else both about very good. • Modern color print, “Harper’s Ferry by Moonlight.” • Harper’s Weekly, Jan. 25, Apr. 26, and Dec. 13, 1862. On covers: “‘Little Mac’ Out Again,” “Maj.-Gen. Halleck in the Field...,” and “Burnside and the Division Commanders of Army of the Potomac,” also showing Hooker, Franklin, Sumner, and Sigel. Much worn, edges tattered, some tears, covers dust-toning, two issues side-sewn with thin white twine, almost certainly of the period, one with insect spots on cover, but internally rather cleaner, and reading copies, suitable for worry-free handling by students, friends, and neighbors. $110-140 (16 pcs.) |
11-12. Civil War Medley II.Varied group: Letter to “Chaplain H.A. Hunter, 28th Kentucky Vols. Inf(an)t(ry),” signed by A.A.G. William D. Whipple, “by command of Maj. Gen. Thomas,” “Rosecrans” crossed out. N.d., 6 1/2 x 8. “The balance due this officer will not be paid until the certificates required...are furnished the Paymaster.” Ruled in red and blue. Chaplain’s name again at bottom in pink. Glue stain at blank lower left from mounting in letter-book, light fold wear, else about fine. • Printed General Orders, War Dept., May 28, 1863. “...Capt. R.N. Scott, 4th U.S. Infantry, is appointed Secretary to the General-in-chief of the army. He will be respected accordingly. By command of Maj. Gen. Halleck.” Signed in ink by A.A.G. E.D. Townsend. Uniform toning, fine. • Tintype, evidently of a Union private, in oval mat with printed Gothic frame and tassels, under glass in small period frame, raised border, brown velvet (now about 90% bare) and geometric-patterned paper over wood. Easel stand on back. Visible 1 x 1 1/4, overall 4 1/4 x 5 1/4. Lifting paper on verso repaired with two strips modern tape. With much character, the wear pattern suggesting frame was handled in the family parlor thousands of times. • Union patriotics, postally unused: “Col. D.B. Birney’s Zouaves, Head-Quarters 23rd Regt. P(enna). V.,” with woodcut of Birney. Commanding at Gettysburg, Birney died of malaria 1864. Tea(?) staining around four margins, else about very good. • Caricature, “Union Jack sending one of Jeff Davis’ Pirates to ‘Davy Jones’ locker’ – Serves ‘em right.” Blue on cream. Showing upended legs of Confederate “pirate,” with large weights on his calves, as he falls through trap door on deck of Union warship. Printed by D. Murphy’s Son, N.Y. Fine. • Winfield Scott in oval, red and blue flags and cannonballs. “The Rebels will not go free.” Scorching along left edge, light stains other three; fair. • Dramatic scene of Miss Columbia weeping at statue honoring (Elmer) Ellsworth, shield on the ground. Vibrant red and blue. “Defender of the Stars and Stripes! a Nation mourns the loss....” Imprint of J.E. Hayes, 1861. Seam pucker at blank lower right, as made, some toning, else very good plus. • Harper’s Weekly, June 18, 1864. On cover, “Porter’s Gun-Boats Passing the Dam in the Red River, near Alexandria” and “Rebel Cruelty - Our Starved Soldiers.” Inside, editorial “Further Proofs of Rebel Inhumanity,” three scenes from “The Campaign in Georgia,” centerfold spread “The Campaign in Virginia - On to Richmond!,” map of battlefields around Richmond, and more. Light edge toning, scattered foxing, but fine and crisp. • Group of 23 different wood-engraved political cartoons on Civil War and black themes, neatly clipped from period issues of a N.Y. newspaper. About 5 x 5 to 6 x 10. Including “Pictorial Commentary upon Gen. Lee’s Proclamation to the People of Maryland” (two), “The Ladies of New Orleans before Gen. Butler’s Proclamation” and “...after,” “Strange Effect of the Draft...the remarkable increase of Quakerism...” in N.Y., “King Jeff the First,” showing Davis warming his hands over a steaming cauldron “Charleston,” and more. Light uniform toning, very good. $160-200 (32 pcs.) |
11-13. A Future Hero of Gettysburg Signs as Brig. Gen. – while Still a Captain.A.E.S. of Union “Brig. Gen.” John Newton, writing the wrong year on verso of manuscript “Special Requisition,” Jan. 9/10, 1862 (inexplicably dating his endorsement 1861), 7 1/2 x 9 3/4. Seeking “Recruits for the purpose of filling up the 18th Regt. N.Y. Vols. to the Maximum Standard required by U.S. Army Regulations. No. Required: 272. Total Strength...775.” Certified by Col. Comdg. Wm. H. Young. Fine. Chief Engineer for future Confederate Gen. A.S. Johnston on the antebellum Utah Expedition, Newton was still a captain on the 1861 date he penned in error. Leading at Antietam, he succeeded Gen. Reynolds at Gettysburg. Late in the war Newton commanded District of Key West. “His greatest (postwar) achievement was the blasting of reefs and obstructions at Hell Gate [in N.Y.’s East River] with over 250,000 pounds of explosives”--Boatner. $90-120 |
11-14. Supplies for the Atlanta Campaign.Partly printed Union “Special Requisition,” received at Atlanta, Sept. 20, 1864, 8 x 10 1/2. “For Clothing, Camp & Garrison Equipage for Co. F, 55th Regt, O(hio) V(ol.) I(infantry).” Requesting “1 Uniform Hat, 14 pr. Trousers, 8 Blouses - unlined, 13 Flannel Shirts...9 pr. Bootees...2 Rubber Blankets, 7 Wool Blankets...7 Canteens, 9 Shelter Tents...To supply the wants of my Co.” Signed by Capt. of Co. J. Bowsher (twice), and by Lt. Col. E.H. Powers, commander of 55th, its Col. having been killed in action at Reseca, Ga., earlier that year. Two old folds, else fine, clean, and attractive. $45-65 |
11-15. Singing on the Way to Defeat at 1st Bull Run.A haunting item: Variant printing of small song sheet, “Army Hymn - As sung by the 2d Regt., N.H. V.M., June 20, 1861,” readying for their march to 1st Bull Run. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. 5 x 6 1/4. Imprint of “Balch, Printer, 34 School St., Boston.” “...Thy hand has made our Nation free; To die for her is serving Thee...And when the battle thunders loud, Still guide us in its moving cloud...God of all Nations! Sovereign Lord! In Thy dread name we draw the sword....” Possibly an early printing, without the words “Soldiers will preserve this for future use.” Some staining, mostly on blank verso, likely from careful folding in knapsack or pocket, else good plus. The 2nd N.H. was led by the “Fighting Congressman” (and future Sen.) Gilman Marston (see lots 11-16 and 11-19), who had his arm shattered at 1st Bull Run, refusing amputation. The words here were apocryphal: The war’s first major Confederate victory on land, Union casualties at 1st Bull Run exceeded 3,000 by one estimate. At Gettysburg, the 2nd N.H. endured two-thirds casualties in under three hours. Noted for their grey uniforms with “spiketail” dress coats trimmed in red, the 2nd refused to switch to Union blue for the entire war. WorldCat locates only three examples. Blanck Bibliography of American Literature 8805. A seldom-seen item. $190-240 |
11-16. The “Fighting Congressman” Marches to Bull Run.A.D.S. of Col. (later Brig. Gen.) Gilman Marston, the “Fighting Congressman.” From “Head Quarters, 2d Reg. N.H. Volunteers,” Camp Sullivan, (N.H.), July 16, 1861 – beginning their advance on Bull Run this very day (according to New Hampshire Regimental Histories). 6 1/4 x 7 3/4. “Lieut. Herbert B. Titus of Co. A is hereby appointed Lieut. Commanding at Camp Sullivan, and all inferior officers and soldiers are...required to yield entire obedience to his orders.” Attached to Burnside’s Brigade, the 2nd N.H. - recruited, then led by Marston - clashed at Bull Run on July 21, the writer’s arm shattered. A bloody battle, it was there that Confederate Gen. Jackson acquired the moniker Stonewall. Later commanding in the Peninsular campaign and at Fredericksburg, Marston would be wounded several times more. The 2nd N.H.’s other engagements comprise a rather staggering chronology (research accompanies), including Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Manassas, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and the occupation of Richmond. Marston enjoys the rare distinction of serving in combat while a sitting Congressman: his initial terms ran from Mar. 1859-Mar. 1863, then reelected to another term 1865-67. Lt. Titus was wounded at Antietam. Docketed in another hand. Evidently penned in haste, small ink blotter spots, minor edge toning, else very good. A dramatic item. (Also see 2nd N.H. songsheet above, and letter to Marston below.) $300-400 |
11-17. An Illiterate German Cavalryman.Pair of partly printed Union documents, one signed with “X” of German-born Pvt. John Schaebler, in Capt. Hennessey’s Co. G, 5th Pa. Cavalry, the other by Asst. Surgeon Wm. A. Bradley, Jr., “by command of Gen. Wadsworth,” Carver Hospital (Washington): “Certificate to be given to volunteers at time of their discharge to enable them to receive their pay.” 8 x 10 1/2. • Glued at top to second document, enumerating his $31.20 pay for 2 months, plus travel and subsistence for his journey home to Philadelphia, 50¢ “per ration or day.” Break but no separation at one fold, some pocket creases and wear, else good plus. $45-65 (2 pcs.) |
11-18. Signed Two Days after Capturing Jeff Davis.Signature of Bvt. Maj. Gen. J(ames) H. Wilson, cut from manuscript document, “(H)d. Qrs. Cavalry Corps...Macon, Ga., May 12, 1865 (two days earlier, Wilson captured Jeff Davis), 1 1/2 x 2 3/4. Topographical engineer of Army of the Potomac, and aide-de-camp to McClellan, Wilson became “one of the war’s boy wonders” (Boatner), and one of the few Union commanders to defeat Forrest in battle – twice. Though lacking cavalry experience, he was chosen to head the new Cavalry Bureau in 1864, leading in a long list of battles. In this same month of May 1865, Wilson captured Henry Wirz, commandant of the loathsome Andersonville prison. Some old glue toning and show-through where mounted on black album paper, else a bold signature in walnut brown. V.G. With 1982 invoice of Conway Barker, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. Not in Seagrave. $140-170 |
11-19. A Union General Gathers Evidence to Clear his Name.Significant A.L.S. of Union Gen. F(itz-) J(ohn) Porter, on letterhead of Central Rail Road Co. of N.J., Office of the Receiver, N.Y., June 22, 1880, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 1 p., with conclusion “Believe me, Yours truly...” on verso. Written in the 17th year of his fight to clear his name, to Gen. Gilman Marston, distinguished N.H. commander, and Porter’s ally in recovering his reputation. “I recd. from Gen. Sargent (now very ill) the printed circular signed by you & him - and give my sincere & hearty thanks. Whether used or not, I shall ever be most grateful. Should the written one signed by Gens. Slocum, Smith & Chamberlain reach you, I will thank you to send it to me direct. Gen. C[hamberlain] says he sent it to you some days ago. I sent you my letter to the 5th Corps & I beg you to consider yourself as one I esteem as a ‘true friend.’” Porter had been cashiered from service in 1863 “for disobedience, disloyalty, and misconduct in the face of the enemy” at 2nd Bull Run. It took fifteen years for a board to reexamine the evidence; in 1882, the original sentence was reversed by Pres. Arthur. Finally, in 1886, Porter was reappointed, but without back pay; he resigned two days later – the “battle over the battle” having gone on for some 23 years. Anticlimatically, in 1887 “...the Schofield Board concluded after a year’s investigation that Porter was relieved, tried, and professionally ruined for failure to obey an impossible order. The Board stated that Porter’s attack order...‘was based...upon expectations which could not possibly be realized’...The Board...commended him for not needlessly sacrificing his own troops (in order to protect his own reputation). As for Steele’s accusation that Porter ‘...ought not to have stood idle with 10,000 men during the whole afternoon, while a battle was raging close at his right hand,’ the Board reported, ‘The display of troops made by Porter earlier in the afternoon had...all possible beneficial effect...’”--Boatner. Original mailing folds, light tip and handling wear, else fine. $375-475 |
11-20. The Battle that Outlasted the Civil War.A.N.S. of F(itz) J(ohn) Porter, Nov. 17, (18)89, on 2 1/4 x 4 3/4 slip. “General, Please leave list in State Library where it will do the most good....” Porter had been cashiered from service in 1863 “for disobedience, disloyalty, and misconduct in the face of the enemy” at 2nd Bull Run. It took fifteen years for a board to reexamine the evidence. See background in preceding Lot 11-19. It is possible that the document Porter refers to in this note related to his saga. Blank upper left tip nearly separated, cream toning, else fine. With typewritten note of Maxfield on Mayflower Hotel notepaper ordering item from dealer Jim Tyler, 1978. $160-220 |
11-21. The Union Invites the Confederates - All Expenses Paid.Pair of Confederate veterans’ items: Strikingly colorful chromolithographed program of 15th Annual Reunion, Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Div., Camp No. 2, U.C.V., Apr. 6, 1892, 5 1/4 x 8 1/2, 4 pp. Imprint of T. Fitzwilliam & Co., New Orleans. Portrait of “Our First Pres., 1877” - a youthful Beauregard - facing illustration of the Division’s handsome ribbon, vivid red with grey stars and bars, on red and white grosgrain. Inside, “Rations” (menu), including green turtle soup, “Pyramid of crawfish à la Pontchartrain,” chow chow (relish), “Chicken patties à la Winnie Davis,” turkey stuffed with oysters, “Young pig of Louisiana,” smoked buffalo tongue, assorted cakes, and more. Toasts to “Pres. of the U.S., Army and Navy - ‘Hail Columbia,’” to Army of Northern Va., “The Women of the South - ‘Love Comes Like a Summer Sigh,’” “U.C.V. - ‘Maryland, My Maryland,’” and others. About eight small bookworm holes, some darkening of outer panels, else very good, and highly attractive. • Unusual A.L.S. of Capt. Arthur A. Spitzer on ornate pictorial letterhead, “Headquarters / Confederate Veterans / R.E. Lee Camp, No. 1, Veteran Hall, Richmond, Va.,” May 4, 1885, 1 1/2 pp., 7 3/4 x 10 1/2. Masthead in brown, with woodcut of Lee. “The Badge you were kind enough to fix for me is nicely arrived...I feel as proud as a hen with one chicken...The boys all envy me...Whatever the charges are in connection with my beauty...let me know. The badges elicit the admiration of everyone, and the G.A.R. boys say it beats theirs all to pieces. The citizens of Baltimore have invited our Camp to meet the Society of the Army of the Potomac...All our expenses are paid...We will leave here tomorrow about 150 strong....” Ink light but legible, possibly diluted when penned; some edge browning at top, dust-toning at bottom, but still evocative and good plus. A desirable pair. $140-180 (2 pcs.) |
11-22. Civil War-related Medley.Interesting varied lot: Menu, “Annual (U.S.) Grant Night,” Middlesex (Mass.) Club, Boston, Apr. 27, 1900, 4 1/2 x 7. Photo on rigid white board, folded sheet inside. Guests included Ohio Gov. George Nash. Middlesex was “where the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard ‘round the world”--Ralph Waldo Emerson. Serving “Tenderloin of beef, larded...Roast Philadelphia capon, giblet sauce...Sweetbread croquettes...Broiled quail on toast...Port wine jelly....” Several bookworming spots on front cover, ink spill from fountain pen at edge of blank back cover, else fine. • Pamphlet, “Gen. Butler’s Campaign on the [Chaplain] Hudson,” Boston, 1883, 2nd ed., 4 3/4 x 7 1/4, 62 pp., apricot wrapper. A vociferous attack on Butler, by former Union Chaplain and war journalist H.N. Hudson of 1st N.Y. Vol. Engineers, who had once preached at the church in Lowell, Mass. attended by Butler’s family. Recounting his arrest and severe imprisonment by Butler, his commander, after slandering him in a letter to the N.Y. Evening Post. Accused of theft and fraud, here Hudson rails, “You, Sir...comprehending no higher force in human affairs than terror and torture!...You juggled and spirited off that $50,000 in gold in New Orleans...I was kept shut-up in his bull-pen along with rebel prisoners, fugitives, and the lowest criminals...lately used as a horse-stand....” Gen. Grant sided with Hudson, and condemned Butler. Tape repairs and stains on covers, lacking four corners, internal hole, loss of word “Second (Edition),” internally good. Unusual. • Newspaper, Army Navy Journal, N.Y., July 8, 1865, 10 x 15, (16) pp., uncut. Eagle and shield masthead woodcut. Front-page article on “final dissolution of the grand old Army of the Potomac,” paying tribute to “our million of volunteers melting back again into the great body of the Nation.” Also, “Piracy by Foreign Traders,” editorial on “Fourth of July,” “Trial of the President’s Murderers,” “Texas affairs,” Grant and Butterfield at Albany on July 4, and much more. Piece lacking at lower left p. 1, affecting part of three lines, else toning, and about very good. $85-115 (3 pcs.) |
11-23. Epic Civil War Poem Penned from Memory on its Fiftieth Anniversary.Autograph Manuscript Signed (twice) of Union soldier-poet J.M. Dalzell, with five verses of his famed song, “The Blue and the Gray of 1867,” written from memory fifty years later. 7 1/2 x 12 1/4, Cleveland, July 16, 1917. Signed once within title at top of p. 1 (“By Private Dalzell”), and again at conclusion on p. 2 (“J.M. Dalzell”). Penned in mocha on sand sheet lined in pale blue. “You may sing of the Blue and the Gray, And mingle their hues in your rhyme, But the Blue that we use in the Gray, Is Covered with glory sublime. So no more let us hear of the Gray, The Symbol of Treason and Shame – We pierced it with bullets - away! Or we’ll pierce it with bullets again!...” At conclusion, Dalzell writes, “I first published this verse...Feb. 1, 1867. With no copy of the original in my reach, I simply recall these few extracts, for at near 79 I find memory is frail and fading fast away. When I finish this tour, and get back to my book now at the Soldiers’ Home at Dayton, O., if I live, I will carefully copy the entire text of my Blue and Gray of 1867 with this feeble old hand and faithfully forward them to you.” Multiple horizontal folds for mailing, minor wear, else very good. On two separate leaves, splendid for display. A fascinating contradiction: Here Dalzell presents, from memory, his poem as written in 1867. Yet in 1916, a year before penning these pages, he had actually revised the poem considerably, injecting a greater measure of reconciliation. Commenting on the text of that revision (which appeared in the sensational Henry Luhrs Collection in 2006), Dalzell had observed, “(At) the great age of 77, looking back over the graves of the men of both sides who fell in the war...all hate, every feeling of anger or animosity of the slightest degree, passed away forever from me....” Perhaps by the time he wrote the presently offered manuscript he had a change of heart once again. A significant and meaningful item, reflecting the seemingly intractible wounds of the Civil War. With 1967 invoice of Conway Barker, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $250-325 |
11-24. “Baldy” Smith.Signature of Union Gen. Wm. F. Smith, nicknamed “Baldy.” After Fredericksburg, he and a fellow officer wrote to Lincoln, offering their own plan to take Richmond; “Lincoln, in complete sympathy, was able to head off a plan in Congress to relieve Smith for this criticism, but his appointment as Maj. Gen. was rejected...He took part in the pursuit after Gettysburg...An undistinguished part in the Petersburg Assaults...this fiasco resulted in his again being relieved of field command...Spent most of his time criticizing the plans of other generals...”--Boatner. Clipped from a letter or document, marked Chattanooga (where Smith organized the city’s defenses), about 3/8 x 2 1/4, neatly mounted on parchment-style paper, darkly penned and very fine. $50-70 |
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12-1. “Aeroplanes (Civil).”Group of 44 (of 50), plus 4 multiples, unmounted. John Player, 1935. Including Ford Airliner, Douglas DC-2, Gee-Bee Super Sportster, the enormous Junkers G-38 - with passageways in wings for engineers to service engines in flight, Savoia-Marchetti S-66 seaplane, and more. Fine. $30-40 |
12-2. “Animalloys - An Un-Natural History Series.”Group of 42 assorted, some multiples, unmounted. (48 in set.) Wills, 1934. One of relatively few cigarette card series intended as a game, here assembling sixteen animals from three cards for each (when complete set is had), or mix sections to “produce a large number of strange creatures with amusing names.” Mostly lacking the wear found in this series, and very good. $20-25 |
12-3. Dogs.Group of 47 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, probably 1937. Delightful showings of dogs of many breeds and sub-types, from Alsatian (German Shepherd) to English Setter, Irish Setter, and the mop-topped Dandie Dinmont Terrier (mentioned in one of Sir Walter Scott’s books). About very good. $35-55 |
12-4. Dogs.Bulk lot of 106 assorted, between 1 and 5 of each card present, for incomplete sets. Varied light wear, else very good to fine. $45-65 |
12-5. “Garden Flowers.”Group of 40 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1939. From Imperial dwarf blue Ageratum to Dahlia, Sweet Sultan, and Zinnia, and many more, in a blaze of colorful flora. Minor handling evidence, else fine. $20-30 |
12-6. “Garden Flowers.”Bulk lot of 76 assorted, between 1 and 5 of each card present, for incomplete sets. Light wear, else about fine. $30-40 |
12-7. “National Flags and Arms.”Group of 44 assorted, some multiples, unmounted. (50 in set.) John Player, 1936. From Austria to Wales, including China, Germany (with swastika in both flag and arms of eagle clutching wreath) (in duplicate), Iraq (in duplicate), Japan (in triplicate), Siam, and more. Some light soiling of pebbled embossing, else about very good. $20-30 |
12-8. Railway Engines.Nearly complete set of 49 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1936. Including both traditional and the startlingly streamlined engines “Silver Link,” Belgian National Railways Express, an unusual Austrian Express, Royal Siamese double-ended passenger locomotive, and perhaps the most radical of all - the N.Y. Central’s “Commodore Vanderbilt.” Very good to fine. $50-70 |
12-9. Railway Engines.Nearly complete set of 48 different (of 50), as above. • Plus 4 assorted. Very good to fine. $45-65 |
12-10. “Railway Equipment.”Group of 48 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1939. Fascinating panorama of rolling stock of every description, from “Picking up water at speed” and “120-ton ‘Crocodile’ Wagon,” to “All-electric kitchen car,” “Flying Scotsman,” and many more. Some tip wear, else very good. $30-40 |
12-11. “Railway Equipment.”Group of 42 different (of 50), as above. $25-35 |
12-12. “Shots from Famous Films.”Group of 24 assorted, some multiples. (48 in set.) Gallaher, 1930s. Including “Manhattan Melodrama” with Clark Gable and Myrna Loy, “Mandalay,” “The Camels are Coming,” and many more. Very light tip wear, else fine and brightly colorful. $20-30 |
12-13. “The Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1935.”Nearly complete set of 49 different (of 50). John Player & Sons, 1935. Interesting linen embossing of cards. Some tips worn, else V.G. $70-90 |
12-14. “The Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1935.”Bulk lot of 97 assorted, between 1 and 5 of each card present, for incomplete sets. Some considerably worn; some with part of text on verso lacking where removed from album, else satisfactory to good. $75-95 |
12-15. The Seashore.”Group of 41 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1938. Wide variety of sea shells, plus oyster, jelly-fish, goose barnacles, crab, and more. Soft curl from original gum on versos, else about fine. $25-35 |
12-16. “Treasure Trove”.Group of 36 assorted, some multiples, unmounted. (50 in set.) Churchman, 1937. Fascinating series, including “The Corbridge Hoard” of Roman gold coins, “Searching for Treasure in Westminster Abbey,” “The Egypt’s Gold,” “The Crystal of Lothair,” “Antique silver table service found at Pompeii,” “The Rosetta Stone,” and more. Some with tip wear, else fine. $20-25 |
12-17. “Rugby International” and “Association Footballers.”“Rugby...,” 29 different (of 50). Wills. Some gum adhesions, probably from original packaging. • “Association Footballers,” 1935-36. Group of 37 different (of 50). Wills, 1935-36. Fine. • Bulk lot of 32 assorted, some multiples; some with gum adhesions. $45-60 |
12-18. “Wild Flowers.”First Series. Group of 42 different (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1936. Including colorful depictions of favorite and obscure wild flowers, from the violet and forget-me-not, to the “great hairy willow-herb.” About fine. $25-35 |
12-19. “Wild Flowers.”First Series. Bulk lot of 47 assorted, some multiples. Minor tip wear, else very good. $20-30 |
12-20. “Wild Flowers.”Second Series. Bulk lot of 56 assorted, some multiples. Some with backs toned from original gum, else very good. $20-30 |
12-21. Strikingly Attractive Masonic Document.Elaborately steel-engraved on vellum, Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 5830 (1830), 11 x 13 1/4, in English and French, large white wafer seal embossed “Grand Lodge of Pa....” Certifying that Brother William Coombs (though he has signed “Combs”) “hath been raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason...,” signed by six Masons, including Grand Master. Winged angel across top, blowing a herald trumpet; at sides, statues atop massive pedestals; and across bottom, a mother with three children, Masonic lodge, ship, and much other symbolism. Folded to eighths, some soiling on filing panels, minor wear, else about very good, and impressive for display, the engraving fairly sophisticated for an American imprint of the period. With 1973 invoice and envelope of Joseph Rubinfine, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $65-85 |
12-22. The Masons meet the Knights of Malta?Two different Masonic documents, elaborately steel-engraved on vellum: Dublin, “the Metropolis of Ireland,” Nov. 14, 5811 (1811), 10 x 12 1/2, blind-paneled border, in English and Latin. Large diamond-shaped embossed wafer seal with fine impression of “Grand Lodge of Ireland.” Signed by Robt. Handcock and Will(ia)m F. Graham. Certifying that Thomas Morgan Tighe of Lodge 1 “has been initiated in all the degrees of our Mysteries....” Richly ornamental columns left and right, with Masonic symbolism. Stippled foxing, mostly on blank verso; offset of printed and manuscript text of another document at top third, uniform cream toning, some handling, else about very good. Scarce. • Strikingly ornamental document certifying that Brother Joseph Montague Kenworthy has been received into the St. John and St. Paul Lodge No. 349 in Malta. London, Mar. 12, 5908 (1908), 11 1/2 x 16. Superlatively detailed Royal arms at top. “His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward the VII / Protector / United Grand Lodge...of England / His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, Grand Master.” Signed by Sec. and Kenworthy. Choice circular seal on deepest purple onlay. Old eighth folds, curious triangular metallic stain at upper left, just touching “His Most...,” 1/2” darkened discoloration at blank top, golden-yellow toning at edges, light wear, else very good. Impressive, with rare (Knights of) Malta association. With 1976 invoice of Dana’s House, 22.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $190-240 (2 pcs.) |
12-23. Temple Karnak in New Orleans.Unusual 1910 heraldic-style medallic shield, to be worn as pendant by Canadian members of the Shriners’ Temple Karnak attending New Orleans gathering. Two men in toboggan, their fez hats emblazed with fraternal symbol, speeding to Louisiana: “We’ll be there - Glad we kum - Montreal to New Orleans - 1910.” Two others have tumbled off the speeding toboggan. About 1 3/4 x 2, holed at top, as made. An interesting metal, perhaps German silver or white brass. No maker’s mark, but attributed to Jos. Mayer & Bros., Seattle. On reverse, “Karnak Temple / Montreal...,” with facsimile signatures of Potentate Allan Austin and Recorder Alex B.J. Moore. Minor wear, few edge marks on reverse, else splendid for display, and probably rare. • With unrelated $100 “Benefit Certificate” of Order of The Royal Ark, issued to member of Mt. Pisgah Lodge, Durham, Conn., 1891, 10 3/4 x 13 1/4, lustrous gold embossed seal. Three vignettes at top, one of Noah’s Ark. Minor handling wrinkles, else very good. $55-75 (2 pcs.) |
12-24. “458 barrels of illicit rum....”Four taxation items: Ornately steel-engraved Internal Revenue receipt for special tax on “Retail Dealer in Malt Liquors,” black on pistachio, blue underprint “1875.” Vignette of Capitol. Unused, with stub and 12 ribbon coupons present. Minor corner folds, else excellent. • Elaborate I.R.S. receipt for special tax on “Retail Liquor Dealer,” black on purple, blue underprint “1878.” Vignette of allegorical figure with a copper whiskey still. No stub or coupons. Excellent. • As above, for “Dealer in Manufactured Tobacco,” black on cream, 1885. Vignette of Miss Columbia leaning on barrel of tobacco, box of cigars, and humidor. No stub or coupons. Excellent. All preceding with usual teardrop punch cancels. • Trade publication, Internal Revenue Record and Customs Journal, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1872. 9 x 11 1/2. Page-one news of suppression of illicit distilleries in Brooklyn, 23 put out of business, with 16 arrested. Confiscation of “458 barrels of illicit rum, 14 horses and wagons...destroyed 210 mash tubs...a decided triumph of the Department.” Interesting bindery error, trimmed at a steep angle at masthead, with triangular margin. Old folds, else very good. $45-65 (4 pcs.) |
12-25. When Retail was King.Two interesting architectural catalogues, invaluable for restoration of commercial buildings: “Easyset Metal Store Fronts,” c. 1920, 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, (42) pp., rendering of a lovely storefront, the stepped design inviting the customer closer and closer to the door, in brown and yellow, outlined in bronze powder, on tan; black on eggshell matte text, some technical drawings surprinted in rich copper. “System of Glass Setting - The Modern Up-to-Date Store Front...A Boon to the Architect, An Asset to the Merchant - Distributed by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.” Finishes in statuary copper, oxidized copper, bronze, nickel, or gun metal. Twelve small photos of storefronts, from Albert Lea, Minn. and Atlanta to Canton, Houston, New Orleans, N.Y., Pittsburgh, and elsewhere. Center signature pulled from stitches, covers with edge tears where overhung, marginal toning; internally very fine. • Chicago Spring Butt Co., judged c. 1900-10, 7 1/2 x 9, 29 leaves, printed one side, black felt cover embossed in opaque white, linen spine strip over pins, black on cream text. A vast array of spring door hinges, the styles familiar to old-house aficionados, with large airbrushed photos of each style, plus details, finishes, and prices (up to $57.40/pr. for their double-acting 12” in bright silver). Also offering bronze door pulls, shoe blacking foot rests, and push plates; hundreds of telegraph codes, representing every variety of their products. One soft crescent crease at top of cover, very light wear, else very fine. $45-65 (2 pcs.) |
12-26. “The Armless Musician.”Signed souvenir accordian folder of “Ray R. Myers, ‘The Armless Musician,’” judged early 1930s, self-published, 4 x 6, opening to 6 x 36, 9 black-and-white photos on eggshell enamel, in moss green leatherette wallet. Postally unused. Boldly signed (using a pen held in his toes!) beneath rear flap. The nattily groomed entertainer shown with his wife, “opening a bottle of Coca Cola” (with his feet), “Pouring the Coca Cola in the glass” (using his toes), “Scanning the News(paper),” “Playing the Guitar” (with his toes), combing his hair, writing a letter, and “Try this One” – demonstrating a contortionist’s stretch. Toning of green cover to pale orange, light handling, else very good. While performing in 1937 on Lancaster, Pa.’s WGAL, Cowboy Loye hired him to accompany on West Virginia’s “Original Jamboree.” Myers’ career was length, including his own daily show on WPDX in Clarksburg, W.V. in 1953. Unusual. $50-70 |
12-27. Cold War Passport.U.S. passport, 1950, of a Finnish-American carpenter and his wife. Full-page purple handstamp restricting travel to Germany, Austria, Main Islands of Japan, and Okinawa, and prohibiting travel to Bulgaria and Hungary. “Permits for Germany and Austria are granted by the Allied High Commission permit offices in N.Y.C. and capital cities of Europe....” Colorful handstamps from their trip to Finland, and return via Sweden, including handstamp of Ship’s Surgeon of S.S. Gripsholm. Fine. • Two later cards for wife’s membership in fraternal order, in envelope. $30-45 (4 pcs.) |
12-28. The Vacation Spots of Curacao and ... Venezuela.Collection of 4 prewar travel brochures and ephemera for Curacao, and 1 for Caracas, Venezuela. Including: Magnificent Deco booklet, Julius L. Penha & Sons, “Best Assorted Perfumery Shop,” Curacao, D.W.I., evidently 1940, extraordinary marbleized cover in ocean blues, with form of a woman in bright metallic silver powder, the teal background dusted in silver. 4 x 6 1/4, 16 pp., black on cream enamel. Photos of 20 artistic bottles of name-brand perfumes, including Chanel, Guerlain, and Jean Patou. “Sole Distributors for Chanel & Lanvin Perfumes, Toledo Cigars...,” with list of fragrances stocked. “...Can supply you in Curacao with Dutch tiles, etchings, paintings, Dutch dolls and fancy dresses...Oriental Articles...Silks, French, Japanese, and Chinese....” Full-p. photos of Dunhill pipes and “Panama and Monti Cristi straw hats.” Sightseeing and auto trips, including “the old Jewish Cemetery, the oldest burial place in the Western Hemisphere... Curacao Petroleum Co. Refinery largest in the world....” Very fine. • Booklet, “The Yellow House - Morris E. Curiel & Sons, Willemstad, Curacao - The Rendez-Vous of the Tourist - Agents for Guerlain Perfumes, Liquors &c.,” late 1930s, 3 3/4 x 6, 32 pp., red and black on yellow cover, showing store with elaborately decorated windows. “Largest Perfume & Liquor Store in Town...Genuine Ostrich & Paradise Feathers....” 12-pp. list of fragrances stocked, 3 pp. of liquors (“Ask for anything you want”) and cigarettes. Full p. photos of Curacao. Excellent. • Large card, beautifully steel-engraved in red and blue, 3 1/2 x 4 1/2. “Welcome Tourists - Hotel Americano Bar & Restaurant, Curacao...The Coolest Part of Town - Special Menus for Tourists...,” with eagle vignette. Light toning, very fine. • Folding booklet, Curacao “Tourist Guide,” issued by Chamber of Commerce, probably 1936, 8 x 9, 16 pp., orange and black, profusely illustrated. “Colorful Curacao...Shopping Center of the West Indies.” Text and photos include Venezuelan oil industry, architecture, port, “Delightful Drives in Glorious Sunshine,” and more. Very light handling, else fine. • Booklet, “Points of Interest in Caracas, Venezuela,” 4 x 7, (16) pp., locally printed. Ads for Pan American Airways System of Venezuela, Caracas Beer, local rum, oldest chocolate factory in Venezuela, and money changer. Small nick on cover, each item with old white hinge on back cover, else very fine. All very scarce and charming. $90-120 (5 pcs.) |
12-29. “House of a Million Bargains” – A Prewar Vacation in Jamaica.Collection of 10 prewar travel brochures and ephemera for Jamaica, plus additional travel items, likely given out aboard ship just before arrival: “Beautiful Jamaica - Tourist Information” folder, shopping emporium Nathan’s Metropolitan House, Kingston, opening to 8 3/4 x 12, blue and black. Locally printed. Attractions, “taxi and horse vehicle fares,” motor tours. Offering English tweeds and homespuns, “genuine pith helmets, pure Irish linens...books by the most popular authors,” Jamaica cigars, golf balls, and more. • “Liquor Prices at Charley’s Punch Bowl,” Kingston, folder, Aug. 1936, 4 pp., 4 1/4 x 6. Bottlings up to 1 gal. jugs, including Pimento Liqueur, rum, whisky, gin, brandy, and wines. • Two variant printings of Kelly’s (Punch Barrel) in-bond pricelist, “Centre of Attraction of the W.I.,” manufacturers, bottlers, importers, opening to 6 1/2 x 11, red and blue. Including their own Kelly’s Jamaica Ginger Cordial, Orange Liqueur, Planter’s Punch, and more. With recipes. • In-bond pricelist of Cecil de Cordova, Kingston, sole agents for Haig’s Scotch, opening to 3 1/2 x 11 1/2, blue on ivory. • Palm card, Oriental Bazaar, Kingston, 3 1/2 x 4 1/2. “Take home something...of Jamaica - English Doeskin, French Perfumes, and Novelties from the Orient...Real Coral, Amber, Butterfly, Ivory & Jade, Curios...House of a Million Bargains....” Half fold, wrinkles at one corner, else very good. • Pricelist, Myer’s Planters’ Punch Inn, Sugar Wharf, Kingston. “Fine Old Jamaica Rum...,” 6 x 10 1/4, red and black. Photo of customers seated in chairs fashioned from barrels. “All wines and spirits must be cleared through His Majesty’s Customs before 3 o’clock. We deliver on board free....” • L.A. Henriques store, Kingston, small folder, 4 1/4 x 4 1/2, 4 pp., “Gifts you need to take Home at the Prices you want to pay,” including Kent’s brushes, Wedgwood china, French perfume, native curios, jewelry (“Silver collectors please note”), and Jamaican guava preserves, orange and grapefruit marmalade, and more. • “Native made Jippi-Jappa Hats for Ladies & Gentlemen,” C.S. Chamberlin, Kingston, folder opening to 6 1/4 x 13 3/4. Dramatic photography of their stylish headgear, some supplied to Their Royal Highnesses Prince of Wales, Duke of Gloucester, and Duke and Duchess of Kent. • Thick booklet, “Jamaica for Vacations...,” late 1930s, colorful cover, 4 1/2 x 8 1/2, 54 pp., sepia and orange on ivory. Printed in Scotland for Tourist Trade Development Board. Profusely illustrated, numerous interesting ads. Minor tears at two staples, else fine. Each item with old white hinge on back cover, else generally fine to very fine. • Diecut greeting card, “Best Wishes for a Happy Trip,” unused, late 1930s. • Group of 16 photos of the West Indies, 4 3/4 x 6 1/2, semi-matte, some of Caribbean coastlines - including Morro Castle - taken from a ship, another suggesting the Dutch West Indies, busy shopping street, outdoor cafe, and more. Excellent. $120-160 (27 pcs.) |
12-30. Buying a Farm – for 5 Shillings.Impressive oversize indenture on supple vellum, English, Jan. 15, 1795, between John Cole and Solomon Shreeve, both of Skeyton, County of Norfolk, conveying a “dwelling house” and land for 5 Shillings. 17 x 28 1/2, elaborate calligraphy at upper left, “This Indenture...” encircling ornately stencilled insignia with crown, and hand-drawn crown (partly removed by anti-counterfeiting scallop), the whole surrounded by fanciful penwork. Beautifully sculpted top edge, with both French curves and points. Triple-ruled border in red. Postage-stamp-size Royal tax stamp on verso, secured with gold-tone clip to intricately blind-embossed rectangular blue seal on face. Remnants of red wax seal at bottom, flanked by Cole’s signature. Two “X” marks of witness on verso. Buyer Shreeve is shown as a farmer in this town, in a charming register of voters for “Knights of the Shire...before (the) High Sheriff” (modern copies accompany). Some pale orange dampstaining at upper left and parts of first eight lines, less so elsewhere, probably improveable with conservation, else very good. Perfect for a realtor’s wall! $65-90 |
12-31. Portrait of a Genius.Lovely carte photograph of John Stuart Mill, English thinker and economist, considered “the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century”--Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Included in numerous lists of the greatest minds of modern times, variously with DaVinci, Galileo, Michelangelo, Newton, et al; at age 3, he was learning Greek; by 8, Mill began algebra. Imprint of John Watkins, “Photographer to the Queen, the Prince of Wales, & the Ex Royal Family of France / 34, Parliament St. / London.” A purposeful pose, looking left. Superficial blind arc in blank portion of emulsion, from ordinary handling, only discernable at certain angles, else uncommonly clean, fresh, and excellent, the tips nearly flawless. A proponent of personal liberty, freedom of speech, abolition, and women’s rights, Mill’s 1848 work on economic theory remained the standard textbook in Oxford well into the twentieth century. With complete 1966 letterpress catalogue in which it appeared, and envelope of Dr. Milton Kronovet, 2.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $45-65 |
12-32. Bullfight Poster.Original, elaborate poster for “First class professional Bull Fight” in Plaza de Toros (Bull Ring), Juarez, Mexico, Jan. 29, 1922. 11 3/4 x 23, printed by El Correo del Bravo, El Paso, Texas, mostly in Spanish, with one panel in English, on moss-green pulp. Two detailed woodcuts of matador and bull, and photo of star matador. Featuring, in translation, “2 Matadors in Competition...The greatest fight of its kind ever produce(d) in Juarez...4 Brave & Arrogant Bulls from the Accredited Ranch of San Miguel...Bulls especially choice & fat for this bullfight....” Left margin light-toned to yellow, numerous old breaks repaired on verso with tape, short unrepaired breaks at left, else appearing very good and displaying dramatically. No copies located by WorldCat. None reported at auction or in dealers’ catalogues by RareBookHub. None listed on abebooks. Excessively rare, perhaps unique. $450-600 |
12-33. Pennsylvania-Dutch Children’s Book.Hoch-Deutsches Lutherisches ABC und Ramen-Büchlein für Kinder..., printed by Schafer and Koradi, Philadelphia, c. 1850, 4 1/2 x 7, 35 pp. Brown cloth spine, sulphur-yellow pictorial boards with large woodcut of Martin Luther at table, a book open, quill in hand. Front endpaper with 24 letters and charming woodcuts of animals corresponding to each. Large woodcut of rooster on outside back. Blank triangular fragment of cover onlay lacking, waterstains, cloth worn, inside hinges broken, but internally sound, about good, and suitable for display. In old pencil on front endpaper, “Ruth Schlauch / New London Sunday Schule [School].” $45-65 |
12-34. Pencil Sketchbook of the British Isles.Interesting pocket sketchbook, English, the artist possibly Georgia Wayne, 1867-74, 4 x 6 oblong, 1/4 black leather spine, loden green pebbled cloth, leaves in cold-pressed cream, sand, shell grey, and mint green. Pictorial label of stationer G. Bowden, 314 Oxford St., London, with lion above an artist’s palette. About 24 pages with pencil drawings in varying degrees of detail and completion, most with dates; balance unused. Including turreted castle, a cross, vinery, a donkey pulling a cart, outline of building in “Southampton, Apr. 12, (18)67,” sloops in Port of Hope, home of “Uncle Charles, Hazlemere, Bucks.,” horse drinking from water bucket “waiting for Mr. Wyatt,” double-page view of rowboats at a low embankment at Emma Benson’s “pic nic,” elaborate urn on pedestal in “Lord Brownlow’s garden,” horse-drawn cart paused by the shore, boats in distance, steps ascending a stone bridge on Isle of Wight (charming), “Ruins of Chapel, Carisbrooke Castle” (Isle of Wight, in which Charles I was imprisoned in 1647-48), Carisbrooke Castle, the caption mentioning Charles’ escape, interesting vertical detail of knarled roots of a huge tree; pleasingly composed, finished drawing of house at Brookland; finished viewscape of unusually drooping trees at Oakland; delightful scene of five people at an outing at The Brent, May 4, 1867, each with name below, including “Cheeky Daisy,” and, in another hand, “Very well done.” Even the unfinished sketches have an ethereal mood, suggesting the artist already had a dreamy style. Covers nearly separated, front board creased, edges worn, else internally clean and about fine. $50-75 |
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12-35. Oversize Fancy Valentine.Colorful, diecut. Two little boys and a girl riding in open cart pulled by a white pony, as two cute puppies race alongside, one with red valentine in its mouth, the other with pink umbrella. 8 3/4 x 9 1/4, “Printed in Germany.” Inscribed in pencil on verso, “To Beatrice from Aunt Emma, Feb. 14, 1927.” Two piece construction. Minor bends at lower right edge and one boy’s hand, else surprisingly fine, the many complex extensions undisturbed - including dog’s tail, horse’s mane, and leaves. Very fine plus. $30-40 |
12-36. Charming Valentine of Girl and Cherub.Judged c. 1905, diecut. Brunette of about eight years of age, holding a valentine and bouquet of lilac flowers, walking down a garden path as she and a silver-winged cherub hold a garland of pink roses. A basket with more flowers and a large valentine awaits at their feet. 10 x 11 1/4, “Germany.” Richly nuanced chromolithography. Contoured break corresponding to high-relief die, around three fingers and arm where she grasps valentine, only detectable when held to light; woodgrained bottom title piece loose, else fine plus. $35-50 |
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13-1. A Touring Car Valentine.Eye-catching, diecut. A touring car - its stylized radiator treatment suggestive of a Packard - the two girls in back seat within arch of pink and red flowers, crowned by “Be my Valentine.” A calf beside the car suddenly stops short, delighted to spot a valentine on the roadway, tossing its little boy rider into the air. The chauffeur, a pixie-ish young girl, motoring goggles on her forehead, watches the proceedings. 8 1/2 x 9, unmarked but almost certainly Germany. Judged c. 1910. Remarkably preserved, and excellent. $50-75 |
13-2. A Limousine-Like Valentine.Oversize, diecut. Limousine with raised opera roofline, town car-style rear panel, V-radiator. Peacock-blue coachwork, azure and saddle-brown fenders, with gold leaf hood, roof, and door surrounds. One brunette with red flower in her hair, holding a cat, stands on far side of car, as two blondes smile within. Garlands of pink roses bedeck flank of the car, with more on its roof. 6 3/4 x 13, “Printed in Germany,” the car c. 1925. In pencil on verso, “To Beatrice from Mother, 1929.” Three piece construction. Sandwiched diecut of three girls may have shifted to left over the years, but believed adjustable; piece of caramel celluloid film in two windows, wavy and remounted on verso with modern tape; graduated luster of gold where handled by its young receipient, else fine. $55-80 |
13-3. The Chevrolet Confederate.Pamphlet, “Instructions for Operation and Care of Chevrolet Motor Cars,” Confederate Series BA, Passenger Models BB, and Commercials. Sept. 1, 1932, 5 x 8, (70) pp. Blue on (Confederate) grey card cover. 46 woodcuts. Back cover removed by National Automobile Chamber of Commerce when binding sewn for reference, else very good. $35-45 |
13-4. Cars and Trucks.Varied group: White Motor Co. employee photo-badge, Cleveland, 1 7/8” diam., black-stamped aluminum frame, photograph on yellow background, numbers below, celluloid window. Safety pinback. Judged c. 1955-65. Surprisingly minor evidence of use, and fine. From White’s nineteenth-century sewing machine beginnings, hints of the venerable company’s past are still occasionally seen on heavy trucks – with Volvo’s diagonal bar superimposed on the White radiator. • 1922 Conn. motor vehicle operator’s license, 2 1/2 x 4 1/4, black on green, red surprints. Signed by motorist on verso. Some corner wrinkles, minor finger stain from removing from wallet repeatedly, else very good. Scarce. • Five folding road maps, late 1950s: Standard Oil (Minn., Montana, and Wis.), promoting Red and Gold Crown gasolines, Cushionaire tires, and Atlas batteries. • Texaco (North and South Dakota; three western Canadian provinces, tear on front panel). Varied wear, but very good to fine. $45-60 (7 pcs.) |
13-5. Obscure New York City Marque.Introductory booklet for “The Little Touring Car,” Hewitt Motor Co., 6-8-10 E. 31 St., N.Y. 4 3/4 x 7 1/4, (8) pp., n.d. but probably second half 1905, before any cars had been built, as unillustrated. “We guarantee to be superior to the famous bearings of the Mercedes cars...The ordinary rubber lap-robe is furnished to protect the passengers from the weather...We expect to make our money from sales and not from repairs.” An historically significant item: Hewitt would claim credit for America’s first V-8 engine the following year (the “Little Touring Car” boasts only one cylinder), when the firm was absorbed by Metzger, makers of the Everett. In 1912, Hewitt “became part of a consortium including Mack...Edward Hewitt remained a consulting engineer for Mack trucks into the World War II years”--Standard Catalog. Tears at top fore-edge where untrimmed signature opened, lesser tears at bottom edge one leaf, else probably a file copy and very fine. Rare. $140-180 |
13-6. C. 1918 Chalmers.Group of 5 lovely sepia silverprints intended for a Chalmers dealer’s showroom album - but never used, when the post-World War I recession rendered the printed prices obsolete. 4 3/4 x 8 1/2 oblong, original 2-hole punch, each with beautifully retouched photograph, letterpress text and price below. Including Model Six-30 Limousine, 7-Passenger (in duplicate), bird’s-eye and side-view of Chassis, and driving compartment. The Limousine here is priced at $2480, and the 7-Passenger Touring at $1280; by 1919, they were $2985 and $1615, respectively. Limousine optional colors included “Chalmers Meteor Blue” and “Royal Purple,” with inlaid mahogany interior, and “toilet cases, cut glass vase, clock, (and) lounging pillow.” With receivership looming, Chalmers merged with Maxwell, forming the genesis for the new Chrysler in 1924. Duplicate lightly foxed, one with soft crease, else trivial edge wear, and excellent, with glorious silver flashes when viewed at an angle. $120-150 (6 pcs.) |
13-7. 1913 Cartercar.Charming Elbert Hubbard-style booklet for Cartercar Models 5-A, 5-B, 5-C, and 5-D, “With the Gearless Transmission,” 4 x 5, (16) pp., orange and black throughout. Crisp photos, including their “unusually charming Colonial Coupe...with sashes of genuine San Domingo mahogany, dark blue seaming lace, silk curtains...carpets to match....” Small photos of Cartercar climbing steps of a fortress-like building (perhaps in Detroit), car beside a Rock Island locomotive, and fire chiefs with their Cartercar roadsters. Philadelphia Cartercar Motor Co. rubber stamp on cover. Minor handling, else fine. $65-80 |
13-8. 1938 Chevrolet and the Final Overland Catalogue.1938 Chevrolet color catalogue, Master De Luxe and Master, 8 x 10, (12) pp. Centerfold cutaway rendering of camel-tan interior in scarlet sedan, with fourteen small photos of design amenities. Full-page art of wine Sport Sedan, teal Town Sedan, electric blue Sport Coupe with rumble seat, apple-green Cabriolet, black Sedan, mocha Coach, and chassis with sixteen small photos of mechanical features. Some handling and file creases, else very good, with vivid color. • With foldover reply postcard, asking prospect to rate other new cars’ appearance, including Cord, Graham, Hudson, Lincoln Zephyr, Nash, Packard, and others; in old pencil, Buick, Pontiac, and Cadillac are rated 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Excellent. • 1939 Overland catalogue, pumpkin and black, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, (16) pp. The last hurrah for this venerable marque, marking their one-year return after last producing cars in 1926. “Slip-steam Design...Luxury with Thrift - and Can this Car Go!...a glide-ride....” Borrowing the prow of the Graham Sharknose, and in-fender headlamps of the late lamented Pierce-Arrow. Sparkling copywriting, every sentence working hard - but Overland could not shake the Depression. Previous light adhesion at few spots of centerfold, mousechew back cover, else very satisfactory. $45-60 (3 pcs.) |
13-9. The Minute Man Automobile – Emulating Paul Revere.1917 Lexington Minute Man Six folder, opening to 12 x 35 3/4, apricot and black. Cover art of “Paul Revere, The First Minute Man” on his horse. Inside, photos of Open and Convertible Touring Cars, and Convertible and Open Roadsters, the text likening them to the Revolutionary War: “The Minute Men of Lexington, of 1776, were already ready to answer the call to duty...qualities that an automobile may well emulate...The name expresses an ideal! ...The Minute Man Six is alert - in an uncanny, near-human way - like the Minute Men of old...It is cat-quick on the getaway...Milady, also, will acclaim it a delightful conveyance for shopping tours, matinee parties, and social calls...The Convertible Minute Man Roadster is docile in the hands of women....” Double-page view of enormous Indiana factory. Quarter folds, handling, but good. • With collection of magazine ads: 4 of Lexington-Howard, 1914, 1/6-page on complete tearsheets. • 1 of Standard Steel & Bearings featuring Lexington Minute Man Six, 1922. • 8 of Raulang Body, Cleveland, 1921-23, high-quality makers of bodies for Lexington, as well as Biddle, Reo, Stevens-Duryea Limousine, and their own Rauch & Lang electric and gas autos. Two 1914 ads tattered at bound margin, else all very good. $55-75 (14 pcs.) |
13-10. Bessemer Truck.Wonderful archive of 36 different, original factory photographs, c. 1920, showing a wide array of fine views of this Grove City, Pennsylvania-built truck, some in actual service with interesting livery, in a range of body styles. All but two are 5 x 8 1/4 oblong; rich dark-chocolate on stiff photographic stock. Some photos probably taken on factory grounds, others on the streets of Grove City. Including Bessemer Truck pulling a Bessemer trailer - in turn loaded with seven truck frames!, lumber truck, hospital, bakery, olive oil, moving, milk, and newspaper trucks, and more, plus rolling chassis, closeups of engine, front and rear ends. • With photograph of letter to Bessemer factory from a Norwegian customer, 1920, in English: “...The one-ton truck I bought from you last Fall is going fine...very well satisfied....” Original two-hole binder punch in blank left margins; two photos on top of collection somewhat dust-stained, balance virtually as new and in lovely condition. Some with period notations on verso in blue pencil indicating these were the originals used in a catalogue or advertising. An exhaustive and rare showing of this handsome vehicle. Collection intact as acquired by consignor, in older Hershey vendor’s envelope. • With 1916 Bessemer sales sheet, 8 x 10 3/4, red and black, printed one side. Model “G” 1-Ton Internal Gear Shaft Drive. Large full side-view photo of complete truck, stake body, with livery of birch beer distributor. Buffalo, N.Y. dealer’s purple handstamp. Original folds, some wrinkling, fraying at terminus of one fold in blank margin, else good. A seldom-seen marque. $375-500 (38 pcs.) |
13-11. The Fleeting Comet Automobile.Original factory sales literature for (1921-22) Comet automobile, Decatur, Ill., 3 x 8 1/4, handbill printed one side, emblem in red, white, blue, and gold, including comet shooting across blue sky. Sedan in black. Possibly intended for distribution at the Chicago auto show, but by Dec. 1920 the firm was in financial straits. Very minor wear at two corners, one soft crease in blank area wear, else very good. Important provenance, from one of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America; when possible, Henry Mathis had literature for every year and every make. $45-65 |
13-12. Made for One Year Only.Sales folder for 1923 Courier automobile. Courier Motors Co., Sandusky, Ohio, 8 1/2 x 11, 4 pp. folder, orange-red and black on stiff matte enamel. Coupe (only). “For the Mechanically Inclined - A Good Husky Six - The Most Completely and Conveniently Lubricated Car in America....” Large bird’s-eye view of rolling chassis, showing lubrication system. Revised price sticker on p. 4, suggesting this was a very late piece, as they adjusted prices in an attempt to stay afloat. Successor to the Maibohm, the Courier was made for one year only. Fine and clean. Ex-Mathis. $75-100 |
13-13. The Elk-Hart with V-Windshield.Sales catalogue for early 1921 Elk-Hart automobile. Crow-Elkhart Motor Corp., Elkhart, Ind., 6 x 9, 16 pp. catalogue, lovely apple and avocado greens with midnight blue embossed cover, black and white text. Seven large photos of complete cars, plus Touring Car across centerfold, and photos of mechanical features, including Herschell-Spillman Six and Lycoming Four motors. Two photos of their unusual V-windshield sedan. Pricelist nested inside, Sept. 24, 1920. Center signature loose at one rusty staple, very light corner waterstain, minor wear, else very satisfactory and very good. By 1922, the firm was in receivership for the second time, though they reportedly built a small number of cars from parts on hand as late as 1925. From one of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America. $80-110 (2 pcs.) |
13-14. Boasting an Early V-8.Catalogue for (1917) Hollier automobile. Lewis Spring and Axle Co., Jackson and Chelsea, Mich. Jackson imprint. 4 3/4 x 8 3/4 oblong, (8) pp. catalogue, sepia brown on cream matte enamel. Delightful mocha, chocolate, and mahogany brown cover artwork of gentleman and two women in an open Hollier Eight, as snow flurries fall. Full page views of Six-Cylinder Touring and Eight-Cylinder Roadster and Touring; aerial views of Chelsea and Jackson factories. Hollier’s V-8 was their own design. Very light wear, else fine and clean. From one of the foremost collections of auto literature in America. $60-80 |
13-15. The Secret of the Jewett....”Catalogue for (1923) Jewett automobile. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co. Detroit imprint, 7 1/2 x 9, 16 pp., stylized art of front of car in blue, mocha, sand and black on white cover, putty and black text on creme art enamel. “A Thrifty Six Built by Paige.” Touring, Sedan, Coupe, and Roadster. Attractively designed catalogue, with large photos of each model, smaller photos of features, and centerfold of Five Passenger Touring Car. Interesting page describing “The Building of Jewett Bodies,” with photo of hardwood framework of a body in progress. Salesman’s prices in pencil. Minor crimping lower right tip, tiny label remnant at corner of cover, else clean and about very fine. From one of the foremost collections of auto literature in America. $65-85 |
13-16. Including Maxwell Town Car.Catalogue for 1916 Maxwell automobile. Maxwell Motor Co., Detroit and New Castle, Ind. 6 x 8, 36 pp. Apricot and black cover artwork on sand, chartreuse and black text on matte art enamel. Dramatic full-page charcoal, pencil and white-opaque artwork of factory scenes, together with crisp photos of all models, both mechanical features and complete cars, including Town Car. Evocative centerfold art of a country outing in a Maxwell. Lengthy text, “The Maxwell Roadster for Salesmen’s Use.” Trivial blank edge defect back cover, possibly from original manufacture, else a New Old Stock file copy, mint and in extraordinarily choice condition. From one of the foremost collections of auto literature in America. $85-115 |
13-17. From Zero to 15,598 – in Three Years.Catalogue for 1911 Overland automobile. Willys-Overland Company, Toledo and Indianapolis, 4 x 7 3/4 opening to 7 1/2 x 7 3/4, (20) pp., cream and sepia wrapper, black and white enamel text. “Preliminary Announcement,” featuring 8 new models 37 through 55, with large photos of each, including Light Delivery Wagon, Model 45, 46, and 50 speedsters, and Model 54, “the edition de luxe of Overland Cars....” Specifications and prices of each. Taking over Overland when his own order placed with them went unfilled in the Panic of ‘07, Willys began building cars in a circus tent. By 1910, production hit nearly 16,000, leading to the octet of new models in this catalogue. Sherwood, N.D. dealer’s handstamp. Leaves somewhat shaken at binding, old tape reinforcement at fold and seam of cover wrapper, else very satisfactory. From one of the foremost collections of auto literature in America. $110-135 |
13-18. The Elusive Princess Automobile.Original sales literature for (1917) Princess. Princess Motor Car Corp., Detroit, 8 x 9 1/2, 4 pp. folder, black and white. Model 4-36. Three full-page photographs: head on, side view with top up, and side view with top down. Specifications on p. 4: “Wheels - Artillery, made of seven-year-old Hickory...Color - Green Striped in Gold. Any color to order....” Contemporary pencil marking in blank margin p. 4, “Mr. Kelecom, Body Designer, Body Plant”; old blue pencil date and file notation on front, light fold wear, else in about fine condition. In succession from two of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America. Such is its rarity that this was the only Princess item of any description in either collection. $90-120 |
13-19. Spaulding - “Champion of the World.”Rare broadside for 1915 Spaulding, Grinnell, Iowa, 18 x 23 1/2, red and black one side, black other, intended to attract both car buyers and agents. Large cutaway of their new Sleeping Car, showing plushly tufted seats unfolded to a bed. A quality car, its wheels “highest grade second-growth hickory,” body with “special treatment of steel prevents all possibility of rust....” Overpowering typography on two-color side, proclaiming Speed, Endurance, Power, and Style, with photos of a Spaulding “Champion of the World...beating the fastest Rock Island train...making a cross-country world’s record for speed” of 86.8 m.p.h. Also, a boldly liveried Spaulding, laden with 5,000 pounds of equipment, adopted by Panama Exposition as its official filming car, and driven coast-to-coast. Photo of a Spaulding, the “only loaded car that ever climbed Potato Knoll,” Iowa; and smaller side view of their Sleeping Car, which “saves hotel bills and makes that summer trip a real outing.” Edge tears repaired with glue years ago, wear at fold junctions with minor loss of text, else good plus, clean, and superb for display. One of the rather few cars made in Iowa. In succession from two of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America. $130-160 |
13-20. Racing Cars – and Picnic Baskets.Catalogue for 1903 Standard Decauville Light Cars, issued by Standard Automobile Co. of N.Y., importer of the venerable French marque, “running at will on gasoline or alcohol.” 4 x 9 oblong, (36) pp., green cord tie, avocado and black throughout. Ten large photos of complete cars (one with picnic baskets and “storm glass” - a single piece windscreen), plus delivery wagon, rolling chassis, two of racing cars (“fastest of all cars present under 70 h.p.), and two of mechanical components. List of spare parts, accessories, and tools. Mousechew at two left corners nearly all leaves, but miraculously removing no live matter, and internally fine. English-language literature for this high-grade French marque is seldom found. Until about World War I, it is said by some connoisseurs that the best cars in the world were French. In succession from two of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America. $85-125 |
13-21. Including the Stutz Bearcat.Catalogue for 1919/20 Stutz, “The Car That Made Good in a Day,” 6 3/4 x 10 1/4, 32 pp., multi-level-embossed gold and orange-red winged logo on black cover, white opaque slogan, matching endpapers elaborately decorated in putty and medium blue with Stutz logo stepped-and-repeated several hundred times(!). Black and cream text. Numerous full-page photos of cars, including Bearcat, in front of elegant homes, and mechanical components. “This motor is not a one night’s dream...Low, racy suspension....” Rust outlines where staples removed, signatures loose but complete, blank right margins and parts of horizontals nibbled and feathered, believed by bookworm, but text complete and otherwise clean, one tear into background of photo on p. 28, else generally satisfactory plus. All Stutz material is desirable. In succession from two of the foremost private collections of auto literature in America. About twice our estimate if perfect. $130-160 |
13-22. The Sun Light Six.Excessively rare sales sheet for (1916) Sun Light Six, a short-lived car made in Elkhart, Ind., 6 x 8, black on eggshell. Large photo of a promotional touring car “...climbing Kansas City’s famous Reservoir Hill on high gear...32 m.p.h.” On verso, simple route map where the Sun Light Six crested Mount Summit Hill, Pittsburgh, “going through famous Turkey’s Nest at 48 m.p.h. This record has not been equalled by any other car in the same class.” Characteristic toning of clay-coated paper, several creases, else about good. No Sun literature was present in the Mathis Collection, including his 240-piece archive of 1916-only cars. $75-100 |
13-23. The Car that “bounds forward like a deer....”Two Westcott items, Springfield, Ohio: 1917 Six folder, opening to 9 1/2 x 21, black on ivory enamel, front and side views, the tires conspicuously smooth, with no tread design at all. “To look at it is to admire it - and to crave it...An instrument board of solid mahogany...On the road it becomes a thing of life - a breathing, animate, sensitive creature...to carry you on wings of the wind...It floats at any speed that suits your mood...bounds forward like a deer when your foot touches the accelerator....” Half fold, light dust-toning, else very good. • 1919 catalogue, 5 1/2 x 7, 22 pp., orange and black throughout, 7 full-page photos of complete cars. Their model ranges interestingly named the “Lighter Six” and “Larger Six.” Some fingerprinting on covers, creases from flexing, else internally fine. Ex-Mathis. $90-120 (2 pcs.) |
13-24. Motorcycle Magazine.Motorcycle Illustrated, Oct. 15, 1914, featuring Chicago Show Report. 9 x 12, 100 pp., profusely illustrated. Plus two-color ad inserts of Yale (4 pp. on pistachio), Excelsior Auto-Cycle (4 pp. on white), and Hendee Indian (8 pp. on daffodil). A wealth of information, with motorcycles prominent and obscure, including Harley-Davidson, Dayton, Yale, Pope, Eagle, Reading-Standard, Thor, Flying Merkel, Emblem, and more. Considerable waterstaining, covers with edge tears and discoloration, interior generally satisfactory, and about good. Rare in any condition. $100-125 |
13-25. Heavy Construction Equipment Watch Fobs.Appealing group of 5 different pictorial watch fobs, c. 1940s-60s, but most judged in earlier range. Varied shapes, with brass, bronze, copper, or pewter finishes. All two-sided. Comprising: Caterpillar, in shape of tractor, with exceptional detail, including exposed engine. Reverse: “West Virginia Tractor & Equipment Co. / Caterpillar Sales - Service....” Copper, with blackening for contrast, as made. • Cletrac, in shape of locomotive-styled tractor. Reverse: “Cleveland Tractor Co....” Maker’s mark, Metal Arts Co., Rochester, N.Y. • Oliver tractor, superbly detailed, in shape of machine. Reverse: “The Oliver Corp., 400 W. Madison St., Chicago.” Metal Arts Co. Golden brass. • Osgood General (Excavator Co.), shovel on all-terrain tires. Verso: “Marion, Ohio - 3/8 to 2 3/4 cu. yds., Crawler & Wheel Mounted.” Field in interesting old-silver finish, with black panels behind name. • “Thew Lorain - Cranes, Shovels, Draglines, Moto-Cranes,” one side with operator’s cab mounted on truck, placing load into pickup, other with shovel on tracks. Nuanced pewter. All with very light to light-average wear, else about very good to fine plus. All warranted genuine. $90-130 (5 pcs.) |
13-26. More Heavy Construction Equipment Watch Fobs.Group of 5 different pictorial watch fobs, c. 1940s-50s, a few likely prewar designs (if not manufacture). Varied shapes, with brass, bronze, copper, or pewter finishes. All two-sided. Comprising: Bucyrus Erie. Intricately detailed scenes both sides of equipment at work site, one truck suggesting late 1930s (though dies for fobs were not changed often). Bronze. • Lorain, near-numismatic quality, enormous shovel one side, dragline on other. “Thew Center Drive” logo. Copper finish. • Marion Steam Shovel Co., Ohio. “Everywhere Reliable / Estab. 1884.” Near-numismatic quality. Red brass. • Michigan Power Shovel Co., Benton Harbor. Inset of a hand operating air controls. Cab-over truck not later than c. 1940s. Pewter. • Speedshovel, Speed draglines, Speedcranes. Manitowoc Engineering Works, Wis. Maker’s mark “M.P.B....” Brass, with original red paint highlighting logo both sides. All with very light to light-average wear, else about very good to fine plus. All warranted genuine. $110-150 (5 pcs.) |
13-27. Wheels for Automobiles.Trade catalogue, Stone Rims, Carriers, and Rim Parts for balloon tires, Chicago, 1926, 7 3/4 x 10 1/2, 18 pp., many illustrations, attractive cover, border comprising fourteen miniature automobiles of different body styles, and wheel rim parts, teal and purple-black on taxi-orange; black and white text, their store displays and service cabinet (full page) in orange and teal. Application lists for many marques, from Allen to Winton, including Cadillac, Chrysler, Diana, Packard, Pierce Arrow, Stutz, some trucks, and more, using wood, disc, Budd, Buffalo, Disteel, Firestone, Hayes, and other wheels. Some cover soiling, handling wear, few period price changes and sketches in pencil, else good plus. $30-40 |
13-28. Second Only to Henry Ford’s Model T.Two sepia photographs of a large brass-era 5-passenger touring car, similar to a 1911 Overland “Fore-Door.” Each 4 1/4 x 6 1/4, on 7 x 9 milk chocolate mounts. Posed in a park, bushes in background, in one photo a man in newsboy cap behind the enormous wheel, in other a woman in bonnet gripping it with determination, two additional men on running board, another on grass. Detail sufficient to view radiator emblem, as well as artillery wheels, side lamps, telltale mud guards, apparent white-rubber tires, and right-hand drive (Overland did not adopt left-hand drive til 1915). One mount with label residue at blank margin, both with soft depression at lower left portion, perhaps from a book, else warm golden olive tones, good contrast, exposure trifle heightened by sun, and fine. From 1912 through World War I, only Ford outproduced John Willys’ Overland. Falling on hard times during the postwar recession, Willy’s bank brought in a manager, to be paid $1 million a year – the former Pres. of Buick, Walter Chrysler. • Period glossy, 8 x 10, of c. 1918 Buick roadster – made during the tenure of Walter Chrysler. Boasting all three options offered that year: spotlight, front bumper, and dual spare tire carrier. 1924 Penna. license plate, the car clean but worn, with two different front tires. Nicely posed in park, ornamental wrought iron fence behind. Handling creases, but satisfactory and pleasing for display. $65-90 (3 pcs.) |
13-29. An Architectural Triumph.Two large photographs of the magnificent Philadelphia & Reading R.R. Terminal building, Philadelphia, showing changes: 8 1/4 x 10, crisply detailed, from glass plate. In old hand on verso, “From American Museum of Photography, 1912.” Horse-drawn vehicles in front, a line of automobiles several hundred feet down the block, probably taxis. Elaborately ornamental Renaissance Revival structure, arched Romanesque windows, the vast train shed stretching into the distance. • The same view, from the same vantage point, but c. 1930, then-modern autos in front, as a streetcar passes. The building’s sign now replaced, “...Train and Bus”; two narrow buildings beside terminal now replaced by a modern structure. Both with handling evidence, some edge wear, but richly detailed and very good. The Reading Railroad’s coal-producing real estate made it the largest corporation in the world by 1871; its flagship building here flattered its standing. $50-70 (2 pcs.) |
13-30. Greyhound History – with Bus Maps in Silver Metallic.Fascinating collection of 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951 (Silver Anniversary), and 1952 Greyhound Corp. annual reports, the latter with splendid cover photo of a SuperCoach on approach to Lincoln Tunnel, Manhattan’s midtown skyline in background. 8 1/2 x 11, 28-32 pp. ea. Four reports with color gatefold of buses beside scenic destinations. 1951 and 1952 reports with stunning centerfold route maps, including parts of Canada, the entire land mass in lustrous silver metallic ink. Preview of new bus design which revolutionized America’s highways. Rare. • Company history, “Greyhound - The Motor Bus and Modern Highway Transportation,” late 1940s, 24 pp., wraparound color cover art. Seven photos of evolution of Greyhound vehicles, including then-current Silversides, and rendering of futuristic double-decker, never actually produced. Light file wear, else fine and clean. $150-200 (6 pcs.) |
13-31. Cars of the Fifties and Sixties.Massive archive of about 1,800 invoices for auto parts and services from the files of Lou Marz, Kingston, N.Y., 1960-63 (approx. 1,371 pcs.) and 1976-78 (approx. 436 pcs.); for cars of model years 1949-up, principally Cadillacs, Chevrolets, Pontiacs, and Oldsmobiles, some with year, make, and customer’s name indicated, together with Ford, Chrysler, Plymouth, and others. One of the great mechanics of his day, Marz began in the ‘30s at Stuyvesant Cadillac-Olds; in the ‘50s, he was offered a job by Bill Harrah but declined to move his family such a distance. Upon “retirement,” the corps of local doctors, judges, merchants and motorists he’d known at Stuyvesant sought him out at his tiny one-man garage to keep their Cadillacs and other cars running. On various printed billheads, generally 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 to 8 1/2 x 11, many with automotive logos, including Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Cities Service Oils, Clinton engines, Exide Battery, Ford, Oldsmobile, Pirelli, Plymouth, old-style Pontiac Chief, U.S. Royal Tires, and others. Understandable duplication of vendors; the number of sources in Kingston was finite. Clearly a labor of love, it is a tribute to his skill that his customer’s cars remained in service for so many years. Somewhat dusty and some soft edge creases, some soiled, else generally satisfactory. Interesting profile of the nearly lost world of the one-man garage. Weighs some 8 lbs.! $40-60 (about 1,800 pcs.) |
13-32. On the Original Batmobile Design Team.Splendid color sales folder for the uniquely rakish 1974-75 Bricklin, flamboyantly signed across front by Herb Grasse, who “while an associate designer for George Barris, helped transform the Ford Futura concept car into TV’s Batmobile, and while working with Malcolm Bricklin, single-handedly designed the Bricklin SV1, an effort that resulted in multiple awards”--http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/tag/herb-grasse/. 8 3/4 x 11, opening to 17 1/2 x 22 poster-style view in the desert. Both a low-production muscle car and safety vehicle, the Canadian-built Bricklin enjoyed modest sales. Grasse’s design captured Industrial Design magazine’s 1975 Industrial Designer of the Year award for product design. His many other production and show car credits include the 1970 Dodge Challenger Yellow Jacket Show Car, 1970 Ford Advance Design Pantera, 1971 Mission Impossible Show Car, and 1967 Lily Munster Show Car as associate designer for George Barris Customs. Excellent. With color photo prints (unsigned) of Batmobile outside Tick Tock Industries, and Batmobile in Batcave. Grasse helped create some of the most iconic and ubiquitous cars of the Sixties and Seventies, driving the quartet of design and culture: cars, fashion, music (and hair). $75-100 (3 pcs.) |
13-33. 1935-style Chrysler Airflow.Chrysler Airflow radiator mascot, a radically streamlined bird, its high-Deco wings 8” long; 12” long in all. Part number cast on underside. Small-grain pitting, with lustrous chrome beneath; light coppery shading along some feather lines, else very satisfactory, and presentable on an unrestored car. The Airflow was less than a commercial success in 1935, with production of ten styles between none and 72 each (this mascot also used on Imperial Custom Airflow series). Yet its revolutionary styling remains admired to this day. Very scarce in any condition. Not in Williams’ Motoring Mascots of the World. $220-270 |
13-34. 1934-35 Hudson Hood Ornament.A streamlined albatross-like bird, its long wings angled skyward. 5 1/2 to tip of wings x 6 1/2 long. Zinc diecast. On underside, “Jarvis 2460....” Considerable pitting, some spotty loss of plating at top and flank of one wing (the car from which this came must have been stored outdoors for a very long time), else chrome varies from cloudy to brilliant, and judged slightly improveable with careful, gentle polishing using a premium product, if desired. The ornament can be clearly seen in the Standard Catalog of American Cars, identifying the car instantly to fellow motorists, giving an almost startling effect of a life-sized Deco bird alighting on the radiator. Motoring Mascots of the World 89. $110-150 |
13-35. 1916-25-style Maxwell Hood Ornament.Flat shield style, stamped “Maxwell” at angle. Steel, nickel plated. Probably a factory option, in lieu of a Moto-Meter. Crimped to a cap, of the period but perhaps from another marque, with modern glue on underside. Superficial darkening, else good plus, and charming. Maxwells of this period may have been the first automobiles to be formally recalled: Walter Chrysler was called in to rescue the firm. The last Maxwells, in 1925, were revamped for 1926, and rebadged as Chryslers. Motoring Mascots of the World 158. $100-130 |
13-36. “Father of the American Automobile.”Piece of the original leather of the 1893 Duryea automobile’s buggy-style top, one of the most historic and photographed relics of industrial history. Thick dark brown leather, perhaps mulehide, about size of a stick of gum. Donated to the Smithsonian in 1920 after years of languishing in a barn, this pioneer vehicle was restored c. 1960, at which time this fragment of the original top was saved. With his brother J. Frank, a Duryea car went on to win the first auto race in America (1895), and became the first “mass-produced” American motor vehicle, building thirteen cars in their Springfield, Mass. shop, beginning 1896. Of utmost rarity and importance. With letter of provenance. • Bold signature of Chas. E. Duryea, clipped from a check by his son M.J. Duryea. From Charles’ Philadelphia period, c. 1925, essentially at the end of his auto-building career, by then making scale models and writing. On pink paper. Excellent. • Color postcard showing Duryea in its barn-find original condition. Linen, 1940s. New Old Stock. $650-850 (3 pcs.) |
13-37. Lincoln Custom Coachwork.Deluxe oversize (1925) Lincoln catalogue, “2nd ed.,” (24) pp., spectacular lattice design on cover with extensive use of gold leaf powder and matte black, with Lincoln panel blind-embossed in slate-blue. Matching blue cord tie. Inside, artwork of cars with bodies by Brunn, Fleetwood, Holbrook, and Judkins, all with prices, variously against solid dusty rose, slate blue, or apple green backgrounds. Interestingly, text assures the buyer that their “1925” car will not become out of date, but all illustrations retain the 1924 cowl lights, suggesting this was a very late 1924 catalogue. Prices up to $7,200. Features include an 80 m.p.h. speedometer, extra pillow with Fleetwood body, and “electro-fog generator.” 2 1/2” long scorch at blank lower edge, diminishing progressively, average dust toning of covers, old very soft vertical fold, tiny nibble at blank back cover, else good plus, and suitable for display, the gold strikingly attractive. $140-180 |
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14-1. First-Hand Account of a Story told by Abe Lincoln – at Ford’s Theatre!Splendid trio of items, in hand of Union Gen. Jas. Grant Wilson, conveying a humorous story told to him personally by Lincoln in 1865, ten days before Appomattox: A.L.S. of Wilson, 143 W. 79 St., N.Y., Dec. 28, 1912, 5 1/2 x 6 1/2, 1 p. To J(ohn) Boos, the famous collector of first-hand Lincoln anecdotes. “...Herewith send you the last of many Lincoln stories, which it was my privilege to hear from the great President during my acquaintance of nearly eight years. Like all his anecdotes, you will observe there was a purpose in this one, which will be obvious to your Boys’ Club, if they are as bright as they look in the photograph....” Light warm-cream toning at top and bottom, else excellent. • Autograph Manuscript Signed within text, entitled “A Message from Gen. Wilson,” N.Y., Dec. 28, 1912, 7 1/2 x 10, 1 p., in Wilson’s meticulous hand: “On the evening of Mar. 30, 1865, Pres. Lincoln with Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Harris of Albany and the writer, occupied a box at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, it being the scene of the assassination...two weeks later. As the curtain came down at the close of the first act, the Pres. said: ‘Col., did I ever tell you the story of your friend Grant at the Circus?’ ‘No, Mr. President, but I shall be delighted to hear it.’ Mr. Lincoln then said: ‘When Grant was about 10 years old a circus came to Point Pleasant in Ohio, where the family then lived, and Ulysses asked his father, who was a tanner, for a quarter to buy a ticket for the circus. But the old man would not give it to him, so the boy crawled under the canvas as I used to, for when I was a small boy I never...saw a silver quarter,’ said the Pres. ‘In that circus they had a highly accomplished Missouri mule who had been taught to throw his rider. The beast was brought in and the Ring Master exhibited a dollar and said that anyone present who could ride the handsome mule once around the ring without being thrown, should have the silver dollar. Many candidates appeared...but all failed to get the prize, being thrown over the mule’s head into old man Grant’s tan bark...Master Ulysses appeared on the scene, saying: ‘Hold on, I’ll try that mule.’ He mounted and held on longer than any of the others...when the beast made an extra effort, tossing the boy over his head...He sprang to his feet, threw off his cap and...said in a most determined tone, ‘I should like to try that mule again!’ This time said Lincoln, Ulysses resorted to strategy, he faced to the rear and held on by the mule’s tail, which seemed to astonish and demoralize the beast, and so amid the wild cheers...the boy rode around the ring and won the dollar! ‘Just so,’ added the President, ‘Grant will hold on to Gen. Lee.’ Ten days later he surrend(er)ed at Appomattox, and the close of the Civil war soon followed.” Postal folds, light marginal graduated toning, else very fine and highly attractive. With envelope to Boos in Wilson’s hand, 2¢ red entire, complete postmark. Tan toning, lightened outlines of old album mounts, else fine. Also with older descriptive auction pouch of prominent philatelic dealer and expertizer William Weiss, Jr. The Scot-born Wilson’s name remains conspicuous to this day, as co-editor of the oft-used Appleton’s Cyclopædia of American Biography, and author of numerous other works. Lincoln-related letters from Boos’ collection have dried up on the market. $700-950 (3 pcs.) |
14-2. Inscribed by Orator of the “Other” Gettysburg Address – with a Link to Mount Vernon.Handsomely bound eulogy, with presentation inscription on front flyleaf to “Mrs. W.J. Eve, In grateful remembrance of the kind reception under her hospitable roof, from Edward Everett, Boston, 15 June 1859.” Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, of Cambridgeport, pronounced before the Mass. Historical Society..., by Everett, 1859, 5 3/4 x 9 1/4, 82 pp., in contemporary binding, top edge gilt, 3/4 stippled red calf, darkest green, cream and matching red marbled boards. Dowse amassed a personal library of some 5,000 fine bindings, and an impressive collection of watercolor copies of Old Masters. A Mrs. W.J. Eve appears in the Burlington (Iowa) Weekly Hawk Eye, 1858. It is possible that Everett spoke there on George Washington (likening him to Frederick the Great) in his multi-year speaking tour, raising funds to preserve the endangered Mount Vernon. Mottled toning throughout text; end, guard, and inscription leaves separated from dry spine, with tortoise-shell-style toning and dampstaining; abrasion of lower right front red tip, some shelf wear, but in all, very satisfactory. Running for reelection to Congress after ten years, Everett was defeated in 1839 by a single vote. Succeeding his friend Daniel Webster as Sec. of State, in 1860 he was the Constitutional Union Party’s candidate for Vice Pres. The featured speaker at Gettysburg, Everett’s address ran over two hours, prelude to Lincoln’s brief but immortal words. With 1977 invoice of dealer Dana’s House, 18.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-150 |
14-3. Lincoln Statue.Retained carbon copy of letter of celebrated artist Douglas Volk, signed in pencil with initials; son of Leonard Volk, whose works included Lincoln and Douglas statue at Springfield, the famous life mask of Lincoln, and bust of Lincoln from life. Mar. 26, 1927, 8 1/2 x 11, to Henry W. Kent, Sec., Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. “...I appreciate your courtesy in asking if the proposed making of copies by the Museum of my Father’s bust of Lincoln would meet with my favor, and will state that as far as I am in any way concerned, you are perfectly at liberty to carry out the plan mentioned.“ Corner creases, handling evidence, and considerable file tattering at blank right margin, else satisfactory. $50-70 |
14-4. “Opposition to Lincoln and his war party....”Anti-Lincoln pamphlet, “A Few Words for Honest Pennsylvania Democrats,” undated but attributed to printers King & Baird, Philadelphia, 1863, for the pivotal campaign of 1864, 16 pp., 5 3/4 x 9. Quoting Democratic Sen. Wall of N.J., “...The great Democratic party now occupies a position in which its success threatens the gravest evils to the country...The plan suggested some years ago by Mr. Vallandigham...dividing the country into four large sections or masses...It may be that the South might be willing to return upon the adoption of some such system of reconstruction...If this plan of reconciliation fails, then a separation must be the finality. And this is the modern Gospel of the Jackson Democracy!...When Lee was knocking at the gates of Penna. [in the prelude to Gettysburg]...Don’t trouble yourselves about the Southern Confederacy...When the Federal Administration...represents nothing but the instinct of hatred and destruction against one section of our country...Can the Democratic people of America protect and defend the institutions of their country against the revolutionary assaults of Abolitionism?...Your Constitution provides that ‘the rights of the people to keep and bear arms...’ still has full meaning...Your vote in Oct. will be your verdict...The Democratic party has thus arrayed itself in the cast-off clothing of the South, and has pledged itself to carry out the doctrines of States Rights...to consequent anarchy...The Democratic party of the North is gathering strength and threatens to deprive the administration of power...New York is becoming the champion of States-rights in the North...Mr. Lincoln has not only judged it expedient to unmuzzle the press in N.Y...Opposition to Lincoln and his war party is growing more and more popular every day...Let not these political tricksters...lure you into the path which has made Va. and Miss. an abomination of desolation....” Uniform toning, several long creases, corner overfolds, “...[Gov. of Pa.] A.G. Curtin Forever” penned in oversize letters at top of p. 1, else very satisfactory. Sabin 60102. Not recorded in Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Collection, Cornell. WorldCat locates only one example, in Library of Congress. Very rare. $90-120 |
14-5. Lincoln Electoral Ticket.Intriguing printed “(U)nion Presidential Ticket / Election Nov. 8, 1864,” imprinted Logan County, Ohio, crossed out in pencil, “Seneca County” written above. “For Pres., (A)braham Lincoln, of Ill. For Vice Pres., (A)ndrew Johnson, of Tenn.,” the left margin a printer’s error, cut closely, removing first letter of “Union,” “Abraham,” and “Andrew” – in addition to printing the wrong county. Large woodcut of a Rubenesque Miss Columbia, wearing Centurion helmet lettered “Liberty,” brandishing “Union” sword, stars on sunrays behind, the woodcut possibly drawn locally by an aspiring artist. 2 1/2 x 7. Also listing 21 Ohio Electors. Light folds, one pinhole at center, lacking blank upper right corner, some dust toning, else about very good, and an interesting conversation piece. Likely a printer’s proof, hastily cut from a larger press sheet, for the Board of Elections to proofread before running the job; indeed, research shows that one of the electors, Jacob Scroggs, was from Tiffin, in Seneca County, not Logan County (he was also a delegate to the Republican National Convention). $125-175 |
14-6. “...Whar de Linkum gunboats lay....”G.A.R. songbook, “The Good Old Songs We Used to Sing - ‘61 to ‘65 - Dedicated to Veterans of the War of the Rebellion,” published by O.H. Oldroyd, Springfield, Ill., c. 1885. Price 10¢. 5 3/4 x 9, (32) pp., black on pistachio wrappers, electrotype portrait of Grant. Other covers feature full-page 38-star flag, G.A.R. ribbon, and eagle clutching shield and flag. Inside, numerous fine woodcuts notable for the number of corps insignia, and some rather obscure generals: McClernand accompanying “Hail Columbia,” Crocker with “Just Before the Battle, Mother,” McPherson with “Columbia the Gem of the Ocean,” Mower with “Who Will Care for Mother Now,” Blair with “When this Cruel War is Over,” and Quinby with “Bonnie Blue Flag.” Other songs include “Here in Belle Isle’s Dreary Prison,” “John Brown Song,” “Picket’s (sic) Last Watch,” “Kingdom Coming,” and portrait of Sherman, with caisson illustrating “Marching through Georgia,” its horses kicking up clouds of dust. Some cover toning and tea(?) stain, uniform light mocha toning of text, light wear, else about very good. The first real collector of Lincoln memorabilia, “in 1883, when the Lincoln Home became available to rent, Oldroyd moved his family in...Lincoln’s oldest and only surviving son, Robert...charged Oldroyd $25 monthly rent. Oldroyd arranged his nearly 2,000 Lincoln items on the home’s first floor...On April 14, 1884, the 19th anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, he opened his museum”--Illinois Times. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-90 |
14-7. In the Hand of Lincoln – besting the ruthless Stagecoach Kings of the Old Northwest.Lovely, early Autograph Manuscript Signed “Logan & Lincoln,” in Lincoln’s hand, clipped from the firm’s ledger. 1 3/4 x 9 3/4, in coffee brown on palest blue, with light blue rules. In full: “Satisfied & discharged in full this 7th day of June 1844. Logan & Lincoln p.q.” On that day, Lincoln had recorded payment of a judgment won the previous Nov., in Alexander Brother v. Frink, Walker & Co., for $612.50 damages and $22.12 costs--thelincoln log.org, from Lincoln Day by Day..., Vol. 1, Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, 1960. Defendants John Frink and Martin Walker were pioneer operators of a stage, mail, and newspaper line from Chicago to the growing Northwest Territories. Using horse-drawn streetcars, stages, omnibuses, and wagons, they “came to dominate virtually all of the stagecoach business in Ill., Mich., Wis., Iowa, Ind., and Missouri...Frink also had a dark and ruthless side...The stage business was not for the faint of heart...given its cutthroat competition and the politics involved with securing the all-important mail contracts...The overland route from Peru (Ill.) all the way to St. Louis was also maintained...Accounts of Frink and his activities suggest he was one of the more interesting and important - if lesser-known - characters in northern Illinois economic and transportation history...By all accounts uninhibited, and could be vindictive to his enemies - all characteristics that were often admired during the state’s frontier era...”--“John Frink and Martin Walker: Stagecoach Kings of the Old Northwest,” Roger Matile, in Journal of Ill. State Historical Society, Summer 2002 (modern copy of article accompanies). His partner Walker was memorialized as “a very unpopular man. His disposition was pugnacious...In the twelve years preceding the [Chicago] Fire he undoubtedly had more lawsuits [filed against him] than any two men in Cook County. When notified that he had been sued, his invariable advice to his attorney was, ‘Deny the act and deed from the beginning.’ Considering the extent of his litigation, he was remarkably successful, whether right or wrong....” Based on the present item, his lucky legal streak was broken by the young lawyer named Abe Lincoln. Foretellingly, Frink & Walker’s stage line would overlap with Lincoln twice more: Credited with drawing together the region that once formed the Old Northwest Territory, the economic attention of the pioneers they brought westward would be drawn to Chicago and New York, rather than St. Louis and its ties to the South. “That had an incalculable impact on the approaching national conflagration over slavery....” On verso, in another hand, “Foster, Squire [vs.] B.C. Webster & Co. / July 23, 1844 / Judg(men)t by Default, $105.90.” Foster was believed an attorney; Bela C. and Charles Webster had a store in Springfield. Webster served with Lincoln on the committee forming the Alton & Springfield Railroad. Lincoln’s life was closely intertwined with Stephen Logan’s: Considered by some the leading lawyer in Illinois, Logan polished Lincoln’s legal skills, preparing him for politics. Notwithstanding their friendship, on at least one occasion, Lincoln ended up trying a case before then-Judge Logan – and, in another bizarre case with Logan representing the opposition, Lincoln served as both his own client’s attorney and as the judge. In 1861, Lincoln asked his old friend to comment on his upcoming inaugural address. Logan suggested changing a phrase which might incite the South. Lincoln thanked him, replying, “...If there is patriotism enough in the American people, the union will be saved; if not, it will go down and I will go with it.” Light yellow-orange toning at right margin and between “Lincoln” and “p.q.,” else bright, fresh, and excellent. Ironically, Frink’s local carriage builder would supply the catalfaque upon which Lincoln’s coffin rested during the Chicago leg of his funeral procession some twenty-one years later. A superior example of Lincoln’s hand, with important context. $3800-4600 |
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15-1. Washington Discharge with Links to Benedict Arnold, Lafayette, antecedent of the National Guard, and more.D.S. with dark, satisfying signature Go: Washington, Head-Quarters (Newburgh, N.Y.), June 7, 1783, 7 x 13 1/4. “By His Excellency George Washington, Esq.; General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America,” certifying that Daniel Wright of 1st Conn. Regt. “faithfully served the United States from the 2d of Decr. 1778....” Also signed by J(onathan) Trumbull, Jr., Adjt. Lebb(eus) Loomis, and Col. Zeb(ulo)n Butler, honoring Wright with Badge of Merit, forerunner of the Purple Heart. Trumbull was Washington’s military secretary - succeeding Alexander Hamilton - and Paymaster Gen., first Comptroller of Treasury, member of first, second, and third Congresses under the new Constitution, and Sen. and Gov. of Conn. Loomis was first a 17-year-old volunteer at Bunker Hill, soon fighting at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth; like Washington, a member of Society of the Cincinnati. Commanding a N.Y. County Brigade of Artillery beginning 1802, as successor to the Continental Army, Loomis’ battalion “would one day represent the birth of a national uniformed militia, better known today as the National Guard”--primitivepieces.net. Butler was a provocative officer, recalled from his command in the Wyoming Valley by Washington, to reduce friction between Conn. and Penna. elements. With a fascinating printing quirk: the text on lower half and on verso was printed parallel to the sheet, but the upper half printed at a steep angle. This reveals that the front was printed in two passes, perhaps necessitated by the smaller size of a field press; that the primitive sheet was still signed by Washington suggests a desire to conserve paper in that hectic period. (Three weeks later, unpaid soldiers mutinied in Philadelphia, forcing Congress to relocate to Princeton.) A seasoned soldier in Washington’s favorite unit - the Connecticut Line - Pvt. Wright had “enlisted when a boy”--Commemorative Biographical Record of Middlesex County, Conn..., 1903, p. 371. Notwithstanding this discharge’s service date beginning 1778, the authoritative work on Connecticut troops by Johnston records Wright’s 3rd Regt. in the first call for troops, stationed at Washington’s first headquarters, at Cambridge, May-Dec. 1775--The Record of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service During the War of the Revolution.... Johnston records, “In reenlisting troops for service in 1776, this regiment was re-organized with Benedict Arnold...as Col.” (though Wright’s whereabouts in that year are not found in Johnston). Fighting at Saratoga in 1777 (p. 509), three years thence, he served in the same company as Ceasor Negro, in the 8th Conn. Regt. (p. 240). While in Capt. Heart’s Company in 1781, he was commanded by Lafayette (p. 351). Seeing the country he had fought for flourish, Wright remained on pension rolls as late as 1832, in Hartford County. Old sixteenth-folds, varied foxing, light waterstain in locale through which “Wash...” passes, with only slight lightening of his rich brown ink; wear at two fold junctions, else good, with the signature nearly very good. Exuding enormous patina and gravitas, with eye-catching paper and ink tones, and an appealing representative of a Washington item for a collection. Fresh to the market, acquired by consignor around 1970s. $10,500-13,000 |
“The Senate proceeded by ballot to the choice of a President...”
15-2. The Election of George Washington.Significant, inspiring issue of Gazette of the United States, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1789, 9 3/4 x 15 1/2, 4 pp. On page 2, “Whereby it appears, that George Washington, Esq. was unanimously elected Pres., and John Adams, Esq., was duly elected Vice Pres., Of the United States of America, Mr. Madison came from the House of Representatives with the following verbal message: ...the Senate appointed Charles Thompson, Esq. to notify George Washington of his election to the Office of Pres..., and Sylvanus Bourne, to notify John Adams of his election to the Office of Vice Pres....” Journal of First Session of the Senate, listing those present. “The Senate proceeded by ballot to the choice of a President, for the sole purpose of opening and counting the votes for Pres. of the U.S....” With fascinating table of electoral votes cast by each state for the Presidential candidates, the runner-up to be Vice Pres.; including the nearly-forgotten 2 votes for Samuel Huntington, 4 for John Hancock, 6 for Robert H. Harrison, 2 for John Milton, and 1 each for James Armstrong, Edward Telfair, and Benjamin Lincoln, the latter four candidates deriving their votes from Georgia. “...Even in the chilly regions of Nova-Scotia, the ideas of liberty are beginning to be entertained...What a glorious political light have the Americans held forth to the benighted Europeans, hitherto slumbering in the darkness of bigotry...The blessings of American freedom seem already to spread far and wide; doubtless its national character will be held in high estimation by all succeeding ages....” From N.Y., reflecting Washington’s desire to shun “mimickry of royalty” as he termed it in a famous letter: “...the President set out on his tour east, in his chariot and four...Not for the purposes of empty parade, or to acquire the applause of gaping multitudes - Not for the display of royal pageantry...or the blind adulation of a host of slaves...No...Safe in the protection of Heaven...he has no other guard, being attended only by his Secretaries, and a few servants....” From Richmond, “Let the public be forewarned...Almost innumerable applicants for public offices, many of them men with no genius, and generally of no industry, who wished to live an easy life on public support...While the friends to the new Constitution are anticipating every benign effect from its influence...its enemies paint to their frighted imaginations, a horrible group of tyrants...and all the concomitants of slavery.” On higher education, “The rich, as they have it in their power, can always avail themselves of the means of learning for their own children...I do not know...why colleges, which are supported by all, should be so constituted, that the rich only can be benefitted by them....” Lengthy letter from Vice Pres. John Adams, written in 1780 from Holland, contesting the view “that an implacable hatred and aversion reigns throughout America,” reciting British outrages “from Boston to Savanna,” recounting episodes of the Revolution up to that time. Report from Paris in turmoil: “We are come to the fatal crisis at last – bread is very scarce: To have a two pound loaf...the maids are forced to go and stand before the bake-houses at four in the morning...each of them receives a number...If anybody presents himself to the Marquis de la Fayette, a number is given him, and he is obliged to wait til that number is called. It has lately happened that a person has been three days before his turn came....” On page four, reply of Washington to the Quakers, eloquently advocating freedom of worship in the new America. Commentary on the French Declaration of Rights, containing “the liberty of religious opinions...There can be no liberty...without that of opinions....” Upper right tip softly rounded, perhaps due to tenting as paper trimmed by printer; separation at gutter where removed from volume, else pleasing uniform patination, fresh, and about very fine. A wonderful issue, celebratory of the inception of the American era, and core Americana. Rare on the market. $2400-2900 |
15-3. Madison and the Physician on Horseback.D.S. of Pres. James Madison, Washington, Mar. 29, 1813 - just a few weeks after Madison’s second inauguration, 9 x 14 1/2, granting a quarter lot of land to James Blue, assignee of Nathan Brown, “...to be sold at Chillicothe by act of Congress, entitled ‘An act providing for the sale of lands of the U.S. in the Territory north west of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river’....” Also signed by Edward Tiffin, first Commissioner of General Land Office, first Gov. of Ohio, an Ohio pioneer, and namesake of Tiffin. Apprenticed to a medical student during the Revolution, Tiffin began practicing medicine at 17. Inheriting sixteen slaves, he manumitted them, moving to the Northwest Territory where slavery was outlawed. Becoming the first doctor in Ohio’s original capital, Tiffin traveled “on horseback, day and night, to treat the afflicted. He arrived with a letter addressed to the Gov. of the Northwest Territory, Arthur St. Clair, recommending (Tiffin) for public office...In 1814, he became Surveyor Gen. of the Northwest Territory...”--wikipedia. Variant wafer seal with six longer paper clock-like hands projecting. Usual wear, some insect feathering across blank top edge, toning along folds, 1” vertical tear at blank bottom, crease and “elephant-skin” wrinkles at blank lower right corner; Madison’s tea-tan signature light but legible, and in all, satisfactory. An interesting example, with Northwest Territory association; at this time, Chillicothe was the capital of Ohio. With 1973 invoice of Conway Barker, 160.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $1200-1500 |
15-4. War-Date Carte of Grant – Signed.Highly desirable standing pose of newly minted Lt. Gen. U.S. Grant, boldly signed in rich brown on verso, “U.S. Grant / Lt. Gen. U.S.A.” An uncommon pose, sans imprint, right hand in trouser pocket, dateable to some time after his promotion on Mar. 9, 1864; three days later, Grant – “a man who would probably have been voted at the beginning of the Civil War as ‘least likely to succeed’” (Boatner) – was made Gen. in Chief of Armies of the U.S. Some superficial soiling, else the image an evocative warm mocha on cream background; corners diced to fit in an old album, else good plus; verso with very light toning and three spots in blank lower half, not affecting signature, else very good. With 1973 invoice of Joseph Rubinfine, 65.00, and mailing envelope, bearing 16¢ postage. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $2800-3400 |
15-5. “U.S. Grant, General” – Signed on a Pivotal Date.Intriguing signature as Secretary of War - with Johnson impeachment and Presidential race context - on small visiting-card-size white glazed bristol, 1 1/2 x 2 5/8. In dark milk chocolate. On verso in two other hands, date “9/3/(18)67” and “Frank & M...Johnston[?],” the latter crossed out in pencil and ink, variously. It is guessed that this may have been a gift card, when its bearer unexpectedly encountered Grant, and having no other paper at hand for an autograph, used this. A month before, Pres. Johnson had fired Sec. of War Stanton, replacing him with Grant. On the day of this signature, the explosive telegram affair was laid bare, one side claiming Grant’s complicity with Johnson in sacking Stanton and Sheridan, the other view praising Grant’s independence. Johnson’s dismissal of Stanton would lead directly to the former’s impeachment – and clearing Grant’s path to the White House. The following year, Grant became the youngest President, a record held til J.F.K.; never having held elected office, he was arguably the most popular man in Reconstruction America. “As was the custom of the times...Grant did not campaign. But he was easily the most popular candidate, and his election was never seriously challenged...”--Prof. Joan Waugh, U.C.L.A., in essay, “Ulysses S. Grant: Campaigns and Elections,” millercenter.org. Wallet soiling both sides, a rub across top just touching top of “U,” tips trifle rounded from wear, two soft creases, but still satisfactory. The only Grant signature we recall handling obtained in-person at the precipice of his first race for the White House. “A man whose stature grows with the passage of time, the military epitaph of this enigmatic general can best be stated in Lincoln’s words: ‘He fights.’”--Boatner. $475-575 |
15-6. Splendid Signed Photograph of Wm. H. Taft – Bridging his Unsuccessful Presidential Race and Road to the Supreme Court.Poignant pose, taken while in Chicago headlining the 1912 Republican Convention, and inscribed on mount several years later, “For my friend Richard Webb of Portland / with best wishes - Wm. H. Taft,” continuing on mat, “New Haven / April 8th, 1915.” Penned in rich brown, perhaps intentionally to match darkest tones of photograph beneath which he is signing. Warm cinnamon-sepia photograph, full matte finish, 7 x 9, dated 1912 within emulsion, tipped to wheat-colored original mount, the ensemble mounted on umber mat, steel-engraved in chocolate brown, “Moffett, 25 Congress St., Chicago.” Here sitting while President before Moffett’s camera, a photographer not usually associated with Presidential portraits. Opposed by Roosevelt in a party split, both he and Taft lost to Wilson in a three-way contest. Signing this photo about two years after becoming professor of constitutional law at Yale, Taft’s next stop would be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in 1921. Webb was a prominent Maine attorney. Interesting fine speckling of Taft’s pen as descender of “f” transited one mat to the next. Lacking 3/4 x 1 blank corner, inconspicuous 1/2” tear in wide margin of bottom mat, fine superficial 1 3/4” diagonal scratch in left area of image, fairly camouflaged by mottled browns of image; pale outline of previous frame beyond live area, but imparting a fourth complementary shade of brownish-tan to the effect, and in all, very fine. A superb example, with a rare imprint, and combining association with his White House and legal eras. $525-700 |
15-7. Signed Eisenhower, in Uniform.Crisp black-and-white photograph of Dwight D. Eisenhower, signed in full at lower right, in interesting topaz-brown on light khaki jacket. Shown in uniform, five-star epaulette. By Bachrach. Visible 7 1/4 x 8 1/4. Tan and beige linen double mats, silver on black engraved nameplate “Dwight D. Eisenhower / 1890-1969 / 34th Pres...,” in wide brightly polished and satin-burnished silver wood frame, under glass. Label of California gallery on verso. Bottommost portion of “D(wight)” and descender of “g” just behind mat window, else very fine. Not examined out of frame. Ex-Superior Galleries, with copies of 1991 invoice and catalogue description. $425-525 |
15-8. The First President Dubbed a “Sir”?Silk ribbon, “In Memoriam / Sir J.A. Garfield, Honorary Member / Hanselmann Com’y., No. 16, K.T. of Cincinnati / Sept. 26, 1881,” violet on ivory, with flag-blue tassel. 2 1/2 x 9 1/4 overall. Honey-colored glue stain across blank top, with loss of internal strip 1/2 x 1 1/4, where removed from old album; small oval glue spot just below “S” of “Sir,” smaller spot above year, else clean and very satisfactory. Relics of Garfield’s Masonic association are seldom seen. With 1972 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 12.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $40-55 |
15-9. Jimmy Carter regrets that “composing is not one of my talents.”T.L.S. of Jimmy Carter, on letterhead as Gov. of Ga., Atlanta, Oct. 7, 1971, 7 1/4 x 10 1/2. To Lee Maxfield. “Thank you for your letter...requesting sheet music for your collection. I wish that I could comply with your request; however, I regret that composing is not one of my talents. Perhaps you have me confused with another governor...If I may be of service to you in another way, I hope you will let me know....” Original fold just passing through ascenders of “J,” “C,” and “t,” else an exemplary signature in jet black marker. Light handling evidence, and fine. Flap of envelope torn when opened, light edge toning, else very good. Until the 1976 race began, Carter remained an obscure Governor; much credit for his successful campaign went to a local ad agency. Maxfield showed premonition in writing when he did! $250-325 (2 pcs.) |
15-10. A Pre-Politics Reagan Signature.Unlined index card signed along vertical margin by a youthful Ronald Reagan, 3 x 5, with postage-stamp-size black-and-white photo from a magazine neatly mounted at right. In opal-blue fountain pen, the terminal “n” just trailing off edge of card; evidently signed in person for a fan. Barely discernable blind trace of part of a paper clip, else V.F. With 1980 invoice and envelope of old-time dealer Dr. Milton Kronovet, 15.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $220-300 |
15-11. An Uncommon Eisenhower Variant.Highly attractive example, on ivory sheet steel-engraved at top in rich gold, with five stars and “DDE.” 3 3/4 x 4 1/2. Typewritten, “Below is my personal signature which you requested. Thank you for writing...,” boldly signed in black marker. One trivial blind handling arc at top, else excellent. • With envelope addressed to Lee Maxfield, Eisenhower’s integral postmark and printed franking signature in red, Gettysburg, Nov. 1, (19)68; his street address steel-engraved on flap. Flap with long feathered tear where opened, light postal edge wear, else about very good. $325-400 (2 pcs.) |
15-12. Vice Pres. Nixon on his Parents.Touching T.L.S. of Richard Nixon, on letterhead “Office of the Vice Pres., Washington,” steel-engraved with eagle in dark blue, Sept. 17, 1956, 7 x 9. To Al Postal, Brooklyn, a New York orchestra leader in 1940s. “I want you to know how deeply I appreciated your writing as you did with regard to my father. The past few weeks have been trying ones and particularly so for my mother, who during the last two years has devoted her life to caring for my father. For her and for all of us, the messages we have received from our friends have been a great source of comfort and strength....” Some postal wrinkles along blank top margin, else fine, with a splendid - and authentic - signature. • With envelope, 3¢ purple postage stamp affixed beside Nixon’s engraved free-frank, evidently a measure of his honesty, as he considered the letter a personal one. Sawtooth across top where opened with letter opener, some toning, else very good. Typewritten slip inserted by collector, identifying Postal: “...I bought this Nixon signature from him for 1.50, about 1965.” Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $400-525 (3 pcs.) |
15-13. “...Their fair share towards the cost of unemployment relief.”Lengthy T.L.S. of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, on blue-engraved White House letterhead, May 24, 1935, 8 x 10 1/2. To C.F. Stiarwalt, Shelbyville, Ill. “...Concerning the Illinois relief situation...I have information from Mr. Hopkins that the lower house of the Ill. Legislature has today acted by passing a measure which will make available a share of the cost of relief. I assure you that I am deeply concerned over the situation in the State. With regard to urging states to undertake their fair share towards the cost of unemployment relief, it has been my purpose to establish a cooperative relationship with the states and subdivisions of the Government, through which we could meet the needs of those on relief because of unemployment. I regret that it has occasionally, though very rarely, been necessary to resort to the withdrawal of funds from a state in order to get the state to do its duty by its own citizens. The Federal Government ought not to assume a burden beyond which the state and local governments are able to bear, and it is in keeping with that principle that we have conducted the entire Federal relief operations. I believed this to be a sound policy in inaugurating the Federal relief program in 1933, and after two years, I am more convinced than ever that the Federal Government should limit its efforts to correspond with the ability of the states and localities to contribute their share.” Pleasing uniform ivory toning, setting off his bold signature in olive brown. Excellent. Addressee Stiarwalt was earlier Sec. and a Director of Kankaskia Live Stock Insurance Co. • With envelope, “Official Business,” considerable postal wear, but good. In less than two years, the economy would nosedive yet again, deepening the Depression. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $1200-1600 |
15-14. Pardon by the President.D.S. of Pres. R.B. Hayes, Washington, Feb. 1, 1878, 7 3/4 x 10 letter-sheet. Authorization to Secretary of State “to affix the Seal of the U.S. to a warrant for the pardon of Henry Salley...and for so doing, this shall be his warrant.” Partly printed script. Signed in coffee-and-cream tan, presenting nicely on rich ivory laid. Short tear at one horizontal fold, else very fine. From oldtime dealer Paul Hoag, who dispersed a cache of Presidential warrants about fifty years ago, and off the market since. $225-275 |
15-15. Margaret Truman writes of her Singing: “I don’t sing it like it’s written....”Daughter of Pres. Truman; her vocal recital provoked a famous letter from the President to a music critic whose words were less than favorable. A.L.S. on White House letterhead, no date but 1945-53, 4 1/2 x 7, 3 pp., to Mrs. Schiffeler, thanking her and Col. Schiffeler for “two such wonderful parties. Sunday was delightful...and we all had such fun. I made a mistake in one note of my ‘Cielito Lindo’ bar, but the funny thing is, that until I thought about to put it on your wall, I’d never noticed that I don’t sing it like it’s written in the music. It’s too late to change the wall or me so it’s up as I sing it, wrong note and all. You were grand to give the ‘gang’ a chance to meet and know Nelson...They all thought he was terrific. Even the boys...were awfully jealous that night. Goody. I only hope we didn’t stay too late...Affectionately, Margaret.” • With envelope, “The White House” steel-engraved in gold, addressed in Miss Truman’s hand to “Mrs. Curt C. Schiffeler, The Raleigh, By Hand.” Both very fine. A look back at a time when criticism of Presidential children was infrequent and tame. $100-140 (2 pcs.) |
15-16. Hayes Lampooned as “A little man willing to accept a stolen office and play at being President.”Two newspapers from Rutherford B. Hayes’ first days in office: The Capital, Washington, Extra of Mar. 5, 1877, 13 x 21 1/2, 4 pp., edited by noted muckracker Donn Piatt, known for his attacks on corruption and fraud. Extensive, vicious attacks on Hayes’ ascent to office, mirroring modern rhetoric (though the editor skewered both parties and other Presidents too, in his career). On p. 1, “The Inaugural Addres [probably an intentional slap at Hayes, considered a “bogus administration” in column 4],” alluding to black freedom and the bitterly contested election of 1876. Quoting Hayes: “...Republicans are like the children of Israel, the chosen people of the Lord...Would not the children have had the same right to seize, hold and enjoy the property of their political opponents? (Voice, ‘Dat’s so; Moses went for de hen roosts.’ Cheers.) The services of the Republican party to the country cannot be overestimated...It saved the Union through a four-years’ war, in which the Republicans alone fought, bled and died. It emancipated four millions of slaves...It has kept the turbulent South in a state of abject servitude, thereby teaching that restless region humility...It has taught the negro, late slave, that he is master...An ungrateful people, in a moment of much political excitement, seemed to have forgotten these services...After nearly a century’s experience we find the polls so corrupted that it is necessary to organize an institution that, intervening between the ballot and the official, saves the one and protects the other. This is called a returning board...We are in our father’s house and we intend to stay. (Cries, ‘Dat’s so; hit ‘em agin.’)....” Article lamenting, “No end of confusion permeated the Capitol yesterday over Rutherford B.’s oath of office...The Returning Board Pres. had taken an assortment of oaths...at 7 P.M., again on Sun. morning, and he was going to try it also on Mon. at the Capitol...A little man willing to accept a stolen office and play at being Pres....” Several editorials by the sharp-quilled Piatt: “The Evil Accomplished...The end of self-government. The voice of the people is stifled...There remains only the sacred right of revolution, the armed resistance of an oppressed people....” Soft vertical overfold, some marginal wear affecting no text, else V.G. and clean. • National Republican, Washington, Mar. 7, 1877, 17 x 23 1/4, 4 pp. Top story, “Pres. Hayes at Work - What was Done at the Executive Mansion Yesterday - A throng of visitors...A large number were politicians, with axes to grind, but the bulk of the crowd consisted of strangers who had come to witness the inauguration...and inspected the home of the new Pres...four to five thousand people....” Speculation on each of Hayes’ Cabinet appointees, and the “Southern-Man Proposition.” Hayes serenaded by the “Sweet Singers from Ohio.” Old folds, usual handling wrinkles and wear, but good plus. WorldCat locates one copy and no copies, respectively, of these issues. Both very rare. $90-130 (2 pcs.) |
15-17. Pres. and Mrs. Nixon White House Cards.Pair of signatures, sold as autopen, both to a likely Republican donor in Danville, Pa.: White House card, steel engraved in blue, with calligraphy, “To L. Russell McConnell, With best wishes,” signed “Richard Nixon,” the trailing of the terminal “n,” varying densities of the greyish-black ink, and spine of quill suggesting not an autopen, but requires study. Choice. In White House envelope, postmarked Dec. 26, 1972, about seven weeks after his reelection. • White House card, steel engraved in blue, signed “Patricia Nixon.” Superb, in uniform, fine royal blue ink. In White House envelope, postmarked Jan. 24, 1973 – just four days after Nixon’s second inauguration. Envelopes with light toning and postal wear, else about fine. $50-70 (4 pcs.) |
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16-1. Ticket to the Impeachment.Uncommon full ticket, unused and unnumbered, with stub, “U.S. Senate / Impeachment of the President / Admit the Bearer / Apr. 3rd, 1868 / Gallery.” 2 3/4 x 4 3/4. Red on lemon yellow double-thick bristol. On stub, “To be taken up at Main Entrance / No. _ / U.S. Senate.” The proceedings that day included entering into the record a message from Johnson to the Senate two years before, reminding them of “...a proper appreciation of the letter and spirit of the Constitution, as well as of the interests of national order, harmony, and union....” The trial dragged on til May 26. Not one of the Republican Senators who voted for acquittal ever served in elective office again. Perforations (actually a die-score) remarkably pristine, never bent or even flexed; all four corners square, and probably as close to mint as these impeachment tickets can be found. A choice and eye-catching example. With 1970 invoice of Conway Barker, 27.50, and mailing envelope. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $375-475 |
16-2. Before the Impeachment.Carte photograph of Andrew Johnson, contemporary hand on verso “Pres. Johnson” with flourish. Probably dateable to 1865, following his succession of Lincoln. Seated, looking right, gazing intently. Ivory patina, dark brown tones. Four corners diced, to fit in period album, some darkening at blank lower right margin, perhaps where touched repeatedly, as page of book was turned, else very good. $45-65 |
16-3. Whig Campaign “Poster” for the 1844 Presidential Contest.Showing candidate Henry Clay, known as “the President maker,” here running for the Oval Office himself - for the third time. Identifiable by voters by his imposing solid black silhouette, a curious left-facing variant, standing in profile, beside two fluted columns and massive drapery in mezzotint. Stone lithograph by E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, (Hartford), Conn., 1844 - the year Clay ran on the Whig ticket. Losing the race, he seemingly reached the zenith of statesmanship with the Compromise of 1850, seeking to avoid civil war. Image size 9 3/4 x 13 1/4, overall 11 1/4 x 15 1/2, “from life by Wm. H. Brown.” Top margin and two corners lacking, 1” tear at upper left margin extending into drapery, some other edge chipping and tears, but clean, quite attractive, and good plus. Dramatic wall decor for a den or office. WorldCat locates only one example, in Library of Virginia. One of the most important political figures in American history, Clay was the first person to lie in state in the Capitol rotunda. $90-120 |
16-4. Abolishing the Electoral College – 1967.Signed magazine, The Student Lawyer Journal, American Law Student Association, Mar. 1967, 8 1/4 x 11, 32 pp., green and black cover with large photo of J.F.K. taking oath of allegiance. Cover story “How We Elect the President: What the Public Should Know,” by Sen. Birch Bayh; inside, 4 1/2 pp. article by the Indiana politician, signed on p. 7 beside his large photo. Discussing “The ‘Winner Take All,’” “The Problems are Real Ones - Illustrations of Inquities,” “Popular Preference Ignored,” “Role of Minority Parties - Misconception of History,” “Minority Groups Will Prosper,” “Now, Minorities are Protestors,” “Supporters of Popular Vote,” and more. “A Gallup poll, taken last year, gives further evidence that a substantial majority of Americans would endorse a direct popular vote plan...Direct popular election would bring with it many virtues. It would substitute clarity for confusion, decisiveness for danger....” Elsewhere, review of new books, Computers and The Law, and The Good Samaritan and The Law, discussing Kitty Genovese case. Birch Baye remains the only non-Founding Father to author two Constitutional amendments, the 25th and 26th. He led unsuccessful efforts to eliminate the Electoral College; he evidently thought it would hinder his 1972 and 1976 Democratic bids for President. Both campaigns were truncated. Some pressroom scuffing of cover, else fine and unusual. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $40-55 |
16-5. “At no time...has the nation faced greater dangers...than it does now.”T.L.S. of colorful conservative New Hampshire Gov. Meldrim Thomson, Jr., Concord, Feb. 24, 1977, 8 1/2 x 11, to Maxfield. “It was a great pleasure to receive your communication indicating your support of the recent action I took in flying the flags of our state and nation on the public buildings of N.H. at half staff to signify our deep sympathy for the veterans of the Vietnam War who lost their lives because they obeyed their nation’s laws. I sincerely believe that at no time in the short 200 years of our history has the nation faced greater dangers, both at home and abroad, than it does now. Patriotic Americans must understand that the great American way of life can perish just as readily as have all of the other civilizations of the past...We must, in a true sense, be citizen soldiers of the Republic working daily for the reestab-lishment of those great virtues of economy, courage, decency and morality that guided our founding fathers....” Very fine. A month earlier, on his first full day in office, Pres. Carter pardoned hundreds of thousands of Vietnam-era draft dodgers. His act remains controversial to this day. Running in 1970 on the American Independent Party ticket of George Wallace, the colorful Thomson coined the slogan “Ax the tax.” Under his governorship, he abolished most of New Hampshire’s taxes. Upon Maine’s arrest of a N.H. fisherman, Thomson began the “Lobster Wars,” the contest escalating to the U.S. Supreme Court, with drawing of an ocean boundary between the two states. Running for Pres. on his own Constitution Party ticket, Thomson got on the ballot in five states, but ended his campaign when Reagan’s 1980 nomination crystallized. • With envelope, flap torn but front fine, and typewritten note on Maxfield Orchestras notepaper, “...in reply to my notes objecting to amnesty for Viet Nam deserters.” $70-100 (3 pcs.) |
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16-6. Ire of the Viet Nam Generation.T.L.S. of Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, on letterhead as Director of Selective Service, Washington, Oct. 23, 1969, 6 1/2 x 9. To Lee Maxfield. “It was most gracious of you to write me....” • With two newspaper articles sent by Maxfield for autograph, one signed just below masthead of The Evening Star, Washington, with headline “Nixon Sees Hershey on ‘Future,’” and “Hershey Says He Was Sacrificed,” from Washington Post. Hershey said in a post-dismissal interview, “The people making a great racket are a small minority, even the kids...My five-year-old grandchild can destroy things but she can’t put them together...If the great majority of kids think this country and its institutions are not worth fighting for, we’re in a hell of a fix....” Letter excellent, two signed articles with uniform toning, else fine; envelope flap torn and damaged, toning, else satisfactory. Nearing the apex of protests of the Viet Nam War era, Hershey had unenviable conspicuity. $55-80 (4 pcs.) |
16-7. The Vietnam Era and “...the people who feel violent, hostile & angry....”A.L.S. of dancer-actress Shirley MacL(aine) with her poignant commentary on the Vietnam War era, (Arlington, Va.), postmarked Nov. 9, 1969. 5 3/4 x 7 3/4, black on cloud-grey Crane’s laid notepaper, bordered in white. Replying to Lee Maxfield, who had written about her appearance the previous evening on the Tonight Show. “...More often than not it’s the people who feel violent, hostile & angry who write letters to someone like me, so I want you to know how much I appreciate your warmth. It’s nice to know there are people who understand. By the way, I too am looking for another Irma La Douce!” Excellent. • With Maxfield’s carbon copy of lengthy letter to her on the anti-war peace marches cresting at the time: “...I believe a great number of people have joined these marches because they are against all wars, and that a small number support the marches because they are draft dodgers, and that another small group is probably Communist and is using all the groups for the benefit of Hanoi...Each group should make known its method by which this war would be ended. Frankly, I’m sorry we ever heard of Viet Nam...I’m greatly concerned how it can be terminated without a total capitulation to the Communists... Let’s keep the United States of America the best country the world has ever seen.” • Large Washington Star newspaper clipping, signed for Maxfield, “Always thank you / Shirley MacLaine,” showing her laughing with Harry Hirschfield. • All contained in Lee Maxfield Orchestras’ self-addressed reply envelope, postal wear, else about good. $100-130 (4 pcs.) |
16-8. Bringing down the Curtain on Camelot.Candid black-and-white glossy of Father Oscar L. Huber, who delivered last rites to J.F.K. in Dallas. Signed both sides: across light upper portion, and on verso, in fine blue ballpoint. 3 1/4 x 4 3/4. Standing, in collar, in front of textured rock wall. Excellent, and rare thus. For the next half century, Huber was obliged to counter the accusation that upon leaving Parkland Hospital, he had leaked news of Kennedy’s passing before the White House had issued a formal statement. The press secretary did not want the news released til L.B.J. was safely aboard Air Force One, fearing a second assassination plot. A recent book failed to clear Huber’s name – yet another J.F.K. mystery remaining unsolved. With 1967 invoice and envelope (torn when opened) of Dr. Milton Kronovet, 3.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $80-110 |
16-9. Thisclose to the Oval Office.T.L.S. of 1968 Democratic Presidential candidate and Vice Pres. Hubert H. Humphrey, on his Senate letterhead, Jan. 12, 1978, 8 1/2 x 11. To Lee Maxfield. “Many thanks for your recent request for my autograph. I am delighted to send it to you with my best wishes.” In black felt-tip marker, signed with a slight tremor, supporting its authenticity; Humphrey passed away later that year. Light handling evidence, else fine and attractive. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 |
16-10. The Other William McKinley.T.L.S. of Sen. W(illiam) B. McKinley of Ill., on Committee on Appropriations letterhead, Apr. 9, 1926, 8 1/2 x 11. To C.F. Stiarwalt, Shelbyville, Ill. “...I thoroughly appreciate the interest you are manifesting in my candidacy....” Oversize watermark of Seal of the U.S. rotated 90°. Pale blue typewriter ribbon; signed in rich brown. Curious grain-of-rice-size internal hole along one fold, blank lower left edge crinkled, probably from typewriter carriage, else fine. With envelope, printed free-frank, stylized postal cancellation “Let’s Go! Citizens Military Training Camps.” Dust-toned at right margin, postal wear, else about satisfactory. Interesting “Presidential” association piece. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $30-40 (2 pcs.) |
16-11. Kentucky’s Governor and the Mule.Pair of items signed by Kentucky Gov. Louie B. Nunn: T.L.S. on steel-engraved letterhead, blind-embossed Seal of Ky., May 26, 1969, 7 1/4 x 10 1/2. • Article, “Mule Presentation Kicks Back on Poor” from Washington Post, sent to the Gov. by Lee Maxfield, signed at an angle across text, “Kindest regards...Gov. of Kentucky.” “Two dozen poor people who attempted to embarrass the Republican governors with the gift of a mule saw their effort foiled today when Ky. Gov. Louie B. Nunn accepted their offering with a sarcastic speech of gratitude...‘(When) I look at his rear quarters, I will be ever mindful of the conduct and behavior of some of those who made this presentation’....” Toning of letter from article, else both fine; envelope with dime-sized spot (a postal worker’s coffee?), else very good. (Interestingly, the official cancellation reads “Every Kentuckian Counts.”) Nunn’s governorship would be rocked by riots in Louisville, and protests, a curfew, and burning of an ROTC building at the University of Kentucky. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $35-45 (3 pcs.) |
16-12. Three-Time Presidential Candidate.Newspaper cartoon signed at top by Adlai E. Stevenson, from Charlotte Observer, probably late 1950s. 5 1/4 x 6 3/4, showing the Illinois Democrat pointing an arrow “Angola” into the air, his quiver marked “New Colonialsm Policy.” Titled, “I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to Earth I know not where.” Democratic Presidential candidate in 1952, 1956, and 1960, Stevenson was credited by Arthur Schlesinger as making J.F.K. possible. Such has been Stevenson’s enduring impact that his name has appeared in television and film from Happy Days to The Manchurian Candidate; the Pres. in Dr. Strangelove was modeled on Stevenson. One horizontal fold, uniform toning, else fine. Attractive for display. With 1966 invoice of Dr. Milton Kronovet, 2.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-100 |
16-13. America’s First Woman to Serve in Both Houses of Congress to an Orchestra Leader.T.L.S. of the remarkable Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, on Senate Committee on Armed Services letterhead, June 18, 1969, 8 x 10 1/2. To Lee Maxfield Orchestras. “...It was a delightful evening, much of the pleasure coming from your music. The selections were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed you all....” Very light edge toning, else very fine. With envelope, torn open across top, some dust toning, fair. The first woman to be placed in a major party’s nomination for President, at 1964 Republican Convention, and to this day, the longest-serving Republican woman in Senate history. Among other firsts, Smith was the first and only civilian woman to sail on a U.S. Navy ship during World War II, making a 25,000-mile tour of South Pacific bases. $45-60 (2 pcs.) |
16-14. The First Third-Party Presidential Candidate to Carry a State.Signature of Wm. Wirt, 1832 Anti-Masonic Presidential candidate - though a former Freemason! Refusing to publicly speak against the Masons, Wirt did not actively campaign, but still carried Vermont, becoming the first third-party Presidential ticket to win a state. Attorney Gen. under Monroe and J.Q. Adams; appearing in landmark cases including Gibbons vs. Ogden; one of prosecution counsel in Aaron Burr’s treason. The longest-serving Attorney Gen. in history, Wirt is credited with instilling influence in the position. Close of letter, “Yours with respect & esteem” also in his hand, 1 1/4 x 3 1/2. Amber mottling from old glue on verso, two blank corners lacking, else satisfactory and darkly penned. • With highly attractive stippled copperplate-engraved portrait, tipped with glassine hinges to larger sheet. Diagonal tear in blank lower left, some foxing, else very good. With 1974 invoice of Conway Barker, 10.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $45-60 (2 pcs.) |
16-15. Quintessential Maine.Dinner program inscribed on cover “To Lee Maxfield with appreciation & best wishes / Ed Muskie,” Humphrey’s recent 1968 running mate, this affair entitled, “An Evening of Maine in Washington - Sponsored by the Maine State Society,” with full-page photo of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith. “Music for dancing” by Lee Maxfield and Orchestra. Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., May 23, 1969, 6 x 9, (12) pp. Maine Seal in blue on white Kromekote, black and white text. All-Maine menu, including Maine gourmet shrimp cocktail, native Maine lobster, Maine baked russet potatoes, Maine wild sweet blueberry pie, Maine beet sugar, Maine sardines, and more. At head table, Sen. Smith, Gov. Kenneth Curtis, Sen. and Mrs. Muskie, et al. Guests included political cartoonist Herb Block and Cabinet members. Choice. $40-60 |
16-16. Two Political Towers of Power.Glossy 8 x 10 of orchestra leader-autograph collector Lee Maxfield, holding trumpet, with controversial Texas Sen. John Tower, inscribed across top in lilac marker, “Best regards to Lee Maxfield, John Tower.” By Chase, Washington. Tower, in finely-tailored three-piece pinstripe suit, wearing badge, “Special Guest...M.H.M.A.” Maxfield resplendent in satin dinner jacket, ruffled shirt, and bowtie. 2” vertical mailing crease against Tower’s trousers and vest, lesser handling evidence, else fine plus. Texas’ first Republican Sen. since Reconstruction, and for a time, one of only two Republican legislators in the entire state. He would also become the first Cabinet nominee of a newly-elected Pres. ever rejected by the Senate. • Flattering 8 x 10 glossy photoprint of wash portrait of Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, inscribed in brown marker to Maxfield’s son-in-law, “...with best wishes.” Shown seated, a bust of Lincoln on table behind him. A small-town baker, Dirksen rose to become a major figure in 1960s politics, helping author the 1964 and 1968 Civil Rights Acts, breaking the Democrats’ filibuster of the former. Trivial corner tap, else excellent. $50-70 (2 pcs.) |
16-17. King of the Senate.Two signed, candid 8 x 10 glossies of Ill. Sen. Everett M. Dirksen at a Washington soirée, orchestra leader-collector Lee Maxfield leaning on table as he chats with the Senator and his wife. • In second photo, Maxfield in background, as Dirksen shakes hands amidst a group of seven, including his wife. Silver Spring photographer’s date on verso, 1969. Both boldly signed on white lower mount in broad blue-black marker, “...U.S. Senate.” 1/2” tear at top of each, minor postal handling, else about fine. $50-75 (2 pcs.) |
16-18. “I do have a New England twang....”Humorous T.L.S. of Mass. Sen. Leverett Salstonstall, on Senate letterhead, Washington, Nov. 16, 1966, 8 1/2 x 11. To Lee Maxfield. “I have your amusing letter...I wish I could say I was the caller, but I am afraid I cannot. While I do have a New England Yankee twang which is constantly called to my attention, I am afraid the voice you heard was not mine. Some day call me up and you can check to see if you recognize the difference....” A Mayflower descendant, Salstonstall was the only member of Republican Senate leadership to vote for censure of Joe McCarthy. Minor wear, else fine. $25-35 |
16-19. Presidential and Texas Political Races, 1960-2016.Varied assortment of political campaign memorabilia, much Presidential, including Texas-only releases, 1960 to 2016: 1960 Nixon-Lodge pinback, 3 1/2”, and metal lapel tab pin. Defeated by Kennedy-Johnson. Mint. Genuine. • 1964 Goldwater-Miller brochure, door hanger, 4 assorted bumper stickers; 3 pins, 1”. • C. 1966 Winthrop Rockefeller, “Win with Win” pin, for Gov. of Ark. • 1968 George Wallace: 4 Day-Glo bumper stickers (one with Curtis LeMay), 1 American Party brochure (handling wear), 3” campaign button. • 1970 George Bush (41) for Senate color mailer; wafer seal removed, else fine. Showing his World War II plane. Now very scarce. • 1968 and 1972 Nixon-Agnew, 11 bumper stickers (six styles), 11 brochures (ten diff.), two 1” pins; 1 large, numbered admission ticket to 1973 Inaugural reception for Vice Pres. and Mrs. Agnew. • 1972 McGovern-Shriver, 1 1/2” pin. • 1976 Gerald Ford-Bob Dole, 7 campaign brochures (four varieties), 8 bumper stickers (two styles), and two 1 1/2” pins. • 1980 and 1984 Reagan-Bush, 7 bumper stickers, 1 pane of stickers, 5 campaign brochures, four pins (1”, 1 1/2”, 2”, and 3”). • 1988 Bush (41) for Pres., 7 bumper stickers (three styles), 2 campaign brochures, four pins (1”, 1 1/2”, and two 2”). • Bush (43) for Texas Gov., bumper sticker (served 1995-2000). • 2004 Bush (43)-Cheney, bumper stickers, 8 pcs. (three styles). • 2008 McCain-Palin, bumper sticker and 2” pin. • 2016 Scott Walker, Mitt Romney, and Rubio for Pres. bumper stickers. • “Back Jack” for Pres. (Jack-in-the Box) humorous bumper sticker. • “Had Enough? Vote Republican” bumper sticker and matchbook. • Misc. Texas campaign items: John Tower for Senate (Texas, served 1961-85), 2 bumper stickers, pins, unused raffle-book-style photo stickers (80 on 8 sheets, one used), and 2 matchbooks. • Phil Gramm for Senate (Texas, served 1985-2002), bumper sticker, 2” pin, brochure. • Kay Bailey Hutchison for Senate (Texas, served 1993-2013), 4 bumper stickers. • Bumper sticker, Paul Eggers, Texas Gov.’s race 1968 and 1972. • Preston Smith for Texas Gov. (served 1969-1973), 1 3/4” pin. • Henry Grover, Texas Gov.’s race 1972, bumper sticker. • Alan Steelman for Senate, Texas, folder, 1976. • David “Mac” Sweeney for Congress (two terms, 1985-89), 3 brochures, 4 bumper stickers, and invitation to reception with Gerald Ford (5 pcs. including gold ticket). Few bumper stickers with filing bend at ends, occasional minor imperfections, else generally clean and excellent to mint. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $325-450 (over 139 pcs.) |
16-20. 1969 Nixon-Agnew Inaugural Packet.Numbered white envelope containing: Inauguration Ceremonies Program, magnificently steel-engraved cover, gold eagle in high relief, red, white and blue ribbon, 6 1/4 x 9. • Separate leaves with portraits of Nixon and Agnew, tissue guards, near-photographic lithography in rarely-seen straight-line halftone conversion. • Exquisitely engraved invitation, Everett Dirksen, Chairman, Gerald R. Ford a member of Committee on Arrangements. • Blue ticket to “Inaugural Stands, East Front of Capitol.” • Two tickets to “Preferred Standing Room...Capitol Grounds,” red and black on white, pocket wear, one with edge tear; one marked “Dennis” on verso in pencil. • ”Official Guide Book - Inaugural 1969,” 4 1/4 x 6, red cover, 32 pp., bluetone photos of Nixon, Agnew, and wives. In a statement of clergy: “The Inauguration...comes at a time of great uneasiness, division, and fear...We call upon our fellow citizens to examine their own lives....” Ironically, the Republican slogan “Forward Together,” appearing on each page, would be recycled, with modification, by later Democratic candidates. • Ribbon, gold-stamped purple satin, “1789-1969 / 4th Inaugural / Richard M. Nixon / Spiro T. Agnew...,” with goldtone header, “Volunteer” on celluloid within. Very scarce. • With 2 bumper stickers, and privately printed “Nixon/Agnew Coloring Book,” 9 x 12, (20) pp., Chuckles Publishing Co., bitingly satirical verse and line drawings awaiting coloring; including First Family, Humphrey, L.B.J., McCarthy, Wallace. “This is Georgie Boy, He believes in States Rights, Anarchists and Integration, God bless you, Georgie Boy, Don’t color him. He couldn’t stand to be colored.” Two tickets as described, else fine to mint. A comprehensive assemblage. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $100-130 (13 pcs.) |
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17-1. A Significant World War I Poster.Strikingly attractive, rare chromolithographed poster, “All for One - One for All,” by Richard Cronin, N.Y., 15 x 19 3/4, on heavy canvas-embossed paper, judged produced early in World War I, following Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination in Aug. 1914. With large eagle at center clutching olive branch and arrows, red, white and blue shield, “E Pluribus Unum” ribbon, with flags of America and our eleven Allied countries fluttering above: Cuba, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Italy, England, France, Belgium, Japan, Portugal, and Servia. The reds and oranges are near-fluorescent. Seven vertical creases where once rolled, 2” horizontal tear at left, into red field of Montenegran flag, small chip at blank bottom, light uniform dust toning, but still brilliantly colorful and very satisfactory. A 1919 poster by Cronin, “Knight of Judaea,” showing a female knight of olde carrying the Star of David flag, is included in The Palestine Poster Project Archives, nominated to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Program 2016-17. Interestingly, when Cronin produced a quartet of 1915 war posters on Italian themes, he used the business name Italian Book Co., N.Y. The 1909 Trow... Directory of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shows Cronin as a director of Gotham Lithographic Co., 58 Reade St. A copy of the offered poster resides in Princeton’s Poster Collection; no other examples located by WorldCat, no sales records at RareBookHub, and scant references elsewhere. A 22 x 30 variant dated as 1918, sold at Heritage in 2013 for 1250.00. $425-650 |
17-2. America’s Top Gun in World War I.Wonderful group of Eddie Rickenbacker items: Retained carbon copy of orchestra leader-collector Lee Maxfield’s letter to him, Nov. 17, 1967, inquiring if Rickenbacker knew Eugene Cecil, a 1920s barnstormer in Maxfield’s home town of Villa Grove, Ill., killed in a flying accident. • Reply on Rickenbacker’s steel-engraved stationery, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, from his secretary, Marguerite H. Shepherd. “While Capt. Rickenbacker was in the city for a few days from a tour he is making throughout the country in connection with promotion of his autobiography...he was happy to autograph the enclosed photograph for you...About Eugene Cecil, he regrets to advise that he did not know him.” • Splendid older sepia silverprint, evidently from Rickenbacker’s vintage supply, 8 x 10, posed with his “Hat in the Ring” biplane. Inscribed in Waterman blue, “With best wishes / To Lee Maxfield / Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker 1918/1967.” Some blind stippling at blank right margin, apparently from depressions made by metal clasp of accompanying envelope while in transit, minor handling evidence, else fine. • Large manila envelope with typewritten label from Rickenbacker’s office, showing only room number at 45 Rock. Corners much worn, else good. • T.L.S. of Rickenbacker, Dec. 8, 1967. “...As I do have books at the office here I have autographed one for Robert F. Barnes, 1st National Bank Building, McAllen, Texas, and one for yourself. These books are being forwarded to Prentice-Hall ...publisher...for mailing and billing to you...Each book will be $7.95...A Happy Holiday Season.” Superb signature in jet black. Choice. • Envelope bearing engraved cornercard. Very fine. A monumental personality, both figuratively and literally, Rickenbacker received the Medal of Honor and seven Distinguished Service Crosses. The most successful American ace in World War I - with 26 aerial victories - he also raced at Indianapolis four times, later leading Eastern Airlines. (As a fourteen-year-old, this cataloguer corresponded with Rickenbacker. Invited to visit him at his office, and discuss the Rickenbacker automobile, his graciousness will never be forgotten.) $350-425 (6 pcs.) |
17-3. “Black Jack” – The Man who could have Prevented World War II.T.L.S. of John J. Pershing on his letterhead steel-engraved in dark blue, Washington, Dec. 10, 1928, 7 x 10 1/2. To Miss Betty Brookes, Baltimore. “...It is my opinion that life yields no greater compensation than the contentment resulting from the faithful and efficient performance of work which we like to do. My advice, therefore, is that you select a vocation which appeals to you and for which you are suited. This step taken, success will follow your enthusiastic concentration on the duties involved....” Excellent. A lovely example for display, combining content and condition. • With envelope, nicely postmarked “Mail Early for Christmas.” Lacking flap, stains on verso, very light soiling, else about fine. With a storied career, from the last of the Sioux uprisings, to San Juan Hill, and Pancho Villa, Pershing’s life changed when his wife and three of his four children perished in a Presidio of San Francisco fire. The only General in American history to be promoted within his lifetime to “General of the Armies,” Pershing had sought to continue World War I and occupy Germany, to permanent destroy its militarism. Had he done so, the history of the twentieth century would likely have been quite different. Ironically, his family roots were German: their name’s original spelling was Persching. $200-275 (2 pcs.) |
17-4. Signed Photo of a Real Uncle Sam.Arrestingly charismatic vintage sepia photograph of James Montgomery Flagg, artist immortalized by his World War I recruiting poster of a stern Uncle Sam (believed to be his own face, with goatee!) pointing at the beholder. Poignant, pensive pose, in hounds-tooth jacket, smoking cigarette. Inscribed to Wally Pike, signed in Flagg’s trademark illustrator’s hand, darkest mahogany ink complementing the image’s rich coffee tones. Dated on verso July 5, 1937. By “Pirie MacDonald, Photographer of Men, N.Y.,” 7 3/4 x 10 1/4. Large red rubber stamp on verso, “A National Broadcasting Co. photo...Compliments of the Press Relations Dept...711 Fifth Ave....” Lacking upper right tip, blank upper left tip bent, very light handling evidence, else fine. Splendid for display. Uncommon. While “Uncle Sam” was first coined before the Civil War, based on a real “Sam” in Troy, N.Y., it is Flagg’s styling that is familiar to Americans of the last century. A contributing artist to Life magazine by age 14, at his zenith Flagg was the highest paid magazine illustrator in America. $325-425 |
17-5. Signed by the Rammer, Rescuer, and Six Survivors of PT-109.Envelope with black printed commemorative cachet “Solomon Islands...Aug. 1943 - Lt. John F. Kennedy - Survival,” with map and J.F.K.’s likeness, signed by six survivors of his celebrated torpedo boat PT-109, plus Lt. A.R. Evans, Australian coast watcher who helped rescue J.F.K.’s crew – and (Capt.) Kokei Hanami, the Japanese commander whose destroyer rammed the PT-109, cutting it in half in ten seconds. Dual oversize postmarks Evanston, Ill., Oc(t). 8, 1968. Excellent, and splendid for display. In a stirring story of courage, Kennedy towed his badly burned machinist mate in a four-hour swim to the deserted Plum Pudding Island, evading the local sharks, crocodiles – and Japanese. Scratching a message in a coconut shell, natives were able to finally bring rescue to Kennedy and all eleven of his crew. In 1952, the Japanese protagonist, sought by then-Senate candidate J.F.K., expressed his profound respect for Kennedy’s bravery, and hoping for friendship between the two countries. The Navy’s file on JFK’s saga at sea was declassified in 1959. Though Kennedy would later liken the event to the Bay of Pigs fiasco, it elevated him to war hero, immeasurably boosting his political prospects. Cdr. Hanami attended Kennedy’s inauguration. And rather incredibly, the coconut shell wended its way back to J.F.K., preserved under glass on his Oval Office desk. With 1974 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 45.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $220-270 |
17-6. Doolittle and – Bulgaria.Attractive signature of J.H. Doolittle in blue, on pretty pink and red Bulgarian 10 Leva banknote, with yellow, green and purple security underprint. 1951, not actually issued til following year. The farm tractor depicted was an antique even then. Planning and leading the first American air raid on Japan, Doolittle’s raiders hit Tokyo, Kobe, Nagoya, and Yokohama, shocking the Japanese and a tremendous morale boost on the home front. With victory at Midway four weeks later, the Japanese advancement in the Pacific was halted. Trivial soft vertical crease at left, else excellent. One of the most unlikely forms of Doolittle’s signature we have encountered. With 1977 invoice of Conway Barker, 12.00, charging 13¢ postage! Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $100-130 |
17-7. Raid over Tokyo.Postwar black-and-white glossy portrait of Gen. J.H. Doolittle, signed in blue in light portion at upper right, 4 x 5. One of the most exciting - and daring - missions of the war, Doolittle’s raiders landed in China, then our ally. It is estimated that the Japanese killed 250,000 Chinese while searching for Doolittle’s crew. Very soft postal crease just touching head, discernable only at certain angles, else very fine. With 1978 invoice and envelope of Dr. Milton Kronovet, 5.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $75-100 |
17-8. Mission Impossible.A.L.S. of World War II ace Col. Rex T. Barber, credited with shooting down Yamamoto’s plane, killing him. Member of the top secret Operation Vengeance, to intercept the aircraft carrying Japanese Adm. Yamamoto in 1943. In all, Barber flew 138 missions before being shot down himself, rescued by Chinese civilians; postwar he commanded one of America’s first jet squadrons. Seven-line reply penned at bottom of letter from history buff, n.d. but 1970s-80s, 8 1/2 x 11. Asking Barber, “What kind of nose art did you have on your plane, and why did you decide on that particular art work?...” He replies, “On the right side of my Gondola was painted the Picture of a Devil with Horns & Black Cape with Red lining. He had a Pitch fork in his right hand. Over him was Printed the word ‘Diablo.’ I selected this because I thought it better than some girl’s name or picture. Somebody suggested it to me as they said I was a Devil.” Wrinkles along blank upper portion, else very good and clean. With 1991 invoice of Charles Searle, 25.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $80-110 |
17-9. Leader of the Attack on Pearl Harbor – and his Remorse.First Day Cover with red, white and blue patriotic cachet, eagle and four flags crowning portrait of “MacArthur of The Philippines” – signed postwar by the Japanese ace who led the first-wave attack on Pearl Harbor, Capt. Mitsuo Fuchida, in both English and Japanese, with “Luke 23:34” also in his hand - the verse catching his eye in a Bible purchased postwar in a Tokyo railroad station, motivating his conversion to Christianity. Post-marked MacArthur, W.V., Apr. 15, 1942, for 3¢ purple Calif. Pacific International Exposition stamp, “San Diego - 1535-1935.” Very minor wear at lower right tip, else very fine. Commanding the 360-plane squadron, Fuchida was first over Pearl Harbor and the last to leave, surveying the destruction. Torn with remorse, after the war he became a Presbyterian minister, his preaching taking him to the U.S. Fuchida remarked, “I would give anything to retract my actions at Pearl Harbor, but it is impossible. Instead, I now work at striking the death blow to the basic hatred which infests the human heart and causes such tragedies....” (His son was a member of this cataloguer’s Rotary Club years ago; the moment when a new member or guest would make the connection was sometimes jaw-dropping.) Extraordinary. With 1967 invoice of Paul C. Richards, 10.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $425-525 |
17-10. Doolittle and the Masonic Watchfob.T.L.S. “J.” of Lt. Gen. J.H. Doolittle, “H.Q., Army Air Forces, Washington,” Oct. 31, 1945, 8 1/2 x 10 1/2. To Capt. Kellogg Sloan. “...I shall be delighted to have your father’s 33° Masonic watchfob ‘on loan,’ with the understanding that should you ever desire to have it back, it is yours on call. Your note recalled memories of Kelly Field, Langley Field, and later, the Newark area. I even remember a couple of get-togethers at Mitchel Field. Sincerely sorry that our paths have not crossed more frequently for the past few years...Joe joins me in sincere best to you and Mary. As ever.” Light, medium, and dark coffee(?) spots straddling, but just missing sig., uniform toning, else fine. With 1982 invoice of Hudson Rogue Co., 37.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-110 |
17-11. When Russia and China were America’s Allies.Patriotic cartoon poster, “We’ve Made a Monkey Out of You,” 1943, by J.H. King, 15 x 19 3/4, red, white, blue, and black. Showing Uncle Sam grinding an organ, the Capitol Building behind, British, Russian, and Chinese caricatures looking on with amusement as Hitler - in guise of a moustached Nazi monkey - tips his swastika-emblazoned cap and dances for them. Chiang Kai-shek tosses two coins on the ground. Old dealer’s typewritten label on verso, tightly rolled from long storage, varied soft handling evidence and minor defects, else clean, brightly colorful, and good plus. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $55-75 |
17-12. A Sailor’s Life in Fighting Squadron Five – aboard Fabled Aircraft Carriers Ranger and Yorktown.Two wonderful scrapbooks of Navy sailor Edward F. Morley of Arlington Heights, Mass., 1935-41, attached to “Fighting Squadron Five” (VF 5B) of Grumman pursuit planes, serving on the then-new aircraft carriers Ranger and Yorktown, frequenting Pearl Harbor several times. The Grummans were “regarded as the most formidable fighting planes of their size in the world”--newspaper photo mounted on p. 89 of Morley’s scrapbook. The Ranger, just entering service in 1935, was the first Navy ship designed and built as an aircraft carrier; the Yorktown, an even newer vessel, would later be sunk at Midway on one of the most hallowed days in naval history. Morley’s service aboard the Yorktown began even before its shakedown cruise, continued with the ship’s first war game, the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, and up to the precipice of Pearl Harbor. Comprising: Splendid prewar album, 1935-38, containing over 275 crisp, largely identified photographs, including ships doomed at Pearl Harbor. Taken in Hawaii, Long Beach, Norfolk (Va.) Air Station, Panama, Parris Island, San Diego, Washington State, plus one in Haiti, ballfield at Guantanamo, and friends at home. Richly embossed cover with stylized galleon of olde, clay-red on black leatherette, black cord binding, 9 1/4 x 12. Photos varied sizes, miniature, 1 1/4 x 2, 1 3/4 x 2 3/4, and 4 x 5, but majority about 2 1/2 x 3 3/4. Captions on most, meticulously lettered in opaque white on black leaves, many with years. Carefully arranged, with gold photo corners throughout. Many showing shipboard life, including candids of initiation crossing Equator, and camaraderie. Views across the water of U.S.S. Commonwealth, Langley, and Saratoga; battleships California, Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Wyoming, and a crisply detailed photo of the Arizona (most photographed at Bremerton, Washington State); aircraft carrier Ranger; Portland; Worden; two of the ill-fated Indianapolis; submarine Narwhal; and Hale and Buchanan in dry dock. Shipboard scenes including “Ceremonies while crossing Equator” (a montage in Ranger’s ship newspaper, mounted in scrapbook following, was printed from six of these original photos); sailors dressed in elaborate costumes as Neptune Rex and his Royal Highness, a “baby girl” (holding bottle!), a colonial servant in blackface, and others on deck, while commanding officer addresses shipmates; Davy Jones; “Neptune’s dentist”; holding iguana and python in Panama; montage of 9 candids of Vee fighter plane maneuvers of his squadron, including “Stunt Formation,” “Snake Dance,” “Fighting Five,” and “Vee of Vees”; 9 closeups of Navy combat planes on the ground at Parris Island; 2 of crashed planes at Parris; dramatic photos at National Air Races, Cleveland; many small photos of fellow sailors, friends, and relatives. Two 4 x 10s of Fighting Squadron Five officers and sailors, all in dress whites, with remarkable detail under magnification. Had the Japanese seen the looks on their faces, they would never have provoked America into war. The final photo, laid in, is an 8 x 10 of a teenager holding a happy girl of about four, on a merry-go-round in Summer 1937, a poignant image of an America before the storm. Modest shelf wear at top and bottom of spine, fraying at one corner of rear cover, else album good; a small number of photos understandably with minor imperfections and lighter than others, but generally sharp, with excellent contrast, and fine or better. With Seaman Morley’s scrapbook, 1936-41, 7 x 11 1/2, 200 pp. of which about 125 used + 13 pp. at rear containing addresses of Navy comrades and quite a few young misses. In all, containing over 325 souvenirs of his travels, from minor to significant: shipboard menus and documents, business cards, clippings from ship newspapers, ships’ matchbook covers, and a wealth of varied ephemera, all neatly glued on blue-ruled leaves. San Diego stationer’s label, sturdy construction, made for sailors, with “USN” anchor stamped on khaki sailcloth boards, maroon leatherette corners. Large hand-drawn and -colored flag on back cover. Six-year manuscript chronology of his Navy service, 7 pp. + 2 pp. manuscript map; fortuitously leaving the service in Oct. 1941, he concludes, “The rest cannot be told in this book. It is written in mind only.” Including folding menu of 1940 Christmas dinner aboard his carrier U.S.S. Yorktown, poinsettia steel-engraved in red, green, and yellow, the ship in blue (p. 109). With a momentous history, the carrier was hit at Midway, abandoned, reboarded by a brave crew and nearly stabilized – when it was hit again by Japanese torpedoes. Some 141 men were lost. In 1988, the wreck of the ship was found – by the discoverer of the Titanic and Bismarck. • Cards and receipts from his ports of call, including San Diego’s “Panama Cafe and Lunch,” Club Café (“Good Food Served by Women Cooks”), numerous souvenirs from Honolulu including large card offering “Genuine Italian Dinners”; photos and snippets clipped from newspapers printed aboard Ranger and Yorktown, including masthead of “The CV-4,” July 4, 1936, much on Hindenburg disaster, poem entitled “Rangerites,” jokes (some with proverbial sailors’ humor); ship-printed laundry list, coupon for 20 souvenirs at San Diego Expo, regional beer labels, “Welcome Aboard” folder for San Diego “Navy Day,” Ranger second anniversary at-sea dinner menu, 1936 Ranger Thanksgiving and Christmas menus, photo of a girl met at Moonglow Club, Ranger matchbook cover, autograph of Richard Rodriguez - “Bing Crosby of Mexico,” folding menu of San Francisco’s Bohemian Café, 3rd Anniversary Ranger folder with large inset gold-bordered sepia photo of three of its planes in flight. • 10 pp. filled with magazine and news articles on commissioning of his new carrier, the Yorktown; gold on blue ship’s matchbook cover. • Two legal-size Navy Daily Flight Inspection Forms, Norfolk, one for crashed plane. • Pictorial airmail cover to Morley, postmarked aboard Ranger, cachet “Greatest Fleet of Warships to Visit San Francisco in History... 1937.” • Newspaper photos of Morley’s unit, “Crack Naval Squadron Drills for Air Meet.” • Printed sepia photo of Yorktown being repaired, hull cut open, unfolding to 10 1/2 x 16 1/2. • Ticket stubs from N.Y.’s Madison Square Garden hockey game, Paramount, and Loews State Theatre (perhaps the greatest movie theatre in Manhattan). • Montage of 13 matchbook covers, including Enterprise and Yorktown (two different). • Unusual U.S. Postal Money Order receipt issued aboard Yorktown in port of N.Y. • Candid of Morley and shipmate on Manhattan street, New Year’s Eve, 1937-38. • Clipping on fatal crash of two Yorktown planes in Pacific maneuvers. • Envelope front to Morley, with ink, pencil, and crayon markings chasing him from Cuba, to two carriers, the Navy Bureau of Navigation, and finally to the Yorktown. Mounted, defective, but unusual. • Colorful cocktail napkin, diecut, musical notes surrounding dancers. With “Acquaintance Card - May I have the pleasure of escorting you home?...” • Elaborately colorful menu booklet, Christmas dinner 1939, U.S. Naval Air Station, San Diego, twisted cord tie also in red and green. “Capt. J.S. McCain, Commanding” -- father of the Senator. • Fighting Squadron Five daily operating schedule, Sept. 11, 1941, mimeo sheet. Morley’s slot midnight to 4 A.M. • Morley’s employee i.d. card of New England Aircraft School; accompanying printed letter, 1943, indicates he trained mechanics. • Much, much more. Understandable but modest cover wear, masthead of 1970 issue of Our Navy affixed to cover; internal toning, some handling wear, Bismarck clippings lacking, else good and better. A rich, emotional experience aboard two fabled flagships of the new Navy, in the approach to World War II. $650-875 (2 scrapbooks containing over 275 photos and 325 pcs. ephemera) |
17-13. World War II Pilot Training.Bound pilot log of Army-Air Force trainee A/C Malcolm R. Gifford, 1943-44, domestic flight lessons certified by 1st Lt. William Aull, Air Force Operations Officer, et al. 4 1/4 x 7 1/4, flexible brown leatherette, unpaginated, 28 pp. written in Gifford’s meticulous draftsman’s block letters. Indicating aircraft (Stearman PT-17, Vultee BT-13A, and Beechcraft AT-10), all with identification mark “U.S. Army,” engine make and h.p. (Continental 220, Pratt & Whitney 450, and Lycoming 560, respectively), breakdown of flying time with co-pilot and solo, and remarks. Beginning with local flights in McBride and Malden, Mo., his first solo three weeks into his training, then solo night flights. After seven months, Gifford made his first flight with a destination - Charleston-Memphis, then Little Rock-Memphis. The final remark states, “TXC - Interception problem.” Sigs. of trainee and instructors. Some cover wear, internally fine and clean. • War Ration Book, O.P.A., 1943, 11 complete sheets, 48 ration stamps/sheet, black on light green, tiny light tank or aircraft carrier on each + 9 partial sheets other types, including gasoline, coffee, and “spare,” plus several small blocks. Disbound, old half fold, some wear but good. From same estate, but different individual named. $65-85 (2 pcs.) |
17-14. “...in this hour of complete victory...,” Signed by Gen. Mark Clark.Broadsheet, “Headquarters 15th Army Group - To the Soldiers of the 15th Army Group,” May 1945, 7 1/2 x 10, with bold postwar signature at top of (Gen.) Mark W. Clark, in black marker; printed signature at bottom. Apparently a V-E Day or near-date imprint, on pulp, not a later reprint. “With a full and grateful heart I hail and congratulate you in this hour of complete victory over the German enemy, and join with you in thanks to Almighty God. Yours has been a long hard fight - the longest in this war of any Allied troops fighting on the Continent of Europe...The war is not over. The German military machine has been completely crushed...There remains the all important task of inflicting a similar complete defeat on our remaining enemy – Japan...Forward, to final Victory....” Fragment lacking at blank top where pulled from a thumbtack, old quarter-folds, lower left tip torn but mostly present, good plus. Superb for display, its wear conveying the untold soldiers whose eyes set on this document as it was mounted on a wall somewhere in Europe. With copy of 1976 invoice of Conway Barker, 20.00 (also containing his suggestions on document preservation). Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $220-270 |
17-15. Pilot over Hiroshima.First Day Cover for 8¢ purple Einstein stamp, signed by Paul W. Tibbets, with rubber stamp below, “Pilot of the Enola Gay / Hiroshima, Japan, 6 Aug. 1945.” Block of four, tied by Princeton, N.J. postmark, Mar. 14, 1966. Art Craft, with steel-engraved portrait of Einstein, captioned, “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.” Faintest edge toning, else excellent, and striking for display. With copy of 1978 C.D. Price invoice, 30.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $65-90 |
17-16. Tailgunner of Enola Gay.First Day of Issue folder for 8¢ U.N. Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons stamp, 8 1/2 x 11, 3 pp., signed on front panel by T/Sgt. George C. Caron, with “Tail Gunner on Enola Gay” in his hand. Reprinting “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation...,” dramatic charcoal art of “X” over mushroom cloud; text inside. Tied by pictorial U.N. P.O. cancellation, Feb. 14, 1972. Excellent. With copy of 1978 C.D. Price invoice, 25.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $50-70 |
17-17. The Only Man on Both Atomic Bomb Missions.First Day of Issue imitation-parchment reprint of Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, for 10¢ U.N. “Peaceful Uses of Outer Space” stamp, 8 1/2 x 11, signed at bottom by Jacob Beser, “1st Lt. U.S.A.A.F., Enola Gay and Bock’s Car,” in his Einsteinian hand. Tied by pictorial U.N. P.O. cancellation, Mar. 14, 1975. Very light edge toning, else excellent. With copy of 1978 C.D. Price invoice, 20.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $55-75 |
17-18. Releasing the A-Bomb over Hiroshima.First Day of Issue for 10¢ V.F.W. stamp, on printed photograph of the famed image of flag raising on Iwo Jima, 8 1/2 x 11, signed on lower white portion by Thomas W. Ferebee, “Bombardier of Enola Gay.” Also bearing earlier 3¢ olive Iwo Jima postage stamp. Both tied by Washington, D.C. cancel, Mar. 11, 1974. Ferebee released the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. Blank upper right tip creased, lower right corner toned, likely from a large mount, else fine plus. With copy of 1978 C.D. Price invoice, 30.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $60-80 |
17-19. First Atom Bomb Cover.World War II patriotic cover with red, white, blue, and yellow-gold cachet, “First Atomic Bomb Dropped / Hiroshima...” with tassel-fringed shield. Postmark “U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. 1 / Aug. 6, 1945” tying free frank. Neatly applied green censor stamp, and signature of noted philatelist Capt. Frank Teixeira of famed 1st Infantry Division, who prepared cover. All Teixeira covers are now rare. Mint and strikingly attractive. $55-75 |
17-20. “Atom Bomb Created...Unleashed against Japan.”Complete issue of Guinea Gold, Aug. 8, 1945, with front-page headlines announcing “War’s Most Terrible Weapon Launched on Japan – ‘Could Destroy Man’ - Truman.” 10 x 11 1/4, 4 pp. Front and back pages with early stories on dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. Gen. MacArthur permitted his communiqués to be printed in this paper twenty hours before any other news outlet in the world, giving the Guinea Gold an exclusive world scoop on many wartime stories of major importance. MacArthur read his own copy every morning. “The most terrible weapon in history - an atomic bomb with power equal to 20,000 tons of TNT - has been unleashed against Japan. Releasing what may well be the greatest news story of the war, and perhaps of all time, Pres. Truman gave warning of the threat of atomic power to civilization if misused...Japan has been given 48 hours in which to surrender before another atomic bomb obliterates one more of her cities - Radio, Leaflets Promise Annihilation....” Snippets on secrecy during the bomb’s development, the race against the Nazis to perfect it, and certainly a very early public revelation of the words “Manhattan Project.” Itself the “most-bombed” newspaper of the war, the Guinea Gold was printed on antiquated presses in the jungle. From 1942-46, the paper never missed an issue, printing seven days a week. It had a readership of 800,000, and was prized more than rations. Margins browntoned, else remarkably fresh, and fine. With copies of historical background of this extraordinary newspaper. The actual press is now in the Canberra museum. All issues of Guinea Gold now rare on the market; WorldCat locates only four holdings of original issues (two in Australia, and one in N.Z.). RareBookHub finds no sales. $90-130 |
17-21. “Hitler Dead Say Nazis.”Complete issue of Guinea Gold, May 3, 1945. 10 x 11 1/4, 4 pp. Stories of both Nazi and Italian collapse. “Führer Killed in Battle of Berlin...United Nations Leaders Sceptical - End Approaching, Admits Hamburg - Russians Storm Reich Chancellery - Churchill Says: VE-Day May Await Clearing of Reich...Graziani Announces Surrender of Italian Forces...Horrors of Nazi Death Camps Shock British Delegation...Nazi Fanatics Plan for Future Revolt...They are fighting a calculated rearguard action with their eyes on the next war...This is part of a plan to create maximum destruction in Europe and play for time in the hope that Allied dissensions will arise in future years. Their aim is to spread all over Europe...They seek a European civil war.” Much more, describing the rapid-fire action as the German and Japanese worlds crashed. Graduated marginal browntoning, few minor marginal chips, else about fine. Now rare. With historical background, as above lot. $70-100 |
17-22. “The tide has turned...This slave labor which the Germans brought here is a Frankenstein that has turned against them....”A massive ensemble of over 500 letters to and from U.S. soldiers and sailors, almost all with envelopes, 1942-46, weighing over 20 lbs. Representing about six writers, with much correspondence to and from Wilmington, Del., plus Penna. and N.J. Some covers with free franks, censor markings, or on entires. About one-third of correspondence is to and from Pvt. John R. Rowe, Co. B, of the celebrated 49th Engineers [Combat Battalion], Platoon #3, [3rd Army], Camp Carson, Colo., later A.P.O. 403 Shreveport, La., and A.P.O. 230 N.Y. Mostly from his first twelve months, 1942-1943, describing the training that would soon be indispensible at one of the century’s greatest epochs: D-Day. Some six months following this correspondence, the 49th landed in the first wave at Utah Beach on D-Day, as part of Assault Force U, 110th Flotilla. In the Battle of the Bulge, Co. B notably constructed a 60-foot bridge, moving in and building it from scratch – working under mortar and shell fire for the entire two days. The 49th’s regimental history records Exercise Tiger, a “43 year coverup of the loss of 551 Army and 198 Navy personnel killed by German E boats”--6thcorpscombatengineers.com. Rowe’s 49th would be called the “Ghost Battalion” - always ahead or in the fight with other well known units, but somewhat forgotten in the writing of World War II history. A few random samples, in Rowe’s effortlessly-readable hand: Mar. 13, 1943: “I was working in the pits putting up targets Fri. and you should hear the bullets sing over our heads...I used to wonder about the expression ‘like a hail of bullets,’ but that’s the way it sounds...just like hail hitting a tin roof....” • May 16, 1943: To his young son in Wilmington, “...You’ve got to be just as good a soldier back there, as I am out here and if you try I know darn well you won’t let me down....” • June 19, 1943: “We’ve had two false alarms...Our outfit is placed on the alert and on a given signal we have to tear down our tents, pack up and move out...I’m beginning to get quite tan...like a negro’s....” • Oct. 26, 1943: Describing war games in the Colorado mountains, “We were supposed to fight a delaying action battle against the 168th Infantry, and boy we set them crazy...Last night we blew craters in a road junction, then blew up a bridge and mined the surrounding area, and when they came to it this morning, we knocked out their scout car and two of their tanks, also plenty of their men with our machine guns and rifle fire....” • Jan. 31, 1944: From “Somewhere in England. I miss...the kids jitterbugging and their wisecracks...And do I miss Mom? Oh baby....” Rowe often signs with the three-dots-and-a-dash, “Until ..._ictory.” • Typewritten letter to Rowe on steel-engraved stationery of Allied Kid Co., Wilmington, likely his pre-war employer, from a lady friend with a writing style like Dashiell Hammett: “Do me a big favor? Just don’t mention that damned pension plan again...It’s a bigger mess than this war...You can imagine how this little floozie took that news. Bob Huston tried to avert cold blooded murder...The janitresses quit so that the office looks like the devil took a fit in it...Eddie Manelski and Joe Ducky both had babies - rather, their wives did. Seems to be an epidemic. I’d better get the hell away from here...The drying room lost its biggest attraction. Ruth Hindsley quit. Pretty soon this place is going to look like a home for the aged, what with the Army taking all our handsome young men (and I do mean you)...Ain’t it awful...Your sister-in-law. She’s cute, huh?...” “Germany, Apr. 12, 1945” (lacking envelope): “We are moving through Germany so fast, we hardly get to see the names of the towns...We are going like hell. The Germans are stunned and amazed. They never thought an Army as large as ours could move this fast. We entered a town today and it was like watching an insane asylum turned loose. The slave labor that the Germans have had in this town was going crazy...I saw people hauling furniture, pots, pans, dresses, suits, bolts of cloth and millions of raincoats...People in their anxiety were loaded down with more stuff than they’ll ever be able to use. It was there, it belonged to the Germans, and they were free for the first time in 5 or 6 years. It was like a world gone mad...These Germans are scared to death. After all this time, that they’ve worked these people to death, starved and beat them, the tide has turned...This slave labor which the Germans brought here is a Frankenstein that has turned against them. And they are looking to the American Army to protect them from these people....” What emerges, in even an abbreviated review of the lot, in addition to well written news from camp and the field, is a palpable sense of family dynamics, and the strength of homefront spirit. Lot awaiting further study; an enticing opportunity for the writer, researcher, or collector seeking excellent value for money, and an activity bound to consume vast tracts of spare time! Condition understandably varies, some envelopes with postal wear, soiling, or torn when opened, but contents clean and generally very good to very fine. Cinematic potential. $450-700 (over 500 letters and envelopes of multiple writers) |
17-23. Occupied Japan.Two unmarked but official photographs evidently issued by Gen. MacArthur’s Public Information Office, Tokyo, 1947, both 4 3/4 x 6 1/4. Almost certainly locally developed and printed, in sepia on ecru matte paper, much silvery flourescence. Bird’s-eye view of mix of devastation and standing structures, the contrast striking between pulverized blocks of rubble and smokestacks, a bridge, and commercial buildings in the distance. • “Dai-Iohi Bldg. (G.H.Q.),” composed with surprising artistry, a willowy tree and the water in foreground of MacArthur’s headquarters. Both photos excellent. • With envelope, from “R.C. Ordovesa, Newsweek Correspondence, C/o Public Information Office, HQs. Philrycom [Philippines-Ryukyus Command], A.P.O. 707, P.M. San Francisco.” Postmarked twice U.S. Army Postal Service, Dec. 11, 1947. To Michael Magliane, Washington. Long tear at blank top area, toning, postal wear, but satisfactory. • Second envelope to same, from sailor on U.S.S. Rowan, DD 782, Nov. 28, 1947. Frayed and worn. From the building depicted, MacArthur - the “American Caesar” - deftly remade Japan into an ally. Forseeing the coming Cold War two years later, on the morning of China’s attack on Taiwan, he suddenly lifted the ban on Japanese motor vehicle production, releasing Japan to become America’s backstop in Asia. $65-90 (4 pcs.) |
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18-1. The First Jewish Sermon Preached and Printed in North America.A significant rarity: A Sermon Preached at the Synagogue, in Newport, Rhode-Island, called ‘The Salvation of Israel:’ on the Day of Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks..., May 28, 1773, Being the Anniversary of giving the Law at Mount Sinai.” By “the learned Rabbi, Haijm Isaac Karigal, of the City of Hebron, near Jerusalem, In the Holy Land,” upon Shavuot. “Printed and sold by S. Southwick, in Queen-St.,” Newport, 1773. 5 1/2 x 8 1/4, 19 pp., sewn. Translated from Spanish (or Ladino?) by a member of the mercantile Lopez family of Newport, former Marranos. Period inscription on first page of text, “Stephen Colvin’s Booke.” The Colvin family were important settlers in then-“Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,” religious refugees having fled England for Holland with the Pilgrims by 1604. In Rhode Island a century later, Colvin’s grandfather purchased over 4,000 acres. In 1752, Stephen (1734-1802) served as Lt. in 1st Coventry Co. of R.I. Militia. Intriguingly, he is mentioned in Prophets in the Wilderness: A History of Coventry, R.I., by Harpin (1974). Though clearly not Jewish (his grandmother was Quaker), he evidently prized this copy of Karigal’s sermon. Varied fraying at blank right edges of cover and four leaves, deriving as much from their overhang and pamphlet’s uncut state as from wear; several small ink(?) stains at upper right of cover, finer ink spatter at lower left; old dust toning; lacking blank lower portion of second leaf, 1 1/4 x 1 1/2; uniform patination to caramel, and in all, very satisfactory. In older archival pressboard portfolio. • With modern pamphlet, “Rabbi Carigal [note “modernized” spelling] Preaches in Newport,” 1966, American Jewish Archives, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, 6 x 9, 16 pp. An exquisite tribute, in ivory laid covers, matching text, with Yale portrait of Karigal. Reflecting on the absence in America of ordained rabbis as permanent officiants before about 1840, in part because of its distance from the Old World and the paucity of Jews. Around the time of Karigal’s visit, future Yale Pres. Ezra Stiles was a minister in Newport. “A frequent visitor to the town’s elegant little synagogue, there he could be sure to meet any ‘learned Jews’ who chanced to pass through Newport. When Stiles was informed in Mar. 1773 of arrival of ‘a Hebrew rabbi from...the Holy Land,’ he determined to make the newcomer’s acquaintance...He met ‘a large man, neat and well dressed in the Turkish habit...wore a high fur cap, had a long beard’...Stiles found the rabbi ‘learned and truly modest, far more so than I ever saw a Jew’...The months following Karigal’s arrival saw a warm friendship develop...They spent long hours together...and exchanged lengthy letters in Hebrew...,” expressing great admiration for each other. (A contemporary notation in another copy attributes this sermon’s translation to Stiles.) Present when Karigal delivered the sermon offered here, Stiles noted that his friend’s “oratory, elocution, and gestures were fine and oriental. It was very animated...The rabbi himself offered so colorful a sight that no one could have been bored...They would have been intrigued also by the rabbi’s garb: ...fur cap, scarlet robe, green silk damask vest...Such splendors were not a daily sight in the Newport synagogue, or any other synagogue in America!...” The next year, Karigal moved on to a more permanent rabbinical post in Barbados. “On one occasion, Stiles noted in his diary that he had written Karigal ‘a Hebrew letter of 24 pages,’ and another entry mentions one of 29 pages. Even Karigal’s death on Barbados in 1777 did not end the friendship, for Stiles, elevated shortly thereafter to presidency of Yale, remained loyal to his friend’s memory...,” placing Karigal’s portrait in the Yale Library “as a testimonial to the memorable friendship between a New England clergyman and a Palestinian rabbi on the eve of the American Revolution...The sermon...remains...the only one preached by a Jew in colonial North America to have been subsequently published....” Since 1860, the Karigal sermon is only found on the market a handful of times (and some might in fact be the same copy making multiple appearances): in 1879, Brinley, $1.50; 1944, Parke Bernet, 20.00; 2004, Swann, 30,000.00; 2005, Kestenbaum, 39,000.00; and 2008, Sotheby’s, 56,250.00. This present example was acquired from venerable Connecticut bookseller Cedric L. Robinson c. 1975, since off the market for some 45 years; accompanied by his catalogue cutting (price then 300.00), noting, “This pamphlet appears to be the first and only publication of this congregation during the colonial era...It is quite rare....” Also with photocopy of note in Robinson’s hand remarking on rarity: “(Alden’s census of 17 copies) is misleading. In 32 years of bookselling in Lower New England, your copy is the only one I have had or seen for sale!” Alden, “Rhode Island Imprints...” 515. Evans 12823. Karp, “Beginnings: Early American Judaica” pp. 11-16. Rosenbach, “An American Jewish Bibliography” 58. Singerman, “Judaica Americana” 48. A cornerstone of American Judaica, and landmark of religious liberty. $38,000-48,000 (2 pcs.) |
18-2. Pres. Cleveland Supports the Israelites of Washington’s Bazaar.Splendid, lengthy A.L.S. of Pres. Grover Cleveland, on blue-steel engraved Executive Mansion lettersheet, Washington, Jan. 23, 1886, 5 x 8, 2 full pp. To S.N. Mayer, Sec. of a local Jewish organization. “I regret that I shall not be able to attend the Grand Fair and Baza(a)r to be held under the auspices of the Israelites of Washington, during the next week. The objects of the fair have known my Name approval, and my earnest desire that they may be as fully accomplished, as the promoters of this benevolent scheme can hope. Please accept the enclosed as my contribution in aid of the purpose of the Fair.” On unusual mellow cream laid, which when opened reveals a massive, rather regal pictorial watermark, “Royal Irish Linen / Marcus Ward & Co.,” topped by crown with runic-style cross. Some blind handling wrinkles (the letter must have made quite an impression, and was read by many), honey-colored stain at bottom of blank p. 3, fold wear with pinhole airspace at junction, light breaks at ends of horizontal fold, soiling of blank p. 4, wear along top edge, else darkly penned and about very good. A decade earlier, at the national proceedings of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the Israelites of Washington hosted a tour of Mount Vernon, for guests from around the country. Letters of sitting Presidents with American Judaic content are scarce; a letter expressing their personal financial support is rarely encountered. $1100-1400 |
18-3. Prayer Book for Spanish and Portuguese Jews.The Form of Prayers, for the Feast of Tabernacles, “According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, as read in their Synagogues, and used in their Families...,” David Levi. Vol. IV (but complete as is). Printed by W. Justins, London, 5552 (1792). In English and Hebrew, 5 x 8 1/2, 199 + 3 pp. notes, original full tree sheep, fine gold border, red and black spine labels, elaborately decorated with sun motif in each panel; somewhat unusual marbled endpapers. Period signature curiously abraded on verso of title page, “...rangues”(?), but possibly discoverable with luck. Front hinge about 2/3 broken but holding, spine and corner wear, some cover scuffing, but still retaining its charm and patination of considerable devotion; internally foxed, from almost none to fairly heavy; modest waterstain at lower gutter, some fore-edge scrapes, but good plus, and in all, very satisfactory. Rarebookhub locates no copies this volume from 1860 to present, either at auction or in dealers’ catalogues. $130-160 |
18-4. Fraudulent Registration of a British Ship as American – and Jewish-Catholic Relations in Maryland.Printed “Circular to Collectors, except those on the Lakes,” Treasury Dept., Aug. 31, 1815, 7 x 9 3/4, signed by W.G.D. Worthington, Acting Comptroller. “I am informed, by a letter...from Nathaniel Williams, collector of the district of Dighton, Mass., that an American register was fraudulently obtained at his office, for a schooner called the Union, by William Pearse, or Pierce, of Swansey, as sole owner, on the 11th of May, 1815. It is believed that this schooner was not built in the aforesaid district, but is a British vessel; you will, therefore, take care to have her seized should she come into your district. Her dimensions are...Burden, 72 66/95 ths ton. Register numbered 19, and has no figure head.” Curious original folds to twentieths, some foxing, else good plus. Interestingly, Worthington appears in Jews of the United States, 1790-1840: A Documentary History--Blau and Baron, Columbia University Press. As Gov. of Maryland at the time of the “Jew Bill” controversy of 1819-26, seeking universal religious tolerance, Worthington - a non-Catholic - had used the expression “monkish superstition” in a speech. Construed as an anti-Popish insult, none other than Signer Charles Carroll, Maryland’s leading Catholic citizen, “had to intervene to prevent this unfortunate phrase from being used to defeat Worthington....” Carroll informed Maryland’s Roman Catholic voters of “a trick got up to beguile you - a detestable and mischievous handbill....” With 1991 Cohasco invoice and lot ticket, 65.00, and modern research. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $100-130 |
18-5. The Most Influential Jewish Periodical of its Day: “Give us short, spicy articles....”Excessively rare issues of “The Occident, and American Jewish Advocate,” the first successful Jewish magazine in America, founded and edited by Rev. Isaac Leeser, a pioneer in development of Jewish life in America - his era known as “the age of Leeser” - and Rabbi of congregations in Richmond and Philadelphia. In English, nos. 5, 12, and 13 of 1859, 10 1/2 x 14, 8 pp. ea. “Devoted to interests of Jewish literature and religion.” Articles on events in America, eloquent Biblical stories, Jewish news, and debate on Leeser’s approach. Including annual report of Association for the Relief of Jewish Widows and Orphans of New Orleans; touching letter to Consul of France at New Orleans, the “Israelites of America” thanking “the prompt intervention of your government...for whose parents there seems to be no prospect of relief... an enlightened policy which has won for His Majesty, the Emperor of France, the respect and admiration of the whole world....” Lengthy letter to editor of “Our Grievances,” expressing disappointment “in the position our Jewish papers hold, and the little influence they exert...For mercy’s sake, spare us the infliction in an editorial...We desire to see articles inculcating a zeal of brotherhood...throughout this country. Why is it that Protestantism, Presbyterianism...all sects are united?...Do the Jews of N.Y. know how many places of worship there are in Philadelphia?...Raise up your banner once more for union...Do not give us a homily week after week, which no one will read; give us short, spicy articles...Write against the alarming increase of intermarriages....” Leeser’s reply is priceless. Fascinating ads filling back pages, including Philip Friedman, Rivington St., for “smoked meats, sausages, tongues, spiced beef...,” Isaac Pinheiro of Philadelphia “happy to obtain pupils for instruction in Hebrew,” 6-volume Form of Prayers of the Portuguese Jews offered by publisher, “competent Governess of the Jewish Faith” sought by evidently wealthy Charleston family, “minister” sought by San Francisco Congregation Emanu-El, and more. Notwithstanding its limited circulation of only a few hundred, Leeser’s publication was the first stable Jewish monthly in America, considered a vital forum for American Jewish life and thought. He published the first children’s Hebrew primer, the first complete English translation of the Sephardi prayer book, and the first American translation of the Bible--Encyclopædia Judaica, Vol. 10. Unopened at tops. Old single horizontal folds, all issues brittle, one spine separating; first issue with marginal browntoning, considerable edge chipping and short tears but no loss of text; second issue with waterstains at top portion, third with dust toning and tea stain, both with lesser edge defects, and about good to about very good. Though WorldCat’s reporting commingles a 1975 reprint with original issues, it positively confirms only four holdings of original issues (British Library, Vols. 1-7 only, National Library of Israel, University of Michigan’s Clements Library, and Yivo Institute). No issues of 1859 or 1860 are reported (though they might reside within a run). Perhaps the only surviving copies of these issues. $550-700 (3 pcs.) |
18-6. A Fateful Meeting for World Jewry – 1864.Two issues of the first American Jewish magazine in English, both with war dates, and now in bound octavo size: “The Occident, and American Jewish Advocate - A Monthly Periodical devoted to the diffusion of knowledge on Jewish literature and religion,” edited by Isaac Leeser. Philadelphia, “Tamuz 5624, July 1864” and “Tamuz 5625, Oct. 1864.” 5 1/2 x 9, (48) pp. ea., printed yellow wrappers with interesting advertisements. With lengthy, excessively early account of an effort to combat anti-Semitism worldwide, “Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Universal Israelite Alliance, held at Paris...at the Herz Salon.” Attendees included Grand Rabbi of Paris, French Consul at Bagdad, “Fircowitch, a learned Caraite of Eupatoria,” “E. Simon, delegate of the French Government to China,” and many others. Claiming 3,000 members around the world, the Alliance has “confided to bold travellers, charged to find again the members of the great family of Israel, dispersed as far as the extremities of the world, and unknown for several centuries past....” Particularly seeking Jews in the “Mussulman world” and “the states of Central America,” including Oregon and Nevada Territory. Describing anti-Semitism in “the Seven Isles” (Greece) and Morocco; establishment of a “Polish Alliance of all Creeds,” to promote understanding between Polish Jews and Christians, news of Jews in China, and much more. Other articles: “The Origin and Development of Christianity,” account of activity at Jews’ Hospital in N.Y. (“52 U.S. soldiers were admitted, 37 patients treated outside...”). Visit by Sir Moses Montefiore to North Africa, “but we regret...that both in Tunis and Morocco the persecuting spirit of the Mahomedans seeks to make Israelites its victims as before....” Account of Chicago’s three synagogues. Dust toning of covers, one spine covering perished, some wear, else very good. $300-450 (2 pcs.) |
18-7. From the Wheels of Nazi Racial Policy.Three Nazi-era letters from and to Josef Schöbel, Linz, Austria, in reply to his questions seeking family genealogy: His letter, June 14, 1942, with lengthy manuscript reply to him of June 24, asking further questions. Then, on verso, further typewritten and manuscript replies of July 17 and 23, headed “Dekanal-Amt, Komotau,” citing family findings as early as 1833, and quoting costs in Reichmarks. • Typewritten letter to Schöbel, from Bürgermeister in Römerstadt, referring to his family history in 1877. Purple handstamp. Previously in Sudetenland, within days of 1938’s disastrous Munich Agreement, Römerstadt was occupied by the Germans, then absorbed into the Third Reich. It appears, from this letter’s use of the words “Sippenforschung (Familie Schenk)” - literally “Genealogical Research” - that Schöbel was seeking to document his Aryan roots as a measure of self-protection. The Reich Office for “Sippenforschung” ruled on certification of racial purity. Beginning with a 1933 edict that civil servants present their family trees, only entries in civil registers or church records were recognized. The Nazi department employed some sixty “experts on racial research,” next turning to examination of racial origins of members of the NSDAP. Even higher standards were set for Nazi Party membership, for a university degree, or for editors, requiring genealogical tracking into the nineteenth century (as done here for Schöbel). A visit to the Nazi ancestral master file by Himmler spurred its relocation to Dresden, in the office of the Ancestry Com(munity). Sippenforschung - genealogical research - of Jews was even more penetrating, the Nazi’s collection of Jewish civil registers, cemetery directories, and congregation lists moved to a castle in 1943 for microfilming, thought to be safe from bombing. After the war, Römerstadt reverted to Czechoslovakia. • Letter from Karl Schöbel, commercial photographer in Vienna, and a relation of Josef Schöbel, Aug. 5, 1942, referring to a Schöbel ancestor of 1831. Each of the five parties in the group of letters has concluded with “Heil Hitler!,” one of them twice. Handling evidence, some short edge tears, else good and clean. A chilling exposé of the saturation of evil. Scarce thus. $130-160 (3 pcs.) |
18-8. The First Jewish Man in Space.First Day Cover for 6¢ Apollo 8 stamp, signed in blue, in Russian, by Soviet cosmonaut (Boris) Volynov, the first Jewish man in space of any nation. Postmarked Houston, May 5, 1969. Recently returned from his first space mission on Soyuz 5. First to put a man in space, the Soviets’ position ahead of the U.S. ended six weeks later, with Apollo 11’s landing on the Moon. Volynov had been one of the two candidates to command 1964’s premiere Voskhod 1. Bumped just days before launch, his selection for space missions was hampered by anti-Semitism, though he would be portrayed on a Soviet postage stamp in 1976. Mailed to Toronto collector. Minor postal wear at corners, light toning, else very good plus. Scarce. $35-50 |
18-9. Baseball Judaica.T.L.S. of baseball Hall of Famer Lou Boudreau, signed “Lou,” on WGN letterhead, Chicago, Apr. 6, 1966, 8 1/2 x 11. To “Red” Maxfield. “I must admit I lost trace of Don Boudreau. I did meet him and his father, Dr. Boudreau, when I was in Champaign, Ill., however that was some time ago. Your loyalty to the Cubs is appreciated and with Durocher at the head of the team this year, I am sure it will be an interesting season.” Nicknamed “Handsome Lou,” Boudreau’s maternal grandparents were observant Jews; he was one of only seven Jewish managers in baseball history. Playing in eight All-Star games, he was the A.L. batting champ in 1944, and M.V.P. two years later, leading the 1948 Indians to World Series victory as player-manager. Part of the double play which ended DiMaggio’s 56-game streak, Boudreau is credited with the infield shift, devised to thwart Ted Williams. His four consecutive doubles in a single game, in 1946, still stand as a Major League record. Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame in 1970. Choice. With typewritten envelope; toned band at left, bottom of flap feathered where opened, else very good. A fascinating, somewhat overlooked star. $45-65 (2 pcs.) |
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19-1. The Lady with the Lamp.Mourning envelope in hand of Florence Nightingale, signed at lower left with date “3/7/(18)92.” “Private / A verbal answer, please / The Baroness Burdett-Coutts / 1 Stratton St.,” (London). 3 3/4 x 4 3/4. Hand-delivered. Daughter of namesake of the Coutts banking fortune, the Baroness was the richest heiress in England, the first woman ever made a peer by a royal, and a friend and backer of Nightingdale and hospital reform. Marrying a 29 year-old American at age 67, Burdett-Coutts also financed the first ordnance survey of Jerusalem in 1864; founded - with Dickens - a home for fallen women, and aided indigenous Africans. Flap torn where opened on verso, 1/2” sliver of part of black border lacking at upper left, uniform light ivory toning, else about fine. With lot envelope of Matthew Bennett auction, Nov. 24, 1961, paid 9.75! Lots 1-3 ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $425-575 |
19-2. Tragedy at Andersonville: Anasarca.Union clothing account ledger leaf for Amos Cole and Benjamin Couch, Co. C, 50th Pa. Regt., 10 x 15 1/2. Both enlisted at Reading, Aug. 1861; both received credits of $4.25 for “condemned blouses and pants....” Cole discharged for disability in Oct. 1863, at Camp Dennison, Ohio. Couch has signed with “X / his mark” ten times; final entry for him, in contemporary clerical hand, notes that he “died July 11, 1864 while a prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., of anasarca.” A rarely encountered medical term today, anasarca is caused by extreme malnutrition, specifically protein deficiency in diet. Removed from ledger, minor edge toning, else fine and dramatic. $90-120 |
19-3. Legacy of Stonewall Jackson’s Personal Physician.Two A.Ls.S. of Dr. Stuart McGuire, third-generation Virginia doctor, his celebrated father Dr. Hunter McGuire, Stonewall Jackson’s personal physician, Chief Surgeon of Jackson’s commands, medical director of Gen. Jubal Early’s Army of the Valley of Va., and postwar organizer of both medical institutions following: On pictorial letterhead of St. Luke’s Home for the Sick, “Dr. McGuire’s Private Hospital,” corner Ross and Governor Sts., Richmond, Va., Oct. 26, 1892, 8 1/2 x 11. To Miss Yeamans. Enclosing $20 check (not present) for “the two fees the hospital has received for your services from Mrs. Barden and Mrs. Young. It is but a small recompensy for the services you have rendered. There are no other cases that require your attention and as soon as you recover from your fatigue you are at liberty to go home.” St. Luke’s included a training school for nurses. Upon John Brown’s raid, Dr. Hunter McGuire led a back-to-Richmond movement of Southern medical students in Philadelphia, personally paying the expenses of some 300 who could not afford the trip. Always securing release of captured Union medical officers, upon his own capture by Sheridan’s troops, he was paroled promptly. • On different, unillustrated letterhead with lengthy list of faculty including father and son McGuires, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Richmond, Dec. 1, 1893. To Miss Yeamans. “Mr. A.J. Butler will be operated on Sat. before the class. Please give him a comfortable room in the Hospital Sat. morning.” Light uniform toning, minor creases and chipping at blank upper right edges of first letter, else both fine. With 1996 Cohasco invoice and catalogue pages, 110.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $130-160 (2 pcs.) |
19-4. Father of American Bacteriology.Very rare Civil War-era carte of Dr. George M. Sternberg, Maj. and Assistant Surgeon in Union Army, captured at 1st Bull Run, escaping and seeing much action. As Surgeon General, 1893-1902, Sternberg oversaw establishment of U.S. Army Nurse Corps and Army Medical School - today ironically named for his subordinate, Maj. Walter Reed. Turn-of-century identification on verso. Waterstains and toning, but good. Perhaps unique thus. $130-160 |
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An Unusual Quintet of Signed Portraits of Supreme Court Justices
20-1. Intriguing Signed Photo of Supreme Court Justice Butler.Flattering signed photograph of Supreme Court Justice Pierce Butler, 1923-39. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, rich mahogany tones, choice signature in cold grey on mount. Debossed blind imprint and panel “Underwood & Underwood / Washington.” Born in a log cabin in Minnesota, the Democratic Butler was appointed by a Republican President, penning 327 majority and 50 minority opinions on the bench. One of the “Four Horsemen” ruling against a number of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, Butler was part of F.D.R.’s motivation for packing the Court in 1937. Considered in context with the additional four signed photographs below, these may have been intended as a suite, c. 1932-38, once laid into a portfolio, a portion of its title, “Proceedings (of the) Supreme (Court) / in Memory...,” ghosted onto top dark field of photograph. It is possible that these signed photographs were gathered upon the passing of Oliver Wendell Holmes in 1935, Benjamin Cardozo in 1938, or Louis Brandeis in 1941. Choice. Lots 20-1 through 20-6 ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 |
20-2. Supreme Court Justice’s Photograph – with his Fingerprint?Striking photograph of Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Hughes, 1910-16, then Chief Justice 1930-41, boldly signed in jet black on lower ivory mount. Pencil signature of renowned photographer Harris Ewing. 7 1/2 x 10, debossed blind panel. Unsurpassable composition and exposure, a blend of soft and sharp focus, showing the magic of old-world photographic technique and development nearly a century, still unrivaled by digital cameras. The only sitting Supreme Court Justice to run on a major party’s ticket for President, as a Republican in 1916, Hughes resigned from the bench, but lost narrowly when Wilson clinched California by less than 4,000 votes. Hughes’ earlier role on the Armstrong Insurance Commission resulted in resignation or firing of most of the top executives of the nation’s big-three life insurance companies. Played a key role in the Washington Naval Conference in aftermath of the “War to End All Wars”; among his agreements was the Nine-Power Treaty, guaranteeing territorial integrity of China – a move with ramifications today. Light fingerprint at blank lower left, perhaps Hughes’, as he flattened the print, about to sign. Trivial fine creases at upper right edge, else excellent. $325-400 |
20-3. Wistful, Penetrating Signed Photo of one of the Great Legal Minds.Superlative signed photograph of Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo, in robe, 1932-38. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, blind-embossed “Harris & Ewing / Washington, D.C.” at lower left. Debossed blind panel. Cardozo’s signature over 3 1/2” long, in walnut brown, the strokes of “Benjamin” in graduated browns, the ink crawling a bit on the semi-matte photographic finish. A cousin of poetess Emma Lazarus, the young Cardozo’s tutors included Horatio Alger. His father forced to resign from the bench when Benjamin was 7, then losing his mother two years later, he actually left Columbia Law School without a law degree. Confirmed unanimously for the Supreme Court, his appointment was termed Hoover’s “finest act of his career as President”--Sen. Clarence Dill. Hard triangular bend at blank upper left corner, light straight line between his right ear and eyebrow, this within emulsion, else about very fine. With his full head of white hair and twinkle in his eyes, Cardozo’s gaze is riveting. $575-825 |
20-4. Signed Photograph of Justice J.C. McReynolds.Regal signed photograph of charismatic and cantankarous Supreme Court Justice McReynolds, seated in bowtie and robe, 1914-41. 4 1/4 x 6 1/4, brown-black, tipped to blind-paneled cream mat, signed on lower portion in jet black, his signature 4 1/2” wide. Representing the government’s antitrust case against American Tobacco Co., McReynolds’ courtroom combat against Clarence Darrow and seventeen other attorneys led to his selection as Attorney Gen. by Pres. Wilson. One of the “Four Horsemen,” the quartet of Justices opposing F.D.R.’s social legislation - including Social Security - on constitutional grounds, McReynolds opposed Roosevelt’s confiscation of gold. Writing the opinion for the Court in a 1925 case forbidding parents to send their children to private schools, he decried “any general power of the State to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only.” William Howard Taft wrote of McReynolds, “selfish to the last degree...fuller of prejudice than any man I have ever known....” His anti-Semitism was such that according to McReynolds’ law clerk, he never spoke to Cardozo. Harboring animosity for blacks and others as well, when a woman attorney appeared in court, McReynolds would mutter, “I see the female is here again.” Still, he adopted 33 English children, victims of the London Blitz, and his yearly eggnog party at Christmastime was a social highlight in Washington. Irregular mocha “desert sunset” band across full width of solid field at top where glued by photographer, affecting crown of his head, trivial tap at upper left tip, else excellent. A very uncommon item in any condition. $100-130 |
20-5. Signed Photograph of Justice Harlan Stone.Stern signed photograph of Supreme Court Justice Harlan F. Stone, in robe, 1925-41, Chief Justice 1941-46. 4 1/4 x 6 1/4, deepest browntone, tipped to larger blind-paneled cream mat, signed on lower portion in jet black. As Coolidge’s Attorney Gen., Stone sought to reform the Justice Dept. following scandals of Harding’s administration; Stone was responsible for hiring J. Edgar Hoover to head the forerunner of the F.B.I., directing him to style the agency after Scotland Yard. With Brandeis and Cardozo, Stone formed the liberal Three Musketeers on the Court. One of the shortest-serving Chief Justices, among his noted decisions was upholding the constitutionality of placement of Japanese Americans in internment camps during the War. “To date, Stone is the only justice to have occupied all nine seniority positions on the bench, having moved from most junior Associate Justice, to most senior Associate Justice, and then to Chief Justice”--wikipedia. Coppery band across most of solid field at top where glued by photographer, very minor soft creases at upper left tip and at blank top, else excellent. $160-200 |
20-6. Conducted Impeachment of Supreme Court Justice.Presentation L.S. of G(eorge) W(ashington) Campbell, Tenn. Congressman, Sen., and State Supreme Court Justice, Sec. of Treasury in 1814, and Ambassador to Russia. 7 x 8 1/2, Washington, Feb. 21, 1835. “The undersigned, in compliance with his request, sends to the Honble. A.S. Clayton, his signature.” Neat old folds, tea stain along left vertical portion, touching penultimate word “his,” uniform warm cream toning, else about very good. Campbell was among those appointed to conduct impeachment hearings against Signer and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase in 1804. With photocopy of 1977 Dana’s House invoice, 12.50. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $65-90 |
20-7. First Constitution of Missouri – Banning Free Blacks.Pair of original official printings of “Constitution of the State of Missouri”: “Printed by order of Senate of the U.S.,” Washington, Nov. 14, 1820, (Document) 1, 6 x 9, 25 pp., Gales & Seaton. This constitution a direct result of the Missouri Compromise of the same year, giving Missouri the right to form a state constitution permitting slavery, while instructing the legislature to pass laws for slaves to be treated in a kindly fashion. The document went even further, however, and banned free Negroes and mulattos from entering the state “under any pretext whatsoever.” This restriction had to be struck before Missouri was admitted to statehood the following year. Disbound, last two leaves separating at top of spine, foxing, some chipping at right vertical edge and upper right corners, else good. • With its companion (Document) 2, Nov. 16, 1820, the House edition, printed from the same type, with changes in title and document number only. 5 1/2 x 8 3/4, 25 pp. “Read, and referred to a select committee.” Uniform mocha toning, old trace of paper clip, else fine plus. Sabin 49585. Shaw & Shoemaker 3636 and 3637. With Sotheby Parke Bernet envelope and lot ticket, from 1980 sale of Harry J. Sonneborn Collection of “Highly Important Federal & State Constitutions” and other fine Americana. Sonneborn was first Pres. and C.E.O. of McDonald’s, arranging the loan that enabled Ray Kroc to buy out the hamburger chain’s founders. It was Sonneborn who put the firm on the path to prosperity, setting up their franchise system. (He correctly saw the real money in the land on which the restaurants stood - not the sale of the food itself.) In a dispute with Kroc, Sonneborn sold out for $3 million; had he held his stock, he would have been a billionaire. A major collector, he also owned one of the two annotated U.S. Constitutions. Rare, especially as a pair. $550-750 (2 pcs.) |
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20-8. Constitution of New York State.Pamphlet, “Amended Constitution of the State of N.Y., Adopted by the Convention of 1867-8, Together with...an Address to the People,” Albany, 1868, 5 1/2 x 9 1/4, 83 pp., sewn. Apparently one of only 30 copies printed, as a working proof for members of the State’s Constitutional Convention. With sections on freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, eminent domain, abolishing “feudal tenures of every description,” repeal of common laws enacted Apr. 1775 which are “repugnant to this constitution,” voiding land grants made by the King and land contracts with Indians after Oct. 1775, provision for removal of elected officials for misconduct in office, and much more. One hard crease at blank upper right corner pp. 1-30, cover toned to suede pattern, apparently stored beside a supple leather binding, else fine and scarce. No copies located on the market 1860-present by RareBookHub. $65-80 |
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21-1. Moll Atlas – with Apparent Typographical Error on Title Page.Atlas Manuale: Or, A New Sett of Maps Of all the Parts of the Earth. as well Asia, Africa and America [these four words evidently printed on the wrong line, in red], as Europe, by Herman Moll. London: Churchil & Childe, 1713. 5 1/4 x 7 3/4, 8 pp. text, complete with all 43 double-page, blind-paneled copper-engraved maps, some with hand-watercolored boundaries. “Wherein Geography is Rectify’d, by Reforming the Old Maps according to the Modern Observations. And the Coasts of all Countries are laid down, agreeable to Mr. Edmund Halley’s own Map....” Original 1/2 polished calf, original boards covered with marbled paper perhaps c. 1780-1810. Including maps of the world, Western hemisphere, North America (with California as an island), English colonies, Mexico and Central America, and five of South America. Two signatures of Wm. H. Braener on inside endpaper, c. 1910. Both outer hinges cracked, inside front hinge one-third broken but binding holding. Paper on boards faded and chipped; lacking front and rear flyleaf, text leaves uniformly browned and shaken, map no. 3 (England) tipped out of order between nos. 1 and 2, and heavily wrinkled, tattered, and lacking large section at lower right; small fragment lacking at bottom margin of Ireland, else balance of maps with some mellow marginal toning, and clean, crisp, fresh, and very fine to excellent. Only seven appearances at auction recorded by RareBookHub since 1860, the most recent at Sothebys, 1994, £1840, then Christies, 2001, $1998.00, and Christies, 2003, EUR 1116. Fresh to the market, acquired by consignor around late 1960s. $1100-1500 |
21-2. A Philadelphia Fantasy circa 1776 - in a Period Zograscope Print.An oddity: Charming “vue d’optique” print in original watercolors of the city of independence, 13 x 17, its title “Vue de Philadelphie” printed in mirror image across top, to show right-reading when viewed by the rapt audience using a zograscope, a mirrored device intended to impart the sensation of depth. Published c. 1776 by l’Academie Imperiale d’Empire des Arts Libereaux, Augsberg, Germany, steel-engraved by B. Frederic Leizelt. Blind-paneled border. A somewhat fanciful view of sailing ships and small boats on the green river, alongside imposing pink and terra cotta buildings, with small houses among trees in distance. At lower portion, the story - in German and French - of the gift of Pennsylvania by England’s Charles II to William Penn in 1682. Penn established Philadelphia between two rivers, and selected its name to denote “the fraternal harmony” of its inhabitants. Such vues d’optique of the New World tended to be based on Continental cities familiar to the artists. European interest in the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence created a market for such prints, even though this likely employs the creative license of an artist who never made it to Philadelphia. Excellent exemplar of popular entertainment “media” of the era of America’s freedom. Some light grey file toning of margins, stain from small old label at lower right corner, else good, with delightfully bright original colors. Snyder, City of Independence: Views of Philadelphia Before 1800, 242. $475-625 |
21-3. Self-Cover Map of 1876 Fair.Folding, self-cover “[S.B.] Linton’s Centennial Map of Philadelphia,” 1876. In flag-blue blind-tooled grosgrain cloth, coppery-gold stamping. “Outline Map of the County & City of Philadelphia and Vicinity,” opening to 18 x 28. Hand-watercolored accents in pink. With ornate cartouche and 10 highly detailed insets of “Centennial Grounds,” including buildings, a Continental tipping his tri-corner hat beneath “1776,” the Liberty bell, and a large bald eagle. Blank endpapers split at hinges but binding tight, some soiling blank inside rear endpaper, else cover clean and very good. Map very dry, with splitting and chipping at some folds (but not all); dust-toned at overhang from covers, else satisfactory and presentable. Best flattened and framed. Rare. WorldCat locates no examples. $120-160 |
21-4. America in 1795.“Map of the Northern, or, New England States of America, Comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, District of Main [sic], Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Connecticut.” By J. Russell, published by H.D. Symonds, London, 1795. 15 1/4 x 19 1/4, outlined in yellow, burgundy, and green. Also showing eastern portion of N.Y., from “Tapan Sea” north to Lake Champlain. Charming features including “Crab Bank” off Cape Cod, “Old Rose & Crown” and “New Rose & Crown” near Nantucket, and “The Dividing Highlands” between Maine (still a district of Mass.) and Canada. (Maine’s latter border was not settled with Britain til 1842.) Upper left tip folded over but present, few small chips at top edge, uniform toning, else about fine. $225-300 |
21-5. Elusive “Chart of the World....”“On Mercators Projection, with the Dip & Variation of the Compass, the Trade Winds & Monsoons.” Steel-engraved by J.H. Seymour, published by Lizar (name not shown on map), possibly Philadelphia, c. 1840 printing of map drawn c. 1794. 10 1/2 x 16, with all-around border. Various locations with near-miniature legends, such as “Edwin’s Land, 1655.” Exquisite detail, certainly among the most complex small maps of the era. Additional printed notes at top and bottom, referencing Mercator. Nearly separated cleanly along original vertical reinforcement but easily repaired, light toning, irregular semicircular waterstain at bottom third, tear at blank bottom margin, else good. Surprisingly rare: WorldCat locates only one other example, at N.Y.P.L. $180-240 |
21-6. The Towns of Cow & Calf, Bobs Nose, and Blackflakes.“A Correct Chart of the English Channel,” showing facing coasts of England and France in the portolano style. By R.W. Seale, from (Nicholas) Tindal’s continuation of The History of England, c. 1745. 16 x 19 1/2. Large cartouche with ornate border. With four inset maps at top: Isles of Scilly, Falmouth Haven, Plymouth Sound, and Isle of Wight. Splendid detail, including towns of Cow & Calf, Lands End, Deadmans Head, Start Point, Start Bay, Start Gate, Bobs Nose, Blackflakes, and a wealth of other charming locales, facing Calais, Dieppe, and many French points. Original vertical folds, some edge wear and toning, two 1” horizontal tears at right but inconspicuous when laid flat, light offset of one half onto the other when folded before ink dry, else good plus. $170-220 |
21-7. Climate Change – 1861.Tandem climate maps on one sheet, both within same ornate decorative border of Gothic iron scrollwork, from the rare 1861 edition of Johnson & Browning’s atlas. “The World, Illustrating the principal features of the Land and the Co-Tidal Lines” and”The World, Showing principal Ocean Currents & Boundaries of River Systems.” Each 6 1/2 x 8 1/4, overall sheet size 14 x 18. Original pastel colors. Plateaus, lowlands, lakes, and rivers also listed in subminiature text at lower portions of each map. The Johnson atlases succeeded Colton; the edition in which this map appeared was the last to bear the “Johnson & Browning” imprint. Edge toning, some edge wear, map area fine. Unusual. $70-90 |
21-8. “Route Map of Gettysburg Campaign.”Oversize composite map with exceptional detail of one of the most-studied battles of the century, revealing what the Confederates knew about the Gettysburg landscape months before the battle: “Prepared by Order of Lt.-Gen. T.J. Jackson, Jan. to Apr., 1863, by Jed. Hotchkiss, Top(ographical) Eng., 2d Corps, A(rmy of) N(orthern) Va., and used during that campaign by Gen. R.E. Lee and Lt.-Gen. R.S. Ewell, C.S. Army.” Opening to 18 1/2 x 29 1/2. Prepared by noted mapmaker Julius Bien & Co., N.Y.; half fold as printed by Government Printing Office, (1891-95). Plate CXVI in “Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies....” Black on cream, with cocoa, red, water-blue, and moss-green detail. With three insets: “Operations in N. Va., W. Va., and Md...,” “Sketch of the Battle of McDowell, Va...May 8, 1862 (Jackson)...,” and “Sketch... through Pocahontas and Highland Counties, W. Va., Apr. 15-22, 1863.” Very soft creases at upper left and right corners, soft vertical crease, not conspicuous when opened; light marginal toning, else remarkably fresh, and excellent. A key map at a fraction of the four-figure cost of a complete atlas. $80-110 |
21-9. The Revolution in Rhode Island.Pair of variant maps of “Part of Rhode Island Showing the Positions of the American and British Armies at the Siege of Newport, and the subsequent Action on 29th of Aug. 1778,” from different editions of the atlas which accompanied John Marshall’s celebrated Life of George Washington, first published 1804, by C.P. Wayne, Philadelphia. Maps prepared under Washington’s instructions, and drawn by S. Lewis. 10 1/2 x 17 1/2. “1808” watermark, this an interesting anomaly: the atlas was not reissued til the 1832 edition of the underlying book. No text at top margin, as printed in this edition. Showing area from Providence to Newport, and location of French fleet. Pale honey-toned waterstaining, edge tears neatly repaired on verso with Japanese tissue, trimmed along bottom frameline of border, two original horizontal folds with offset from folding while ink still wet from copper plate impression, breaks but no separation at folds, but still very satisfactory. • With another variant of this map, evidently from either the 1804 or 1807 editions, with different typography at title, and text at both top and bottom margins: “Plate VII / Engraved for Washington’s Life / Drawn by S. Lewis / Engrav’d by Benjn. Jones, Phila. / Published by C.P. Wayne.” Unwatermarked. 10 3/4 x 17 1/2. Reflecting primitive papermaking and printing conditions: deckled bottom edge, light toning from original binder’s paper strip on verso, joining top and bottom sections; few mouse nibbles at blank left area (the glue apparently sampled), few small spots of iron gall from ink, one with rich chocolate brown center, 3 1/2” fine overfold crease through title, occurring from pressure during printing impression, else about fine. $220-270 (2 pcs.) |
21-10. French & Indian War “Map of New England.”“And Nova Scotia, with part of New York, Canada, and New Britain [Labrador], & the adjacent Islands of New Found Land, Cape Breton &c.,” by noted English mapmaker Thomas Kitchin, 1758. 11 1/4 x 14. Showing area from Long Island to the land of “Little Esquimaux” in eastern Labrador, Canada (New France), and the vast “County of York belonging to the Massachusetts Bay Province,” much of which would become Maine. Decorative cartouche with trees at lower right. In 1773, Kitchin would be appointed hydrographer to the King. Expert old restoration along three edges with closely matching paper on verso, small semicircular hole at left margin just touching ruled border, else fine plus. Now uncommon. $300-375 |
21-11. By the Founder of Historical Geography.“Germaniæ Cisrhenanæ...,” c. 1625-1660, by the German geographer regarded as founder of historical geography, Phil(ip) Clüver(io). 13 3/4 x 16. Depicting Low Countries and part of Germany, including its ancient tribes in Rhine basin, Schelde, Mosel, and Maas River valleys. Magnificently hand-colored, with cartouche flanked by two laughing caryatids (possibly representing river gods), in vivid ruby, sunset pink, sea blue, pale avocado, apple green, ochre yellow, and slate blue. Edge chipping, margins browntoned with waterstaining, easily covered with mat, else good plus and brightly colorful. Clüver’s landmark work of essentially the same name, Germania Antiqua, was published in 1616, from which this map and the following likely came. Notes in very light pencil on margin by noted New York watercolorist Ariadne Liebau, late 1960s. $100-140 |
21-12. Germany of Olde – Extending to the Arctic Circle.Strikingly attractive and fascinating steel-engraved map, “Antiquæ Germaniæ Septemtrionalis...,” c. 1625-1660, by the German geographer regarded as founder of historical geography, Phil(ip) Clüver(io). Beautifully hand-colored, with cartouche flanked by two winged cherubs. 14 x 15 3/4. Seas stippled in turquoise, land masses in delicate strawberry pink, edged in cerise, the forests in light green, the whole bordered in yellow. Notwithstanding the primitive but charming state of cartography at the time, the territories depicted seem to be Russia on the east, and part of today’s Finland. Identifying Lappi, Finningia, the Arctic Circle, Oceanus Germanicus, and many other archaic place names. Some edge chipping of wide margins, especially at bottom, but affecting no text, light edge toning, else very good and lovely. Watercolored by noted New York fine artist Ariadne Liebau, late 1960s. Scarce. $110-150 |
21-13. A Pirate’s Lair – from the First Encyclopædia of the Americas.Warmly copper-engraved bird’s-eye view, 1671, from first edition of Ogilby’s atlas America, “Being the Latest, and Most Accurate Description of the New World; containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither” – one of his last works. London, 11 1/2 x 14 1/4, in cream mat 17 3/4 x 21. A water scene, ships of various types and sizes, a chateau-like fort, and surrounding trees, the tableau attributed to Brazil’s Bahia or Sao Salvador, on the Bay of All Saints. Bahia was popular with pirates and privateers, preying on ships laden with riches bound for Europe. The work in which this appeared was considered, with its Dutch edition of the same year, the first encyclopædia of the Americas. Ogilby’s opus was the most accurate compendium available of the New World. Title ribbon, “Sinus Omnium Sanctoru(m),” held aloft by a bird. Legend at upper right. Ogilby began as a dancing master, progressing to tutor, theatre owner, Greek and Latin scholar, and finally printer, styling himself “His Majesty’s Cosmographer & Geographic Printer.” His printing press issued magnificent maps and engravings. Margins browned behind mat window, vertical center fold reinforced on verso with paper strip, else about fine. Uncommon for a single engraving to become available. $325-450 |
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22-1. Superman.Authentic, rare signature “Sincerely, George Reeves,” the original television “Superman,” his first screen role in the opening scene of Gone With the Wind. In thick Waterman-blue ink. Mounted on chipboard. Soft crease just touching “S” of “Sincerely” and “G” of “George”; grey ply showing at blank corner, easily matted, else very dark, bold and fine. With old magazine photo showing him as “Superman,” twisting a dumbbell into a pretzel. Provenance: our Auction, 1983. Request image. $650-900 (2 pcs.) |
22-2. Entertainment American-Style.Ensemble of celebrities: Photo of a very stylish Steve Allen, in loud houndstooth blazer, inscribed in black marker “To Lee (Maxfield) / Best Wishes....” 8 x 10. Choice. With manila envelope, Dec. 21, 1982, bearing label of The Steve Allen Office, Van Nuys, Calif. Worn but good. • Photo of Debbie Shelton, “Best Regards / Miss USA 1970,” wearing crown and sash, standing on ornate flooring of a mezzanine. 8 x 10. In black marker, mostly on mid-toned and dark backgrounds, but bold and discernable. Tears at left edge, considerable postal creasing, but entirely satisfactory if matted and framed, and good plus. • 8 x 10 matte doubleweight silverprint photograph made 1973 from original glass plate of historic showboat Golden Rod, taken at Madison, Ind., 1920s, being towed by the Crown Hill. Excellent. With letter from C.N. Stoll, Rock Hill Steamboats, Louisville, Ky., 1973, to Lee Maxfield. “The showboat is...the same one that still exists today at St. Louis. This picture is further noteworthy in that another showboat and her attendant steam towboat are lying outside....” Toned, else about fine. With large mailing envelope. • Typescript extracts of “The Wisdom of J.R. Ewing,” TV show “Dallas,” with Larry Hagman’s oversize signature in bright red at bottom. 8 1/2 x 11. “You’ve already ruined his career. Isn’t that enough?” “Hell, no....” Considerable browntoning, blank top edge chipped, but still satisfactory and suitable for display. With 1991 invoice, Searle’s Autographs. All items ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $50-70 (7 pcs.) |
22-3. An Iconic 1960s TV Secret Agent.Two mimeographed publicity sheets from the hit 1960s TV show Man from U.N.C.L.E., surprinted “Top Secret,” containing “Confidential File” for agent Mark Slate, played by Noel Harrison, son of Rex. 8 1/2 x 11. Comprising the character’s biographical details (“Fluent in a dozen languages...Member of the British Olympic Skiing Team...Rally driver, Singer of folk, rock ‘n roll...expert at judo, karate...”), and his “evaluation” (“Mr. Slate...could use a haircut, wears striped ties with checked coats and is cavalier about his briefing, no matter how serious the danger...He was trained for U.N.C.L.E. by the same expert who developed Mr. Solo and Mr. Kuryakin...”). Tears at blank upper right, some marginal defects and toning, but good plus. • Photo, in character, boldly signed in black marker. Holding pistol with sniper’s scope, silencer, and fittings. Some handling, else very good. Novel items, perhaps sent to a fan. Harrison also boasted a career as a (real) singer. $55-70 (2 pcs.) |
22-4. Corresponding with the Stars.Fascinating collection of 58 envelopes and 1 postcard from around the world, addressed to Hollywood movie stars in 1946, at Paramount, Twentieth-Century Fox (one to “...XX Century Fox, Hollywood, America,” another at “Movietone City, Calif.”), United Artists, and Universal. Some stars, such as Tyrone Power, Barbara Stanwyck, and Dana Andrews, received multiple envelopes. Colorful foreign postage stamps, postal markings, and eccentric spellings. Also: Anne Baxter, Vivian Blaine, Perry Como, Jeanne Crain, William Eythe, Alice Faye, Betty Grable, Dick Haymes, Lon McCallister, Maureen O’Hara, Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde, et al. Many from South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina; plus Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canal Zone, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. Postal handling, some tears where opened, else generally good and better. A splendid display. $90-120 (59 pcs.) |
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23-1. Signed Flown Cover from Lindbergh’s “Outlaw” Return Flight.Signed envelope, with boldly imprinted address, “J.T. Trippe, Pan American Airways, Inc., Chanin Building, N.Y.C.,” postmarked Panama, Feb. 9, 1929. Second purple circular handstamp at left, “Agencia Postal / Colon, R. de P(anama) / Primer Correo Aereo Intenacional (sic).” 10¢ orange Panamanian “Entrega Inmediata” (Special Delivery) – showing a mail carrier on bicycle – surprinted “25 / Correo Aereo...” (issued the previous day!), and 2¢ carmine. Signed by Lindbergh vertically at left. Backstamped N.Y., Feb. 15. Panama had planned to send mail on Lindbergh’s return flight, however this was precluded by the contract between Pan Am and the U.S. Post Office. As a courtesy, Pan Am carried Panama mail in a second plane. This flight was criticized, becoming known as the “Outlaw Flight.” Evidence of two mounts on verso, blind impression of clip at blank right, just beneath red postage stamp, some handling, else about fine, and colorful for display. AAMC FAM #5. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $625-775 |
23-2. Signed Flown Cover from Lindbergh’s “Lost Mail Flight.”Signed envelope with purple cachet “Air Mail First Flight / International F.A.M.S. / Brownsville-Mexico City,” postmarked Mar. 10, 1929, tying 5¢ airmail stamp with exceedingly wide top margin, and generous margins at sides. To George L. Rihl, Bank of Mexico Building, Mexico City. Signed by Lindbergh vertically in blank left quarter, in deep blue. Backstamped “Servicio Aereo...Mexico,” same day. Flying a Ford Tri-Motor on this inaugural flight, “numerous bags of mail went missing for one month, and consequently this became known in the philatelic world as the Lost Mail Flight...”--charleslindbergh.com/airmail. Some toning at right edge, evidence of two mounts on verso, else very good plus. Within a year of his epic flight, a full one-quarter of all Americans had personally seen Lindbergh, making him one of the most conspicuous heroes of the century. A splendid conversation piece. AAMC FAM #8-1B. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $700-850 |
23-3. Pioneer Confederate Balloonist.Postwar T.L.S. of Augustine T. Smythe, the intrepid Confederate balloonist. Charleston, S.C., Jan. 8, 1901, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 oblong, 1 full p., on his engraved dark cream legal letterhead. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Smythe joined the College Cadets, attached to the attack on Fort Sumter, and was later part of the Confederacy’s new observation balloon program. For the first time in military history, battles were to be directed from the air. Smythe was to make the very first Confederate balloon ascent - but the balloon exploded before takeoff. He later claimed that he had personally received training from Count Zeppelin. Postwar, served in S.C. State Senate. Concerning estate work for Mrs. Linnie Calhoun (wife of Capt. John Caldwell Calhoun, who served in 34th Ala. Infantry, evidently named for the elder statesman, already a leading figure when the Capt. was born in 1843). “I am giving this matter as prompt attention as I can and shoving it along....” Ink light brown, minor postal wrinkles, else fine. Fascinating lighter-than-air aviation history, and scarce thus. $110-150 |
23-4. The 1914 Aerial Derby and its Flying Machines.Excessively rare ensemble relating to perhaps the grandest aviation event of its era, “Aerial Derby at Hendon” (England), May 23, 1914: Preliminary press release, ”one of the greatest flying events of the year...May 23...The Aerial Derby at its inception in 1912 was just a cross country race. Now it is...watched not by thousands but by millions... Awaiting the fall of the starter’s flag will stand nearly twenty of the fastest machines of the day....” • Official souvenir program, 5 1/4 x 8 1/2, (56) pp., many photos, full color covers, depicting “Wonderful Air Racing - A Fine Finish” and “A Monoplane Passenger Flight at Hendon.” Hendon’s venue, the London Aerodrome, was owned by Grahame-White Aviation Co. Conveying the same excitement as a circus, the newness of self-propelled flight captured the public’s imagination: “...Here truly was a new form of racing - racing not of the earth or water; racing in which the course was the sky itself....” Charming list of prices for passenger flights: “Two circuits of the Aerodrome, £2.2.0; Two higher and wider circuits, £3.2.0....” • Separate, inserted map of route of derby. • Folder, 4 pp., black on matte enamel. “Flying at Hendon - Regulations...Aerial Derby...95-mile circuit of London....” • Mimeographed press release “for the postponed Aerial Derby...on June 6...Now totals 23 machines...A feature of Saturday’s program will be the first public demonstration of a parachute descent from an aeroplane....” Program cover with handling evidence, modest edge tears, but colorful, attractive, and about very good; other items excellent. The most spectacular air show of its kind up to that time, it would also be the last: World War I would erupt three months later, and daredevil escapades in the skies would cease to be a matter of amusement, but of life and death. No Hendon Aerial Derby literature of any year recorded by WorldCat, British Library, abebooks, or RareBookHub. $650-850 (5 pcs.) |
23-5. Jimmy Doolittle honors the “Father of Modern Rocketry.”First Day Cover for Robert Goddard 8¢ airmail, boldly signed by J.H. Doolittle. Postmarked Roswell, N.M., Oct. 5, 1964. Cachet by Day Lowry, with extensive text upon “50th Anniversary of Dr. Goddard’s First Patent Grants for using Liquid and Solid Fuels and for Multi-Stage Boosters in Rockets...In 1926 he launched the first non-munitions rocket which burned out in 2.5 seconds...By 1932 Dr. Goddard’s rockets were reaching altitudes of 2000 feet at a speed of 500 m.p.h.” Highly attractive. Choice condition. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 |
23-6. Doolittle with Space Technology Laboratories.Splendid signed photograph of (Gen.) J.H. Doolittle, inscribed in brownish-black across breast of jacket and “fruit salad,” “To G. Merle Johnson: With every good wish, Sincerely....” 8 x 10, handstamped on verso “Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. / Official Photograph.” Olive-tone, semi-matte finish. Closely dateable to 1959-60, during which Doolittle became Chairman of Space Technology, a division of TRW supporting ICBM development. In 1960, Congress converted his division to a non-profit organization, renamed Aerospace Corp., adding rocket conversion for Projects Mercury and Gemini to their to-do list. Doolittle became the only American to receive both the nation’s highest military and civilian accolades, the Medal of Honor and Medal of Freedom. Some coarse rippling at top and bottom, with one vertical crimp, probably a defect in photographic paper, as made, else fine, with a warm, evocative appearance for display, unlike some of the later standard black-and-white glossies. With 1967 invoice and envelope of Dr. Milton Kronovet, 2.00 (reduced from 3.00 in an earlier list). Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $130-160 |
23-7. “Daredevils of Rescue” and Project Mercury.A.L.S. of scuba-diving paramedic jumpmaster Ray E. McClure, one of the two elite members of Air Force’s Air Rescue Service who parachuted 1,000 feet into the Atlantic to rescue astronaut Scott Carpenter, after his Project Mercury capsule overshot the impact area by 250 miles. Nov. 2, 1962, 8 x 10. Enclosing a photo (not present). “...Sorry that it has taken so long for you to get it back but both A(ir)m(a)n Heitsch [his rescue partner] have been busy...Am returning your check as I think it would do you more good...Put it in the church fund if you will....” • With fascinating, illustrated articles from three N.Y.C. newspapers, one a full page from World-Telegram and Sun, about 5 x 8 3/4, 5 x 13, and 14 3/4 x 23. Letter with clip stain, toned from filing with articles, else all very good. An exciting story. $55-75 (4 pcs.) |
23-8. From the Moon to Miami.T.L.S. of astronaut Frank Borman, Commander of Apollo 8, first mission to fly around the Moon; its Earthrise photograph has become one of the most enduring of the twentieth century. Here as Pres., Eastern Air Lines, filling Eddie Rickenbacker’s shoes. On blind-embossed and steel-engraved letterhead, Miami, Feb. 4, 1983, 7 1/4 x 10 1/4. To a customer in Texas. “It was very thoughtful of you to commend the people of Eastern. We are doing our level best to provide our customers the finest service in the industry and our efforts are well rewarded by letters such as yours. They mean a great deal to me personally....” Offered command of the first Moon landing mission, Borman declined, choosing to retire. Recipient of Congressional Space Medal of Honor, he is currently the oldest living American astronaut. Very light offset of one typewriten line on blank lower portion, else signature in jet black, and excellent. • With envelope, opened across top with letter-opener, else very fine. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $90-120 (2 pcs.) |
23-9. Russian Collusion in Space – 1975.Three items: Pair of red, white, blue, and gold circular stickers recognizing the July 1975 Apollo-Soyuz docking mission. 3 1/2” diam. Identical. • One colorful embroidered patch for Apollo 16, eagle atop red, white, and blue shield, “Young - Mattingly - Duke.” 3” diam. The fifth mission to land on the Moon, in Apr. 1972, John Young and Charles Duke, Jr. spent 71 hours on the lunar surface. All unused and excellent. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $35-45 (3 pcs.) |
23-10. Walter Hinton.First American pilot to cross the Atlantic, 1919. Signed airmail envelope, “Walter Hinton / Pilot of NC-4.” With large purple pictorial cachet, with stylized view of his plane flying low over three olde world galleons. “...Nashville Welcomes Natl. Vice Pres. Lt. Walter Hinton, First American Pilot to cross the Atlantic.” 5¢ purple airmail stamp, postmarked Nashville, Mar. 17, 1931. Fine and attractive. $75-100 |
23-11. Namesake of the Sopwith Camel.Strikingly attractive oversize First Day Cover boldly signed by T(homas) O.M. Sopwith, British aviator and designer of eponymous Sopwith Camel and Triplane flying machines, dominating the skies in World War I. Full color cachet and Australian postage stamp honoring Harry G. Hawker, a household name in Great Britain and Australia even before World War I, and chief test pilot for Sopwith. Postmarked Australia, May 31, 1979, 4 1/2 x 7 1/2. Lengthy imprinted text in green: “Flown from Melbourne to London in Boeing 747...British Airways...then flown in Hawker aircraft to mark Harry Hawker’s connection with the Sopwith and later, Hawker Aircraft Co....” On verso, pictorial stamp, “Concorde Project Coordinator / Received June 17, 1979...,” showing the supersonic jet. Pink handstamp where carried by R.A.F. in a Hawker Hunter aircraft. Green imprint, “Certified Copy No. 0060 of 1190,” signed by Flt. Lt. F.W. Waters, Royal Air Force Museum. Residue of small label at blank lower right, else very fine. Under enormous pressure, during World War I’s raids on Britain, Hawker designed a Sopwith able to climb to 11,000 feet - to destroy the terrifying Zeppelins. After the war, Hawker and Sopwith formed H.G. Hawker Engineering, the firm evolving into Hawker Siddeley, another of the venerable names of British aviation. With pages from dealer Walter Burks catalogue, 1989, 85.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $80-110 |
23-12. Earhart’s Lost Flight.Red and blue on onion-skin cover, imprinted “Round the World Flight - Amelia Earhart - 2nd Take Off - 1937....” Cachet with small photo and streamlined drawing of her plane encircling the globe. This cover only available in this postally unused form: Prepared for her second flight, when she disappeared with her plane and single crew member. Her initial 1937 flight was aborted by mechanical repair (at Pearl Harbor!), then damaged on takeoff. The second attempt was progressing successfully, some 22,000 miles completed, only the crossing of the Pacific remaining. The plane vanished after leaving New Guinea, triggering the most costly and intensive search in history, speculation continuing to this day. Fresh and mint. With 1985 Cohasco invoice and catalogue page, 50.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $65-85 |
23-13. Amelia Earhart.Signature in oak brown on ivory, 1 1/2 x 2, signed at angle. Light uniform toning where inside corner of a mat rested atop “Am” and the final “t,” else very fine. $250-325 |
23-14. Breaking both East and Westbound Records across the Atlantic.Attractive cover flown on this historic first commercial Transatlantic round-trip flight, 1937, signed by its flamboyant pilot Dick Merrill. The highest-paid airmail pilot, later Eisenhower’s and Eddie Rickenbacker’s personal pilot, flying the longest distance of any pilot in commercial aviation history - reportedly 8,000,000 miles. Large onionskin airmail envelope, postmarked N.Y. May 8, London May 13, and again upon return in N.Y. on May 14, respectively cancelled on three postage stamps, U.S. and British. Blue and pink pictorial handstamps, “Anglo-American Goodwill Coronation Flight...,” with crossed flags and Royal crown. The first fully-successful round-trip crossing, the flight of the Lockheed Electra was made in honor of the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Taking off from Floyd Bennett Field, the aviators crossed in just over 20 hours, and returned in 24. “On board the aircraft were photographs of the Hindenburg airship disaster which had only happened a few days before and served to highlight the use of aircraft as the future for global air transporation...A few covers were autographed by either Dick Merrill or Jack Lambie and these unsurprisingly command premium prices among collectors today...The legacy of the...flight was that Capt. Merrill was widely judged to have proved that quick and reliable commercial transatlantic flights were a viable proposition”--gbstamp.co.uk. Blind-debossed rule at left, perhaps where clamped to clipboard in flight, gum toned on rear flap, else colorful and fine. AAMC 1280. • With printed descriptive insert, Gimbels Stamp Dept. • Splendid 8 x 10 glossy of an older Merrill (he even flew the Concorde) in a cockpit, signed in blue on light portion. Very fine. • Merrill memorial service and tribute folders, Shannon Air Museum, Fredericksburg, Va., 1982. • Originally sold by Gimbels Stamp Dept., with their period insert. Later Charles Searle invoice accompanies, 1988, 40.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $130-160 (5 pcs.) |
23-15. Neil Armstrong.Genuine signature at bottom of miniature front page of New York Times, Dec. 25, 1968, with prelude to later Moon landing. Signed beside First Day of Issue cancellation of Apollo 8, with quote from Genesis, postmarked Houston, May 5, 1969. 5 x 9 1/2. On apricot parchtone. Armstrong’s stylish signature in fine blue ballpoint, at an angle. Prepared by, and acquired from noted late autograph dealer Seymour Kessler of N.Y., who had arrangements with notables to sign modest quantities of his specially designed and postmarked items. We are unaware of non-authentic material originating from Kessler. Very light blind crease at blank upper left, else choice. Unconditionally guaranteed authentic. $375-450 |
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24-1. A Charming Book from the Decade of Columbus.Sermones quadragesimales, by Johannes de Aquila (Aquilanus), printed in Brescia, Italy, by Angelus Britannicus, Apr. 18, 1497. 298 of 331 (or 332) leaves, these absent when bound around the second quarter of 18th century. Saddle-brown 3/4 leather, unusual paper over boards with black, white, and pink lattice design, gilt fleurs-de-lis and scrollwork on spine. Exhibiting refinement in typography, pressmanship, and papermaking. Exquisitely composed in a small Gothic type, the paper at first glance having the finish and patina of fine lambskin. Lovely initial-cap woodcuts interspersed. Uncommon woodcut device AB on last page; on verso, six-line, 16th-century notation in Latin. Occasional period marginal notations in one of the tiniest hands we have ever seen. Tip and shelf wear, some small worm holes, else binding about very good and highly displayable. Lacking: signatures L and M, and the unsigned signature of 8 leaves at end, comprising the “versus in laudem Mariæ,” one leaf from the preliminaries (probably leaf 5), and apparently one other signature. First two signatures loose but holding; some very light staining at blank top and bottom margins all leaves, but this may be related to red fore-edges, likely applied at time of binding; modest handling evidence, else internally about fine. Provenance: four clippings from catalogues, c. 1920 to 1997: clipping of Fuller, a British dealer, mounted on front flyleaf, stating “One copy in U.S.A.”; later but still old clipping from a mimeographed American auction catalogue, “paid 8.50” in pencil, perhaps 1930s, this most likely corresponding to Fitzgerald bookplate described below; clipping from auction catalogue, in style of Swann, 1970s; and clipping from Whitlock Farms Booksellers catalogue, June 1997, price by then 675.00. Interesting poster-stamp-size mezzotint bookplate at front, judged c. 1940, of Roy G. Fitzgerald (1875-1962), five-term Ohio Congressman, early pilot and friend of Wright Brothers, urged organization of Air Force - in 1927; pioneered precursors of Social Security and child labor controls; sportsman, historic preservationist, and collector of books and relics. On flyleaf, a later address label of Conn. collector. RareBookHub records only one appearance at auction since 1860 (2012, Italy, that example missing 20 leaves, fetching EUR 3600). WorldCat finds 7 copies this edition (Huntington Library, Library of Congress, National Library of Spain, Royal Danish Library, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universitat de Valencia, and University of N.C.). BMC VII 978. Goff J-251. Hain 1326. Kristeller 19. Wins. p. 17. $2700-3600 |
24-2. With Article by Benjamin Franklin on Electricity – 1759.Bound volume, The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, London, complete year 1759, 5 x 8, 643 pp. + indices, rebound mid-19th century in chocolate brown calf spine and tips, complementary marbled boards. Woodcuts and some folding copperplates, but lacking some maps and views, these presumed lost prior to time of rebinding c. 1850-60. One of the most important magazines of its century, with a profusion of articles, ranging from long-form reporting of latest news, to science, astronomy, medicine, books, poems, history, and more. Including (Jan.:) “Authentic account of a most magnificent festival celebrated in China,” “Rules for preservation of health and long life,” “Wonderful relation of a monstrous dog,” “Absurdity of imprisoning for debt,” “Defence of the claims of the Dutch to a free trade.” (Feb.: ) “Time of the expected comet” predicted by Dr. Halley, “Scheme for enclosing waste lands, without injuring the poor,” “Russian affairs - Preparation of the powers at war.” (Mar.:) “...New treaty with the Indians,” “On the voice of birds & quadrupedes.” (Apr.:) Problem on the expected comet,” “Project to preserve leaky ships from sinking.” (May:) “...Expedition to Ticonderoga,” “Path of the present comet described,” “Imaginery tour thro’ cometary orbits,” “Doctrine of electricity in France and America compared.” (June:) “Friendly Address to the Jews,” map of Guadeloupe. (Aug.:) article by Benjamin Franklin on application of electricity to paralyzed patients; “On the Best Method of Making Roads,” “Causes of the Rise of the Riots in Ireland,” and much, much more. Maps and views lacking include Germany, Jan. issue; Martinique, Feb.; Franconia, Lake George, and Ticonderoga, May; and others. Ornate copper-engraved university bookplate, different state college handstamp on fore-edge, “cancelled” stamp on Preface page. Folding plan of Havre de Grace (July) tattered and remounted on paper at time of rebinding. Original stitches visible in gutter, some header titles closely trimmed in binding, cover scuffing, front inner hinge cracked but strong, bowing of boards (improveable), foxing of last few leaves (only), else pleasant uniform cream toning, and internally very satisfactory. Reduced accordingly. $110-150 |
24-3. A Year in the Life of the American Woman – 1858.Bound volume, The Lady’s Home Magazine, Jan.-Dec. 1858, ed. by T.S. Arthur and Miss Virginia E. Townsend, Philadelphia. 6 x 9 1/4, 304 + 294 pp., darkest green stippled calf tips and spine over marbled boards. Profusely illustrated, the index listing over 160 woodcuts, steel-engraved plates, fashion plates - some hand-watercolored in beautiful delicate tones, and patterns for needlework. A vast treasury for the modern woman in antebellum America, including stories, poetry, fashion, recipes, and the monthly features “Boys’ and Girls’ Treasury,” “Health Dept.,” “Mothers’ Dept.,” “Hints for Housekeepers,” “The Toilet and Work Table,” and much more. Including “The Art of Coloring Photographs,” “Pocket Money for Wives,” “Women should be better than their Husbands,” Indian Griddle Cakes, Tea Drinking in China, Boiled Corned Beef, “To Make Sandwiches,” “Trouble Kills - Laziness,” “Fashions - The Turkish Bag...Costume of Russian Boy,” and much more. Cover and spine scuffing, varied foxing from incidental to moderate, but generally the former, dependent on the type of paper within; some wear, but in all, about very good. Elusive. No issues of 1858 recorded by WorldCat. $70-100 |
24-4. Rare Gold-Rush-Year Women’s Magazine.Bound volume, Peterson’s Ladies National Magazine / of Art, Literature and Fashion, complete year 1849, ed. by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Philadelphia. 6 x 9 3/4, 220 + 258 pp., caramel spine and oxblood calf tips over dark brown fine grosgrain, large black cover label, subscriber’s name within gilt border, “Elizabeth R. Curtis,” probably the eleventh of the Curtis children of Duxbury and Pembroke, Mass. Profusely illustrated with over 40 woodcuts and steel engravings, some hand-watercolored (one using fluorescent red). Articles including “The Fall of Jerusalem,” “The Artist - A Story of Pittsburg,” “Kate Douglass, or Philadelphia in 1776,” “The Spectre Horseman - A Legend of the Rocky Mountains,” “May-Day in the Olden Time,” “The Summer Days Will Come Again!,” “To Mrs. James K. Polk,” and much more. Full-page woodcut of “A Stage-Coach Adventure,” showing a demure young lady in bonnet, deflecting a gentleman, beseeching her as he holds a teacup. Spine scuffing and hinge wear but presentable, inner hinges cracked but holding, some leaves shaken at front, back, and internally; fore-edge wear, long tear in one blank flyleaf; uniform marginal toning, some foxing, else good. A scarce title, and very rare year. No issues of 1849 recorded by WorldCat. $110-150 |
24-5. Swiss Bible.Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments..., Old and New Testaments, printed by Emanuel Thurneisen, Basel, 1827/29. In German. 4 1/2 x 7 1/4, 908 + 265 pp., plain calf over cocoa boards, all edges yellow. Masthead woodcuts at beginning of each Testament. Lengthy gift inscription on front flyleaf to Maria Turlach, 1835. Pressed clover in Jeremiah; manuscript verses nested in Maccabees, one on paper trimmed to keystone shape, other on green. Leather with gentle, original handling, to tortoise shell; minor cover and shelf wear, tiny bookworm hole at bottom of flyleaf and title, minor foxing of flyleaf only, traces of occasional very light waterstaining, else internally fresh, tight, and excellent, the whole with lovely character. A pleasing example from this center of publishing since the Renaissance. WorldCat locates only three other copies this edition. Rare. $80-110 |
24-6. An Astronomy Classic, Published by Mathew Carey.Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, “and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics...A plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun...Distances of all the planets from the sun...,” by James Ferguson, “printed for and published by Mathew Carey,” Philadelphia, 1809. Second American ed. 5 1/4 x 8 1/2, 553 pp. + Index. Original plain full calf, vestiges of gilt ruling on spine. “...being incapable of leaving the Earth, and viewing it at a distance, and its rotation being smooth and uniform, we can neither see it move...nor feel ourselves affected by its motion....” List of constellations, discussion of celestial globes, Harvest Moon, motion of light, fixed stars, and much more. Tables of time, equations, and eclipses. Foldout plates of London edition not present, and not evidently part of American edition. Printer’s error, p. 259 numbered 295, but text undisturbed. Period ink notation on front flyleaf, “...Sell $4.25,” with initials “A.D.B.” in pencil; tear across blank lower portion; following blank flyleaf in two pieces. Boards and spine with much authentic wear, variously with both suede and original gloss, vertical surface crack on spine, front board detached, head and tail of spine and corners worn; internally with mostly uniform warm toast toning, first six leaves with corner wear, else the text nearly fine. This Carey printing uncommon. Early American Imprints, Series 2 (Shaw-Shoemaker) 17505. $150-190 |
24-7. “To cram the Coffers of the Romanists....”Two viciously anti-Catholic news-book tracts, “The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome: or, The History of Popery,” “No. 12 / Second Vol.,” Sept. 26, 1679, 5 3/4 x 7 3/4, complete in (6) pp. Once bound with “The Popish Courant,” same date, (2) pp., in a now-lost volume of the weekly diatribes. Describing “an Indulgence found buried with a Gentleman’s Corpse in Pauls. The true designe of such Knacks discovered, to cheat people of their Money.” Terming them “Emulgences (Purse-milking Devices)...to cram the Coffers of the Romanists...Whenever [the Pope] had a mind to amass Moneys, it was a way no less sure than ready, on pretence of blowing a Trumpet for a War against Turks or Hereticks...and proclaim Markets and Fairs for vending such his Spiritual Small-Wares ...fixing the Rates of all kinds of sins...Persuaded they should lie frying in Purgatory many thousands of years to purge and sit themselves for Heaven....” Followed by purported text of an indulgence found “in an ancient English Book,” invoking “Saint John Latryneus,” also spelled “St. John Latrines.” Caramel toning imparted by light waterstaining, else fine. Very scarce. With copy of 1970 invoice of Joan Enders, 10.00. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $80-110 |
24-8. The Philippine Journal of Science.From Vol. I, No. 1 (1906): ten thick, heavy volumes, with exhaustive coverage of the botany, fauna, flora, forestry, geology, minerology, fish, wildlife, natural history, and anthropology of The Philippines, then recently acquired by the U.S. Comprising Vols. I, I Supplement, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, X, and XI (lacking VI and VII). Many photos, cuts, folding maps, and other embellishments. Mostly Bureau of Printing, Manila.; Dr. Alvin J. Cox, General Editor, or Warren D. Smith, Chief, Div. of Geology and Mines, Bureau of Science, Manila. • Tenth volume (no. XI) contains all of following: Section A, Chemical and Geological Sciences and the Industries, 1916, 47 pp., 5 plates, 13 text figs.; Section A, Nos. 2-6, all 1916; Annual Reports of Bureau of Science, Years Ending Aug. 1, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, and 1915; Mineral Resources of the P.I., 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, and 1915, most with covers; folding map at rear; booklets pasted to endpaper, Philippine Journal of Science & other Publications, 1915, and Industrial Resources of the P.I., c. 1911. Various style original cloth and calf bindings, spine cover lacking Vol. XI, else very good, internally very clean and tight. Ex-U.S. Dept. of Interior Library. In all, 10 volumes, some weighing up to 7 lbs. each. Very rare; this title is not found in many Asian and Western archives, nor in Library of Congress. $1000-1500 (10 volumes) |
24-9. Encyclopædia Britannica.Complete set of 24 volumes (sans atlas), in original publisher’s purpose-made cherry-tone bookcase, 1958 edition. Published by William Benton, Chicago. Gilt-stamped crimson and ink-blue Spanish leatherette, cream text, white enamel plates throughout. Some heads and tails of spines with cabinet wear or fray starting, some outer hinges a bit dry, few fore-edges sprinkled with fountain pen droplets, else clean, dry, unmarked, solid, bindings about very good, internally excellent. Wood presentable, with nicks and average blemishes toward front, easily improveable and polished. Our extra office set, always pet- and smoke-free, and many spreads evidently never opened. For those who enjoy doing their reading and research with real books. One of our favorite passages: “...We often unthinkingly speak of the mediæval world as though it was a world consciously mediæval, inhabited by beings who thought of themselves as mediæval...”--article on “Middle Ages,” vol. 15. Please allow for heavy shipping weight. $90-120 |
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25-1. Ancient Coin – 84 B.C.Roman Republic, Denarius, silver. Licinius, L.f. Macer. 84 B.C. Quarter size. Diademed (cloth-crowned) and draped bust of Vejovis left, hurling thunderbolt. Reverse: Minerva driving galloping quadriga right. Much off center, on slightly elliptical flan, giving striking appearance, with irridescent topaz toning around edges. Die crack at 11 o’clock, into forehead, else judged about EF 45, the delicate detail of Minerva’s plume, and horses’ harness and rear legs well defined. Crawford 354/1. Licinia 16. RBW 1355. Sydenham 732. In c. 1970s Harmer Rooke flip. $140-170 |
25-2. Ancient Coin – 58-55 B.C.Roman Republic, Denarius, silver. Man(ius) Acilius Glabrio. 58-55 B.C. Nickel size. Fine/Good. Uncommon variety. A Roman Senator famed for slaying a large lion while escaping injury, he was later charged with impiety and executed. Some historians believed he was a Christian; others thought it more likely he had converted to Judaism. Crawford 442/1. Sear 412. $60-75 |
25-3. Ancient Coin – 66-70 A.D. - Judaica.First Revolt, Jerusalem, 66-70 A.D., year 2. Amphora/vine leaf, with text “Chayrot Zion” (“for the Redemption of Zion”). Bronze. Dime size. Clips at three locations on rim, else about Good. Hendin 123. $30-35 |
25-4. Ancient Coin – 117-138 A.D.Roman Republic, Denarius, silver. Hadrian, 117-138 A.D. Bust facing right. “Hadrianus Avg[vgtvs] Cosii PP”; “Victoria Avg” on reverse. Rather uncommon variety with Victory seated left, holding wreath and palm. Rome mint. Nickel size. Storm-grey cabinet toning on circumference of obverse (indicating surface undisturbed in the last half-century-plus), and about Fine, the devices strong, and wreath discernable. RIC II 183. $85-115 |
25-5. Ancient Coin – 350-353 A.D – Uncommon Double Centenionalis.Magnentius, Roman Emperor of the West, 350-353 A.D., Christogram (stylized cross), double centenionalis. Bronze. Amiens mint. About quarter size. Emerald verdigris, but detail judged about Fine/VF, with deep chocolate patina. RIC 34. Of barbarian birth, Magnentius fled to Gaul after defeat, committing suicide. This denomination somewhat elusive; only one example, severely clipped, found on a major multi-dealer European site. $110-140 |
25-6. Ancient Coin – 379-397 A.D.Theodosius I, Roman general and Emperor, 379-397 A.D. AE-4. Victory - Captive. 1/2” diameter. Copper, ebony tone. Judged Good/Fine detail. Born in Spain, marauded through England, given Egypt, and made peace with Goths. $35-45 |
25-7. Illuminating a Church Statue – in the Golden Age of Alsace.Manuscript charter in a dialect of eastern France, likely penned in the “other” Montreux, near the German border, Jan. 1261, 3 1/2 x 6 3/4. Recording a donation of six sous “de Gaullois” to the abbey of “n(os)tre Dame” (“Our Lady”) at Valdieu, for perpetual lighting of a statue. Agnès, “Dame de Fontenoy et de Mostiroul” (Montreux),” and her son, Jean, pledge to give this sum on Martinmas (November 11) each year. Penned on mocha vellum, in a charming charter hand. The “Valdieu” here is doubtless the Benedictine abbey in Alsace, completed c. 1258; this manuscript may be the only trace remaining. Agnès is believed foundress of the abbey; she owned a castle at Montreux, which first appears in records in Oct. 1260, in which she submits Valdieu to protection of the abbey of La Chaise-Dieu. “The 12th and 13th centuries were the golden age of Alsace under the Hohenstaufen Emperors. One of them, Frederick I (Barbarossa), claimed Alsace to be ‘the dearest of our family possessions.’ It was a period of intense urbanization which saw the birth of a powerful merchant class with increasingly sophisticated tastes. During the second half of this same century Alsace was embellished with many beautiful Romanesque churches. This artistic flowering took place at a time when Alsace could boast of a number of rapidly expanding towns and cities, each with a wealthy merchant class and powerful guilds...”--regions-of-france.com. Indeed, this manuscript is dated one year before Alsace became a free imperial city. Docketing on verso in hands of about the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Unobjectionable patches of slightly darker toning, old folds, seal lacking as usual, else very good. Mediæval manuscripts in French are much less abundant than in Latin; those in eastern French dialects are rare. The use of French in Alsace has long been less than universal: the French influence did not gain there til the end of the 16th century, during the Wars of Religion and Thirty Years War, when Alsatian cities, caught between clashing Catholic and Protestant armies, turned to France for assistance. Indeed, today the language spoken there by about half the population is Alsatian, a blend of French and German. Alsace would remain a key in world events twice more: the Maginot Line was created to defend the region, and later, the seat of the European Parliament was sited there, “to make Alsace a symbol of hope for future Franco-German cooperation....” $575-725 |
25-8. With an Elaborate Calligraphic Initial “I.”Portion of musical leaf c. 1480, Spain, 5 x 5 irregular. From a gradual, containing chants for Mass. Crimson and rich brown on creamy vellum. Rotunda script. Square notes on five-line staff. Large ornament initial “I,” with three flourish extensions. The words and notes were penned upsize, to permit sight-reading in dark churches. Mousechew(?) at lower right section, just touching terminus of penwork, ink erosion through one phrase of notes, some soiling, but very good. $55-75 |
25-9. Embellished in Shimmering Genuine Gold.Leaf from a Book of Hours, Low Countries, c. 1420. In Dutch. 4 x 5 3/4. Twenty lines per side. Undoubtedly a costly creation, with eight initials in shimmering liquidy gold, and seven in the rare blue - this appearing with a bright lapis hue - highlighting text in unusual copper-brown. Three words heightened in near-fluorescent red. Inlaid “L” strip at margin, mid-brown scorching, lighter staining, and some peridot-green spotting, probably from color transferred from other leaves: a notation on the remains of the binding (not present) stated in French that it was damaged by fire in 1914, perhaps in the dawn of World War I. Else satisfactory and scarce. $80-110 |
25-10. From a Miniature Prayer Book.Leaf from a miniature prayer book, Low Countries, c. 1440. 2 1/2 x 4. In Dutch, on watermarked paper. Penned in a lettre batarde script, chocolate brown on oatmeal, two letters touched in red. Recovered from a small prayer book which contained both paper and vellum leaves, the use of paper for this purpose at this date rather unusual. Waterstains, mostly at blank margin, else good. $45-60 |
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26-1. Signed by the Planter who Suggested the Nation’s Capital be Named for Washington.Lottery ticket, c. 1800, Washington City Canal Lottery #1, “for cutting the Canal through the City of Washington, to the Eastern-Branch Harbour,” manuscript “12,” signed by Dan(ie)l Carroll of Dud(dingto)n. 1 1/2 x 4, anti-counterfeiting border. Carroll is credited with suggesting that the nation’s new capital be named for Washington. His Duddington was “one of the more lavish plantation settings in the District of Columbia,” a mansion crowning an estate which would include the Library of Congress and Capitol Hill - on which the eponymous building sits. A member of one of the few Catholic families among the Founding Fathers, cousin Charles Carroll was a Signer of the Declaration, and uncle Daniel one of just five signers of both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. One horizontal fold, usual pleasing toning, else about fine. • With lovely steel-engraved view of the Capitol Building, the city reaching to the horizon behind it, as it appeared c. 1915, 6 x 8. By Bureau of Engraving & Printing, sold c. 1970. Mint. With copy of 1985 Cohasco invoice and catalogue page. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-90 (2 pcs.) |
26-2. Revolutionary War Lottery Bond – Signed by an Instigator of the Boston Tea Party.Highly attractive copper-engraved State of Massachusetts-Bay bearer bond, “Mass. State Lottery, Class the Fourth” vertically at right. Feb. 5, 1780 (“177_” overwritten as the decade changed), 6%, promising £15 by Jan. 1, 1783. 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 oblong. With pine tree encircled by a rattlesnake. Engraved by Nathaniel Hurd, silversmith, and a contemporary of Paul Revere, who elaborated Ben Franklin’s rattlesnake theme as an incipient symbol of American independence. Intricately lettered masthead, simulating calligraphy. Different ornate border at each of three margins, including “Death to Counterfeit This” intertwined across bottom. Usual broad ink cancel through signature of State Treasurer H(enry) Gardner; also signed by Committee members J(ohn) Scollay and Edward Green. Gardner was “the rebel who succeeded the last royal treasurer” of Mass. in 1774--The Loyalists of Massachusetts..., James H. Stark, 1907, p. 345. Scollay was among the core patriots, named with Sam Adams, John Hancock, Dr. Joseph Warren, et al, who opposed those importing tea into Boston, forcing the consignees “to seek refuge in the Castle.” Though the first state in newly-independent America to issue debt certificates, by 1780 inflation was rampant, leading Massachusetts to try lotteries such as this to continue funding the war; the idea proved unproductive. Lacking “Mass.” stub at left, evidently removed upon redemption and cancellation; old reinforcement on verso with cream paper strips at center fold junction and around periphery, else unusually fine for this bond, and charming for display. Anderson-Smythe MA-16, rarity 6. This variety lacking in Massachusetts Historical Society’s substantial collection of Revolutionary War debt certificates. $250-300 |
26-3. First - and Last Confederate General to Surrender.Lovely holograph bank check signed with paraph of S(imon) B(olivar) Buckner, Masonic Savings Bank, Louisville, Apr. 2, 1875, 2 1/4 x 5 1/4, for the considerable sum of $8,000. Blue on white. Orange and brown 2¢ revenue stamp, ink cancelled with his initials “S.B.B....” Endorsed by D.W. Mitchell and J.H. Huber. Filing pinhole through printed “Pay to,” “X” machine cancel not affecting signature, light toning, else very good and attractive. In the unenviable position of early surrender at Fort Donelson to Grant - his close friend since West Point - Buckner became the first Confederate general to surrender an army. Holding out in 1865 til June 2, he thus also became the last Confederate general to surrender. Postwar Gov. of Kentucky, his term rocked by the notorious Hatfield-McCoy feud, violence erupting in at least six counties; 1896 Gold Democratic candidate for V.P. Buckner’s son was the highest-ranking American killed by enemy fire in World War II, at Okinawa. With 1974 invoice and envelope of Conway Barker, 15.00 (plus 10¢ postage!). Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $300-350 |
26-4. Variant Confederate “Non Taxable Certificate.”$1,000, 6%, Act of Feb. 17, 1864. Richmond, Nov. 28, 1864, 7 x 9 1/2. Imprint of Geo. Dunn & Co. Blind-embossed seal with palmetto, over pastoral vignette of a planter watching sheep in a meadow, as he stands behind wooden turnstile. Signed by Register of Treasury. Payable “at the Treasury in Richmond or at the Depository in Mobile, Ala.,” the latter in manuscript. At this late date in the war, the Confederacy understood the imminent danger to Richmond. Nearly uniform mocha toning, natural hole in blank bottom margin and few foxing spots from adversity paper, wrinkles at lower left and right corners, else very good plus. Criswell 154, Ball 367. Rarity 2. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection, from Cohasco. $80-110 |
26-5. $100 a Share.Pair of stock certificates of Pleasant Plains Coal & Mining Co., Ill., July 22, 1884, very low nos. 5 and 11, each for 1 share at $100. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, imprint of Springfield (Ill.) Printing Co. Signed by Pres. John Galloway, and Treas. John Evans. Moderately ornate typography, blind-embossed seal. Old folds, some handling evidence and toning, else about very good. An ephemeral operation, these certificates were issued in their last year in business; it is doubtful that this shareholder saw her money again. Excessively rare. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $110-140 (2 pcs.) |
26-6. Confederate Bond Payable Beginning July 1, 1865.Confederate $1000 bond, Act of Feb. 20, 1863, 7%. Signed by Ro(bert) Tyler, Register of Treasury. Payable beginning July 1, 1865. Mezzotint portrait of Gen. Stonewall Jackson; steamboat at bottom. Archer & Daly, Richmond. Brown-black on pale lilac, with 7 coupons. Red “...Treasury” handstamp on verso. Light purple stain at upper left, believed from spilled writing ink; usual fine handling creases, varied toning of adversity paper, else about very good, and suited for display. Criswell 122. • Interesting variant pair of Confederate $10 bills, Richmond, Feb. 17, 1864, pink and black obverse, blue verso. Horses pulling cannon at speed, portrait R.M.T. Hunter. Keatinge & Ball, Columbia, S.C. 9 Series. Criswell T-68/551. One with delicate black imprint, other rich, dense black. Both Crisp Uncirculated. From Cohasco Catalogue 32. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $70-90 (3 pcs.) |
26-7. Including a Confederate Bond negotiated in Amsterdam, 1867.Group of four Confederate bonds: $100, vignette of Confederate officer against tree. Act of Feb. 20, 1863. Light strawberry pink paper. 9 coupons; that due Jan. 1, 1865 never redeemed. Two silver-dollar-size waterstains, usual wrinkles, but about very good. Criswell 120. • $500, C.C. Memminger. Act of Feb. 20, 1863, payable 1868. 4 coupons. Ornate floral and anti-counterfeiting pantograph designs. Blue rubber stamp on verso, in Dutch, Amsterdam, 1867; ink bleeding at front. Handling evidence, else about very good, and a fascinating conversation piece. Criswell 124. • $1,000, Stonewall Jackson. Act of Feb. 20, 1863. Pale pinkish-mocha paper. 7 coupons. Superior impression of red stamp, “Good at the Treasury.” Some fine pinholes; wrinkling, edge tears, but still about good. Criswell 122. • $1,000, old Richmond Custom House. Act of Mar. 23, 1863, payable thirty years thence. 7 coupons. Lower half dust-toned, Ro(bert) Tyler signature sunfaded, else satisfactory. Criswell 130A. At least the first three items from Cohasco auction, 1992. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $140-190 (4 pcs.) |
26-8. Consecutively Numbered Checks of Thomas Edison – Signed on Same Day – with Strategic Context.First of two checks, offered separately: Edison Botonic Research Corp., West Orange, N.J., May 19, 1928. Black on pale green. Interesting study of Edison’s umbrella signature, here exhibiting some differences, though not only signed on the same day, but perhaps within minutes of each other: Check no. 618, to W.A. Benney, for one week’s expenses, $1,310.56 before advance by Edison. Edison’s signature in Waterman blue, the umbrella about 2 1/2” long, extending well beyond his name. Three bank endorsements on verso, in orange, blue, and purple, indicating that the payee was in Ft. Myers, Fla.: Benney was Superintendent of Edison’s famed research lab there. Founded the previous year by Edison, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone, the lab collected some 17,000 plants, testing for the quality of rubber they produced. The high expenses being subsidized by Edison here suggest his “grand approach” to the search for American-grown rubber; the previous month had seen Edison conclude that the large number of ficus trees planted at Ft. Myers would be unsuitable, as they would be too costly to cut by hand. Benney’s duties encompassed Indiana Jones-ian searches for obscure plants in semi-uncharted areas of the South, and “management of the estate’s numerous building projects...By the end of 1928...Benney emerged as the real leader of Fort Myers research...”--“Growing American Rubber: Strategic Plants and the Politics of National Security...,” Mark Largent, ed. The thousands of rubber plant experiments personally conducted by Edison, and his obsession with finding American-grown rubber sources were said by his wife to have contributed to his ill health. The puzzle was finally solved by his chemists, using rubber from goldenrod – ten days after Edison’s demise. Around the same time, already anticipating another war, a young Major by the name of Dwight Eisenhower embarked on a lengthy trip in this same pursuit, alarmed by America’s dangerous dependence on imported rubber. “...Coordinated efforts to prepare for a rubber shortfall remained virtually nonexistent. Meanwhile, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union made important advances in the preparation for war and its attendant rubber shortages...Just days after Edison’s death in Oct. 1931, U.S.D.A. rubber expert O.F. Cook summarized the prospects for an American rubber crop as ‘precarious.’” “Paid...” punch cancel, not touching signature. Crease at upper left corner, few torn perfs, else very fine. $400-475 (1 pc.) |
26-9. Consecutively Numbered Checks of Thomas Edison – Signed on Same Day – with Strategic Context.Second of two checks, offered separately: Edison Botonic Research Corp., West Orange, N.J., May 19, 1928. Check no. 619, to Armour Fertilizer Works, $45.95. Edison’s signature in Waterman blue, but noticeably more cramped, rising off the printed baseline of check, with an umbrella 1 3/4” long, drawn differently at its origin at “Thos.” Three bank endorsements, in grey, turquoise, and lilac, indicating that the payee was also in Ft. Myers. “Paid...” punch cancel, and single orange pencil cancellation line, neither touching signature, very light soft creases at upper left and lower right tips, else fine plus. $350-425 (1 pc.) |
26-10. In the Crucible: American Industry, 1941-1951.Unlikely gathering of 12 annual reports of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., “one of the world’s largest producers of industrial equipment and farm machinery.” 1927, and 1941-1951 inclusive. 8 1/4 x 10 3/4, 24-28 pp. ea. 1927: mention of “transfer of Nordyke and Marmon Co.’s flour mill business from Indianapolis to Milwaukee...,” building of two 6600 kilowatt gas-electric engines, largest in the country, and 54,000 h.p. turbine for a Md. power company, with 27 ft.-diameter butterfly valve. 1941: The only half-size format in the group, to conserve paper and ink following Pearl Harbor. A spartan report, but with two-page chart identifying their product lines “Vital to Our Victory Program.” • 1942: “Allis-Chalmers is backing the war effort 100%...Motors, pumps, crawler tractors, marine turbines...must be produced in a volume greatly in excess of what we have ever produced...Large gun slides, anti-aircraft gun mounts, propeller shafts...submarine hatches, and a host of other products, which cannot be revealed for military reasons....” • 1943: Photos showing how Allis-Chalmers is planning for postwar, including tractor, turbine, export freighter - and Boston Symphony, sponsored by the firm. Inside back cover features little girl, “Bread for You... Bombs for Tojo!,” with Japanese warship in flames. • 1944: Patriotic cover. Many photos of wartime products, including women assembling a turbo-supercharger, freighter at sea, tractor pulling heavy gun, tractor preparing an air strip in South Pacific, women in their lab, and operating precision casting oven. • 1946: With lengthy chronicle of strikes crippling 7 of their 8 plants. “The economic upheaval in 1946, which came like a tidal wave after V-J Day, engulfed Allis-Chalmers...Beneath the disguise of a labor dispute at Allis-Chalmers was the machinations of a communist-dominated union....” Indeed, the firm lost $25 million that year. • 1949: Debut of their Betatron, a 24-million-volt machine to treat cancer. • “The Next Five Years,” story of labor contract, 1950, (20) pp. Alleging communist demands and kangaroo courts; granted 3¢ an hour wage increase. • 1951: Photo of luxury liner United States, equipped with over 100 Allis-Chalmers marine pumps. • Special 1951 “Annual Review - General Machinery Div.,” 48 pp., profusely illustrated. • Plus 3 proxy statements, 7 meeting announcements, 2 original envelopes. Latter with some edge toning, reports with occasional minor file wear, else very good to very fine. A fascinating story of American industrial might at its zenith, with consecutive reports through World War II to 1951. Rare thus. $180-250 (26 pcs.) |
26-11. World War II Stock Offer Expiring in 13 Days.Six interesting items: Allis-Chalmers prospectus, Aug. 27, 1944, floating convertible preferred shares at $100 par, 8 1/2 x 13, 38 pp. Enclosing two different steel-engraved subscription warrants, American Bank Note Co.: golden yellow, right to exchange five shares of common for one share preferred, until “3 P.M. Eastern War Time, Apr. 12, 1944, and turquoise fractional-share warrant, for 3/6ths of a share, with same expiration. Numbered and signed. Crisp Mint. • Another prospectus, 1946, 49 pp., with two larger steel-engraved warrants: mocha, American Bank Note, for 4 shares, and olive green, for 5/7 ths of a share. Numbered and signed. If not exercised by expiration date, “this Warrant will become void and of no value.” One certificate with corner folded, else crisp Mint; margins of prospecti dust-toned, light file wear, else very good. Fractional certificates are rarely encountered in mint condition, and with their original prospecti. $90-120 (6 pcs.) |
26-12. Stock Market History - including Early Mutual Funds.Fascinating collection of 18 annual reports and 18 pcs. of related reporting literature for an early mutual fund family and smaller-cap public corporations, 1946-52, capturing the financial tenor of the rocky postwar years, beset by strikes, inflation, quality problems, and shortages. Mostly 8 x 10 1/2 to 8 1/2 x 11; some with engaging period layout, typography, and illustrations. Comprising: Group Securities, Inc., an early mutual fund, eight 1948-52 annual and semi-annual reports. Elegant typography and pressmanship. Offering five funds, a balanced, common, low priced, institutional bond, and general bond fund, their market caps microscopic by today’s standards. Fascinating lists of stocks in each industry, including automobile, aviation, building, electrical, food, and many other sectors. A great many of these names of business history are defunct. Very fine. • The Pennsylvania Co. for Banking and Trusts, Philadelphia, 1949, 1950, 1951, each cover beautifully steel-engraved on laid paper, with etching of their building’s entrance. “This report need not call further attention to the sorry state of world affairs, nor the all too apparent deterioration of public and private moral standards...Too much social experimentation, too much rank extravagance in government...are leading us away from...our rightful heritage. Today the whole world needs a strong United States....” Plus 2 semiannual statements, plan of merger, and prospectus. • Read Standard Corp., Erie and York, Pa., makers of Standardaire blowers and bakery equipment, 1948, 1949, 1950, and 1951 annual reports. Plus: profusely illustrated 1950 folder showing bakery equipment, for bread, cake, biscuit, cookie, and roll production, pretzel mixing, and more; colorful glossy folder with keyed plan of commercial bakery using a battery of their machines, with charming drawings of yellow bakery trucks parked outside; printed letter announcing closure of Erie plant, difficulties, and suspended dividend; 5 other printed letters. Dust toning at edges from shelf storage, else very good. $140-180 (36 pcs.) |
26-13. Stock Market History - Before Big Oil was Big.Continental Oil Co./Conoco, 1946 and 1947 annual reports; 1946 prospectus for 94,692 new shares, offering 4-for-1 exchange, 62 pp.; 1947 notice of annual meeting; and 1948 proxy statement. Some sun- and dust-toning, else very good. • Texon Oil & Land Co., a division of Conoco, Ponca City, Okla. (to which they moved from Ft. Worth in 1941), 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1945 annual reports of each of their “Group No. 1 Oil Corp.,” “Group No. 2 Oil Corp.,” and Texon (fifteen reports in all). All slender booklets, 8 1/4 x 10 1/2. With two proxies and one original envelope. 1941 mentions their production contract with University of Texas, and expiration of their crude oil sales contract with Humble, due to unprofitability. • Central Petroleum Co., Philadelphia, “3 Year 8% Convertible Gold Note,” due Oct. 1, 1922, milk chocolate litho on cream, red 2¢ tax stamp, signed in green by Pres. C.R. Skinner and Treas. F. Howard Skinner. Evidently held to maturity: 12 coupons redeemed, leaving 8 “Void.” Considerable fold and handling wear, tears, marginal fragment lacking, else satisfactory, and obscure. • Quebec Oil Development Ltd. prospectus, 1948, 2 million shares, 28 pp. Edge toning, file fraying at top edge, else good. $120-160 (25 pcs.) |
26-14. Stock Market History - Electric Utilities.Gathering of 11 prospecti (plus 3 duplicates) for gold bonds of utilities, 1911-1920 – the decade of explosive growth in electrical generation without which the modern American city would not have been possible, 8 1/2 x 14, 4 pp., most underwritten by Harris, Forbes & Co., N.Y. Several imprinted “Advance Proof - Subject to Change.” Adirondack Power & Light (with separate blue and orange map of service area), Conemaugh Power, Dallas Power & Light, Duquesne Light, Louisville Gas & Electric, Nebraska Power, Pacific Gas & Electric (including San Francisco Bay area), Philadelphia Electric, Utah Power & Light (also serving parts of Idaho and Colorado; 2 different plus 1 duplicate), and West Penn Power Co. • Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., N.Y., printed letter, signed-in-type by Chairman of Board G.E. Tripp, to Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 1920, 2 pp., on latter’s purchase of $30 million gold bonds. Uniform toning, else very good. • Penna. Power & Light Co., Allentown, 1946-1951 inclusive, the first with cover rendering of their spectacular Deco office tower. Plus 3 prospecti, one with folding map of their electrical network. • 1946-47 market letter, newsletter, 2 inserts, and reply envelope of Sunbury, Pa. broker offering Penna. Power & Light bonds. “Direct Private Wire to N.Y.C.” Minor wear, fine. $100-130 (29 pcs.) |
26-15. Bond Market History - including 1919 Offer of Cuban Gold Bonds.Highly interesting, substantial accumulation of correspondence and bond dealers’ literature spanning the Armistice and postwar recession period: 9 letters relating to bond purchases by a Williamsport, Pa. seminary, 1919-21, from Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y., 140 Broadway, and Harris, Forbes, Pine St., 8 1/2 x 11. Including 3-pp. critique of the seminary’s holdings, advising their portfolio “is not a well balanced one,” recommending sale of some $46,000 in AT&T, railroads, U.S. Rubber, and Bethlehem Steel bonds; confirmation of seminary’s purchase of $15,000 du Pont bonds. • 1916 offer, Reading Co. railroad equipment gold certificates, for lease of 61 locomotives, 1,000 steel underframe box cars, 500 gondola cars, 2,500 steel hopper coal cars, and more. • Weekly bond offers of foreign government bonds, Nov. 4, 1920, by broker in “Short-Time Investments” at 14 Wall St. Including City of Paris, yielding 10.6%. • 3 printed offer sheets, 1916-19, for Winnipeg, South Dakota, and United Kingdom gold bonds “payable in U.S. gold coin, at office of J.P. Morgan....” • Harris, Forbes weekly list of “Bonds for Investment,” 4 pp. • National City Co. (forerunner of Citibank), 4 pp. monthly list of bonds all kinds, some with lengthy descriptions to entice investors, including Cuban “external gold bonds” due 1949. • Sheaf of 9 printed leaves of Morris Bros. Co., bond dealers, 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, 1917-18, mostly legal size. All with interesting details, offering gold bonds of New Orleans Terminal Co. (“a port second only to N.Y.”), Tuscaloosa Railway, Kansas City Terminal Railway, Louisiana Canal, Seattle, and a pricelist including Lehigh Valley General R.R. bonds maturing 2003! • Penna. Railroad summary of annual meeting, 1948, 3 pp. States railroad operated by Army during strike; problems on L.I.R.R. • Printed flyer of Wall St. Journal offering book The Federal Reserve Act, by its publisher C.W. Barron, c. 1914. • 1908 printed offer, Commonwealth Edison gold bonds. • 8 other items. $60-85 (36 pcs.) |
26-16. Stock Market History - Probably the First Electronics Mutual Fund.Literature of pioneering open-end mutual fund, Television-Electronics Fund, Inc.: annual report, 1951, 7 x 9, 15 pp., plus prospectus and separate chart. Photos of latest advancements in TV and broadcasting of this first American mutual fund listed on Amsterdam Stock Exchange, including RCA Typhoon computer using 4,000 tubes. “There are today some 5,800 advertisers using television, an increase of almost 2,000 over a year ago...For the first time gross billings of the four TV networks exceeded those of the four radio networks...The question of color [TV] will not apparently create any further delay...When color comes it will not obsolete present black and white sets...Political campaigns and events of national importance will be televised widely in the future....” Headline quote of David Sarnoff: “There is no limit to the possibility of electronics for the future...We are now at the threshold of an Electronic Age.” • 1952 report, 19 pp., 33 bluetone photos of advancements. With prospectus, annual meeting notice, quarterly report, and folder, “Electronics Re-Defined.” • 1953 quarterly report folder, noting Korean War backlog of 700 applications to build new TV stations. Rare. $170-220 (9 pcs.) |
26-17. Stock Market History - Boom to Bust.Literature of paint manufacturer Nu-Enamel Corp.: annual reports, 1948, 1949, and 1950, the first two years printed on then-rare eight-color offset press, their strikingly atractive trademark six-stripe, dotless matched-color brush strokes across tops of all pages. 8 1/4 x 11, (12) pp. ea. President’s message lamenting their $500,000 loss for 1948: “Because we deal with a specialty line in the higher price bracket, we were hit sooner and hit harder than most companies. Conditions changed rapidly and drastically. Sales fell off sharply...Many of the retail outlets were not properly manned...The company...was still complacent as a result of the large profits made easily during the war....” 1949 report with brightly colorful spread, showing contemporary rooms in then-popular bright yellow, rich green, and other trends. • Orange printed letter to stockholders, 1949, 3 pp., announcing sale of Nu-Enamel Oil Corp., their venture into petroleum. “The sales bubble had burst in 1947...Much merchandise would have to be de-labeled and sold through cut-price outlets...It has been a far tougher struggle than was foreseen....” Unfortunately the losses continued, the 1950 report just a foldout. • Booklet detailing settlement of messy litigation, 1950, (12) pp. • Two bankruptcy reorganization reports, 18 + 16 pp., plus 2 printed notices, E Z Paint(e)r Corp. of Milwaukee to loan $210,000, then merge with Nu-Enamel. By this time, Nu-Enamel had become a distributor, no longer manufacturing paint. Dust- and brown-toning of legal reports; some other file wear and dust-toning, else about very good and better. Interesting anatomy of a business in the tempestuous postwar years. $60-80 (9 pcs.) |
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27-1. After Lexington & Concord, John Hancock implores, “...die Freemen rather than live Slaves.”Complete newspaper, The New-England Chronicle: or, the Essex Gazette, Cambridge, July 21-27, 1775, 9 1/2 x 15, 4 pp. Important and almost poetic address by “Pres.” John Hancock datelined July 6, filling p. 1 and continuing inside: “A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, now-met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of their taking up Arms...If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason to believe, that the Divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property...over others...we esteem ourselves bound by obligations of respect to the rest of the world to make known the justice of our cause...They have undertaken to give and grant our money without our consent...exempting the ‘murderers’ of colonists from legal trial...What is to defend us against so enormous, so unlimited a power?...Fruitless were all the entreaties...to extort from us at the point of the bayonet...On the 19th of April...an unprovoked assault...at the town of Lexington...(and) Concord...until compelled to retreat by the country people suddenly assembled to repel this cruel aggression...By this perfidy, wives are separated from their husbands, children from their parents...In defense of our freedom that is our birthright...we have taken up arms....” Three small red dots affixed beside other important paragraphs, by a collector perhaps c. 1925-50: Pro-American report from London, “Boston was surrounded by upwards of 40,000 Provincials...Militia, who fight merely for a love of liberty...It is imagined that by this time the King’s Troops in America are either taken prisoners or else forced to flee on board the men of war...The contest with America is now began, the blood of our countrymen hath been shed...The friends of America increase every day....” Hundreds of riflemen joining Army of the United Colonies, many boasting “their peculiar Skill as Marksmen.” Four-column list of members of Mass. General Assembly, including Hancock, John Adams, Sam Adams, Robert Treat Paine, and many more. Period signature of Joseph Storer (“Wells” added on another issue). Old glue along blank spine of inside pages where brown tab for binding once affixed; light full-height waterstain at left, wear at one fold affecting part of one word, wear, else about very good. The date of Hancock’s gauntlet here gives fascinating food for thought: Does the date of the vote adopting the resolution to declare independence almost exactly one year thence, on July 2, 1776, suggest that the Founding Fathers had allowed themselves a twelve-month deadline? $450-625 |
27-2. First U.S. Oath of Allegiance.Complete newspaper, The Continental Journal, and Weekly Advertiser, Boston, Mar. 5, 1778, 10 x 15 1/4, 4 pp. Rich in content, including text of the first oath of allegiance, news of Battle of Brandywine, and more. Page-one Congressional resolution on British Commander William Howe’s requirement that provisions be supplied for his American prisoners, “and has prohibited the circulation of the money struck by the authority of these States...and whereas large sums of Continental Bills of Credit have been counterfeited” by his agents, agreeing to pay Howe in gold and silver before his release of prisoners. Filling entire balance of front page, a blistering, horrific report on American prisoners and their hardships, signed in type by Charles Thompson, claiming 900 privates and 300 officers in N.Y.C., and about 500 and 50, respectively, in Philadelphia. “The privates in N.Y. have been crowded all summer in sugar houses, & the officers boarded on Long-Island...in the most loathsome goals [sic: gaols]...Provisions (do) not exceed 4 ounces of meat and the same quantity of bread (oftimes so damaged as not to be eatable), per man per day...often much less...A common practice...on a prisoner being first captured, to keep him 3, 4, and even 5 days without a morsel of provisions...and then to tempt him to inlist with the new levies in order to save his life... Stripped of what cloaths they have when taken, they have suffered greatly...Repeated remonstrances from Gen. Washington to Gen. Howe concerning the injurious treatment...Every obstacle has been thrown in the way to obstruct their relief...Gen. Washington...to require of Gen. Howe the reasons why several officers...have been so long confined...and if Gen. Howe shall refuse...Gen. Washington be directed to order a number of the enemy’s officers...to be imprisoned and treated in the same manner....” Significant Congressional resolution, a full column-equivalent, reciting the very first oath of allegiance to the United States: Within twenty days “every officer...shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: ‘I do acknowledge the United States of America, to be Free, Independent and Sovereign States...and I do swear that I will to the utmost of my power, support, maintain and defend the said United States, against the said King George the Third, his heirs and successors...So help me God....’” Ordering oath to be taken by every officer of the Army and Navy, and “all persons holding any civil office of trust or profit....” With separate oath to be taken by “every officer having the disposal of public money....” Lengthy letter of Gen. Howe from London Gazette, reporting from “German-Town” (Pa.) on the Battle of Brandywine: Lt. Gen. Knyphausen, his command including the Queen’s American rangers, “kept the enemy amused...with cannon, and the appearances of forging the ford, without intending to pass it....” Mentioning Cornwallis at Hockessin, Del. meeting-house, crossing Brandywine Creek at Chad(d)’s Ford, the Americans retreating to Chester and Wilmington. Separately, a magnificently composed “Manifesto of Gen. Washington...in answer to Gen. Burgoyne’s Proclamation,” writing from “Continental Camp, Middlebrook,” July 1777 (from Gentleman’s Magazine, the news taking over seven months to reach the printer!): “The associated armies of America act from the noblest motives, and for the purest purposes, their common object is liberty...If the power of his Britannic Majesty’s fleets and armies hath been driven from Boston, repulsed from Charlestown, cut off at Trenton, expelled (from) the Jerseys...This is a power we do not dread...their inhuman treatment of their prisoners...their cold blood slaughter...Arbitrary imprisonment, confiscation of property, persecution and torture, unprecedented in the inquisitions of the Romish church...for the sole suspicion of having adhered in principle to the government under which they were born...The Piracy bill solemnly enacts arbitrary confiscation of our property by land and sea: Every bill breaths persecution, famine, and the sword... All these have been inflicted by assemblies and committees, who dare to call themselves the British Parliament...We invite all nations to mutual friendship and brotherly love...we appeal to the hearts of all mankind for the justice of our cause....” Old eighth-folds, light dust-toning, minor table wear; remnants of old paper spine strip where once tipped into a volume, else good plus. Rare. $425-575 |
Very Rare Dunlap Broadsheet
“...The United States of America, The Protector of the Rights of Mankind...
The happy aura of the Independence of America...”
27-3. Dunlap Broadsheet on the Battle of Monmouth: “...I instantly put the army in motion...to move on and attack them....”Excessively rare broadsheet printed by John Dunlap, issued under folio of The Pennsylvania Packet – but unpaginated, and neither a postscript nor a supplement. (There was a supplement of this same date, but it contained advertising.) Dated July 6, 1778 - one day after the Monmouth campaign ended, “the last important engagement in the North, and the longest action of the war” (--Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, Boatner), 10 1/4 x 16 3/8, deckled three sides, printed one side only. Entirely devoted to news of the Battle of Monmouth, and “the glorious Anniversary of the Independence of America...celebrated by the Honorable the Congress with a grand festival at the City Tavern in this metropolis. The principal civil and military officers and strangers in town were present at it by invitation. After dinner the following Toasts were given by the Honorable the President of Congress: The United States of America, The Protector of the Rights of Mankind...The happy aura of the Independence of America, The Commander in Chief of the American Forces, The American Arms by land and sea, the Glorious 19th of April, 1775...May the People continue Free forever, May the Union of the American States be perpetual.” Commencing with letter to Dunlap from Henry Laurens, President of Congress, Philadelphia, July 4, 1778, transmitting “Letters from his Excellency Gen. Washington, together with the return of killed, wounded, &c....” Publishing three letters from Washington, the longest two columns in length. From Englishtown, N.J., June 28 – the battle of that day fought on “the most scorching summer day ever known in America” (Boatner, p. 725), Washington provides a detailed - and fairly cinematic - chronology of the action: “...I am now here with the main body of the army, and pressing hard to come up with the enemy... We have made a few prisoners, and they have left a good many men by desertion...They are chiefly foreigners....” The following day, Washington continues, now from “Fields near Monmouth Court house”: “...about 7 o’clock yesterday morning both armies advanced on each other. About 12 they met on the grounds near Monmouth Court house, when an action commenced. We forced the enemy from the field and encamped on the ground. They took a strong post in our front, secured on both flanks by morasses and thick woods....” On July 1, he continues with an exhaustive account: “...on the appearances of the enemy’s intention to march through Jersey becoming serious, I had detached Gen. Maxwell’s brigade, in conjunction with the militia of that State, to interrupt and impede their progress, by every obstruction in their power...and marched with the main body towards Princeton. The slow advance of the enemy had greatly the air of design, and led me, with others, to suspect that Gen. Clinton, desirous of a general action, was endeavoring to draw us down into the lower country...I dispatched a thousand select men under Brig. Gen. Wayne, and sent the Marquis de la Fayette to take the command of the whole advanced corps...with orders to take the first fair opportunity of attacking the enemy’s rear...If the enemy were once arrived at the heights of Middletown...it would be impossible to attempt anything against them with a prospect of success, I determined to attack their rear the moment they should get in motion...I communicated my intention to Gen. Lee, and ordered him to make his disposition for the attack, and to keep his troops constantly lying upon their arms, to be in readiness at the shortest notice...I instantly put the army in motion, and sent orders by one of my Aid(es) to Gen. Lee to move on and attack them...After marching about five miles, to my great surprise and mortification, I met the whole advanced corps retreating...In this situation, the enemy had both their flanks secured by thick woods...while their front could only be approached through a narrow pass. I resolved, nevertheless to attack them...In the meantime the enemy were employed in removing their wounded, and about 12 o’clock at night marched away in such silence...A pursuit...would have been fatal to numbers of our men, several of whom died the preceding day with heat...Gen. Lee...is now in arrest. The charges against him, with such sentence as the Court Martial may decree in his case, shall be transmitted....” The juxtaposition here of the July 4th celebration, following the return of killed, wounded, and missing, is highly dramatic. Several irregular semicircular fragments lacking at blank left margin where once removed from volume, just touching one letter only at upper left; two holes where stitches passed, narrow 8” line of a natural thin, from paper manufacture, only discernable if held to light; very light, unobjectionable foxing, one arrow and three lines in pencil of noted old-time collector, else appealing warm coffee-and-cream patina, and about fine. Dunlap’s Packet had just returned to Philadelphia two days before, following an extended period in Lancaster, then dormancy since June 18. Apart from the newspaper itself issued on July 4th, 1778, this broadsheet is apparently only the second (or third) imprint of Dunlap’s press upon his return to Philadelphia. A “Supplement” of this date, July 6, is quoted in Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of N.J.,” 1903, Vol. II, p. 277, however the reports in theirs are followed by advertisements and notice of a missing “bay horse with a bald face...,” rather than this broadsheet’s account of the Independence Day celebration. Evidently, the news of Monmouth could not wait til the next issue of the Packet, on July 9. Extras (as termed by the American Antiquarian Society) and supplements to Dunlap’s Packet are very scarce - of any date; freestanding broadsheets such as this are now rarely encountered. WorldCat locates two examples of the underlying newspaper of this date, but none of this broadsheet. Possibly from the unrepeatable William Sanders cache, late 1960s, and in all events, off the market since. Evidently unrecorded, and probably a unique survivor. $3500-4700 |
27-4. Ravaging in Territories of the Bishop of Munster.Group of seven consecutive issues of the world’s oldest continuously published newspaper, The London Gazette, Oct. 9-30, 1673, during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles II. 7 1/4 x 11, 2 pp. ea. Filled with the fury of battle throughout much of Europe, the complex intrigues a real-life “Game of Thrones.” Including: A cat-and-mouse game between the “Imperialists” and French; “the Emperor’s Forces on the Frontiers of Alsatia, may have some design upon it” (see Alsatian document in Mediæval section 25). “The Dutch Ambassadors having made us long expect their Answers to the...demands of the two Kings...Their Majesties are arrived with the whole Court of Versailles...Sieur Rabenhaup was marched with the Forces...intending to go and Ravage in the Territories of the Bishop of Munster...to plunder and destroy whatever he met...and to hinder them from having that eye upon the Prince of Orange...The Count of Monterey will now in a day or two certainly declare War against the French...The [ship] Elizabeth of Lime...bound from London for St. Malo’s...met by a Dutch Caper of 20 Guns...notwithstanding the great inequality of force between them... but 10 Men in all, bravely defended themselves for several hours til the Ship was sinking under them...Madrid: A great disorder here, occasioned by a quarrel between some of the Portugal Ambassadors, Servants, and Ministers of Justice, in which several were killed...The Grand Vizier [of “Turky”]...of late given himself to the drinking of Wine, a thing so strictly forbid by their Alcoran... Lisbon: The Decree which is coming out in favor of the Jews, hath made much noise here, the Clergy... have opposed it....” Elsewhere, mention of Cossacks, the Spanish Armada, “the Corsairs of Argiers” (pirates), return of “the Trumpeter” bringing news, and much, much more. Soft horizontal fold predating old binding stitches, occasional minor toning or stains, else crisp and very good to fine. • Plus one issue of Sept. Foxing, edge wear, else good plus. $160-200 (8 pcs.) |
27-5. “The secret reason of the Armies marching so slowly....”Group of 5 consecutive issues of The London Gazette, July 4-18, 1678, 7 1/4 x 11, 2 pp. ea. From Naples, “the Gallies of this Kingdom are fitting out with all diligence...for Palermo, to join the 7 Spanish Men of War....” From Venice, troops which were to fight the Ragusians will now march against the Moscovites, “but very slowly, for the Grand Signior diverts himself with Hunting...The secret reason of the Armies marching so slowly, is...that the Turks have their eye some other way.” “The Rebels in Hungary are together...encouraged with the hopes that the Turks will turn their Forces toward Hungary...They are making very great preparations for the War...Antwerp: We remain in an uncertainty what to expect, Peace or War. All the appearances are for the latter...Cologne: The demand made by the Most Christian King of the 40,000 Crowns seized by the Imperialists during the...Assembly here for the Treaty of Peace, hath put our Magistrates into some perplexity...The Trumpeter that brought [letters] is defrayed at the publick charge...Copenhagen: The Castle is very much ruined by our Bombes....” Much more. Evidently never folded, fragment lacking at blank spine where removed from volume, edge toning, one issue with odd tortoise-shell foxing - the paper somewhat different - else crisp and very fine. $100-140 (5 pcs.) |
27-6. The Fall of Atlanta – and “Anxiety about the Fall Election.”Fascinating run of six consecutive issues of Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, 1864, 12 3/4 x 20, 8 pp. ea. Commencing with large, dramatic page-1 map of rings of defenses around Atlanta, “Sherman’s Glorious Victory!,” “Hood Blows Up His Magazines...1,750 Rebel Prisoners Captured...Rebels Admit a Loss of 40,000....” • Sept. 6: Large front-page map, “Sherman’s Flank Movement.” “Public Rejoicing...Siege of Petersburg - Rebel Desertions - Enemy on Short Rations! - McClellan Repudiates the Peace Democracy - City Hopeful and Jubilant....” • Sept. 7: Above-the-fold map, “Movements of the Rebel John Morgan - Scene of his Defeat and Death.” More from Atlanta: “3000 Killed and Wounded...Failure of Wheeler’s Raid...Guerrillas in Missouri....” • Sept. 8: “Gen. Sherman to Rest at Atlanta...Adm. Farragut’s Operations - Fighting in Tenn. - Lower Mississippi - Union Men Organizing on the River....” • Sept. 9: “Fall of Atlanta - Full Details of its Capture - Surrender of City by Mayor - Retreat of Hood’s Army - Gen. Sherman in Pursuit - Dejection of the Rebel Press...Important Letter from Gen. Grant - Renounces Peace and Compromise Platforms... Rebel Losses a Regiment per Day...The Presidency!!! McClellan’s Letter of Acceptance...Two Separate Governments Impracticable...States in Rebellion may Return Separately....” • Sept. 10: “Gen. Lee’s Head-Quarters on the Vaughan Road - Our Army in Fine Condition...Early’s Mysterious Movements...Anxiety about the Fall Election - Lincoln’s Success Deprecated....” Sept. 5 issue browned with darker-still margins, fine chipping at left edges, loss of blank upper right corners all leaves; 8” x 1 col. ad removed from “Proposals,” center of pp. 7-8, but map unaffected and displayable, and otherwise satisfactory; other issues complete, some marginal browning framing crisp cream live areas, occasional chipping, else very good. With 1973 letter of newspaper dealer Jim Lyons, 20.00. • Printed 4-page circular of Loyal Legion, N.Y., 1881, for officers who served in Civil War. Smaller than the G.A.R., its members included Custer (though not mentioned here). 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. Meeting at Delmonico’s, including Rear Adm. Worden, et al. Candidates for membership include Col. Count Louis Palina di Cesnola, ex-Scott’s 900 a.k.a. 11th N.Y. Cavalry, here Dir. of Metropolitan Museum of Art! Lacking one tip, soft misfold at spine, else very good. • Copperplate engraving, “Battle of Antietam - Taking of the Bridge...,” 1865, American Publishing Co., 6 x 9. Foxing but good. All ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $120-160 (8 pcs.) |
27-7. Southern Wallpaper Newspaper - Vintage Reprint.Early twentieth-century reissue of perhaps the most celebrated Confederate newspaper of all, The Daily Citizen, Vicksburg, Miss., July 2, 1863, broadsheet style, letterpress one side, an unexpected Christmassy green, fluorescent holly berry-red, white, and wine-red block-printed floral “wallpaper” design on verso. 11 1/2 x 19 1/2. Judged reprinted c. 1900-20 (perhaps around the golden anniversary of the Civil War?), using type reset on a Monotype or similar machine, during a period of robust patriotic and fraternal activity among both Confederate and Union veterans, and promulgation of the Lost Cause perspective. The paper may indeed be wet-strength wallpaper; the browntoning of printed side, indicating groundwood content, leads one to speculate that it might in fact have been new old stock, made during late war adversity conditions, later found in a warehouse or long-established store, and used for this reprinting decades thence. Incorporating the final paragraph substituted by Union troops on July 4, 1863, upon Vicksburg’s surrender and finding the newspaper’s office vacated, but its type still standing: “July 4, 1863. Two days bring about great changes. The banner of the Union floats over Vicksburg. Gen. Grant has ‘caught the rabbit’; he has dined in Vicksburg, and he did bring his dinner with him. The Citizen lives to see it. For the last time it appears on ‘Wall Paper.’ No more will it eulogize the luxury of mule meat and fricasseed kitten – urge Southern warriors to such diet nevermore. This is the last wall-paper edition, and is, excepting this note, from the types as we found them. It will be valuable hereafter as a curiosity.” Like many other Southern editors of the war, the prose is stirring and eloquent: “Mid the din clash of arms, the screech of shells and whistle of bullets, which are a continual feature in the status of our beleaguered city, incidents of happiness often arise...The foe may hurl their deathly bolts, And I think we are affrighted; Well may we scorn them, silly dolts, Our blacks are now united.” Uniform toning, some showthrough of design, edge tattering and tears, break at horizontal fold, other defects, but still satisfactory. A Civil War-printed example would sell for about $5,000. Our estimate, $90-130 |
27-8. Southern Wallpaper Newspaper - Vintage Reprint - Second Design Variant.Early twentieth-century reissue as above, but different design, six-petaled golden mustard yellow flowers, in Gothic lattice of yellow and powder blue. This with manufacturer’s logo in selvedge, “W.L. & Co.” Half fold, few minor edge defects, light uniform toning, else this example fine. $120-160 |
27-9. Southern Wallpaper Newspaper - Vintage Reprint - Third Design Variant.Early twentieth-century reissue as above, but different design, with intensely beautiful fluorescent pink flowers on powder-blue scrolls and escutcheons, genuine gold leaf rubrication, the whole on pale mint green background. Uniform toning to rich cinnamon, showthrough of design, edge tears, lacking lower left corner and semicircular fragment at blank top margin, other defects, but good plus. $90-130 |
27-10. Southern Wallpaper Newspaper - Vintage Reprint - Fourth Design Variant.Early twentieth-century reissue as above, but different design, with branches of palest blue crocuses, coral-tan flowers, and two-tone green leaves, on celery-green background. Dust soiling at parts of two blank margins, three long edge tears into text, lacking small fragment at blank right margin, other defects, but about good. $90-130 |
27-11. Confederates attempt to blow up Potomac Squadron with “infernal machines.”Possibly unique survivors of 19 Civil War issues of Troy Daily Whig, Troy, N.Y., July 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 27, 30, 31, Aug. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12, 1861. 18 x 25, 4 pp. ea. A sampling of content: [July 9:] Rensselaer Polytechnic considering adding a military school. • [July 10:] Secessionists in Indian Territory occupy abandoned military forts; confiscated money and goods intended for Indians. • [July 11:] Disheveled Troy Volunteers returned home temporarily from Fort Monroe. • [July 13:] Thorough renovation of the President’s Mansion under direction of Mr. Wood. Failed attempt by South to blow up Potomac Squadron using small “infernal machines.” Soldiers complain they were returned home and unexpectedly expelled from military due to results of medical exam. • [July 15:] Recovery of large and heavy stolen mail bag from river triggers demands for reforms in transportation of mails. Trimmed 1/2” at bottom. • [July 16:] Pres. Felton of Harvard declares that use of steel pen by writers causes debilitations of hand and arm. Washington news - Declaration of Martial Law authorized. 4” section of column trimmed from second leaf. • [July 27:] Jeff Davis assumes field command position in victorious Richmond battle. • [Aug. 3:] Debate in House of Representative about how to secure populous support of the Union. Comments on ways secessionists get information. Consideration of a direct tax on income, and organization required to collect it. Joe Leggett baseball team of Cohoes fails to show for game at Weir’s Course with Victory Club (Troy). • [Aug. 6:] Accommodating treatment of Col. Frisby’s regiment by Alexandria, Va. residents. • [Aug. 9:] Board of Education report on condition of schools, including Colored School. Debate on failure of Brig. Gen. Pierce at Big Bethel engagement (the first land battle of Civil War). • [Aug. 10:] Critique of Henry Ward Beecher sermon about the young age of battle fatalities. All issues fragile, marginal fraying, some with breaks at vertical fold and loss of text, light waterstains at upper right, else satisfactory to good plus, and especially fascinating for the local historian. Possibly unique: WorldCat locates only “scattered issues” of 1861 at American Antiquarian Society. • Plus 2 issues Hartford (Conn.) Daily Times, 18 1/2 x 24 1/2, 4 pp. ea. [May 7, 1864:] Action at Chancellorsville and Vicksburg. Fremont Convention plans. Corruption in Washington. “One term principle” pros and cons. Georgia considering peace resolution. Evacuation of Washington, N.C. Gen. Steele destroys his trains and bridges. Butler’s fleet pushes back Lee. Light waterstains, else fine. • [July 8, 1864:] Gen. Meade defeats Lee’s forces - Grant captures Vicksburg. Major rebel loss at Helena, Ark. Major defeat for Lee’s army at Williamsport, Md. Pending Lee battle in Harrisburg. 5” tear top of second leaf, else good plus. $140-180 (21 pcs.) |
27-12. From Secession to Aftermath of the Civil War.Group of 31 Civil War issues of excessively rare Lowell (Mass.) Daily Journal and Courier, 17 1/2 x 23 1/2, 4 pp. ea. Jan. 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, Feb. 15, Nov. 23, Dec. 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 1860. • Plus, Dec. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 1861. • And, May 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1865. Just a sampling of content: [Jan. 9, 1860:] Implications for slavery if churches allowed to establish a university in Missouri’s capital. New Report of Lowell Missionary Society on the poor, by country of origin. New dime and half-dime coins released. • [Jan. 10, 1860:] Commercial implications of recent false packing and sanding of cotton. Arrival of three Japanese schooners in San Francisco. • [Jan. 18, 1860:] Boston Health Dept. wants all vaccinated. Indian depredations in Arizona and Mexico. • [Jan. 19, 1860:] Diplomatic preparation for pending Feb. arrival of the first Japanese Delegation. Census of freed colored population in Maryland. • [Feb. 15, 1860:] South Carolina formation of a Southern Confederacy. (10” horizontal tear this issue.) • [Dec. 8, 1860:] Pending secession reducing investor demand for Treasury notes. • [Dec. 10, 1860:] Buchanan’s agitation of slavery issue and disunion controversy. Government needs to compromise to halt State secession. Mormon Church’s desire to be independent. • [Dec. 5, 1861:] Fortress Monroe action a safe harbor for escaped slaves. Breckinridge expelled, declared a traitor. Lincoln’s speech critiqued: no slavery. • [Dec. 7, 1861:] McClellan forbidden to arrest Negroes in Washington. Using low hanging telegraph wires to dismount and kill rebels. • [May 11, 1865:] Kentucky lost slaves and now suffers labor shortage. Mexican emigration scheme. Praise of 24th U.S. Colored Infantry’s performance in Lincoln funeral procession. European leaders on death of Lincoln. • [May 12, 1865:] Debate on respect due Robert E. Lee for his personal qualities. Saloon clock made of confiscated parts by returned Union Volunteer prisoners of Confederacy. • [May 15, 1865:] Capture of Jeff Davis; his fate if found to have conspired in Lincoln assassination. • [May 16, 1865:] Names and acts of individuals charged with conspiracy in Lincoln assassination. Reinstitution of voting rights for freed black men in South. • [May 17, 1865:] Conspiracy trial witnesses on early Booth assignation statements. Gen. Johnson disobeyed Davis surrender orders. Trial court decision on captured Jeff Davis. 1/2 x 2” section lacking; tears repaired. • [May 18, 1865:] Conspiracy trial witnesses to earlier Dr. Mudd-Booth relationship. • [May 20, 1865:] Jeff Davis trying to escape dressed as a woman. About eleven issues with long splits at horizontal center folds and occasionally elsewhere, loss of text, and repairs (estimate much reduced); balance with some scattered minor wear or tears, else very good to fine, and clean. Possibly the only surviving copies, mitigating their condition aspects: WorldCat locates not one issue of 1860, and just one issue (not among this lot) of 1861, at American Antiquarian Society. $225-350 (31 pcs.) |
27-13. A Display at the 1876 Centennial Expo – and Compensation for the “invasion of ‘63.”Two consecutive issues of official Penna. newspaper, Daily Legislative Record, (Harrisburg), Session of 1876, Nos. 111 and 112, 9 1/4 x 12, (8) pp. ea. Descriptions of new bills, including “Danville Insane Hospital,” “Alleviating Miseries of Public Prisons,” “Industrial Home for Blind Women, Philadelphia,” “Northern Home for Friendless Children”; “No. 152, an act making an appropriation...for an educational display at the Centennial Exposition, and to erect a suitable school house...”; “...A bill to reimburse citizens of Penna. for losses sustained by the invasion of ‘63....” Debate between legislators: “...nearly every day from the unlicensed liberty of the press. Many of our newspapers have got into the habit of considering that libel is logic and abuse is argument...One of these articles reflected on me, but as the newspaper was printed in the German language, I concluded to let it pass. [Laughter.]...” Lengthy resolution protecting many kinds of wildlife, including wild deer and ducks, rabbits, robins, orioles, cardinals, pigeons, speckled trout and more; the measure failed, 54 to 92. Light uniform toning, minor tears along horizontal fold, soft crease across masthead, else good plus. $35-45 (2 pcs.) |
27-14. Two of the Most Exciting Days of the Century – July 4th and 5th, 1876.Group of 8 newspapers with splendid Centennial and Fair content: New-York Tribune, “Centennial Sheet,” May 1876, a 10¢ Extra specially prepared for sale at Centennial Exhibition Grounds, 18 x 24, 8 pp. Large page-one map of Fair, with numbered key to 189 attractions and amenities, including every building, hall, and pavilion, plus “soda-water fountains,” cigar stands, and “pop-corn” wagons. Exhaustive descriptions of the sites. “You will be familiar with the best arts and industries of the entire globe.” Lengthy discussion of Woman’s Pavilion, though “the building is still in a state of confusion....” Nibbles along half of blank margin of last two leaves, some edge tears, else about very good. • New-York Tribune, July 4, 1876, daily ed. “The City in Gala Dress...A Night of the Greatest Excitement - The Century Closed with the Most Impressive Displays...The Whole City Brilliant with Decorations...Decorations of the Day - The poor even more liberal in ornament than the rich....” Inside, discussion of Declaration. Good plus. With: New-York Tribune, July 4, 1876, variant semi-weekly ed. Different text. Scorched all four corners, loss of text, frayed and broken at horizontal fold, but literally a survivor, and a fortuitous companion. • New-York Times, July 4, 1876, 8 pp. Extraordinary coverage, “American Independence - A Complete Century of Trial - N.Y. Jubilant...A Night of Grandeur...Whole Populace in the Streets....” Uniform toning, chipping along horizontal fold, else very satisfactory. • The Press, Philadelphia, July 5, 1876, 8 pp., uncut. Elaborate masthead. With exciting accounts of July 4th in Philadelphia: Page-1 woodcuts of Liberty Bell and Old State House “and its Glorious and Hallowed Memories....” “Ceremonies of the Day...Independence Square, where 100 years ago the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed to the world...Over 5,000 invited guests participated...The Fourth of July has ever been a day of universal license...Hundreds of thousands... make as much noise and create as widespread an abandonment of feeling as possible. These fun-loving individuals, of course, congregated at Independence Square...They were not rude...but boisterous...On the main platform were...Gov. Hayes, the ‘next Pres.’...The largest delegation from any one country being from Japan,” naming their entire contingent. Account of the Grand Orchestra, greetings from Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil, and more. “A unified brotherhood! How wonderfully this idea was interpreted yesterday! The Turk, the Japanese, Chinese, African, Russian, Persian, Moor, Hebrew...all brought together, not only in peace, but...the hospitality of our homes...Of differing dialects, habits, and colors...Perhaps it is because we are a new people that these things are so....” Reference to “the blaze of rockets, Roman candles, green fires, and Chinese abominations.” Text of four lengthy poems written for the occasion, one by Joseph Rodman Drake, another by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Minor handling and wear at fold junction, else very good. Competing Philadelphia paper, The Times, July 5, 1876, 4 pp. “Gunpowder and Glory - The Carnival of the Fourth - How the Day was Celebrated - Blue and the Gray in Triumphal Procession of Peace and Prosperity.” Rather remarkable writing, more like a retrospective memoir than a daily newspaper. “Flags have become the only expression of our loyalty...Yesterday the town was in blossom ...The military were gathered from all parts of the country...They had music loud enough to call up the Revolutionary dead, and colored troops marched welcomely among them, recalling the fact that when our sainted forefathers passed the declaration of universal independence, Philadelphia was a slave-holding town....” Browned along horizontal fold, mousechew at right margin with loss of some letters at end of six lines, else satisfactory. • Public Ledger, Phila., July 5, 1876, 4 pp. Distinctly different writing style, showcasing “The Military, the Total Abstinence Societies, and Monster Mass Meeting....” Mousechew, splitting along upper half of vertical fold, much chipping at fold junction, still over 90% of text intact and a worthy part of this ensemble. • The Press, Aug. 1, 1876, 8 pp. Page-1 editorial, “The Centennial Campaign,” endorsing Hayes for Pres., accusing Tilden’s Democrats of opposing “Emancipation and the three amendments clinching the liberty of the slave...When the N.Y. Democratic rioters of 1863 shot, hung, and burned the negro, we heard no word of protest from their lips....” Brief news of attendance at the Fair. Scorch at center of top portion, else about fine. $150-200 (8 pcs.) |
27-15. Split-Fountain Printing of Hawaiian “Boys in Blue” Souvenir Newspaper.Pacific Commercial Advertiser, “Boys in Blue Edition - Third Expedition,” Honolulu, July 13, 1898, “Souvenir Number,” popularly referred to as the Annexation issue, 4 pp., 16 x 23. A flamboyant exemplar of split-fountain printing (notwithstanding condition), always a novelty, the top of the sheet in flag-red, graduating to salmon pink, then lilac, then blending to become sky blue, and at lower portion, darker ocean blue. Serene woodcut view of Honolulu on masthead. On p. 1, arrival of Maj. Gen. Merritt, Military Commander of The Philippines, and Maj. Frank M. Foote and Ohio troops, with portraits of the two. Also, need for a treaty of Annexation. Printed on pulp in this tropical climate, defects including tears, lacking 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 fragment at right margin, with loss of about four words; lacking 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 irregular pieces at lower right of both leaves, but mostly blank margins; uniform brown toning, but still satisfactory. An unusual conversation piece for display, and a rare survivor. By the 1970s, only one printer in Manhattan still tackled the lost art of split-fountain printing; multiple flat colors were placed in sections in the press’s trough, allowing them to commingle, yielding soft transitions to the next color, giving a fascinating effect. The Library of Congress’ Chronicling America database locates this issue (including one in a different size) in only three institutions, and possibly in Hawaiian State Archives. Fleetingly ephemeral Hawaiiana. $110-150 |
27-16. Excessively Rare Hawaiian Imprint, reporting England’s Acquisition of Hong Kong, “the center of foreign influence on China.”Significant issue of Temperance Advocate, and Seaman’s Friend, “Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands,” Vol. I, Oct. 28, 1843 - its first year. Pp. 57-62, complete as issued, 8 1/2 x 10 3/4. Much on temperance issues, together with accounts of massacres at Strong’s Island, loss of the bark Pearl in a storm, and “Melancholly Effects of Rum.” Full column on “A New Colony Annexed to the British Empire”: “According to the treaty between England and China...the island of Hong Kong be ceded in perpetuity to H.B. Majesty, her heirs and successors...The present city on the north side of the island shall be known by the name of Victoria...The island is barren and hilly...The city is rapidly building up, and becoming the center of foreign influence on China...(Catholic) missionaries are penetrating into the heart of China....” List of some 69 “Whaleships not before Reported” at Port of Lahaina, showing months out (as many as 45!), with “bbls. sp(erm) oil” and “bbls. wh(ale) oil.” Table of distances from Oahu to distant points, including Macao, Tahiti, “Sidney,” and others. Founded by Chaplain Samuel Damon of Seamen’s Bethel Church, he “held independent, progressive views and editorialized for women’s rights, a more humane whaling industry, and health services for native Hawaiians. He would not accept ads for liquor...During his forty-year tenure, he virtually wrote each issue, except for fillers from abroad. Material (was) occasionally printed in Hawaiian, Japanese, (and) other languages...”--University of Hawaii Library. Surprisingly, issues of this year are confirmed only at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, five other institutions, and a single, unspecified issue in the Records of the British Foreign Office. A Google search for any mention of the title yields only six results. 5 1/2 x 8 3/4 portion of first, last, and centerfold pages browned, and wear at fold junction where possibly once used as a book jacket(?); lacking triangular tips at upper right all leaves, and sliver at blank upper right of first leaf; tea stain across bottom all leaves, else about good. The only issues of any date in 1843 recorded on the auction or dealer’s market were in a group of “odd numbers” in a Goodspeed catalogue – of 1906 --RareBookHub. Exceptionally rare. $375-450 |
27-17. A Complete Year of an Elusive Hawaiian Newspaper – with Unlikely Provenance.Excessively rare complete volume of the preceding Hawaiian sailor’s newspaper, The Friend, Vol. III, Nos. 1-24, Jan. 1-Dec. 15, 1845. “Devoted to Temperance, Seamen, Marine and General Intelligence, Honolulu, Oahu, S(andwich) I(slands).” Published by Samuel C. Damon, “Seaman’s Chaplain,” 9 x 11 1/4, 192 pp., publisher’s index bound at front. Original binding, brown half leather spine and tropical cerise dappled on pasteboards. A treasury of stories, news, and lore of old Hawaii, the South Pacific, and the Pacific Northwest, some of the information not noted elsewhere. Two-column keyed map of Honolulu (Oct. 1), outlining its streets newly-surveyed by a German engineer hired by Hawaiian government. Including whaling, life at sea, and much on temperance and the sailor. Articles include “Revolution in California,” “The Sea Elephant” - a 15-foot seal on the brink of extinction even then, “Pres. Polk’s Address,” “4th of July Celebration, by American Citizens in Honolulu” (with large front-page woodcut of Temperance flag), “Description of Rarotonga,” “The War with King Alcohol,” “Tahiti,” “China,” “Whale Fishery,” and much more. Fascinating Honolulu ads, including illustrated notice of “Barber, Hair Dresser &c. - Champooing - Done with skill, after the manner of the Chinese,” “Old Manila Coffee,” “15,000 Cakes California Soap,” “A neat Wooden House, with a cellar...two mile(s) from Honolulu” (with charming woodcut), notices of shipwrecks, and more. Bold signature “W(illiam) Swinton” on front flyleaf, believed the member of the trendy literary Bohemians of antebellum New York, a New York Times Civil War correspondent, and author of the Times Review of McClellan: His Military Career Reviewed and Exposed (1864), the epic 640-page Army of the Potomac (1866, and still in print), Twelve Decisive Battles of the (Civil) War (1867), Swinton’s Grammar-School Geography (1880), Masterpieces of English Literature, Outlines of the World’s History, Swinton’s Language Lessons, Swinton’s Supplemental Readers, and other works. His textbooks were used by millions of schoolchildren over the years. As reporter for the Times, Swinton was an eyewitness to innumerable Civil War battles and personally knew many of the leading officers, who provided him with memoirs and diaries at the end of the war. He also interviewed many Confederate officers to gain their perspectives. His 1866 book “shocked Northerners by...its use of ‘Confederate’ for ‘rebel’...On the front lines he pursued stories aggressively; at one point he was accused of eavesdropping on the conversations of Gens. Grant and Meade. Rather than resort to more extreme punishment that other generals might have chosen, such as shooting him, Grant let Swinton off with a reprimand. The next week, Burnside asked Meade ‘that this man immediately receive the justice which was so justly meted out to another libeler of the press a day or two since, or that I be allowed to arrest and punish him myself.’ Burnside was largely angry over a report Swinton wrote about his corps. ‘Grant got the impression that Burnside intended to shoot the reporter, and immediately ordered Swinton’s expulsion instead..."--pfaffs.web.lehigh.edu. Swinton’s unsigned stories in the Army & Navy Journal “were accounted models of their kind by professional soldiers.” A friend of Walt Whitman, and (brief) literary partner of Mark Twain, Swinton attended Amherst - as did the publisher and editor of this Hawaiian newspaper - though a bit later, and also studied to be a minister. It is reasonable that Swinton was given these issues by Damon between 1855 and 1858, when he was studying for the ministry in New York City. Lower right triangular section of title page lacking, but not affecting text; 3 x 5 waterstain at upper gutter, with small strip adhered to facing blank endleaf, and at last issue. Issues nos. 1-10 with moderate foxing, nos. 14 and 21 heavily so, balance from fine to surprisingly fresh; lower 2” spine covering lacking, tips much worn, leather brown tannin spots on front covers, from dampness of adjoining leather strip; else generally highly satisfactory. Publisher-editor Damon was a graduate of Amherst College and Princeton Theological Seminary, acting not only as a newspaperman but as spiritual advisor to the thousands of sailors transiting Honolulu yearly. “This significant journal has gained great importance for the historical articles and insights into American influence in Hawaii during the middle of the 19th century. Interspersed as these are with seaman’s yarns and moralistic homilies dedicated to saving the whalers and sailors from evil influences of drink and debauchery, the periodical evokes the essence of a Hawaii struggling between influences of the West and the lures of Polynesia.”--Credit: P.B.A. Galleries. Essentially uncollectible by virtue of rarity, the last - and only - appearance of issues of 1845 was in 1956 (noted Americana dealer Peter Decker)--RareBookHub, 1860-present. WorldCat finds no 1845 issues at all. Later issues occasionally emerge, but the two lots offered here are “black swan” occurrences. $7000-9500 (24 issues) |
27-18. Including the First American Newspaper Published in Manila.Group of 10 issues of American newspapers, all printed in Manila during Spanish-American War. Including Vol. I, No. 1 of The American Soldier, Sept. 10, 1898. 16 3/4” diagonal surprint in blue-grey, probably with rubber type, “The First American Paper Published in Manila,” presumed as a bold eye-catching promotion. Articles on Spanish-English words, introduction of soldiers in Cos. C, D, I, and H of 13th Minnesota, remaining military at Station I in Philippines, Anti-Profanity Association solicitation, and more. Several edge tears, toning, else very good. • 2 issues of Freedom, Manila, Mar. 21 and June 16, 1899, the latter subtitled “Giant of the Orient.” 8 pp. ea., 15 1/4 x 21 1/4. American eagle soaring over tandem globes, holding flag. Gen. Wheaton’s Colorado troops capture Maraquino; After one-year, 39,000 nautical mile voyage, the S.S. Oregon arrives in Manila; Payment of $20 million to Spain for cession of Philippines. First issue fair only, with mended vertical and horizontal folds affecting text. Second issue also with numerous marginal tears, toning, much worn at folds, but both serviceable, and rare ephemeral survivors. • Freedom, headed “About The Philippines,” Manila, Vol. I, No. 1, May 1, 1899, 20 pp., 15 1/2 x 21 1/2. The “No. 1” designation apparently applied to this “United States Special Edition” in a bit of endearing promotional license. Informative articles about The Philippines, including tobacco growing, “How Army Supplies Reach the Front,” ”Banking in Manila,” “Minerals in the Philippines,” and more. “People in the Philippines know practically nothing of American manufactures. Advertise them in Freedom.” Horizontal folds mended, brown toning, numerous marginal tears, leaves separated, but serviceable and excessively rare. • 6 issues of The American, Manila, Nov. 26, 1898, and Mar. 16-July 6, 1899, 14 3/4 x 19 1/2, most 8 pp. Full-width masthead, with woodcut of eagle, “Equal Rights for All.” Response to proposal to sell Philippine Islands, Thanksgiving Day celebrations of military companies, food supplies scarce in Southern Luzon, Battle of Pasig Island, returned soldier’s story of bad treatment in Philippines, history of 13th Minn., Anti-Chinese law annulled by London, Lawton’s successful campaign against Paranaque, insurgent Gen. Luna assassinated, civil government established in four major towns, Manila Fourth of July Celebrations peaceful and successful, and more. Varied condition: the first issue brittle, edge chipping, vertical overfold, breaks, horizontal separations repaired, just fair; others with modest handling, some wear and defects, and good to about very good. $180-250 (10 pcs.) |
27-19. From the Union’s “Robin Hood and his merry men” – to First Flight of Zeppelin’s Airship.Group of four N.Y.C. newspapers: The Evening Post, Dec. 20, 1861, massive 26 1/2 x 31 1/2. Report by Frederick Law Olmstead on contraband (blacks) at Fort Monroe, with lengthy account of their destitution and distress; capture of female secessionist in Washington; much detail on discovery of gold in Nova Scotia. Visit to Union sharpshooters’ camp: “They wear a uniform of dark green...a decidedly sylvan appearance, suggestive of Robin Hood and his merry men...Two thousand strong, complete in every respect, but one – they are without guns!...” Much fold wear with loss of text, tears at left margin, and only fair. • The Sun, Jan. 14, 1863, 12 x 19. Sec. Chase on why soldiers not being paid; Burnside plans to capture Richmond; changing social expectations of Negro servants in Confederacy; suffering of Chinese during Taiping Rebellion. Tattered at wide margins, smaller internal tears, few nibbles, fair. • Pictorial War Record, “Battles of the late Civil War,” Nov. 4, 1882, 11 3/4 x 16 1/2, (8) pp., unopened at top. A competitor to Harper’s, with dramatic specially-commissioned woodcuts of Union pickets before Richmond, Burning Dead Horses at Fair Oaks, Fort Royal, Hospital at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and an impactful centerfold of “Confederate raid at Garlick Sta., Va.” Minor toning, else good plus. • New York Journal, Oct. 18, 1900, 16 1/2 x 21 1/2, 8 pp. Response to Wm. J. Bryan’s tour of Empire State; inaugural flight of Zeppelin Airship; Roosevelt’s call for a 100,000 man army, and more. Small burn hole at upper left all pages, uniform toning, average wear, satisfactory. $45-70 (4 pcs.) |
27-20. The Spanish-American War Winds Down – and “Russia’s Behavior.”Group of 7 issues of Vermont Phoenix, Brattleboro, July 1, 6, 7, 11, 23, Aug. 13, 15, 16, and 23, 1898. [July 1:] Beginning of first big land battle. Spain’s proposal to provisionally hand over Manila to commander of German naval forces rejected. • [July 6:] “Bloodthirsty Cubans” fired on Spanish prisoners. • [July 11:] Bombard-ment of Santiago to begin in earnest. Gen. Torel’s conditional offer to surrender Santiago. Armistice over and siege prosecuted. • [July 23:] Cuban forces refusal to cooperate with American forces leads to insurgent defeat. • [Aug. 13:] End of the war. Total cost $150 million. • [Aug. 15:] Britain concerned about uprisings in China. U.S. Pres. assessing need to reorganize Navy. Concern about consequences should all government agencies shift to peace mode of operation. Russia’s behavior toward England raising concerns. • [Aug. 16:] Official surrender of Manila by Gen. Jaubenes, as Dewey attacks. • [Aug. 23:] Dewey thanks McKinley by cable for his praise of war victory. Aug. 16 and 23 issues with separation at horizontal center fold; some mended tears, brown toning, other defects, else satisfactory to about good. • With 2 issues, Sept. 29 and Oct. 13, 1876, some Centennial content. Two 13” columns of text cut from first issue; soiling, wear, satisfactory. $50-75 (9 pcs.) |
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28-1. One of the Original Five Members of Baseball Hall of Fame.Splendid signature on postcard of Honus Wagner, with text also in his hand: “Aug. 7, (19)49 - Carnegie, Pa. / Hello Ernest / With best wishes / Honus Wagner / Pirates Coach / 1945.” Addressed by Wagner to Ernest Costello, Norwich, Conn. Clearly postmarked, green 1¢ Jefferson. Trivial tap at one blank tip, black flag cancel repeated at 1 3/4” margin on verso, not affecting signature, else excellent and splendid for display. His National League record as eight-time batting champ - cemented by 1911 - remains unbroken to this day. Ty Cobb called “The Flying Dutchman” “maybe the greatest star ever to take the diamond”; Babe Ruth praised Wagner as “perhaps the greatest right-handed hitter of all time.” Christy Mathewson went further, asserting that Wagner was the only player he faced who did not have a weakness. Ex-Lee Maxfield Collection. $575-700 |
28-2. Winner of Golf’s First $100,000 Tournament.Bold signature of golfer Lou Worsham on collector Lee Maxfield Orchestras’ business card, imprinted “We Fight Poverty - We Work.” U.S. Open champion in 1947, besting Sam Snead by a stroke; in 1953 Worsham won the first golf tournament to be broadcast nationally - and golf’s first $100,000 tournament. Very fine. $20-25 |
28-3. King of the Golf Course.T.L.S. of champion golfer Ben Hogan, on his “Hogan”-logotype letterhead, Fort Worth, Texas, June 12, 1989, 8 1/2 x 11. Imprinted “Ben Hogan, Chairman of the Board.” To an autograph collector. “Thank you...for your letter and kind remarks. I do regret...my supply of photographs has long been exhausted, but thank you for asking....” Very fine, and a pleasing example. $45-65 |
28-4. Baseball’s Voice of St. Louis.T.L.S. of fabled St. Louis-Chicago sportscaster Harry Caray, on pictorial letterhead with large photo of Caray and Charles E. “Gabby” Street at their microphones during Cardinal radio era. “Sportscasters for Griesedieck Bros. Brewery Co.,” July 7, 1948, 8 1/2 x 11. To C.F. Stiarwalt, Shelbyville, Ill. “We are always glad to know the opinions of baseball fans such as you. Here are the names and addresses of some publishing houses....” Light edge toning, two crimps at ends of folds, else about fine, and attractive. With envelope, postal handling else good plus. Broadcaster for the Cardinals, Browns, Oakland As, White Sox, and Cubs, Caray’s colorful career included the still-cited 1979 Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey Park. His fame spread coast to coast as the Cubs’ TV outlet became one of cable’s first superstations. $45-60 (2 pcs.) |
28-5. “The Galloping Ghost.”Glossy 8 x 10 of fabled football great “Red” Grange, boldly inscribed, “Sincerely, to my Illini [spelling noted] friend, Lee Maxfield, from....” Signed in steel-grey marker. Shown running in practice, number 77, ball under left arm, his right fending off an unseen tackler. A three-time All American for the University of Ill., Grange dominated the gridiron for the Chicago Bears and short-lived N.Y. football Yankees. Named the best college football player of all time by ESPN, 2008. Soft, full-width crease, passing through “‘Red’ G,” minor handling evidence, else about fine. $70-100 |
28-6. Jack Dempsey.One of the most unusual Dempsey items imaginable: An envelope addressed to him by a fan in South Africa, simply to “Jack Dempsey, New York, N.Y., America,” 1941. On verso, extensive writing in Dempsey’s hand, in pencil: he was evidently involved in an altercation with a Manhattan taxi, and recorded the driver’s information: “Driver 4835, Wm. Rosenberg, Cab #8759, De Soto Sky View, [license expires] March 31, 1942.” Dempsey, while certainly distracted, still took care not to write on top of the sender’s pencilled embellishment of flap, “Champion.” Perhaps the incident took place outside his famed Manhattan restaurant. Ironically, twenty De Soto Skyview taxis were used in the 1937 movie “Big City,” shot on the streets of Manhattan, starring Spencer Tracy. In a climactic scene, the thugs terrorizing Tracy’s taxi drivers are beaten back by a squad of America’s top boxers who happened to be in Dempsey’s restaurant. In 1941, Dempsey was host of a radio program, “The Jack Dempsey Sports Quiz,” was a judge at the N.Y. Dog Show, and still active in the boxing world as a trainer and referee. With large South African paper label “Opened by Censor.” Rust stain on front, probably from a large alligator paper clip, some handling, but about very good. A superb conversation piece! $120-150 |
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29-1. The original ad agency archive of the Cadillac jewel series, the most expensive print advertising campaign up to its time.Using the most expensive props, models, gems, and top photographers - to sell America’s most expensive production car - this archive captures the flair of the Fifties and early Sixties. Many of the photographs here have become icons of American culture. In the Fifties, Cadillac raised the power of advertising to its ultimate. Through photography, depicting costly jewels, fabrics, couture design, and lavish settings, the client, Cadillac, rode to the pinnacle of celebrity - and sales. Offered here is a major archive of the original, full-size 8 x 10 color transparencies taken for Cadillac by some of the foremost fashion photographers of the era, together with proof sheets, working files, manuscript and typewritten notes, and correspondence from their ad agency, 1955-62. Photographers include Henry Clarke (creator of the Vogue look), Al Gommi, Horst P. Horst (five of his negatives in 1961 campaign folder), Herbert Loebel, and Frances McLaughlin-Gill (about seventeen of her negatives in 1959-60 folder alone). Over 450 pieces, including: 52 color negatives 8 x 10, 67 color ad proofs and tear sheets, 235 letters, memos and notes, 65 printed items, 5 sketches, 12 fabric swatches, 3 paint chips, and more. One cannot imagine a more expensive way of selling. Cadillac sought to present their automobiles in a new light, one which would redefine the American experience. In their ad campaigns, Cadillac used the absolute finest of everything. No expense was spared to bring together the finest fashion, with the most beautiful models, in the most exclusive stylings – presented as American royalty – and captured by the top photographers of the era. This archive includes these original images, most in their cello sleeves, as supplied directly to Cadillac’s art buyer by the respective photographers. No duplicates are presumed to exist. A much abbreviated list of the fashion labels used by Cadlllac in these photographs reads like a who’s who of haute couture of the Fabulous Fifties: Furs by Maximilian. • Hats by John Frederics and Emme. • Ensemble by Hattie Carnegie. • Jewels, custom and rare, by Harry Winston, Cartier, Van Cleef and Arpels, C.D. Peacock, Black, Starr and Gorham, Ostiers - Court Jewelers in Vienna, Jean Schlumberger, De Beers, and Tiffany. • Dresses by Lanvin-Castillo, Cecil Chapman (a favorite of Marilyn Monroe), and Count Sarmi. • Gowns by Hubert de Givenchy, Ines da Roma, Arnold Scassi, Countess Alexandra, Jane Derby, and Simonetta. • Models including Christine Christy and Pulitzer heiress Patsy Pulitzer Bartlett. • Embroidery and brocade from Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Brooklyn Museum, and Detroit Institute of Arts. • Velvets by Martin. • Fabrics by Scalamandré. • Merchandise from Neiman-Marcus. • Set design by Gene Moore (Tiffany’s window designer). • Antiques from French and Co. (one suite of furniture loaned to a photographer around 1959 was then valued at $150,000). • Hair by Peter Leonardi of 57th Street. • Photo shoot locations include Paris salons of Jean Desses, Jacques Fath, Pierre Balmain, Hubert de Givenchy, Christian Dior, as well as the Vienna Opera House, Tiffany, 21 Club, Stork Club, Sardi’s, Bergdorf, and Gold Coast homes. The result captivated America perhaps more than any other ad campaign of the era. The campaigns captured here principally show fashion models, including the famous “mother-daughter” series, and the jewelry campaign (usually photographed by Loebel). The latter was a series of ads, now famous in the annals of ad history, in which Cartier, Winston, Van Cleef, and others interpreted the Cadillac crest using spellbinding arrays of diamonds, rubies, and other fine jewels. (Notably, just a few years later, Cadillac photographer Frances McLaughlin-Gill would shoot the immortal “Diamonds are Forever” campaign for De Beers.) Some of the color transparencies are accompanied by original fashion or jewelry sketches, fabric swatches for models’ gowns, fascinating manuscript and typewritten creative notes and correspondence of the Cadillac account’s art director and buyer, advance letterpress proofs of the ad containing the photo, the finished ad, and other working documents. Also with original detailed invoices of Horst and McLaughlin-Gill, and letter from Clarke’s agent. The contents of the accompanying working files are utterly fascinating. Just a few extracts: De Beers reports that Harry Winston is “...the only house who would have that amount of diamonds.” • The quest for the perfect pink diamond for use in an ad. • Advice that “the matching of a string of pearls may take twenty years.” • An agreement for Pinkerton to provide guards for a photo shoot at $3 per hour. • Admonition that “Tiffany doesn’t need national prestige - they already have it.” • A note that Teresa Brewer wants to buy the dress in an ad. • Scandalous disappearance of a stone from a Cadillac crest made of diamonds and sapphires while on display at the Waldorf-Astoria in 1960. • A memo from photographer McLaughlin-Gill listing values of props, including “Jewels from Cartier, $260,800.” • Cadillac’s pursuit of the 128-carat Tiffany diamond. • A file for the Nov. 1960 Motorama at the Waldorf-Astoria, an event still talked about to this day, including internal planning notes, large paint chips for the Cadillacs to be displayed, and photos taken at the affair. • And much, much more. The landmark 1959 and 1960 campaigns - watersheds of American popular culture - are especially well represented by these original materials. Some campaigns, such as that for the 1959 model cars, arguably represent the highest and most profound expression of popular Americana. Indeed, so successful were these campaigns, propelled by the photography contained in this archive. that in the first quarter of 1960, Cadillac enjoyed the highest sales volume ever attained in their entire history. These Cadillac campaigns contained some of the pinnacles of the art of commercial photography of the 20th century. Few things bore the essence and aspirations of American life in the 1950s and ‘60s more than Cadillac. In all, the collection captures, from conception through the finished result beheld by the public, the vision of James Randolph Adams, considered the Father of Cadillac advertising, who conceived the campaign in this archive, with his creative directors. “Writing and supervising Cadillac advertising for 30 years during the car’s period of greatest growth in reputation and production...he continued to write all major copy” until his passing in 1956--advertisinghall.org. Driving the ultimate American campaign in the era before television began to displace print advertising, his MacManus, John & Adams agency was mentioned in Mad Men (episode 12, 2012). With copy of Adams’ book, Sparks Off My Anvil, a definitive study on ad psychology. Negatives in superb condition, most in original cello sleeves; documents with ordinary handling wear varying from light to average, but generally about fine. (Single prints by Horst have realized as much as $50,000 each. The colors of these transparencies are arguably more vivid than prints.) Transparencies not scannable on our equipment. Inspection invited. Copyright and reproduction status to be determined by buyer. $40,000-55,000 (Over 450 pcs.) |
3000. Webster’s Biographical Dictionary.Older edition of this long-out-of-print standard, with some 40,000 U.S. and foreign entries from all periods of history, ancient to Twentieth Century. Over 1,600 pp., cloth, d.j., with multiple reference indices. An invaluable work -- we use our desk copy many times each day. We have collected used copies: Ex-lib, with expected wear, but good reading copies, $19.75 • Clean, lightly used copies; may have minor ex-lib marks and d.j. wear, else internally about fine. $33.00 |
3001. Webster’s Geographical Dictionary.Older edition of this out-of-print classic. Over 47,000 places, 218 maps, 15,000 cross-references, 1,370 pp., cloth, d.j. Including alternate and former place-names, and foreign-language variants. In addition to countries of the world, cities, and in many cases natural features, populations, sizes, economic and historical information is provided (albeit as of publication date). An essential reference tool for home, office, school or library. Clean, lightly used copies; may have minor ex-lib marks and d.j. wear, else internally very good. $26.00 |
3002. Generals in Blue.Warner’s companion to Generals in Gray, this work his classic reference to some 583 Union Generals. Photograph and biography of each officer. Including invaluable listing of the 1,367 additional Union General Officers who never held full rank. 680 pp., cloth, d.j. Very fine. $39.50 |
3003. Generals in Gray.The classic reference on 425 Confederate Generals, with photograph and biography of each. 420 pp., cloth, d.j., appendix of battles. Many of the photographs are from private sources, heretofore little-known. One of the foundation volumes of any Civil War library. V.F. $32.50 |
3004. More Generals in Gray.A newer reference work, by Bruce S. Allardice, and adjunct to Warner’s original Generals in Gray. Containing 137 additional Confederate Generals unlisted in Warner’s book. 425 pp., illus., cloth. New. $29.95 • Also, softcover. New. $23.95 |
3005. Autographs of the Confederacy.Limited Edition of handwriting examples of the men who led the South. Nearly 600 high quality photographic reproductions. Printed on acid-free paper, bound in library-quality bookcloth, French marbled endpapers, silk ribbon placemark. Nested limitation leaf autographed by Robert E. Lee, IV (great-grandson of R.E. Lee), William Wirt Allen, III (great-grandson of C.S.A. Gen. William Wirt Allen), and compiler Michael Reese II. With today’s prices for Confederate autographs, this pictorial reference can pay for itself in short order. The original - and definitive - work on the subject. Copies reside in the libraries of many descendants of the Generals of the Confederacy whose autographs are pictured within. Not one omission. Published by us in 1981, now long O.P. Supply now very limited. Mint. $135.00 |
3006. Autographs of the Confederacy.Extra-deluxe connoisseur’s edition. All edges gilt. Bound by hand, with black silk moiré boards stamped in gold, platinum-grey silk moiré endleaves. Printed on acid-free paper. Numbered limitation leaf, with signatures of Lee IV, Allen III, and compiler. In custom fitted heavy Mylar dustjacket. Content identical to preceding edition. With letter signed by book designer, describing history of and materials used in this exceptional collectors’ keepsake binding. A stunning confection – as rare as its subject matter – for the Civil War historian and connoisseur of fine bindings alike. Only twenty copies originally made. Just four remaining. Mint. $250.00 |
3007. Biographical Reference of The Bronx.They Were Here: Some Bronxites Who Have Achieved. Unique, O.P. reference, listing distinguished Bronxites in every field of endeavor, from colonial times to the present: Nobelists, authors, musicians, artists, clergy, public officials, educators, scientists, doctors, businessmen, industrialists, athletes, and others. Including years of birth and death, brief biographical information, and neighborhood where they lived, where available. Second Revised (and final) Edition, 1986, published by Bronx Society of Science and Letters, long defunct. (xiii) + 101 pp., 2 plates, 6 x 9 1/4. Doublethick cover. Genuine vegetable parchment overwrap toned, else new. $29.00 |
3008. Autographs c. 1870.Older quality reprint (by ourselves) of autograph catalogue of Charles Burns, Wall St., N.Y. Possibly the earliest autograph pricelist extant: Said to be the first - and only - autograph dealer in America in his day. 5 1/4 x 8 1/4, 8 pp. plus cover. Describing and pricing several hundred offerings, all at now-bargain prices (Audubon A.L.S. 2.50, Jeff Davis 1.00, John Hancock 6.00, Patrick Henry A.L.S. 10.00). With copy of 1922 article about Burns by Walter R. Benjamin. As new. $5.00 |
3009. Motoring in America - The Early Years.Frank Oppel, Editor. Castle Books, 1989. A delightful ensemble of 48 articles appearing between 1900-1910, each on a different motoring subject, from steam to gas to electrics, from racing to touring to shows, and much more. Including: “The Detroit Races” (1901), “The Automobile Show” (1901), “Motor Farm-Truck Delivery” (1902), and more. 6 3/4 x 9 1/2, 476 pp., hard cover, colorful d.j., hundreds of black and white illustrations, black on cream text. Articles faithfully reprinted from originals, hence varying typestyles and formats within this thick volume. A splendid reference work, rich in the lore of the horseless carriage in the first decade of the century. Trivial d.j. edge blemishes from bindery, else New Old Stock, O.P., and unread. $9.50 |
3010. Monstrous American Car Spotter’s Guide.Unsurpassed pictorial reference on cars 1920-80. Compiled by Tad Burness. Over 1,000 pp., 10,000 illustrations. Red cloth. Containing pictures not found elsewhere, including views of trim, interiors, and detail, indispensible in research and identification. Near new. Long O.P. Copies commanded up to 200.00 in the 1990s. $72.50 |
3011. Imported Car Spotter’s Guide.A unique automotive pictorial reference work, by Tad Burness. Over 2,000 illus. of 83 makes, from 11 countries. From Allard to Wartburg, Alfa Romeo to Volvo. Pub. 1979, 8 1/2 x 9 1/2, 359 pp., soft cover. Showing imported cars starting with their first appearance in American showrooms, variously 1940s to 1970s. Some wear, else good plus. Now uncommon. $42.50 |
3012. American Truck Spotter’s Guide, 1920-70.Pictorial reference work, by Tad Burness. Over 2,000 illus. of 170 makes. From All-American and Acme, to Ward Electric and Yellow-Knight. Pub. 1978, 8 1/2 x 9 1/2, 328 pp. + appendix, soft cover. Some wear, else very good. Now scarce. $21.50 |
3013. Kaiser-Frazer - The Last Onslaught on Detroit.The definitive book on the marque, by noted automotive historian Richard M. Langworth. Pub. by Automobile Quarterly, 1975, first edition, 8 1/4 x 9 3/4 oblong, 287 pp., profusely illus. Some d.j. wear, else good plus. The most successful of the new brands in postwar America, Henry Kaiser’s visionary conglomerate lives on in the health care and aluminum enterprises bearing his name. The avant-garde Kaiser-Darrin appeared in television’s The Adventures of Superman; one stylish Kaiser, the Dragon, was noted for its interior fabric simulating the skin of a ... dragon. $79.00 |
3014. Forgotten Patriots - African American and American Indian Patriots in the Revolutionary War.A Guide to Service, Sources, and Studies. Published by Daughters of the American Revolution, 2nd ed., 2008, 874 pp. + 82 pp. Supplement. Bibliography and 7 appendices. Some illus. A unique, essential reference: Over 6,600 names of Blacks and Indians who contributed to American independence. High-quality, copyright-free photocopy, 8 1/2 x 11, 3-hole punch ready for your binder. The underlying book sold out and declared out-of-print years ago; its text has been publicly released online, but is cumbersome for those researchers who wish to have a hard copy on their shelves. As new. Shrink wrapped. Offered as a courtesy, printed on demand, at cost. $97.00 |
3015. Private Gold Coins & Patterns of the United States.By Donald Kagin, Ph.D. Arco, 1981, 406 pp. Cloth, d.j. Photos and bibliography. A comprehensive tour of one of the more rarified specialties in numismatics, with their very low mintages, and experimental designs and metallurgy. As new. $59.00 |
3016. California Coiners and Assayers.By Dan Owens. 2000, 448 pp. Cloth, d.j. “For the first time in Western and numismatic history, in one encyclopedic dictionary” - the story of coiners, assayers, and bankers who created gold coins, bars and ingots, for use in Gold Rush era commerce. As new. $104.50 |
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